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🌍🌺✍Enjoy, apply, resign, acquit, drive, exert, avail, pride, absent, etc.,

✍when used as transitive verbs, always take a reflexive pronoun after them.

✍When ‘self’ is added to ‘my’, ‘your’, ‘him’, ‘her’, and ‘it’, and ‘selves’ to our and them – they are known as reflexive pronouns.

🌺✍He absented from the meeting. (Incorrect)

🌺✍He absented himself from the meeting. (Correct)

🌍✍💎‘Who’ denotes the subject and ‘whom’ is used for the object?

✍Who: It’s the subject of a verb—e.g., Who gave you that book?

✍It’s a predicate nominative (a noun in the predicate that renames or refers to the sentence’s subject)—e.g., This is who I am.

✍Whom is an objective pronoun, which is a pronoun that receives the action of a verb. It also has two main uses:

✍It is the object of a verb—e.g., Whom should I call?

✍It is the object of a preposition—e.g., From whom did you get this information?.

🌍✍💎When two or more singular nouns are connected by ‘either or’; ‘neither nor’, ; and ‘or’, the pronoun used is singular.

✍Either Rohan or Sohan will give their bike. (Incorrect)

✍Either Rohan or sohan will give his book. (Correct)

🌍✍💎When a singular and a plural noun are joined by ‘or’, ‘nor’, the pronoun must be plural.

✍Either the student or his teachers failed in his duty. (Incorrect)

✍Either the student or his teachers failed in their duty. (Correct)

🌍✍💎 ‘Whose’ is used for living persons and ‘which’ for lifeless objects.

✍Which novel did you select?
Whose photograph is lying there?

🌍✍💎‘Each other’ is used when there are two subjects or objects and ‘one another’ when there are more than two.

✍Ram and Sita loved each other.
Those five students, who are sitting there, love one another.

🌍🌺✍When a pronoun stands for a collective noun, it must be in the singular number and in the neuter gender if the collective noun is viewed as a whole but if it gives an idea of different entities, plural pronoun is used.

✍Eg: The jury gave ‘its’ verdict.

✍Here the ‘jury’ gives the idea of one whole.

✍If the collective noun conveys the idea of separate individuals comprising the whole, the pronoun standing for it must be plural.

✍Eg: The jury were divided in their opinions.

✍💎in this sentence, the ‘jury’ gives the idea of several individuals.

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✓✓✓A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in person, number and gender.

For Example

Every student must bring his luggage.
All students must do their home work.
Each of the boys must carry his own bag

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🌍✍💎Some nouns have one meaning in the singular and another in the plural:

✍Advice = counsel, advices = information

✍Air = atmosphere, airs = proud

✍Authority = command, authorities = persons in power

✍Good = wise , goods = property

✍Iron = metal, irons = fetters, chains

✍Force = strength, forces = army

✍Content = satisfaction, contents = things contained

✍Respect = regards, respects = compliments

✍Work = job, works = compositions, factories,.

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Ye lijiye …..Ab to kush hai na aap sab …..

Next PDF …Environment ki ..Hindi me phle …promise
Bas aise taaane naa maara kare 😆🙏🙏

हर “इल्ज़ाम” का हकदार वो हमे बना जाते है,
हर खता कि
#सजा वो हमे सुना जाते है,
हम हर बार चुप रह जाते है,
क्योंकि_वो अपना होने का हक जता जाते है।
Disclaimer : Just for fun 😂

Economic Survey k Questions laaa de kya aise ?????
Kya boltiehai Tejians …Chapter wise ?

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🌍✍There are some nouns that indicate length, measure, money, weight or number. When they are preceded by a numeral, they remain unchanged in form.

✍Foot, meter, pair, score, dozen, head, year, hundred, thousand, million.

