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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 The Diary of a Young Girl
👤 Anne Frank


📖 Description:
The story you are going to read was written by a girl. She left this world many years ago. Her secret diary was found after the Second World War. She wrote there all the events which happened to her for the last five years. This book is based on the real events.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 Being Frank
👤 Ian Rankin


📖 Description:
Two respectable men were sitting on the bench and talking to each other. They didn't suspect that somebody could hear them. When Frank heard the conversation of those men, he went to the local inspector Rebus. Those suspected discussed a terrorist attack. Frank told the inspector the information about a possible threat. Rebus only laughed at him and gave some coins.

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📗 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
👤 James Thurber


📖 Description:
The protagonist of the story is Walter. He has a boring and ordinary life, like hundreds of thousands of other people. In dreams, Walter achieves everything he wants. In real life he is in love with his colleague, but he cannot tell her about it. Soon something happens and changes Walter's monotonous life.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 Henry VIII and His Six Wives
👤 Janet Hardy Gould


📖 Description:
King Henry VIII was an influential leader of his time. However, today he is mostly remembered for having six wives. He was known as a good king but a terrible husband. All his wives were very unhappy. There are many legends and rumors concerning Henry's life. This book allows the reader to get more insight into what was really happening in the King's palace.

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📚Приглашаем присоединиться на встречу бесплатного книжного бизнес-клуба на английском языке. 

Ближайшая встреча состоится 27 декабря в 19:30 по минскому времени и будем обсуждать книгу: «7 навыков высокоэффективных людей» (англ. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People).

К участию приглашаются все желающие, даже если вы не успели прочитать книгу. Основной фокус на встречах - практиковать по максимуму английский язык с носителями языка.

Для участия необходима предварительная регистрация по ссылке.
⚡️ Также 23 декабря мы приглашаем на бесплатный мастер-класс на английском языке по книге: «Стратегия голубого океана» (англ. Blue Ocean Strategy). Регистрация по ссылке.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 The Doll (Gallico Paul)
👤 Gallico Paul


📖 Description:
There is a doctor in the centre of the novel. It was a usual day, when he saw an incredible doll in the shop not far from his house. It impressed the doctor and he bought this doll for his niece. Later he got a call. One woman asked him to come and examine her ill niece. Her niece turned out to be the creator of these wonderful dolls.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 Roads of Destiny
👤 O. Henry


📖 Description:
David is a shepherd from a small village. Once he quarrels with his bride. He decides to leave home and look for happiness in the new lands. The guy is a poet, which greatly affects his personality. He meets an aristocrat, who promised to marry his daughter off to the first comer.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 The Final Diagnosis
👤 Arthur Hailey


📖 Description:
The protagonist is a young surgeon named Kent. The young man is trying to improve the deplorable situation of the hospital. A young nurse falls in love with another employee, but this relationship turns dramatic very quickly. At the same time, a new doctor appears in the hospital. He tries to modernize the work process, but faces the discontent of his superiors. And the hospital keeps living its own way of life.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📌 Почему taxi это не только про машины, но и про самолеты?
📌 Что значит 86, если это число использовать как глагол?
📌 Почему catching the bus может быть плохо для здоровья?
📌 Что везет honeywagon?
📌 Как на английском будет ‘надорвать спину’?
📌 Что такое ‘throuple’ и почему ‘hair of the dog’ пьют?
📌 Почему crabs и crabby не имеют между собой ничего общего?
📌 Почему frogmarch это не марш лягушек?
📌 Что общего между коробкой, карманом, кошачьей дверцей и палаткой?
📌 Почему being committed это не всегда хорошо?

Чтобы узнать ответы на все эти вопросы, подписывайтесь на канал Алёны, где она рассказывает о продвинутом английском, экзаменах CAE и CPE, а также преподавании.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 Deadheads
👤 Reginald Hill


📖 Description:
This is an unusual detective novel. You won't be able to predict the end of it. When the man comes to work for a new company, he has a great career development. It is not because he is a good specialist. The reason is many people die and Patrick takes their positions.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 The House
👤 Erica N Robinson


📖 Description:
A person can quarrel with friends, lose a lucrative job and even a house. He can be forced to live on the street. He starts drinking too much alcohol, stops bathing, shaving and looking after himself. Who would agree to give such a person a second chance? Very few. But Nan - the seller of fruit - is a woman like that.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 The Story of Thrym
👤 Jan Carew


📖 Description:
Once Thor woke up in his bedroom and did not find his hammer. With the hammer the God of Thunder could defeat any rival. But that strange morning there was no faithful weapon in the bedroom. Thor called Loki. He realized that when unpleasant or strange things happened - the God of liars had definitely something to do with it. Loki insisted that he knew nothing about the missing hammer. And this time he did not lie.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 Great Crimes
👤 John Escott


📖 Description:
This book tells about the most famous criminals in the United States. This is not about ordinary petty offenders. These people became really famous by their deeds. Only the most interesting and unusual cases are presented in this story.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 Gone with the Wind
👤 Margaret Mitchell


📖 Description:
The main character is flirtatious green-eyed Scarlett. She captivated hearts of many men. Her mind, charm, courage and strength of spirit cannot but attract attention. Later a civil war between the North and the South starts. Scarlett would change and stop thinking only about men and dresses. She would become a strong, powerful woman and take responsibility for her loved ones.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 The Railway Crossing
👤 John Escott


