🔰English Grammar & Vocabulary For All Government Exams 🔰 • Parts of Speech • English Language Study • Learn English • Daily Word And Explanation • Tense Gen & Advance English Reading & Grammer Vocab Etc. 🔰🔷Owner - SK REGAR @Sk_Regar 🔷🔰
1.Dwellers (N)-a person or animal that lives in or at a specified place. में रहने वाले लोगों
2.Ghettos (N)-a part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups.
3.Humanely (Adv)-in a way that shows compassion or benevolence.
4.Poromboke (Adj)-land that belongs to the government.
5.Implacable (Adj)-unable to be appeased or placated.
6.Encroachers (N)-a person who unlawfully occupies a piece of land.
7.Amenities (N)-the pleasantness or attractiveness of a place.
1.Insurgents (N)-a person fighting against a government or invading force; a rebel or revolutionary. विद्रोहियों
2.Evacuate (V)-remove (someone) from a place of danger to a safer place. खाली करना
3.On The Verge Of (Idiom)-at the point when (something) is about to happen or is very likely to happen.
4.Break-Neck (Adj)-dangerously or extremely fast. अन्धाधुन्ध, ख़तरनाक
5.Assassination (N)-murder of a public figure by surprise attack. हत्या
6.Devoid (Adj)-completely lacking in a particular quality. वंचित
7.Crumbled (V)-fall into decay or ruin. कमज़ोर पड़ना
8.Warlords (N)-the leader of any group involved in fighting.
9.Shore Up (Phrasal Verb)-to make or become greater in number or strength.
10.Totalitarianism (N)-a form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens.
1.Partisan (Adj)-prejudiced in favour of a particular cause.
2.Stems From (Phrasal Verb)-to be caused by something.
3.Triumphalism (N)-excessive exultation over one's success or achievements (used especially in a political context). विजयीवाद
4.Denouement (N)-the outcome of a complex sequence of events. नतीजा
5.Recriminations (N)-an accusation in response to one from someone else. दोषारोपण
6.Mayhem (N)-violent or extreme disorder; chaos. अशांति
7.Adversaries (N)-someone who offers opposition. विपक्षी
8.Apathy (N)-lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. उदासीनता
9.Inaction (N)-lack of action where some is expected or appropriate. निष्क्रियता
10.Heinous (Adj)-extremely cruel or wicked. जघन्य, नृशंस
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New General Studies Foundation Batch 2023-24
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1. CAPITULATE (VERB): (आत्मसमर्पण करना): surrender
Synonyms: give in, yield
Antonyms: resist
Example Sentence:The patriots had to capitulate to the enemy forces.
2 TANGIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (वास्तविक): palpable
Synonyms: tactile, material
Antonyms: intangible
Example Sentence:The ambience of neglect and abandonment was almost tangible.
3. IMPLICATION (NOUN): (निहितार्थ): suggestion
Synonyms: inference, insinuation
Antonyms: explicit statement
Example Sentence:The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.
4. NAÏVE (ADJECTIVE): (भोला-भाला): innocent
Synonyms: unsophisticated, artless
Antonyms: sophisticated
Example Sentence:I had a sweet, naive look when I smiled.
5 PROSCRIBE (VERB): (बहिष्कार करना): forbid
Synonyms: prohibit, ban
Antonyms: ban
Example Sentence:Strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces.
6. IMPAIR (VERB): (क्षीण करना): damage
Synonyms: harm, diminish
Antonyms: improve
Example Sentence:A noisy job could permanently impair their hearing.
7. INTRINSIC (ADJECTIVE): (अंतर्भूत): inherent
Synonyms: innate, inborn
Antonyms: extrinsic
Example Sentence:Access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life.
8. RENEGE (VERB): (छोड़ना): go back on
Synonyms: break, back out of
Antonyms: keep
Example Sentence:If you renege on the deal now, I'll fight you in the courts.
9. TENACITY (NOUN): (दृढ़ता): persistence
Synonyms: determination, perseverance
Antonyms: irresoluteness
Example Sentence:She fought with tenacity born of anxiety.
