❤️🎁Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. COHERE (VERB): (एकीकृत करना): stick
Synonyms: together hold, together bind
Antonyms: fall apart
Example Sentence: He made the series of fictions cohere into a convincing sequence.
2. UNTENABLE (ADJECTIVE): (असमर्थनीय): indefensible
Synonyms: undefendable, unarguable
Antonyms: tenable
Example Sentence: This argument which he gave in his defense was clearly untenable.
3. BLUNT (VERB): (शिथिल करना): dull
Synonyms: deaden, dampen
Antonyms: intensify
Example Sentence: Their determination had completely been blunted.
4. PRECARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अनिश्चित): uncertain
Synonyms: insecure unreliable
Antonyms: safe
Example Sentence: He has made a precarious living as a painter.
5. SOPHISTICATED (ADJECTIVE): (उन्नत): advanced
Synonyms: trailblazing, revolutionary
Antonyms: crude
Example Sentence: The institute provides highly sophisticated computer systems.
6. AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ाना): increase
Synonyms: add to, supplement
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence: He augmented his summer income by painting houses.
7. ALLEVIATE (VERB): (कम करना): reduce
Synonyms: ease, relieve
Antonyms: aggravate
Example Sentence: He was able to only alleviate her pain.
8. DISENGAGE (VERB): (छुड़ाना): remove
Synonyms: detach, disentangle
Antonyms: attach
Example Sentence: I disengaged his hand from mine.
9. AMELIORATE (VERB): (सुधरना): improve
Synonyms: better, enhance
Antonyms: worsen
Example Sentence: The reform did much to ameliorate living standards.
10. ENTRENCHED (ADJECTIVE): (आरोपित हुआ): ingrained
Synonyms: established, well established
Antonyms: superficial
Example Sentence: I have an entrenched resistance to change.
🎁Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. JEOPARDIZE (VERB): (जोखिम में डालना): threaten
Synonyms: endanger, imperil
Antonyms: safegaurd
Example Sentence:He jeopardized his as as well as my life by jumping in the lake.
2. COGNIZANT (ADJECTIVE): (जानकार): aware
Synonyms: conscious apprised
Antonyms: unaware
Example Sentence:Statesmen must be cognizant of the political vicinity within which they work.
3. PERVASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): prevalent
Synonyms: penetrating, pervading
Antonyms: uncommon
Example Sentence: Racism is pervasive and entrenched in our society.
4. COMPREHENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): comprehensive
Synonyms: thorough, complete
Antonyms: small
Example Sentence:My friend has an extensive collection of silver.
5. LUCRATIVE(ADJECTIVE): (लाभप्रद): profitable
Synonyms: profit-making, gainful
Antonyms: unprofitable
Example Sentence:She has a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian.
6. FIASCO (NOUN): (असफलता): success
Synonyms: disaster, catastrophe
Antonyms: failure
Example Sentence: Her plans turned into a fiasco.
7. CLAMOUR (NOUN): (कोलाहल): din
Synonyms: racket, uproar
Antonyms: silence
Example Sentence: The questions rose to a clamour.
8. UNRELENTING (ADJECTIVE): (निरंतर): continual
Synonyms: constant, continuous
Antonyms: intermittent
Example Sentence: His unrelenting efforts led to his success.
9. TRANQUILLITY (NOUN): (शांति): peace
Synonyms: repose, calm
Antonyms: commotion
Example Sentence: The tweeting of birds gives tranquility.
10. INEVITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिहार्य): unavoidable
Synonyms: inescapable, inexorable
Antonyms: avoidable
Example Sentence: War was inevitable.
🎁Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. KINDLE (VERB): (प्रज्वलित करना): light
Synonyms: ignite, set fire to
Antonyms: douse
Example Sentence:They kindle lights, he says, assuming one is in darkness.
2. HOSPITALITY (NOUN): (सत्कार): friendliness
Synonyms: welcome, helpfulness
Antonyms: unfriendliness
Example Sentence:Scotland is a country which is renowned for its hospitality.
3. PARTLY (ADVERB): (आंशिक रूप में): in part
Synonyms: partially, somewhat
Antonyms: completely
Example Sentence:The result is partly a matter of skill and partly of chance.
4. COHERENCE (NOUN): (स्थिरता): consistency
Synonyms: soundness, organization
Antonyms: incoherence
Example Sentence:Many questions weren further raised on the coherence of state policy.
5. TOXIC (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रिय): unpleasant
Synonyms: very bad, harmful
Antonyms: pleasant
Example Sentence:She had been in a toxic relationship.
6. REVOKE (VERB): (रद्द करना): cancel
Synonyms: repeal, rescind
Antonyms: introduce
Example Sentence:The men appealed and the sentence was revoked.
7. SPECIFIC (ADJECTIVE): (सटीक): exact
Synonyms: accurate, precise
Antonyms: vague
Example Sentence:When ordering goods, be specific.
8.AGITATION (NOUN): (आवेश): anxiety
Synonyms: perturbation, disquiet
Antonyms: calmness
Example Sentence:She was wringing her hands in agitation.
9. BYGONE (ADJECTIVE): (पुराना): ancient
Synonyms: past, former
Antonyms: contemporary
Example Sentence:That is contrary to the observation of philosophers of bygone days.
