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📗 Fight Club
👤 Chuck Palahniuk
📖 Description:
For a long time, the man has been suffering from severe insomnia. The doctor suggests to visit a support group for seriously ill patients and see how real problems look like. Soon the protagonist meets a strange young man named Tyler. After a while, a girl named Marla comes to the support group. These two people will change the life of the hero.
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📗 Weep Not, Child
👤 James Ngugi
📖 Description:
This story took place in Kenya when it was a British colony. The K. A. U. – the Kenyan African Union – was formed by the black Kenyan leders in 1944. But the British colonial rulers refused to recognize the leaders of the K. A. U. and did not allow them to have the right of vote and responsibility.
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📗 The Legend of Johnny Appleseed
👤 George Gibson
📖 Description:
In adolescence, Johnny worked as a missionary and brought many Indians to Christianity. At the age of 26, he saw an angel in a dream. The angel ordered him to go throught America and plant apple seeds. This seemed a good deed to him. He took a large bag of apple kernels, a Bible, and Aesop's Fables. That was all Johny needed on the way.
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📗 The Enchanted Horse
👤 Victoria Bradshaw
📖 Description:
It was New Year in the city of Shiraz, Persia. A man with a beautiful ebony horse approached the king. He told the king that it was an unusual horse. If you pressed a button on its neck, this horse would be able to fly. The king got interested. He wanted to get such a magical horse. The man agreed to present it if the king allowed him to marry the princess. First the monarch ordered his son to test this horse.
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📗 The True Story of Pocahontas
👤 Kelly Reinhart
📖 Description:
This is a story about a strong love that would overcome all obstacles and even stop a bloody war. Pocahontas was a native chief's daughter. She was eleven when, sitting on the top of a cliff, she saw a big ship in the sea approaching the coast. The ship was full of white people who were searching for gold in the New World. All native tribes were certain that war was upon them and would start as soon as the ship would reach the land.
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📗 Wicked and Humorous Tales
👤 Saki
📖 Description:
This is a collection of six incredible stories from the master of sarcasm Hector Hugh Munro, who is more famous as Saki.The book starts from the story "The opened window". A young man comes to his sister to the countryside, where he wants to improve his health. He goes to his neighbors and gets into a strange situation.
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📗 The Silk
👤 Joy Cowley
📖 Description:
This item came from China. On the fabric there were a lot of beautiful images made with great skill. This fabric was too beautiful to wear or cut with scissors. For many years it had been laying in a box, waiting for its time. And once the chance has come. In another autumn, Mr. Blackie fell ill. His wife understood - this was the end. She tried to earn more to buy his favorite food and make his last days more enjoyable and comfortable.
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📗 Marley and Me
👤 John Grogan
📖 Description:
John and Jenny are young and in love with each other. One day they decide to buy a puppy. It changes their lives forever. Marley is not an obedient calm puppy. He doesn't not listen to commands, doesn't not try to behave well. But he is not a boring dog and makes the life of his owners much more fun. This story tells about the life of Marley - from a puppy to an old wise dog.
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📗 Blood Feuds
👤 Paul Tiyambe Zeleza
📖 Description:
Two families have been living in Zimbabwe for almost thirty years. Their home country is called Malawi, but they cannot come back there. They often talked about the house. About the time when they were children: how they grew up, what games they played in their childhood. They remembered their schools and the beginning of the struggle for freedom against the British.
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📗 Beowulf
👤 Robert Hill
📖 Description:
This is an ancient epic poem, which was written at the end of the seventh century. The text first saw the world in 1815. This is a rare case when the text written in pre-Christian times has survived until the present time. A horrible monster has pursued King for over 12 years. The monster kills his strongest and bravest warriors. Beowulf decides to help the king and gathers his warriors for a significant battle.
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📗 The Death of Karen Silkwood
👤 Joyce Hannam
📖 Description:
The book is based on a true story that took place in Oklahoma in1970s. Karen leaves her position of a secretary and finds a new job at one nuclear factory. The salary is good and the job is interesting. Karen makes many new friends and finds a boyfriend. She really likes the job. But everything changes when one evening the alarm system activates.
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📗 The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras
👤 Mark Twain
📖 Description:
The young man woke Simon Wheeler up and started questioning about his childhood friend Leonidas. Simon readily told his story. It happened in 1849. A man who called himself Jim Smiley came to their camp. He was very lucky. He always guessed what would happen in the camp of the miners. He also easily predicted the results of the horse racing or dog fighting.
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📗 Journey to the Center of the Earth
👤 Jules Verne
📖 Description:
The famous professor of geology and his nineteen-year personal assistant, nephew Axel found seven-hundred years old book in an old bookshop. This book was written in a dead language from Iceland and said about an old princes from Norway. Professor couldn’t read it. Next steps to solving this puzzle was a journey to Denmark. It was planned as fantastic journey but turned at something even more.
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📗 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
👤 Jules Verne
📖 Description:
It was in 1867 when first rumors about dangerous and horrible monster that lives somewhere in sea depths appeared. According to witnesses, this creature was enormous and could sink any ship. Many people claimed that it was just a very big whale, but this beast was twice bigger than the biggest known whale.
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📗 Why Didn't They Ask Evans
👤 Agatha Christie
📖 Description:
Bobby and his fellow doctor are playing golf together. From the top of the hill, he sees a man lying on the ground. The man dies, but before death, he says a mysterious phrase: "Why did not they ask Evans?" In his pocket, Bobby finds a photo of a beautiful woman. These are the only two keys to understand, who that late man was. Bobby and his friend Frankie are starting their own investigation.