10. VARY (VERB): (पृथक होना): differ
Synonyms: range, extend
Antonyms: agree
Example Sentence:The properties vary in price.
New General Studies Foundation Batch 2023-24
Batch Begins with
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1 SCATHING (ADJECTIVE): (कुम्हलाना) :devastating
Synonyms: withering, blistering
Antonyms: mild
Example Sentence:She launched a scathing attack on the Prime Minister.
2 IMMINENT (ADJECTIVE): (निकट का): impending
Synonyms: at hand, close
Antonyms: remote
Example Sentence:They were in imminent danger of being swept away.
3. TARDINESS (NOUN): (विलंबता): lateness
Synonyms: delay, retardation
Antonyms: punctuality
Example Sentence:Forgive my tardiness, I had some very important business to attend to.
4. FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): defy
Synonyms: go against, scorn
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:They flouted the norms simply by being who they are.
5. ARDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मुश्किल): onerous
Synonyms: taxing, difficult
Antonyms: easy
Example Sentence:She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.
6. BAR (PREPOSITION): (के अलावा): apart from
Synonyms: but (for), other than
Antonyms: observe
Example Sentence:His kids were all gone now, bar one.
7. HAIL (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): acclaim
Synonyms: praise, applaud
Antonyms: criticize
Example Sentence:He has been hailed as the new James.
8. JUBILATION (NOUN): (खुशी): joy
Synonyms: triumph, exultation
Antonyms: despondency
Example Sentence:Everyone present, witnessed unbelievable scenes of jubilation.
9. SWIFTLY (ADVERB): (तेजी से): promptly
Synonyms: immediately, instantly
Antonyms: in due course
Example Sentence:They acted swiftly in response to the invasion.
10. LEISURELY (ADJECTIVE): (आराम से): unhurried
Synonyms: relaxed, unrushed
Antonyms: brisk
Example Sentence:We had a leisurely breakfast at our hotel.
Hello Tejians
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Rajasthan Polity k test k liye prepare kar rhe ho ?
Trend to dekh lo ki kis topic se puche jate hai ? Kis topic ko phle prepare karna hai ?
Ankh band karke nhi padhna hai kuch
Syllabus ko uthao …uspe questions prepare karo …PYQ ko bhi analyse karo …baaki to rattta marna hai Rajasthan Polity 🙏😁
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1.Cargo (N)-goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle.
2.Conjure Up (Phrasal Verb)-to create or achieve something difficult or unexpected.
3.Merchandise (N)-goods to be bought and sold. व्यापार
4.Compliant (Adj)-meeting or in accordance with rules or standards. अनुवर्ती
5.Remission (N)-the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty.
6.Scale Up (Phrasal Verb)-to increase the size or number of something. बढ़ाना
7.Expedite (V)-to make something happen more quickly. शीघ्र
8.Red Tape (N)-excessive bureaucracy or adherence to official rules and formalities.
9.On The Cusp (Idiom)-at the point when something is about to change to something else.
10.Wreckage (N)-the remains of something that has been badly damaged or destroyed.
1.Resumption (N)-the action of beginning something again after a pause or interruption.
2.Fraught (Adj)-full of unpleasant things such as problems or dangers.
3.Epidemiologists (N)-a medical scientist who studies the transmission and control of epidemic diseases. महामारीविद्
4.Trade-Off (N)-a balance achieved between two desirable but incompatible features; a compromise.
5.Crippling (Adj)-causing a severe and almost insuperable problem. गंभीर
6.Calibrated (Adj)-carefully assessed, set, or adjusted.
7.Spike (N)-a sudden increase in something.
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1. VAUNT (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): acclaim
Synonyms: esteem, revere
Antonyms: criticize
Example Sentence:
He was initially vaunted by the West for his leadership of the country.
2. UNSEEMLY (ADJECTIVE): (अनुचित): indecorous
Synonyms: improper, inappropriate
Antonyms: seemly
Example Sentence:
The discussion led to nothing but an unseemly squabble.
