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📗 The Fall of the House of Usher
👤 Edgar Allan Poe
📖 Description:
The narrator has receives an odd letter from an old friend. The contents of the letter revealed that Usher is suffering from numerous illnesses, both mental and physical. Roderick excitedly welcomes the narrator. They are talking. The narrator has been spending several days attempting to cheer up Roderick, but it is unable. Roderick suggested that this house is making him sick, something which the narrator has already suspected.
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📗 Weep Not, Child
👤 James Ngugi
📖 Description:
This story took place in Kenya when it was a British colony. The K. A. U. – the Kenyan African Union – was formed by the black Kenyan leders in 1944. But the British colonial rulers refused to recognize the leaders of the K. A. U. and did not allow them to have the right of vote and responsibility.
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📗 Stories from the Five Towns
👤 Arnold Bennett
📖 Description:
This book created by an English writer and journalist was published in 1905. There are four short stories about people from five towns. The stories are filled with irony, satire and easiness. The cycle opens with the 'News of the Engagement'. This story is about one son who tries to tell his mother about his engagement. He does not know how to do it better as she is a widow and he is her only child.
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📗 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
👤 Antoine Galland
📖 Description:
Ali Baba finds a thieves' treasure cave, and he is suddenly rich. Then his brother Kasim visits the cave, and things go wrong. The forty thieves find Kasim there, kill him, and cut him into four pieces. What can Ali Baba do? He wants to bury his brother quietly, but how can he? Morgiana, his servant-girl, has the answer. But what can she do when the thieves find Ali Baba and want to kill him, too?
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📗 Monster House
👤 Dan Harmon
📖 Description:
The little girl was riding her bike through a narrow street. Suddenly the bike went onto a front lawn and stopped. The girl heard a strange sound and looked around. There was an old scary house in front of her. Suddenly and old man ran out of the house. He shouted at the girl and told her to get out of his lawn. A strange sound repeated. The old man entered his house and closed the door.
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📗 Sing to Win
👤 Andrea Sarto
📖 Description:
Laura was having breakfast with her younger sister Sophia. Tomorrow would be a grand day for Sophia. After all, she was to have an audition for a famous vocal show. She would speak on television, and millions of people would be able to see her on their screens. The following day, Sofia was waiting for her turn to the audition. She met a friendly girl. Sophia thought that they could become good friends.
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📗 The Blue Scarab
👤 Jenny Dooley
📖 Description:
Monica was walking down the streets in Cairo. She came to a fantastic place. It was a shop selling the presents. The shop was full of different colourful things and perfect good. Strange, but the shop was empty. Monica found a necklace with a blue stone among the goods. A woman in red appeared from nowhere. She told Monica about the stone, which turned out to be an Egyptian scarab.
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📗 Great Mysteries of Our World
👤 Clemen D. B. Gina
📖 Description:
Science can explain everything or almost everything. But still there are some unsolved things, which happened in different parts of Earth. This book consists of eight parts. Each part describes unexplainable things from real life. You'll read about the theories and different points of view of the great scientists. Maybe you will be able to find your own answers.
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📗 6 Songs
👤 Nick Hornby
📖 Description:
The protagonist of the book is very fond of Bruce Springsteen music. One of the songs of this musician sounded in many important moments of his life. The whole life of this young man is like songs of various famous performers. Each period reminds him of a particular song, and he lives listening to this music. He is a writer. When he started doing it professionally, He realized that choosing the life path is like love.
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📗 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
👤 Mark Twain
📖 Description:
It is one of the first novels written in colloquial English with the usage of jargonisms. This story describes a lot of different small towns and nationalities living near the Mississippi river. The book is full of sarcasm and mockery of many prejudices of that time including racism. The novel was published in 1884.
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📗 Roads of Destiny
👤 O. Henry
📖 Description:
David is a shepherd from a small village. Once he quarrels with his bride. He decides to leave home and look for happiness in the new lands. The guy is a poet, which greatly affects his personality. He meets an aristocrat, who promised to marry his daughter off to the first comer.
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📗 N or M?
👤 Agatha Christie
📖 Description:
The actions take place in the 1940s. In their youth, the Beresfords used to rest on the deserved laurels as smart detectives. Now they are tired of inactivity and uselessness. Suddenly Tommy gets a great opportunity to uncover the Nazi agents' atrocities who arranged the murder of Farquhar.