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📗 A Pocket Full of Rye
👤 Agatha Christie
📖 Description:
A businessman dies while having a cup of traditional morning tea in his office. The results of the medical examination clearly indicate that he had been poisoned. The relatives did not love the businessman, so his death was beneficial to almost every member of this large family.
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📗 Leonardo Da Vinci
👤 Clarke Georgia
📖 Description:
Leonardo da Vinci is a man who was more than for hundred years ahead of his time. He achieved a stunning success in various areas. He was the first who understood the human anatomy. Leonardo da Vinci is the clearest example of the universal man. Even nowadays Leonardo da Vinci remains one of the most mysterious and brilliant people of the second millennium.
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📗 The No1 Ladies Detective Agency
👤 Alexander Smith
📖 Description:
Mma Ramotswe was born in a small African village Mochudi. A little girl went to church every Sunday and quickly realized the difference between good and bad. She finished school and became the best student. But her husband turned out a geek who beat her and eventually had escaped. So when her father left her a small inheritance she decided to start a detective agency, which will punish scoundrels like her husband.
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📗 The Children of the New Forest
👤 Captain Marryat
📖 Description:
The Children of the New Forest is a children's novel published in 1847 by Frederick Marryat. It is set in the time of the English Civil War and the Commonwealth. The story follows the fortunes of the four Beverley children who are orphaned during the war, and hide from their Roundhead oppressors in the shelter of the New Forest where they learn to live off the land.
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📗 A Study in Scarlet
👤 Conan Doyle
📖 Description:
Sherlock complains about the absence of the real criminals in London. It's the reason why he can't use his methods in practice. But suddenly he got a lucky opportunity from Scotland Yard. His friend who works there, told him about a strange murder committed in an empty house.
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📗 A Taste of Murder
👤 Sue Arengo
📖 Description:
Private Nursing Agency sent a nurse Anne Harrison to a house of a famous writer Kitty Blakemore. The nurse Anne notices after arriving at the house, that people surrounded Mrs Blackmore don't like her at all. Mrs Blakemore is sure, that somebody is poisoning her and tells about it to her new nurse. But nobody believes her and in vain.
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📗 At the Old Swimming Hole
👤 Sara Paretsky
📖 Description:
Alicia, Vicotia's friend, invited her to swimming competition. The starting gun was fired and six bodies threw themselves into the water. The water around the second swimmer was turning red. Victoria jumped to the water and helped to lift that woman from water. The woman was dead a few minutes after this accident. At night the telephone rang and some voice in the telephone said her Alicia was lucky but at next time she won't...
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📗 Lost Love
👤 Jan Carew
📖 Description:
Everything happened in the summer. The young man had a small red car. He went on a journey. But one day the car broke down. The young man realized that he got lost in a completely unknown place. But then he saw a very beautiful long-haired girl in a dress. He greeted this beautiful girl and said that he was lost. At first the girl was frightened by a stranger, but then she smiled and invited him to go with her to the village, where she would try to help.
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📗 The Accidental Tourist
👤 Anne Tyler
📖 Description:
Macon writes guides but he hates travelling. His books have detailed instructions on how to feel comfortable on any trip. How to protect your inner world from the interventions of strangers. Some time ago Macon lost his son. This changed the life of the man greatly. His marriage gradually falls apart and turns into nothing.
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📗 Life of Pi
👤 Yann Martel
📖 Description:
The main character of the story is Pisin. The father of Pi is a director of the zoo. Once he transports animals from India to Canada. Along the way, their ship gets into a strong storm. In the morning Pi wakes up from a loud noise and goes on deck. Soon Pi finds himself in a boat, surrounded by several animals.
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📗 Sink or Swim
👤 Andy Cowle
📖 Description:
Eddie was slowly drinking champagne. He was standing on the deck of a cruise liner, looking at the waves overboard. Soon his wife came to the deck. She looked great and the couple began to flirt, as at the beginning of dating. The musicians were playing instruments in the corner, the lighting created a comfortable atmosphere. Several couples were dancing.
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📗 Casualty
👤 Peter Viney
📖 Description:
Gail is a nurse in the casualty department. A man has been severely injured in a car crash. His face is unrecognizable, but there is information that he's a famous rock star Alex Hayle. The singer is supposed to be on concert tour worth10 million pounds. But instead of it he's in a coma and the doctors say his condition is serious.
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📗 The Third Party
👤 William Trevor
📖 Description:
The law is: a third person is a person who was involved in the situation by the first two people. Often, a third party is necessary for divorce. But there are other situations. And it is not always possible to immediately understand who the third person is.
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📗 The Damned Thing
👤 Ambrose Bierce
📖 Description:
It was a deep night. Eight people gathered in a small house. They were sitting around a simple wooden table. One man was reading a book under the light of an old desk lamp. There was also the ninth person - the owner of the house. He was laying under a white rag dead. They had to understand how the owner of the house died.
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📗 The Festive Season in a Part of Africa
👤 Tod Collins
📖 Description:
A poor African farmer has a very hard life. She has only one thin cow and is obliged to ensure that the cow is not ill and feels good. If it gets sick, she will have to call a vet for it. This will cost a lot of money. But the farmer still will have to call a vet, because the death of this cow will be a huge tragedy for a poor person.
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