✍It is a five years degree course. (correct use- year)

✍I have seven dozens of shoes. (correct use- dozen)


🌍✍कुछ संज्ञाएं ऐसी होती हैं जो लंबाई, माप, धन, वजन या संख्या का संकेत देती हैं। जब उनके आगे कोई अंक आता है, तो उनका स्वरूप अपरिवर्तित रहता है।

✍फुट, मीटर, जोड़ी, स्कोर, दर्जन, शीर्ष, वर्ष, सौ, हजार, मिलियन।

✍यह पांच साल का डिग्री कोर्स है। (सही उपयोग-वर्ष)

✍मेरे पास सात दर्जन जूते हैं। (सही प्रयोग- दर्जन)

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🌍✍Some nouns are singular in meaning, but they are used as plural nouns and always take a plural verb.

✍Cattle, gentry, vermin, peasantry, artillery, people, clergy, company, police.

✍The cattle is grazing in the ground. (correct use- are)

✍Police has controlled the situation. ( correct use- have)


🌍✍कुछ संज्ञाएं अर्थ में एकवचन होती हैं, लेकिन उनका उपयोग बहुवचन संज्ञा के रूप में किया जाता है और वे हमेशा बहुवचन क्रिया लेती हैं।

✍मवेशी, कुलीन वर्ग, कीड़े-मकोड़े, किसान वर्ग, तोपखाने, लोग, पादरी, कंपनी, पुलिस।

✍मवेशी जमीन में चर रहा है। (सही उपयोग- हैं)

✍पुलिस ने स्थिति को नियंत्रित कर लिया है. ( सही उपयोग- है)

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Rule & Example ✓✓✓

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🌍1. Singular Noun -

A noun that denotes one person or thing, is said to be in the Singular Number.
Ex- pen, cow, boy etc.

✍2. Plural Noun -

A noun that denotes more than one person or thing, is said to be in the plural Number.
Ex- Pens, Boys, Cows etc

NOUN - Countable and Uncountable  Noun

✍Countable nouns are the names of objects, people etc that we can count.
Ex- book, apple, doctor, horse etc.

✍Uncountable nouns are the names of things which we can’t count.
They mainly denote substance and abstract things.

Ex- milk, oil, sugar, gold, honesty etc.


🌍✍संज्ञा: संख्या

🌍1. एकवचन संज्ञा -

जिस संज्ञा से किसी एक व्यक्ति या वस्तु का बोध हो, उसे एकवचन संख्या कहते हैं।
जैसे- कलम, गाय, लड़का आदि।

✍2. बहुवचन संज्ञा -

जिस संज्ञा से एक से अधिक व्यक्ति या वस्तु का बोध हो, उसे बहुवचन संख्या कहते हैं।
पूर्व- कलम, लड़के, गाय आदि

संज्ञा - गणनीय और बेशुमार संज्ञा

✍गणनीय संज्ञाएँ वस्तुओं, व्यक्तियों आदि के नाम हैं जिन्हें हम गिन सकते हैं।
जैसे- किताब, सेब, डॉक्टर, घोड़ा आदि।

✍अगणनीय संज्ञा उन चीज़ों के नाम हैं जिन्हें हम गिन नहीं सकते।
वे मुख्य रूप से पदार्थ और अमूर्त चीजों को दर्शाते हैं।

जैसे- दूध, तेल, चीनी, सोना, ईमानदारी आदि।

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😍🙏आप फ्री स्टडी मैटेरियल ओर नोट्स प्राप्त करने के लिए हमारे नीचे दिए गये सभी चैनल को जरूर जॉइन करे

😍इसके अलावा आप हमारे Whatsapp Gk Gs Or न्यूज़पेपर Group को भी जॉइन करे ✓✓✓

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🌍✍Types of Noun

✍1. Proper Noun: a proper noun is the name of some particular person or place.
Ex- Ram, Shyam, Delhi.

✍2. Common Noun: A Common noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same kind or class.
Ex- boy, girl, teacher, etc.

✍3. Collective noun: A collective noun is the name of a group of persons or things.
Ex-army, committee, crowd, etc.

✍4. Abstract Noun: a noun denoting an idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object.
Ex- strength, innocence, fear, judgment. Etc.