10. STIMULATE (VERB): (प्रेरित करना): encourage
Synonyms: prompt, prod
Antonyms: discourage
Example Sentence:The reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented.
🎁Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. ALIENATE (NOUN): (पृथक करना): estrange
Synonyms: turn away, set apart
Antonyms: unite
Example Sentence: We live in an urban environment which alienates its own inhabitants.
2. DASTARDLY (ADJECTIVE): (नीचतापूर्ण): wicked
Synonyms: evil, iniquitous
Antonyms: noble
Example Sentence: While the town is sleeping, the mafia is out doing dastardly deeds.
3. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (भीषण): shocking
Synonyms: appalling, horrific
Antonyms: marvellous
Example Sentence: Copyright faces egregious abuses.
4. CALLOUS (ADJECTIVE): (निर्मम): heartless
Synonyms: unfeeling uncaring
Antonyms: kind
Example Sentence: His callous comments about the murder made me shiver.
5. AMBIGUITY (NOUN): (अस्पष्टता): ambivalence
Synonyms: equivocation, obscurity
Antonyms: transparency
Example Sentence: We can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act.
6. CONSOLIDATE (VERB): (मजबूत करना): strengthen
Synonyms: secure, stabilize
Antonyms: weaken
Example Sentence: The company consolidated its position in the international market.
7. DESPISE (VERB): (घृणा करना): detest
Synonyms: hate, loathe
Antonyms: like
Example Sentence: He despised himself for being selfish.
8. UNRAVEL (VERB): (सुलझाना): solve
Synonyms: resolve, work out
Antonyms: complicate
Example Sentence: They were attempting to unravel the cause of death.
9. PATCHY (ADJECTIVE): (असम): uneven
Synonyms: bitty, varying
Antonyms: uniform
Example Sentence: There was patchy fog in the sky.
10. DISMANTLE (VERB): (विघटित करना): take apart
Synonyms: pull apart, deconstruct
Antonyms: assemble
Example Sentence: The engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap.
🎁Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. TUMBLE (VERB): (गिरना): plummet
Synonyms: plunge, dive
Antonyms: rise
Example Sentence:In the last decade, property prices have tumbled.
2. DIFFERENTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (भेदक): distinctive
Synonyms: different, dissimilar
Antonyms: similar
Example Sentence:Germany and France pledged to maintain the differential between the two.
3. DEFER (VERB): (मान लेना): yield
Synonyms: submit, give way
Antonyms: stand up to
Example Sentence:He deferred to his absolutely superior knowledge.
4. PREPOSTEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (निरर्थक): absurd
Synonyms: ridiculous, foolish
Antonyms: reasonable
Example Sentence:He gave us a preposterous suggestion.
5. INCLINE (VERB): (रुझान होना): liable
Synonyms: likely, prone
Antonyms: unlikely
Example Sentence:She's inclined to gossip with complete strangers.
6. VULNERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (खतरे में): at risk
Synonyms: endangered, unsafe
Antonyms: safe
Example Sentence:We were in a vulnerable position.
7. HOARD (VERB): (संचय करना): store
Synonyms: store up, stockpile
Antonyms: squander
Example Sentence:Thousands of antiques hoarded by a compulsive collector.
8. RAMPANT (ADJECTIVE): (अनियंत्रित): uncontrolled
Synonyms: unrestrained, unchecked
Antonyms: controlled
Example Sentence:Political violence was rampant in the area.
9. ABET (VERB): (हाँथ बंटाना): assist
Synonyms: aid, help
Antonyms: hinder
Example Sentence:His actions were shown to abet terrorism.
10. MERCY (NOUN): (ढिलाई): leniency
Synonyms: lenience, clemency
Antonyms: ruthlessness
Example Sentence:The boy was screaming and begging for mercy.
😍Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1 SCATHING (ADJECTIVE): (कुम्हलाना) :devastating
Synonyms: withering, blistering
Antonyms: mild
Example Sentence:She launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister.
2 IMMINENT (ADJECTIVE): (निकट का): impending
Synonyms: at hand, close
Antonyms: remote
Example Sentence:They were in imminent danger of being swept away.
3. TARDINESS (NOUN): (विलंबता): lateness
Synonyms: delay, retardation
Antonyms: punctuality
Example Sentence:Forgive my tardiness, I had some very important business to attend to.
4. FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): defy
Synonyms: go against, scorn
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:They flouted the norms simply by being who they are.
5. ARDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मुश्किल): onerous
Synonyms: taxing, difficult
Antonyms: easy
Example Sentence:She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.
6. BAR (PREPOSITION): (के अलावा): apart from
Synonyms: but (for), other than
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:His kids were all gone now, bar one.
7. HAIL (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): acclaim
Synonyms: praise, applaud
Antonyms: criticize
Example Sentence:He has been hailed as the new James.
8. JUBILATION (NOUN): (खुशी): joy
Synonyms: triumph, exultation
Antonyms: despondency
Example Sentence:Everyone present, witnessed unbelievable scenes of jubilation.
9. SWIFTLY (ADVERB): (तेजी से): promptly
Synonyms: immediately, instantly
Antonyms: in due course
Example Sentence:They acted swiftly in response to the invasion.