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📗 Sink or Swim
👤 Andy Cowle
📖 Description:
Eddie was slowly drinking champagne. He was standing on the deck of a cruise liner, looking at the waves overboard. Soon his wife came to the deck. She looked great and the couple began to flirt, as at the beginning of dating. The musicians were playing instruments in the corner, the lighting created a comfortable atmosphere. Several couples were dancing.
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📗 Between Two Worlds
👤 Stephen Rabley
📖 Description:
It is a short and simple story about kind and professional people who live in Australia. When somebody needs help in those places, the doctors use the planes. Bob Mills is one of them. Joanna Jimbuku is a nurse. She works together with Bob Mills. An eighteen-month girl was very ill. After the examination Flying Doctor had to take the baby to Sydney.
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📗 How is Your Mother
👤 Simon Brett
📖 Description:
There was an ordinary town with ordinary people. They knew everything about each other or at least wanted to know. An ordinary man lived in this town with his old and sick mother. It's a common situation when a child helps his parent in old age. Everybody understood why he could not take part in life.
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📗 One Word At a Time
👤 Lian De La Cruz
📖 Description:
These are four stories about completely different people. They are connected by an interesting plot and vivid emotions. After reading this book the reader can understand how completely different stories can perfectly harmonize and complement each other.
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📗 Ear-rings from Frankfurt
👤 Reg Wright
📖 Description:
Jennifer is a kind and responsible person. She has a younger brother and he is her antipode. His name is Richard. He often changes jobs and girls. He always needs money. When the police come to her looking for her brother she isn’t very surprised. Richard had some problems with the police earlier. But then the police start suspecting her as the accomplice in crime.
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📗 A White Heron
👤 Sarah Orne Jewett
📖 Description:
Sylvia was driving home her cow. It was a very annoying creature, but it produced delicious milk. They were going quickly. But it was already late. Sylvia thought waht her grandmother would say about this. Suddenly the girl heard a strange whistle not far away. She imagined a villain appearing there to kill her. But instead of a robber, a tall and absolutely not terrible stranger came out of the forest.
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📗 When Summer Comes
👤 Helen Naylor
📖 Description:
Anna and Stephen have been married for ten years. Now it is summer and the spouses are getting ready to go on a vacation. They go to Polreath. They stay at Dolphin Cottage. The man who rents it to them is named Tristan. He likes Anna. One day Stephen invites Tristan to have dinner at Dolphin Cottage. He forgets to tell Anna about it and leaves for a sudden urgent meeting in London. Anna is surprised to see Tristan on her doorstep.
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📗 Double Trouble
👤 Pauline O'Carolan
📖 Description:
Iveri was sitting at the stern and driving the boat. The work on the next island was completed. He usually traveled to the island on which he lived very quickly. But that day he was in no hurry. The guy turned off the motor of the boat and threw the anchor overboard. On this day, a family from New Zealand was to arrive on his island. The tourists were going to live on his island.
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📗 Sparkling Cyanide
👤 Agatha Christie
📖 Description:
Iris Marle's sister Rosemary commits suicide after a nasty illness and long depression. Rosemary was bright, sociable, outgoing and, thanks to her godfather, financially secure… Given the difference, was Rosemary's death really from suicide?
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📗 The Lost Treasure of Bodega Bay
👤 Clemen D. B. Gina
📖 Description:
Kate, Mike and Carlos go on another trip to Bodega Bay near San Francisco, where more than a year ago they found a pirate’s old treasure map. An incredibly exciting and dangerous adventure awaits them as they follow a mysterious clue and go on a treasure hunt to find a lost treasure from centuries ago.
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📗 Soapy's Choice
👤 O. Henry
📖 Description:
"Soapy's Choice" begins in the winter in Madison Square, New York. Soapy is homeless, he wanted to spend 3 months winter time in jail because it is so cold outside he wants a warm place, food, and friends. He decided to try to eat dinner in a restaurant without paying... The policeman didn't send him to jail.
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📗 The Champion of the World
👤 Roald Dahl
📖 Description:
The protagonist of the book and his friends were sitting at the table and consulting. They were studying the plans and preparing for the evening. Soon the day came to the end. They were going to become poachers. The men decided to get into the protected area to begin the hunt. Otherwise they would not be able to get a pheasant.
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