3. CATHARSIS (NOUN): (शुद्धिकरण): purging
Synonyms: purgation, purification
Antonyms: repression
Example Sentence:
Music is a means of catharsis for many of us.
4. INFANTILE (ADJECTIVE): (बचकाना): childish
Synonyms: babyish, immature
Antonyms: mature
Example Sentence:
The point about fairies etc. is so infantile in logic I can barely contain my disbelief.
5. INGRAINED (ADJECTIVE): (दीर्घस्थायी): entrenched
Synonyms: established, fixed
Antonyms: transient
Example Sentence:
She wanted to wake up with his scent ingrained in her skin.
6. CELLAR (NOUN): (तहखाना): basement
Synonyms: vault, crypt
Antonyms: attic
Example Sentence:
The servants led us down into a cellar.
7. OMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अमंगल): threatening
Synonyms: menacing, baleful
Antonyms: promising
Example Sentence:
My ominous tone didn’t register with him.
8. MALAISE (NOUN): (अप्रसन्नता): unhappiness
Synonyms: restlessness, uneasiness
Antonyms: comfort
Example Sentence:
An infected person will feel a general malaise.
9. STRICKEN (ADJECTIVE): (तंग): troubled
Synonyms: affected, afflicted
Antonyms: unaffected
Example Sentence:
The pilot landed the stricken aircraft.
10. OSTENSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (ख़याली): apparent
Synonyms: seeming, outward
Antonyms: real
Example Sentence:
The real dispute which lay behind the ostensible complaint.
Tej Civils PTS - Test 1 - Rajasthan History , Art and Culture - Hindi Solution PDF
Next time se test vale din hi upload ho jayegi solution pdf 🙏
Next Test Indian Polity ka hai …
Is video me trand dekh lena …or jo important topics hai , jaha se har bar question banta hai …un topics ko acche se revise kar lena aap log
1. TRENCHANT (ADJECTIVE): (तीव्र): incisive
Synonyms: cutting, pointed
Antonyms: woolly, vague
Example Sentence:The White Paper makes trenchant criticisms of health authorities.
2. ABRASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अपघर्षक): caustic
Synonyms: cutting, grating
Antonyms: kind
Example Sentence:Her abrasive and arrogant personal style won her few friends.
3. TURBULENCE (NOUN): (अशांति): turmoil
Synonyms: instability, conflict
Antonyms: peace
Example Sentence:The country is facing extreme political turbulence.
4. CONGRUENCE (NOUN): (अनुरूपता): compatibility
Synonyms: consistency, conformity
Antonyms: conflict
Example Sentence:The results show quite good congruence with recent studies.
5. DISPENSE (VERB): (छोड़ देना): waive
Synonyms: omit, drop
Antonyms: include
Example Sentence:Let's dispense with the formalities, shall we?
6. INTRUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (हस्तक्षेप करने वाले): intruding
Synonyms: invasive, obtrusive
Antonyms: low-key
Example Sentence:He asked an intrusive question.
7. INHIBIT (VERB): (रोकना): impede
Synonyms: hinder, hamper
Antonyms: assist
Example Sentence:Cold inhibits plant growth.
8. FLICKER (VERB): (टिमटिमाना): glimmer
Synonyms: glint, gleam
Antonyms: burn steadily
Example Sentence:The interior lights flickered, and came on.
9. FIASCO (NOUN): (असफलता): failure
Synonyms: disaster, catastrophe
Antonyms: success
Example Sentence:His plans turned into a fiasco.
10 EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy
Synonyms: swift, quick
Antonyms: slow
Example Sentence:The murder investigation needs to get expeditious.
Tej CIVILS RAS - Day 6- Rajasthan History
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1. Audience – a number of people listening to a lecture.