10. LEISURELY (ADJECTIVE): (आराम से): unhurried
Synonyms: relaxed, unrushed
Antonyms: brisk
Example Sentence:We had a leisurely breakfast at our hotel.
😍Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1 SCATHING (ADJECTIVE): (कुम्हलाना) :devastating
Synonyms: withering, blistering
Antonyms: mild
Example Sentence:She launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister.
2 IMMINENT (ADJECTIVE): (निकट का): impending
Synonyms: at hand, close
Antonyms: remote
Example Sentence:They were in imminent danger of being swept away.
3. TARDINESS (NOUN): (विलंबता): lateness
Synonyms: delay, retardation
Antonyms: punctuality
Example Sentence:Forgive my tardiness, I had some very important business to attend to.
4. FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): defy
Synonyms: go against, scorn
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:They flouted the norms simply by being who they are.
5. ARDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मुश्किल): onerous
Synonyms: taxing, difficult
Antonyms: easy
Example Sentence:She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.
6. BAR (PREPOSITION): (के अलावा): apart from
Synonyms: but (for), other than
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:His kids were all gone now, bar one.
7. HAIL (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): acclaim
Synonyms: praise, applaud
Antonyms: criticize
Example Sentence:He has been hailed as the new James.
8. JUBILATION (NOUN): (खुशी): joy
Synonyms: triumph, exultation
Antonyms: despondency
Example Sentence:Everyone present, witnessed unbelievable scenes of jubilation.
9. SWIFTLY (ADVERB): (तेजी से): promptly
Synonyms: immediately, instantly
Antonyms: in due course
Example Sentence:They acted swiftly in response to the invasion.
10. LEISURELY (ADJECTIVE): (आराम से): unhurried
Synonyms: relaxed, unrushed
Antonyms: brisk
Example Sentence:We had a leisurely breakfast at our hotel.
English idioms 👇👇
1. (To keep your fingers crossed)
to hope that things will happen in the way that you want them to.
2. (To keep under control)
manageable; restrained and controlled; not out of control.
3. (To keep nose clean)
to keep out of trouble, especially trouble with the law.
4.(To keep you posted)
to keep someone informed (of what is happening); to keep someone up to date.
5.(To Keep your mouth shut )
Do not tell anyone about someone or something.
6.(To let bygones be bygones)
Forgive someone for something he or she did in the past.
7.(To let someone off the hook)
freed from an obligation.
8.(To live beyond one's means)
to spend more money than one can afford.
9.(To Make yourself at home )
Please make yourself comfortable in my home.
10.(To meet someone halfway)
to agree to do part of what someone wants if that person will do part of what you want.
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RAS 2024 Prelims Current Affairs Quiz : June Ist Week
1. English
2. Hindi
conducted – आयोजन किया
examines – जाँच
preliminary – प्रारंभिक
qualitative – गुणवत्ता
heartfelt – हार्दिक
Embrace – आलिंगन
efficient – कुशल
coefficients – गुणांक
whim – भावना
whim – रंग
arbitrary – मनमाने ढंग से
heuristic – अनुमानी
comply – पालन करना
solicit – मांगना
domineering – तानाशाही
gullible – भोला, आसानी से धोखा खानेवाला
chatty – बातूनी
nosy – सुगंधित
cynical – सनकी
conservative – रूढ़िवादी
oblivious – बेखबर
ignorant – अनजान
obsessed – ग्रस्त, पागल, जुनून सवार
bossy – शासक
Immature – अपरिपक्व
Mature – परिपक्व
authoritative – आधिकारिक
Naive – अनुभवहीन
naivete – भोलेपन
narrative – वर्णनात्मक
orphan – अनाथ
isolate – अलग-थलग
realm – क्षेत्र
preoccupation – अति व्यस्तता
affluent – धनी
redundancy – फालतूपन
in lieu, lieu – एवज में
initiative – पहल
nimble – तेज़
impedance – विरोध
Phrase – वाक्यांश
Phrasebook – शब्दकोश
persuade – राज़ी करना
underlay – बुनियाद
cause – कारण
extended – विस्तृत
exhaustive – संपूर्ण
thorough – संपूर्ण
rigorous – कठिन
unto – तक
global – वैश्विक
suicidal – आत्मघात
despondent – हताश
reservoir – जलाशय
convey – सूचित करना
demise – मृत्यु
insanity – पागलपन
Irony – व्यंग्य
prejudice – पक्षपात
Typically – आमतौर पर
determine – निर्धारित
Etiquette – शिष्टाचार
aggression – आक्रमण
unceasing – अटूट
heartless – बेरहम
heartlessness – निर्दयता
truculence – निर्दयता
provocation – उत्तेजना
violent – हिंसा करनेवाला
confront – सामना करना
readiness – तत्परता