✍5. Material Noun: Material noun is the name given to the material, substance or things made up of The alloy.
Ex- cotton, gold, silver etc.


🌍✍संज्ञा के प्रकार

✍1. व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा: व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा किसी विशेष व्यक्ति या स्थान का नाम है।
पूर्व- राम, श्याम, दिल्ली।

✍2. सामान्य संज्ञा: सामान्य संज्ञा एक ऐसा नाम है जो एक ही प्रकार या वर्ग के प्रत्येक व्यक्ति या वस्तु को दिया जाता है।
पूर्व- लड़का, लड़की, शिक्षक, आदि।

✍3. समूहवाचक संज्ञा: समूहवाचक संज्ञा व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं के समूह का नाम है।
भूतपूर्व सेना, समिति, भीड़, आदि।

✍4. सार संज्ञा: एक संज्ञा जो किसी ठोस वस्तु के बजाय किसी विचार, गुणवत्ता या स्थिति का बोध कराती है।
उदाहरणार्थ- ताकत, मासूमियत, भय, निर्णय। वगैरह।

✍5. द्रव्य संज्ञा: द्रव्य संज्ञा वह नाम है जो मिश्रधातु से बनी सामग्री, पदार्थ या चीजों को दिया जाता है।
जैसे- कपास, सोना, चाँदी आदि।

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🌺💎What’s a Noun

✍Nouns are naming words that are used to name people, places, animals, objects and ideas.

In a sentence, nouns perform different roles.

✍It can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, or adjective.

✍Also, Nouns can function as adjectives and verbs.

🌍संज्ञा 🌺💎

संज्ञा क्या है

✍संज्ञा ऐसे शब्दों को कहते हैं जिनका उपयोग लोगों, स्थानों, जानवरों, वस्तुओं और विचारों को नाम देने के लिए किया जाता है। एक वाक्य में संज्ञाएं अलग-अलग भूमिका निभाती हैं।

✍यह विषय, प्रत्यक्ष वस्तु, अप्रत्यक्ष वस्तु, विषय पूरक, वस्तु पूरक, अपोजिटिव या विशेषण की भूमिका निभा सकता है।

✍इसके अलावा, संज्ञाएं विशेषण और क्रिया के रूप में भी कार्य कर सकती हैं।

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Everyday English phrases:

1. It's on me - I will pay this bill (मैं इसका bill pay करूँगा)

2. (It's) time to split - An announcement of one's desire or time to split (बांटना)

3. I've had it up to here - I will not entertain any more of something (किसी चीज़ की सीमा पार होना)

4. Not for my money - Not as far as I am concerned (जब तक यह मुझसे सम्बंधित नहीं है)

5. Not in my books - Not according to my views (विचारों के मुताबिक ना होना)

6. Okay by me - That's fine with me (मैं इस से सहमत हूँ)

7. See if I care! - I don't care  if you do it! (तुम्हारे करने से मुझे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता)

8. Take my word for it. - Believe me! (मुझ पर भरोसा रखो)

9. That's the ticket ! - That is what is required! (इसी की ज़रूरत थी)

10. Break a leg - Good luck! (शुभकामनाएँ)

11. Dig in! - You can start eating your meal. (आप खाना खा सकते हैं)

12. Bite your tongue! - Keep quiet! (शांत रहिये)

13. Beats me! - I don't know (मुझे नहीं पता)

14. Drop me a line - Write me (about something) (इसके बारे में मुझे लिख कर भेज दीजिये.)

15. Go jump in a lake! - Go away and stop bothering me! (मुझे परेशां करना बंद करीये)

16. Get off my tail! - Stop following me! (मेरा पीछा करना बंद कर दीजिये)

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1. A big draw
Meaning - To get attraction/attention/success
Hindi Meaning- ध्यान खींचना, या सफलता पाना