📖 Description:
This whole story began a few years earlier. The man worked for a big company. He had enough money, although he was not rich. He loved a beautiful girl and wanted to marry her. But Dunstan did not have enough money to pay for the wedding, and he stole it from the company: he changed a few numbers in the forms and became the owner of thousands of pounds. This was the starting point.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 The pit and the pendulum
👤 Edgar Allan Poe


📖 Description:
A man is in a room without light. He attempted to figure out his rooms shape, and ended up almost falling down a pit. He has ended up strapped to a table with a big pendulum holding a giant blade that was slowly descending. In order to save himself, he took the beef they have allowed him to have as a last meal, and smothered his bindings in their juices, prompting the rats to eat them.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 A History of Britain
👤 Fiona Beddall


📖 Description:
Britain is a small country, but it has a long history. Two thousand years ago, it was part of the Roman Empire. In the 1930's the British Empire was the biggest empire in world history. Read about the different countries of the United Kingdom - and the great men and women who have shaped the British nation.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 The White Birds
👤 Jane Rollason


📖 Description:
One king had nine sons and a daughter. His wife died while giving birth to Eliza - the youngest child. Soon the king fell in love with another woman and married her. The new queen was a wicked and envious woman. She hated the king's children. But he always believed his wife. Love deprived his mind, as it happens to many people. Once the queen decided to get rid of the children.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

Скоро Christmas & New Year!
Лучший способ погрузиться в новогодний мир чудес – читать в оригинале книги о Гарри Поттере, «Harry Potter and…».
Почему они идеально подходят для изучения английского?

🧙 Поттериана давно стала частью англоязычной культуры, и у вас всегда есть тема для обсуждения с англоговорящим собеседником.

🧙 В текстах книг о Гарри Поттере зашифровано множество литературных, лингвистических, исторических, социокультурных реалий. Читая и «расшифровывая» эти тексты, вы осваиваете целые пласты британской и мировой культуры.

🧙Романы о Поттере – прекрасный тренажёр для развития креативности и чувства юмора. Стилистика и писательское мастерство Роулинг стоят того, чтобы их исследовать и разумно копировать.

📚Улучшить свой английский, прочитать Поттериану в оригинале, послушать аудиокниги и погрузиться в волшебный мир Роулинг, - всё это можно сделать с помощью опытного преподавателя на канале Английский с Гарри Поттером.

Торопитесь присоединиться! Пока разбираем первую главу первой книги!

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 The Brisingamen Necklace
👤 Chris Rose


📖 Description:
Freya was the most beautiful out of all the gods and goddesses in Asgrad. She loved not food or weapon, but adored jewelry: pearls, gold, precious stones, rings and necklaces. Freya loved travelling to Midgard in search of countless new bracelets and necklaces. One day, Loki put on his cloak that made him invisible and followed the goddess to play another joke on her.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 A Scandal in Bohemia
👤 Conan Doyle


📖 Description:
While the Dr. Watson got married and engaged in private medical practice, to Sherlock Holmes for help addressed German aristocrat. Count Von Kramm’s problem was that he was going to marry, and the woman with whom he had a love affair before, blackmailed him. She had a photo where they were together with him. The King’s agents have tried to searched photo, but couldn’t find. All hope of Sherlock Holmes, otherwise the wedding will be able to fail.

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📗 Strawberry and the Sensations
👤 Peter Viney


📖 Description:
How do you live when you are a vocalist of a famous rock band? The hall is full, the fans are excited and you see the bright light of the spotlights and hear the rich sound of an electric guitar. But shortly before the concert a policeman arrives. He warns: there will be a psychopathic killer in the hall. What should the band do? Cancel the show? Or risk everything and give the fans what they are waiting for?

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 The Watchers
👤 Jennifer Bassett


📖 Description:
His name is Taras. He is very, very old. He sits under the Palace of Knossos. His sister Aketa is sitting next to him. She is as old as Taras. They do not need water or food. They never close their eyes. Are they dead or alive? They are watching and waiting. They are watchers. There is a god next to them. Poseidon stands in this temple. They look at his statue.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 Lorna Doone
👤 R. D. Blackmore


📖 Description:
This is a romantic adventure novel about a love story between farmer John and Lorna. A beautiful girl was kidnapped by robbers in her childhood. This is a story about love, lost parents, children and evil enemies. This is a real fairy tale told in the traditions of a historical novel.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 Captain Corelli's Mandolin
👤 Louis De Bernieres


📖 Description:
The doctor's daughter feels disappointed in her fiance. She starts doubting that he really loves her. Nothing goes unnoticed by the attentive eyes of Captain Corelli. If you are a fan of such books as "Gone with the Wind", "Cold Mountain", then this novel will undoubtedly be to your liking.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 Lord Arthur Savile's Crime
👤 Oscar Wilde


📖 Description:
It is a satirical book about the Victorian era. The author elegantly mocks Victorian sense of duty and the aristocracy as a model of social morality.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 Mary, Queen of Scots
👤 Tim Vicary


📖 Description:
England and Scotland in the 1500s. Two famous queens – Mary, the Catholic Queen of Scots, and Elizabeth I, the Protestant Queen of England. Mary was Queen of Scotland when she was one week old. At sixteen, she was also Queen of France. Many men loved her and died for her. But she also had many enemies – men who said: ‘The death of Mary is the life of Elizabeth.

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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

📗 Rebecca
👤 Daphne Du Maurier


📖 Description:
A young woman meets a British aristocrat named Maximilian de Winter. He is the owner of amazingly beautiful estate Manderley. After a brief romance, she agrees to marry him. They return to Manderley together. Almost immediately, the bride realizes how difficult it will be to erase the memory of her husband’s image of his ex-wife, Rebecca.

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