hostile – शत्रुतापूर्ण
antipathy – घृणा
interpretation – व्याख्या
contented – संतुष्ट
Nevertheless – फिर भी
gem – मणि
profound – गहन
alchemy – रसायन विज्ञान
chaotic – अराजक
reverence – श्रद्धा
stupor – अचेतनता
Enrollment – नामांकन
rave – बड़बड़ाना
raving – पागल
Intent – इरादा
wit – बुद्धि
wits – दिमाग
oblivion – विस्मृति
lad, laddie – बालक
Barley – जौ
Oat – जई
muffin – टिकिया
Bran – भूसी, चोकर
Flakes – लच्छे
lurk – घात में रहना
sinister – भयावह
feverish – डांवांडोल
retract – वापस लेना
skeptical – उलझन में
abbreviation – संक्षिप्त नाम
stringent – कड़ी से कड़ी
peregrine – परदेशी
foreigner – विदेशी
expatriate – परदेशी
expat – प्रवासी
exile – निर्वासन
assertive – दृढ़ निश्चय वाला
empathize – सहानुभूति
gratify – कृतार्थ करना
tardy – धीमी
funky – कायरता
sedentary – गतिहीन जीवन
Proprietor – मालिक
competent – सक्षम
contingent – आकस्मिक
superfluous – ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा
closeout – नीलाम
bring into notice – ध्यान में लाना
Take cognizance of – ध्यान में लाना
rejig – बदलाव
retort – करारा जवाब
pass the buck – उत्तरदायित्व मढ़ना
precarious – अनिश्चित
defer – टालना
disseminate – प्रसारित करना
provocation – उकसावा
iconic – प्रतिष्ठित
lunatic – पागल मनुष्य
placard – दीवार पर विज्ञापन चिपकाना
placard – इश्तहार
humanitarian – मानवीय
hypertension – उच्च रक्तचाप
vigorous – जोरदार
epilepsy – मिरगी
belly – पेट
taut – तना हुआ
adores – प्यार करते हैं
adoration – आराधना
PRECISE – सटीक
vital – महत्वपूर्ण
grasp – समझ
reimbursement – भरपाई
coveted – प्रतिष्ठित
squeeze – निचोड़
feasible – संभव
liaise – संबंध स्थापित करना
pertaining – संबंधित
Fistula – नासूर
Infertility – बांझपन
Naturopathy – प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा
Venereal – कामी
convalescence – स्वास्थ लाभ
anomaly – विसंगति
genital – यौन
Congenital – जन्मजात
Circumcision – खतना
attributable – कारण
exclusion – बहिष्कार
Indemnity – हानि से सुरक्षा
admissible – स्वीकार्य
Prudent – विवेकी
transcends – अतिक्रमण
transcend – पार
Wobble – लडखडाना
condemnation – निंदा
prevalent – प्रचलित
immense – अत्यधिक
certain – निश्चित
certain – कुछ
Redeemed – छुड़ाया
whiskers – मूंछ
tentacle – मूंछ
mustache – मूंछ
miser – कंजूस
commencement – प्रारंभ
serene – निर्मल
perseverance – दृढ़ता
toxin – विष
stale – बासी
abundant – प्रचुर
strained – तनावपूर्ण
erratic – अनियमित
vanish – गायब
diminishes – घटता
rung – छड़
veil – परदा
prerequisite – शर्त
criterion – मापदंड
satiated – तृप्त
lineage – वंशावली
Plunk – खनखनाहट
rapport – घनिष्ठता
enshrined – प्रतिष्ठापित
persuaded – राजी
estranged – पराया
spacious – विशाल
confectionery – हलवाई की दुकान
riddle – पहेली
conscientious – ईमानदार
dedication – निष्ठा
introspection – आत्मनिरीक्षण
✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1.PALPABLE (ADJECTIVE): (स्पर्शनीय): perceptible
Synonyms: visible, noticeable
Antonyms: intangible
Example Sentence:There was palpable tension in the room.
2. INITIAL (VERB): (पुष्टि करना): ratify
Synonyms: accept, approve
Antonyms: reject
Example Sentence:Greece and the United States initialled a new defense cooperation agreement.
3. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (थोड़ा): slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:It seems likely to make only a marginal difference.
4. EXCISE (VERB): (काटना): delete
Synonyms: strike out, cancel
Antonyms: add
Example Sentence:The clauses were excised from the treaty.
5. SHED (VERB): (मुक्त करना): dismiss
Synonyms: let go, discharge
Antonyms: hire
Example Sentence:Many firms use relocation as an opportunity to shed jobs.
6. UPBEAT (ADJECTIVE): (आशावादी): optimistic
Synonyms: cheerful, cheery
Antonyms: pessimistic
Example Sentence:He was upbeat about the company's future.
7. HAPHAZARD (ADJECTIVE): (अनियमित): random
Synonyms: unplanned, unsystematic
Antonyms: systematic
Example Sentence:The music business works in a haphazard fashion.
8. PAINSTAKING (ADJECTIVE): (सावधान): careful
Synonyms: meticulous, thorough
Antonyms: careless
Example Sentence:Painstaking attention to detail has been given.
9. PARTLY (ADVERB): (आंशिक रूप में): in part
Synonyms: partially, somewhat
Antonyms: completely
Example Sentence:He had been at least partly responsible for dashing her hopes.
10. SEVER (VERB): (क्रम तोड़ना): break off
Synonyms: discontinue, suspend
Antonyms: maintain
Example Sentence:The notice itself may be sufficient to sever the joint tenancy.