2. A black sheep
Meaning - An unlucky person, Bad characters
Hindi Meaning- अषुभ व्यक्ति

3. A bolt from the blue
Meaning - An unexpected piece of news or event
Hindi Meaning- आकस्मिक घटना

4. A close shave
Meaning - Something achieved (or escape) by a narrow margin
Hindi Meaning- किसी चीज को बहुत कम रूप से प्राप्त करना

5. A closed book
Meaning - The subject or person that you
Hindi Meaning- अपरिचित बिषय या इंसान

6. A far cry
Meaning - Notably different
Hindi Meaning- काफी अलग

7. A hard nut  to crack
Meaning - A difficult problem
Hindi Meaning- गंभीर समस्या

8. A laughingstock
Meaning - A person or thing that is regarded as very foolish or ridiculous strange person

Hindi Meaning- मजाक का पात्र

9. A live wire
Meaning - Energetic
Hindi Meaning- उर्जावान

10. A man of God
Meaning - A male priest
Hindi Meaning- पुजारी

11. A man of straw
Meaning - A man with no voice or will of his own/ (a man of no substance
Hindi Meaning- मामूली या अभावग्रस्त आदमी

12. A match made in heaven
Meaning - A happy and harmonious marriage or partnership
Hindi Meaning- खुषी देने वाली षादी या साथी

13. A penelope’s web
Meaning - An endless job
Hindi Meaning- कभी खत्म न होने वाली नौकरी

14. A shot in the arm
Meaning - To encourage
Hindi Meaning- प्रौत्साहित करना

15. A shot in the dark
Meaning - A guess; without knowing what the result will be
Hindi Meaning- अँधेरे में तीर चलाना

16. A sore point with
Meaning - A subject that makes you feel angry or upset
Hindi Meaning- कोई पीड़ादायक बिषय

17. A thorn in the flesh
Meaning - A constant source of annoyance
Hindi Meaning- काम में हमेषा होने वाली बाधा

18. A white elephant
Meaning - An expensive but useless possession
Hindi Meaning- महॅगा लेकिन बेकार

19. A wild goose chase
Meaning - To try to impossible
Hindi Meaning- व्यर्थ का प्रयत्न

20. Achilles’ heels
Meaning - A small but fatal weakness
Hindi Meaning- कमजोर पक्ष, दुखती रग

21. Add fuel to fire
Meaning - To make a matter worse
Hindi Meaning- आग में घी डालना

22. Against all odds
Meaning - Despite many difficulties
Hindi Meaning- कई समस्याओं के बावजूद

23. All at sea
Meaning - Completely confused
Hindi Meaning- पूर्णरूपेण भ्रमित

24. All eye for an eye
Meaning - Tit for tat
Hindi Meaning- जैसे को तैसा

25. All eyes
Meaning - Watching very closely
Hindi Meaning- बहुत बारीक नजर रखना

26. All in all
Meaning - Most important
Hindi Meaning- सबसे महत्वपूर्ण

27. An acid test
Meaning - A critical test
Hindi Meaning- गंभीर परीक्षण

28. An arm chair job
Meaning - Good income job with high comfort
Hindi Meaning- आसान एवं अच्छी आय वाली नौकरी

29. An axe to grind
Meaning - Something done for selfish reasons
Hindi Meaning- स्वार्थ से भरा उद्देष्य

30. An iron will
Meaning - Strong will power
Hindi Meaning- दृढ़ इच्छा षक्ति

31. An old flame
Meaning - A person, one had a romantic relationship with, in the past.
Hindi Meaning- पुराना प्यार

32. An old head on young shoulders
Meaning - A child or young person who thinks and talks like an older and experienced person
Hindi Meaning- अपनी उम्र से ज्यादा समझदार होना

33. An olive branch
Meaning - Peace request/peace treaty
Hindi Meaning- शांति निवेदन

34. An open book
Meaning - To have no secret
Hindi Meaning- खुली किताब

35. Apple of discord
Meaning - Matter of dispute
Hindi Meaning- झगड़े का कारण

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🌍✍While using ‘everybody’ ‘everyone’, ‘anybody’, and ‘each’ the pronoun of the masculine or the feminine gender is used according to the context.