2. Altruist – one, who considers the happiness and well-being of others first
3. Atheist – a person who does not believe in God
4. Anthropologist – one, who studies the evolution of mankind
5. Autocracy – government by one person
6. Autobiography – the life history of a person written by himself
7. Amputate – to cut off a part of a person’s body which is infected
8. Arsenal – a place for ammunition and weapons
9. Archives – a place where government or public records are kept
10. Amateur – a man who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession
11. Aristocracy – government by the nobles
12. Aquatic – animals/plants ere which live in water
13. Amphibian – animals which live both on land and sea
14. Ambidexter – one, who can use either hand with ease
15. Alimony – allowance paid to wife on legal separation
16. Anthology – a collection of poems
17. Abdication – voluntary giving up of the throne in favor of someone
18. Arbitrator – a person, appointed by two parties to solve a dispute
19. Astronomer – a person, who studies stars, planets and other heavenly bodies
20. Astrologer – a person who studies the influence of heavenly bodies on human beings
21. Anthology – a collection of poems
22. Axiom – a statement which is accepted as true without proof
23. Agenda – a list of headings of the business to be transacted at a meeting
24. Anarchist – one, who is out to
destroy all governance, law, and order
25. Almanac – an annual calendar with positions of star
26. Bigamy – the practice of having two wives or husbands at a time
27. Bibliophile – a lover and collector of books
28. Bouquet – a collection of flowers
29. Bureaucracy – government by the officials
30. Belligerent – a person, nation that is involved in the war
31. Biennial – an event which happens once in two years
32. Blasphemy – the act of speaking disrespectfully about sacred things
33. Creche – a nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work
34. Cosmopolitan – a person who regards the whole world as his country
35. Chauffeur – one, who is employed to drive a motor car
36. Curator – a person in charge of a museum
37. Carnivorous – one, who lives on flesh
38. Cannibal – one, who feeds on human flesh
39. Contemporaries – belonging to or living at the same time
40. Cloakroom – a place for luggage at the railway station
41. Cynosure – the centre of attraction
42. Connoisseur – a critical judge of any art and craft
43. Crusade – a religious war
44. Choreographer – one, who teaches dancing
45. Cacographist – a person, who is bad in spellings
46. Calligraphist – a person, who writes beautiful handwriting
47. Cynic – one, who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men
48. Convalescent – one, who is recovering health
49. Cavalry – soldiers, who fight on horseback
50. Cardiologist – a person, who is specialist in heart diseases
51. Cartographer – one, who draws maps
52. Dormitory – the sleeping rooms with several beds especially in a college or institution
53. Drawn – a game that results neither in victory nor in defeat
54. Elegy – a poem of lamentation
55. Epitaph – words which are inscribed on the grave or the tomb in the memory of the buried
56. Ephemeral – lasting one day
57. Effeminate – a person who is womanish
58. Emigrant – a person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another
59. Edible – fit to be eaten
60. Egotism – practice of talking too much about oneself
61. Encyclopedia – a book that contains information on various subjects
62. Epicure – one, who is devoted to the pleasure of eating and drinking
63. Florist – one, who deals in flowers
64. Fastidious – one, who is very -selective in one’s taste
65. Fanatic or Bigot – one, who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in religious matters
66. Fatal – causing death
67. Fatalist – one, who believes in fate
68. Facsimile – an exact copy of handwriting, printing etc.
Hello Tejians
Good Evening
Rajasthan Polity k test k liye prepare kar rhe ho ?
Trend to dekh lo ki kis topic se puche jate hai ? Kis topic ko phle prepare karna hai ?
Ankh band karke nhi padhna hai kuch
Syllabus ko uthao …uspe questions prepare karo …PYQ ko bhi analyse karo …baaki to rattta marna hai Rajasthan Polity 🙏😁
😍🙏आप फ्री स्टडी मैटेरियल ओर नोट्स प्राप्त करने के लिए हमारे नीचे दिए गये सभी चैनल को जरूर जॉइन करे
😍इसके अलावा आप हमारे Whatsapp Gk Gs Or न्यूज़पेपर Group को भी जॉइन करे ✓✓✓
New General Studies Foundation Batch 2023-24
Batch Begins with
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Timing : 04.00 pm onwards
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FEE : Rs 30,000/- + GST
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Prepositions - at, in, on
AT का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है:
1. Specific time (निर्धारित समय) -
E.g. i) I wake up at 7 o'clock.
ii) She returned home at midnight.