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4. GS-3 Question Bank for RAS Mains
House Vocabulary Words:
1. Chimney: a vertical channel or pipe which conducts smoke and combustion gases up from a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building.
2. Drainpipe: a pipe for carrying off rainwater or liquid refuse from a building.
3. Burglar alarm: an electronic device that emits a loud noise when someone attempts to make unauthorized entry to a building or other premises.
4. Balcony: a raised platform that is connected to the side of a building and surrounded by a low wall or railing
5. Window pane: a single piece of glass in the window of a building
6. Ridge: the line or edge formed where the two sloping sides of a roof meet at the top.
7. Garage: a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house
8. Porch: a covered shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a building.
9. Letterbox: a box attached to an outside wall, or a slot in the door of a building, into which mail is delivered.
10. Eaves: the part of a roof that meets or overhangs the walls of a building.
11. Windowsill: a shelf formed by the bottom part of the frame of a window.
12. Skylight: an opening in a roof or ceiling, fitted with glass, for admitting daylight.
13. Patio: a paved outdoor area adjoining a house.
14. Veranda: a roofed platform along the outside of a house, level with the ground floor.
15. Courtyard: an unroofed area that is completely or partially enclosed by walls or buildings, typically one forming part of a castle or large house.
16. Ventilator: an opening or device, such as a fan, used to ventilate a room, building, etc.
🎁Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. PERTINENT (ADJECTIVE): (प्रासंगिक): relevant
Synonyms: to the point apposite
Antonyms: irrelevant
Example Sentence:She asked me a lot of very pertinent questions.
2. EMBELLISH (VERB): (अधिक रोचक बनाना): elaborate
Synonyms: embroider, exaggerate
Antonyms: simplify
Example Sentence:Followers often embellish stories about their heroes.
3. JUDICIAL (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायिक): legal
Synonyms: judiciary, juridical
Antonyms: ilegal
Example Sentence:There would be a judicial inquiry into the allegations.
4. FACTION (NOUN): (अंदरूनी कलह): infighting
Synonyms: dissension, dissent
Antonyms: harmony
Example Sentence:The army faction strengthened day by day.
5. DESPERATE (ADJECTIVE): (निराशाजनक): despairing
Synonyms: hopeless, anguished
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:As the supply of food ran out, people became desperate.
6. DEFIANCE (NOUN): (अवज्ञा): resistance
Synonyms: opposition, confrontation
Antonyms: submission
Example Sentence:Despite her defiance, her voice shook.
7. TEMERITY (NOUN): (धृष्टता): audacity
Synonyms: boldness, nerve
Antonyms: shyness
Example Sentence:No one had the temerity to question his conclusions.
8. SETBACK (NOUN): (स्र्कावट): problem
Synonyms: difficulty, issue
Antonyms: breakthrough
Example Sentence:The violent attack was a serious setback for the peace process.
9. DISSEMINATION (NOUN): (प्रसार): spreading
Synonyms: circulation distribution
Antonyms: suppressing
Example Sentence:The dissemination of public information was essential.
10. DRAB (ADJECTIVE): (बेरंग): colourless
Synonyms: grey, dull
Antonyms: bright
Example Sentence:The landscape was drab and grey.
🎁Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. NIMBLE (ADJECTIVE): (फुर्तीला): agile
Synonyms: lithe, sprightly
Antonyms: stiff
Example Sentence: With a deft motion of her nimble fingers, she completed the task.
2. MORATORIUM (NOUN): (प्रतिबंध): embargo
Synonyms: ban, prohibition
Antonyms: renewal
Example Sentence: There was a moratorium on the use of drift nets.
3. MYSTERIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (रहस्यमय): enigmatic
Synonyms: inscrutable, secretive
Antonyms: open
Example Sentence: She was mysterious about herself but said plenty about her husband.
4. THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): flourish
Synonyms: prosper, burgeon
Antonyms: fail, collapse
Example Sentence: The entertainment industry has thrived in the recent decade.
5. SUBVERSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (विनाशक): disruptive
Synonyms: inflammatory, insurgent
Antonyms: loyal
Example Sentence:He was seen as a potentially subversive man within the party.
6. CAPTIVATE (VERB): (मोह लेना): enthral
Synonyms: charm, enchant
Antonyms: repel
Example Sentence:He was captivated by her beauty.
7. ABANDONED (ADJECTIVE): (असंयत): uninhibited
Synonyms: reckless, unrestrained
Antonyms: restrained
Example Sentence:He performed a wild, abandoned dance.
8. BUTTRESS (VERB): (समर्थन देना): strengthen
Synonyms: reinforce, fortify
Antonyms: weaken
Example Sentence: He buttressed his idea by religious belief.
9. PROMINENT (ADJECTIVE):(अगोचर): conspicuous
Synonyms: noticeable, obvious
Antonyms: inconspicuous
Example Sentence: The new housing estates are prominent landmarks.
10. DETENTION (NOUN): (क़ैद): custody
Synonyms: imprisonment, confinement
Antonyms: relinquishment
Example Sentence: The fifteen people arrested were still in police detention.
✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. ARTICULATE (VERB): (साफ़ साफ़ बोलना): express
Synonyms: voice, give voice to
Antonyms: bottle up
Example Sentence:They were unable to articulate their emotions.