✍I shall be happy to help each of the boys in this practice.

✍But when the sex is not mentioned, we use the pronoun of the masculine gender.

✍Anyone can qualify this exam if he tries.

✍Each of the six boys in the class has finished their tasks. (Incorrect)

✍Each of the six boys in the class has finished his task. (Correct)

🌍✍💎The pronoun ‘one’ must be followed by ‘one’s’.

✍One must finish his homework in time. (Incorrect)

✍One must finish one’s homework in time. (Correct)

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🌍✍People are often confused or they commit mistakes in the use of certain nouns.

🌺Lecturership is wrong: lectureship is correct.

🌺Freeship is wrong; free – studentship is correct.

💎Boarding is wrong; boarding house is correct.

💎Family members is wrong; members of the family is correct.

🌺English teacher is wrong; the teacher of English is correct.

🌺Cousin – brother or sister is wrong; only cousin is correct.

💎Wages means punishments when used in the singular.

💎It also means charges for the labour when used in the plural sense.

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Congratulations to everyone

India becomes the first nation to make a soft landing on the moon's South Pole.

Proud moment for every Indian..!

RAS Prleims BIts

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🌍Collective nouns such as jury, public, team, committee, government, audience, orchestra, company, etc. are used both as singular and Plural. It depends on the usage.

✍The jury was divided in their opinion. (correct use- were)

✍The team have not arrived yet. (correct use- has)


🌍समूहवाचक संज्ञाएँ जैसे जूरी, जनता, टीम, समिति, सरकार, दर्शक, ऑर्केस्ट्रा, कंपनी आदि का उपयोग एकवचन और बहुवचन दोनों के रूप में किया जाता है। यह उपयोग पर निर्भर करता है.

✍जूरी अपनी राय में विभाजित थी। (सही उपयोग- थे)

✍Team अभी तक नहीं पहुंची है. (सही उपयोग-है)

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🌍✍Some nouns are always used in a plural form and always take a plural verb.

✍Trousers, scissors, spectacles, stockings, shorts, measles, goods, alms, premises, thanks, tidings, annals, chattels, etc.

✍💎Where is my trousers? (correct use- are)

✍💎Spectacles is a costly item. (correct use- are)


🌍✍कुछ संज्ञाएं हमेशा बहुवचन रूप में प्रयोग की जाती हैं और क्रिया भी हमेशा बहुवचन में ही ली जाती हैं।

✍पतलून, कैंची, चश्मा, मोज़ा, निक्कर, खसरा, माल, भिक्षा, परिसर, धन्यवाद, समाचार, इतिहास, संपत्ति आदि।

✍💎मेरी पतलून कहाँ है? (सही उपयोग- हैं)

✍💎चश्मा एक महंगी वस्तु है। (सही उपयोग- हैं)

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🌍✍Some nouns always take a singular verb.

✍Scenery, advice, information, machinery, stationery, furniture, abuse, fuel, rice, gram, issue, bedding, repair, news, mischief, poetry, business, economics, physics, mathematics, classic, ethics, athletics, innings, gallows.

✍💎The scenery of Kashmir are enchanting. (Correct use- is)

✍💎He has given advices. (Correct use- advice)


🌍✍कुछ संज्ञाएँ सदैव एकवचन क्रिया लेती हैं।

✍दृश्य, सलाह, सूचना, मशीनरी, स्टेशनरी, फर्नीचर, दुरुपयोग, ईंधन, चावल, चना, मुद्दा, बिस्तर, मरम्मत, समाचार, शरारत, कविता, व्यवसाय, अर्थशास्त्र, भौतिकी, गणित, क्लासिक, नैतिकता, एथलेटिक्स, पारी, फांसी

✍💎कश्मीर के दृश्य मनमोहक हैं। (सही प्रयोग- है)

✍💎उन्होंने सलाह दी है. (सही प्रयोग- सलाह)

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✍The case of a noun tells us about the position of that noun or pronoun in a sentence.

In English, there are five cases.