2. Holiday period (छुट्टी का समय) -
E.g. i) Everyone seems happy at Christmas.
ON का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है:
1. Days of the week (हफ्ते के दिन)-
E.g. i) We will visit you on Wednesdays.
2. Specific days (निर्धारित दिन) -
E.g. i) I return to my country on the 27th.
3. Dates (तारीख) -
E.g. i) We get together on Christmas Day.
IN का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है:
1. Months (महीने) -
E.g. i) My birthday is in January.
2. Years (साल) -
E.g. i) America was discovered in 1492.
3. Seasons (मौसम) -
E.g. i) I always go to the beach in summer.
4. Length of time (समय सीमा) -
E.g. i) It will be ready in 20 minutes.
5. Centuries (शताबदी) -
E.g. i) Life was different in the 15th century.
Parts of the day:
1. IN the morning (सुबह में) -
E.g. i) I go to the gym in the morning.
2. IN the afternoon (दिन में) -
E.g. i) I often feel tired in the afternoon.
3. IN the evening (शाम में) -
E.g. i) I study English in the evening.
4. AT the night (रात को) -
E.g. i) I like to read in bed at night.
On Day Part of the day:
E.g. i) We will have a party on Friday night
ii) Our flight leaves on Monday morning.
Ways to Introduce yourself:
1. Formal: Hi, nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself. I am Aman Singh. I work for ABC Private Limited. May I know your name, please?
(Hi, आपसे मिलकर अच्छा लगा. मैं अपना परिचय देता हूँ. मैं अमन सिंह हूँ. मैं ABC प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के लिए काम करता हूँ. क्या मैं आपका नाम जान सकता हूँ?)
2. Formal: Hi, are you Akshay Singh? Nice to meet you. I am Manisha Sharma. We spoke over the phone yesterday. I am from ABC Private Limited.
(Hi, क्या आप अक्षय सिंह हैं? आपसे मिलकर अच्छा लगा. मैं मनीषा शर्मा हूँ. हमने कल फ़ोन पर बात करी थी. मैं ABC प्राइवेट लिमिटेड से हूँ.)
3. Formal: Thank you for having me here, today. My name is Rita Singh. Pleasure meeting you all.
(मुझे आज यहाँ बुलाने के लिए शुक्रिया. मेरा नाम रीटा सिंह है. आपसे मिलकर अच्छा लगा.)
4. At a party: Hi, I am Raj's friend, Aman. Are you Priya? Raj has told me so much about you. It is nice to meet you in person.
(Hi, मैं राज का दोस्त अमन हूँ. क्या आप प्रिय हो? राज ने मुझे आपके बारे में बहुत कुछ बताया है. आप से मिलकर अच्छा लगा.)
5. Informal (pet name): My name is Aman, but you could call me Jolly. That's what most people call me.
(मेरा नाम अमन है लेकिन आप मुझे Jolly कह कर बुला सकते हैं. अधिकतर लोग मुझे इसी नाम से बुलाते हैं.)
6. Informal (pet name): My name is Aman Singh. I also go by 'Lucky'.
(मेरा नाम अमन सिंह है. मुझे लोग 'Lucky' भी बुलाते हैं.)
7. At a wedding: Hi, I am Rekha. I am the bride's cousin. Are you from the groom's side?
(Hi, मैं रेखा हूँ. मैं दुल्हन की बहन हूँ. क्या आप दूल्हे की तरफ से हैं?)
8. Asking for introductions:
i. May I know your name, please?
ii. Hi, I am Aman, Raj's best friend, and you are?
iii. Are you here for the interview as well? I am Aman, by the way. And you are?
iv. Hi, I am Saket. I haven't seen you around - are you a recent recruit? What is your name?
Hello Tejians
Good Evening
Rajasthan Polity k test k liye prepare kar rhe ho ?
Trend to dekh lo ki kis topic se puche jate hai ? Kis topic ko phle prepare karna hai ?
Ankh band karke nhi padhna hai kuch
Syllabus ko uthao …uspe questions prepare karo …PYQ ko bhi analyse karo …baaki to rattta marna hai Rajasthan Polity 🙏😁