2. INFANTILE (ADJECTIVE): (बचकाना): childish
Synonyms: babyish, immature
Antonyms: mature
Example Sentence:Everyone is fed up of his infantile jokes.
3. DEMARCATE (VERB): (हदबंदी करना): separate
Synonyms: divide, delimit
Antonyms: join
Example Sentence:Art was being demarcated from the more objective science.
4. IMPUGN (VERB): (बहस करना): challenge
Synonyms: question, dispute
Antonyms: support
Example Sentence:The father does not impugn her capacity as a good mother.
5. OSTENSIBLY (ADVERB): (जाहिरा तौर पर): apparently
Synonyms: seemingly, on the face of it
Antonyms: genuinely
Example Sentence: The party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health.
6. INFURIATE (VERB): (क्रुद्ध करना): enrage
Synonyms: incense, anger
Antonyms: please
Example Sentence: I was infuriated by your article.
7. DEFER (VERB): (झुक जाना): yield
Synonyms: submit, give way
Antonyms: stand up to
Example Sentence:I deferred to his supreme efficiency.
8. STRICTURE (NOUN): (परिसीमन): constraint
Synonyms: restriction, limitation
Antonyms: freedom
Example Sentence: The strictures imposed by the British Board of Film Censors.
9. DISBURSE (VERB): (चुकाना): pay out
Synonyms: lay out, spend
Antonyms: claim
Example Sentence:$67 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed.
10. ANIMOSITY (NOUN): (बैर): antipathy
Synonyms: hostility, friction
Antonyms: goodwill
Example Sentence: He no longer felt any animosity towards her.
🎁Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. VACILLATE (VERB): (डगमगाना/ लहरना): dither
Synonyms: waver, teeter
Antonyms: resolute
Example Sentence:I had been vacillating between teaching and journalism for a while now.
2. SUBSERVIENT (ADJECTIVE): (विनीत): submissive
Synonyms: deferential, acquiescent
Antonyms: domineering
Example Sentence:She was subservient to her parents.
3. EGRESS (NOUN): (निकास): departure
Synonyms: leaving, exit
Antonyms: entry
Example Sentence:There is only one route of egress in the case of an emergency.
4. PIVOTAL (ADJECTIVE): (केंद्रीय): central
Synonyms: crucial, vital
Antonyms: trivial
Example Sentence:Japan's role is pivotal in the world economy.
5. REGRESS (VERB): (लौट आना): revert
Synonyms: retrogress, relapse
Antonyms: progress
Example Sentence:They would not regress to pre-technological tribalism.
6. ANNIHILATE (VERB): (मिटा देना): destroy
Synonyms: wipe out, obliterate
Antonyms: create
Example Sentence:A simple bomb could annihilated them all.
7. GROSS (ADJECTIVE): (भद्दा): coarse
Synonyms: vulgar, crude
Antonyms: pure
Example Sentence:He is a man of gross speech.
8. APPREHENSION (NOUN): (व्यग्रता): anxiety
Synonyms: angst, alarm
Antonyms: confidence
Example Sentence:He felt sick with apprehension.
9. ALACRITY (NOUN): (तत्परता): eagerness
Synonyms: willingness, readiness
Antonyms: apathy
Example Sentence:She accepted the invitation with alacrity.
10. DUBIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अस्पष्ट): doubtful
Synonyms: uncertain, unsure
Antonyms: certain
Example Sentence:I was rather dubious about the whole idea.
😍Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. WITHER (VERB): (मुरझाना): wilt
Synonyms: droop, fade
Antonyms: thrive
Example Sentence:The grass had withered to an unappealing brown.
2. INHERENT (ADJECTIVE): (आंतरिक): intrinsic
Synonyms: innate, immanent
Antonyms: acquired
Example Sentence:Any form of mountaineering has its inherent dangers.
3. INCEPTION (NOUN): (स्थापना): establishment
Synonyms: institution, foundation
Antonyms: end
Example Sentence:She has been on the board since its inception two years ago.
4. EXTANT (ADJECTIVE): (जीवित): surviving
Synonyms: remaining, abiding
Antonyms: non-existent
Example Sentence:Two fourteenth-century manuscripts of this text are still extant.
5. MISBELIEF (NOUN): (ग़लतफ़हमी): unorthodoxy
Synonyms: heresy, delusion
Antonyms: orthodoxy
Example Sentence:It is a misbelief that alcohol problems require a specialist response.
6. SCARCELY (ADVERB): (कठिनता से): rarely
Synonyms: seldom, infrequently
Antonyms: often
Example Sentence:They could scarcely all be wrong.
7. OPPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्पीड़क): harsh
Synonyms: cruel, brutal
Antonyms: lenient
Example Sentence:The country is ruled by an oppressive regime.
8. AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ाना): increase
Synonyms: add to, supplement
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:His joys augmented after his promotion.
9. EQUITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायसंगत): fair
Synonyms: just, impartial
Antonyms: inequitable
Example Sentence:This equitable arrangement was accepted by the estates directly.
10. FORTHWITH (ADVERB): (तत्काल): immediately
Synonyms: at once, instantly
Antonyms: sometime
Example Sentence:We forthwith paid the money required.