🌍Nominative case

✍a noun is said to be in the nominative case if it is the subject of a verb. Ex- Ram is an intelligent boy.

🌍Objective case

✍Nouns or Pronouns are said to be in objective case if they are the direct object of verbs or the objects of the preposition.

🌍Dative case

✍A noun is said to be in Dative case if it is the indirect object of the verb.
Rohan brought me a flower. (‘Me’ is in dative case)

🌍Possessive case

✍A noun is said to be in the possessive case if it denotes possession or ownership.  Ex- This is your pencil. (‘your’ is in possessive case)

🌍Vocative case

✍A noun or pronoun is said to be in vocative case if it is used to call ( or to get attention of a person or persons). Ex- Mr. Mallya, people are waiting for you in the hall. (Mr. Mallya is in vocative case)

🌍🌺✍NOUN in Apposition

✍when one noun follows another to describe it, the noun which follows is said to be in apposition to the noun which comes before it.

🙄Ex- Ram, our captain, made fifty runs.
Kabir, the great reformer, was a weaver.

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History se dar lag rha hai naa….or kam time me Kitab uthaa k padh bhi nahi sakte na

koi baat nahi

Ye Questions ki PDF to padh sakte ho na ????

The more you review, the stronger you recall, and the greater your confidence shall grow

TEJ Team will try to bring more subjects like this

Note : Hindi me bhi aayegi
….”Sabka sath sabka vikas sabka vishwas “

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जिन जिन को किसी भी Exam रिलेटेड कोई भी Help या Pdf नही मिली है वो आज मैसेज कर सकते है आज से सारी Pdf Available हो गई है ✓✓

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🌍🌺✍NOUN - Gender

✍1. Masculine Gender

A noun that denotes a male animal is said to be of the Masculine Gender.
Ex-Man, boy, Tiger, Sun, etc.

✍2. Feminine Gender

A noun that denotes a female animal is said to be of the Feminine Gender.
Ex- woman, girl, nature, lioness, etc.

✍3. Common Gender

A noun that denotes either a male or a female is said to be of the common gender.
Ex- Parent, child, student, cousin, etc.

✍4. Neuter Gender

A noun that denotes a thing without life, neither male nor female, is said to be of the Neuter gender.
Ex- Book, Pen, room etc.


🌍🌺✍संज्ञा - लिंग

✍1. पुल्लिंग

जो संज्ञा किसी नर पशु का बोध कराती है, उसे पुल्लिंग लिंग कहा जाता है।
Exp-पुरुष, लड़का, बाघ, सूर्य, आदि।

✍2. स्त्री लिंग

जिस संज्ञा से मादा पशु का बोध हो, उसे स्त्रीलिंग कहा जाता है।
Exp- स्त्री, लड़की, प्रकृति, शेरनी, आदि।

✍3. सामान्य लिंग

जो संज्ञा स्त्री या पुरुष का बोध कराती है, उसे सामान्य लिंग कहते हैं।
Exp - माता-पिता, बच्चा, छात्र, चचेरा भाई, आदि।

✍4. नपुंसक लिंग

जो संज्ञा किसी ऐसी वस्तु का बोध कराती है जिसमें जीवन नहीं है, न तो पुरुष और न ही स्त्री, उसे नपुंसक लिंग कहा जाता है।
Exp- किताब, कलम, कमरा आदि।

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🌍Noun Examples ✓✓

🙄People –

💎The President

🙄Places –

💎South Pole
💎The Ganga River
💎Basketball Court
💎Football Ground
💎Swimming Pool

🙄Animals/Birds/Aquatic Animals/Reptiles –


🙄Ideas –


🙄Objects/Things –


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From Today

Ham English Ko Basic Noun Se Lekar Read Krege Ek Ek Topic So Ready Rahna Sab Today Night Se ✓✓✓

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Prepositions - at, in, on

AT का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है:

1. Specific time (निर्धारित समय) -
E.g. i) I wake up at 7 o'clock.
ii) She returned home at midnight.

2. Holiday period (छुट्टी का समय) -
E.g. i) Everyone seems happy at Christmas.

ON का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है:

1. Days of the week (हफ्ते के दिन)-
E.g. i) We will visit you on Wednesdays.

2. Specific days (निर्धारित दिन) -
E.g. i) I return to my country on the 27th.

3. Dates (तारीख) -
E.g. i) We get together on Christmas Day.

IN का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है:

1. Months (महीने) -
E.g. i) My birthday is in January.

2. Years (साल) -
E.g. i) America was discovered in 1492.

3. Seasons (मौसम) -
E.g. i) I always go to the beach in summer.

4. Length of time (समय सीमा) -
E.g. i) It will be ready in 20 minutes.

5. Centuries (शताबदी) -
E.g. i) Life was different in the 15th century.

Parts of the day:

1. IN the morning (सुबह में) -
E.g. i) I go to the gym in the morning.

2. IN the afternoon (दिन में) -
E.g. i) I often feel tired in the afternoon.

3. IN the evening (शाम में) -
E.g. i) I study English in the evening.

4. AT the night (रात को) -
E.g. i) I like to read in bed at night.

On   Day   Part of the day:

E.g. i) We will have a party on Friday night
ii) Our flight leaves on Monday morning.

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1. ERSTWHILE (ADJECTIVE): (भूतपूर्व): former 
Synonyms: old, past 
Antonyms: present 
Example Sentence: 
He fled to America with Gia Manek, an erstwhile friend of his wife's. 

2. COHERENT (ADJECTIVE): (तार्किक): logical 
Synonyms: reasoned, reasonable 
Antonyms: incoherent 
Example Sentence: 
They failed to develop a coherent economic strategy. 

3. INTERMITTENT (ADJECTIVE): (रुक-रुक कर): sporadic 
Synonyms: irregular, fitful 
Antonyms: continuous 
Example Sentence: 
Shortly afterwards he fell ill of an intermittent fever, but seemed to recover. 

4.FEAT (NOUN): (उपलब्धि): achievement 
Synonyms: accomplishment, attainment 
Antonyms: failure 
Example Sentence: 
The new printing presses were considerable feats of engineering. 

5. CHRONIC (ADJECTIVE): (बहुकालीन): constant 
Synonyms: continuing, continual 
Antonyms: temporary 
Example Sentence: 
The schools seldom suffer from chronic overcrowding. 

6. PROMPT (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): quick 
Synonyms: swift, rapid 
Antonyms: slow 
Example Sentence: 
She would have died but for the prompt action of two ambulancemen. 

7. EXPOSED (ADJECTIVE): (भेद्य): vulnerable 
Synonyms: defenceless, undefended 
Antonyms: defensible 
Example Sentence: 
The army's exposed right flank was under attack. 

8. COGNIZANT (ADJECTIVE): (जानकार): aware 
Synonyms: conscious, apprised 
Antonyms: ignorant 
Example Sentence: 
She must be cognizant of the political boundaries within which she works. 

9. NOVEL (ADJECTIVE): (नया): new 
Synonyms: original, unusual 
Antonyms: old 
Example Sentence:
The disease was novel as it was unheard until it hit the nation. 

10. ELITE (NOUN): (कुलीन): best 
Synonyms: pick, cream 
Antonyms: dregs 
Example Sentence: 
The elite of armed forces were invited. 

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इसमें नमक कम है
It is low in salt.

तुम समझते क्यों नही हो?
Why don’t you understand? 

मेरे फ़ोन में balance नहीं है 
My phone has no balance.

टाइम पर आ जाना 
Come on time 

ये तुम्हारी गलती है 
It’s your mistake.

मुझे क्यों घूर रहे हो?
Why are you staring at me?

कभी कभी ऐसा हो जाता है 
Sometimes it happens.

मुझे क्या सपने आते है?
Do I dream?

तुम्हारा Whatsapp status देखा मैंने 
I saw your WhatsApp status.