🎁 Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. TRENCHANT (ADJECTIVE): (तीव्र): incisive
Synonyms: cutting, pointed
Antonyms: woolly, vague
Example Sentence:The White Paper makes trenchant criticisms of health authorities.
2. ABRASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अपघर्षक): caustic
Synonyms: cutting, grating
Antonyms: kind
Example Sentence:Her abrasive and arrogant personal style won her few friends.
3. TURBULENCE (NOUN): (अशांति): turmoil
Synonyms: instability, conflict
Antonyms: peace
Example Sentence:The country is facing extreme political turbulence.
4. CONGRUENCE (NOUN): (अनुरूपता): compatibility
Synonyms: consistency, conformity
Antonyms: conflict
Example Sentence:The results show quite good congruence with recent studies.
5. DISPENSE (VERB): (छोड़ देना): waive
Synonyms: omit, drop
Antonyms: include
Example Sentence:Let's dispense with the formalities, shall we?
6. INTRUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (हस्तक्षेप करने वाले): intruding
Synonyms: invasive, obtrusive
Antonyms: low-key
Example Sentence:He asked an intrusive question.
7. INHIBIT (VERB): (रोकना): impede
Synonyms: hinder, hamper
Antonyms: assist
Example Sentence:Cold inhibits plant growth.
8. FLICKER (VERB): (टिमटिमाना): glimmer
Synonyms: glint, gleam
Antonyms: burn steadily
Example Sentence:The interior lights flickered, and came on.
9. FIASCO (NOUN): (असफलता): failure
Synonyms: disaster, catastrophe
Antonyms: success
Example Sentence:His plans turned into a fiasco.
10 EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy
Synonyms: swift, quick
Antonyms: slow
Example Sentence:The murder investigation needs to get expeditious.
✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. DISENGAGE (VERB): (अलग करना): remove
Synonyms: detach, disentangle
Antonyms: attach
Example Sentence:I disengaged his hand from mine.
2. ERSTWHILE (ADJECTIVE): (भूतपूर्व): former
Synonyms: old, past
Antonyms: present
Example Sentence:The erstwhile president of the company was loved by all.
3. CONCILIATION (NOUN): (शांति): appeasement
Synonyms: peacemaking, peacebuilding
Antonyms: provocation
Example Sentence:He held his hands up in a gesture of conciliation.
4. SLAM (VERB): (आलोचना करना): criticize
Synonyms: find fault with, censure
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:Jenny heard him stride away slamming him for his behaviour.
5. UPHEAVAL (NOUN): (उथल-पुथल): disruption
Synonyms: upset, disturbance
Antonyms: stability
Example Sentence:Major upheavals have hit the financial markets this year.
6. NEGATE (VERB): (अमान्य करना): invalidate
Synonyms: nullify, neutralize
Antonyms: confirm
Example Sentence:Alcohol negates the effects of the drug.
7. PRUDENCE (NOUN): (बुद्धिमत्ता): wisdom
Synonyms: judgement, sagacity
Antonyms: folly
Example Sentence:We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.
8. INDIGENOUS (ADJECTIVE): (देशज): native
Synonyms: aboriginal, local
Antonyms: expatriate
Example Sentence:The most indigenous inhabitants were the American Indians.
9. WOE (NOUN): (शोक): misery
Synonyms: sorrow, distress
Antonyms: happiness
Example Sentence:If we do not find her safe and well, woe to the man who has harmed her.
10. DEMOBILIZE (VERB): (बरख़ास्त करना): disband
Synonyms: decommission, discharge
Antonyms: conscript
Example Sentence:He was demobilized in February 1946.
In the following questions, out of four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
Q.1 A disorder in which a person believes himself to be God.
(a) Theomania
(b) Blasphemy
(c) Antonina
(d) Dipsomania
Q.2 A feeling of guilt.
(a) Refulgence
(b) Reparation
(c) Amalgamation
(d) Remorse
Q.3 A person who loves books.
(a) Scholar
(b) Bibliophile
(c) Bookish
(d) Student
Q.4 That which is perceptible by touch.
(a) Contagious
(b) Mumps
(c) Tangible
(d) Repulse
Q.5 A person who assails cherished beliefs.
(a) Ruffian
(b) Atheist
(c) Theist
(d) Rebel
Q.6 A person in his seventies.
(a) Patriarch
(b) Centurion
(c) Septuagenarian
(d) Seventieth
Q.7 The study of ancient writing.
(a) Paleography
(b) Prosopography
(c) Oscillography
(d) Spectrography
Q.8 Happening in five years.
(a) Multimillennial
(b) Bicentennial
(c) Septennial
(d) Quinquennial
Q.9 A place where lather is tanned.
(a) Carpetbaggery
(b) Chemosurgery
(c) Tannery
(d) Utopia
Q.10 Fear of god.
(a) Zeusophobia
(b) Technophobia
(c) Agoraphobia
(d) Homophobia
Answers:- 1- (a) 2- (d) 3- (b) 4- (c) 5- (a) 6- (c) 7- (a) 8- (d) 9- (c) 10-(a)
✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. INCARCERATE (VERB): (बंदी बनाना): imprison
Synonyms: jail, lock up
Antonyms: free
Example Sentence:Many are incarcerated for property offences.
2. INEXPLICABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अकथनीय): unaccountable
Synonyms: unexplainable, incomprehensible
Antonyms: understandable
Example Sentence:For some inexplicable reason her mind went completely blank.
3. DRACONIAN (ADJECTIVE): (कड़ा): harsh
Synonyms: strict, extreme
Antonyms: mild
Example Sentence:Draconian measures have been taken to control population growth.
4 EXACERBATE (VERB): (बदतर करना): aggravate
Synonyms: worsen, inflame
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:Excessive or hard exercise can exacerbate pain.
5. EXUBERANCE (NOUN): (उत्साह): ebullience
Synonyms: buoyancy, cheerfulness
Antonyms: gloom
Example Sentence:He has a sense of youthful exuberance.
6. SLUMP (NOUN): (मंदी): recession
Synonyms: depression, slowdown
Antonyms: boom
Example Sentence:He had survived a world war and a slump.
7. VINDICATE (NOUN): (बरी करना): acquit
Synonyms: clear, absolve
Antonyms: convict
Example Sentence:Hospital staff were vindicated by the inquest verdict.
8. HAIL (NOUN): (अभिवादन): greeting
Synonyms: hello, hallo
Antonyms: farewell
Example Sentence:My sleepy hail was met by a shout.
9. ANOMALOUS (ADJECTIVE): (असामान्य): abnormal
Synonyms: atypical, non-typical
Antonyms: normal
Example Sentence:He went through an anomalous situation.
10. DISCREPANCY (NOUN): (विसंगति): inconsistency
Synonyms: difference, disparity
Antonyms: similarity
Example Sentence:There's a discrepancy between your account and his.
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✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. UNRAVEL (VERB): (समाधान करना): solve
Synonyms: resolve, work out
Antonyms: complicate
Example Sentence:They were attempting to unravel the cause of death.
2. UNRELENTING (ADJECTIVE): (निरंतर): continual
Synonyms: constant, continuous
Antonyms: intermittent
Example Sentence:She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness.
3. CONVENE (VERB): (बुला भेजना): summon
Synonyms: call, order
Antonyms: disperse
Example Sentence:He had convened a secret meeting of military personnel.
4. INDOLENT (ADJECTIVE): (आलसी): lazy
Synonyms: idle, slothful
Antonyms: industrious
Example Sentence:They were indolent and addicted to a life of pleasure.
5. PEDESTRIAN (ADJECTIVE): (उबाऊ): dull
Synonyms: plodding, boring
Antonyms: inspired, exciting
Example Sentence:Disenchantment goes along with their pedestrian lives.
6. PERIPHERAL (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रधान): secondary
Synonyms: subsidiary, incidental
Antonyms: central
Example Sentence:She will see their problems as peripheral to her own.
7. DISPASSIONATE (ADJECTIVE): (अभावुक): unemotional
Synonyms: non-emotional, unsentimental
Antonyms: emotional
Example Sentence:She dealt with life's disasters in a calm, dispassionate way.
8. OUTLANDISH (ADJECTIVE): (विचित्र): weird
Synonyms: queer, offbeat
Antonyms: ordinary
Example Sentence:They were three wise, outlandish kings.
9. UNSETTLED (ADJECTIVE): (अशांत): restless
Synonyms: restive, fidgety
Antonyms: settled
Example Sentence:She felt edgy and unsettled.
10. COMPLIANCE (NOUN): (अनुपालन): acquiescence
Synonyms: agreement, assent
Antonyms: defiance
Example Sentence:The compliance with government views shown by the commission.
🎁Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. SWEEPING (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): extensive
Synonyms: wide-ranging, global
Antonyms: narrow
Example Sentence:We cannot recommend any sweeping alterations.
2. PRUDENCE (NOUN): (बुद्धिमानी): wisdom
Synonyms: judgement, sagacity
Antonyms: folly
Example Sentence:We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.
3. SHRUG (VERB): (उपेक्षा): disregard
Synonyms: dismiss, take no notice of
Antonyms: heed
Example Sentence:The managing director shrugged off the criticism.
4. MEAGRE (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): meagre
Synonyms: scanty, sparse
Antonyms: abundant
Example Sentence:His parents were poor and he received a meagre education.
5. RIVETED (VERB): (मोहित करना): fascinate
Synonyms: engross, grip
Antonyms: bore
Example Sentence:He was riveted by the newsreels shown on television.
6. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अन्तरिम): provisional
Synonyms: temporary, pro tem
Antonyms: permanent
Example Sentence:An interim arrangement was made.
7. AMBIGUITY (NOUN): (अस्पष्टता): ambivalence
Synonyms: equivocation, obscurity
Antonyms: unambiguousness transparency
Example Sentence:We can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act.
8. BAR (VERB): (निषेध करना): prohibit
Synonyms: debar, preclude
Antonyms: admit
Example Sentence:She is barred from leaving the country.
9. EXHILARATION (NOUN): (आनंद): elation
Synonyms: euphoria, exultation
Antonyms: dejection
Example Sentence:They felt the exhilaration of victory.
10. GREGARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सुसामाजिक): sociable
Synonyms: social, companionable
Antonyms: unsociable
Example Sentence:He was a popular and gregarious man.
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