मै कब से तुम्हारा wait कर रहा हु 
I have been waiting for you for so long

तुम्हारी salary कब मिलती है?
When do you receive the salary?

मुझे जॉब की जरूरत है 
I need a job.

तुम आज तक उसे भूल नहीं पाए 
You couldn’t forget her till today.

क्या मै तुम्हे थोड़ी देर बाद कॉल करू?
Shall I call you after some time?

यहाँ रुकने का कोई फायदा नहीं है 
It’s no use staying here.

तुमने फालतू में उससे पंगा लिया 
You messed with him for no reason

मै तुमसे मिलना नहीं चाहता 
I don’t want to meet you.

तुम चाहते क्या हो?
What do you want?

तुम्हे क्या चाहिए?
What do you need?

तू फ़ोन क्यों नहीं उठा रहा था?
Why were you not picking up the phone?

चल कुछ खाते है 
Let’s eat something.

वो शायद सो रहा होगा 
He may be sleeping.

मै उससे पहले कभी नहीं मिला हु 
I have never met him before.

मेहनत का फल मीठा होता है 
Hard work pays

तुम्हे उससे ऐसा बर्ताव नहीं करना चाहिए था 
You should not have behaved like this with him.

काश मै तुमसे मिल सकता 
I wish I could meet you.

काश मेरे पास एक कार होती 
I wish I had a car.

तूने पहले क्यों नहीं बताया?
Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

उसकी तबियत कैसी है अब?
How is his health now?

अभी मिल सकते हो क्या?
Can you meet me right now?

आप एक बार मुझे inform कर सकते थे 
You could have informed me once.

हमारे पास Ego नहीं होना चाहिए 
We should not have an Ego.

तुम वहां कर क्या रहे थे?
What were you doing there?

तुम पागल हो गए हो क्या?
Have you gone mad?

ये बैग किसका है?
Whose Bag is this?

मै सब कुछ तेरे लिए ही तो करता हु 
I do everything for you

क्या तुम उससे डरते हो?
Do you get scared of him?

क्या आपको बाइक चलानी नहीं आती?
Don’t you know how to ride a bike?

कल हम फिल्म देखने जा रहे हो 
We are going to watch a movie tomorrow. 

मुझसे किसी ने नहीं पूछा 
No one asked me.

तुम मेरी मजबूरी क्यों नहीं समझते हो?
Why don’t you understand my compulsion?

तुम्हारा इरादा क्या है?
What’s your intention?

मैं आपका शुक्रगुजार रहूंगा हमेशा के लिए।
I will be thankful to you forever.

इतना आसान नही होता किसी को भुलाना।
It’s not easy to forget someone.

मैं तो तेरे रग रग से वाकिफ हूँ
I know you inside out.

मुझे अब नींद आ रही है
I am feeling sleepy now.

तुम्हारे लिए दरवाजे हमेशा खुले हैं
The doors are always open for you.

मेरे पास शब्द नही है
I am speechless.

मानना पड़ेगा, आपने कर दिखाया
I have to say, you did it.

मेरे लिए क्या लायें हो
What have you brought for me?

अगर मुझे कुछ हो गया तो
What if something happens to me.

आपने मेरे लिए किया क्या है
What have you done for me?

मैं तुम्हारे रास्ते मे अब कभी नही आऊंगा
Now I will never come to your way.

मैं आपका तहे दिल से स्वागत करता हूँ
I welcome you from the bottom of my heart.

आप इतने भी भोले नही है
You are not that innocent also.

कुछ तो गड़बड़ है
Something is wrong.

मैं तुम्हारे भावनाओ को ठेस नही पहचाना चाहता 
I don’t want to hurt your feelings.

मुझे मनाना नही आता
I don’t know how to persuade.

मैंने आपका क्या बिगाड़ा है?
What wrong have I done to you?

आज कल मैं जॉब ढूंढ रहा हूं
I am looking for a job nowadays.

तुम्हारे आने से पहले मैंने उसे फोन कर दिया था 
I had called her before you came.

टीचर का काम होता है पढ़ाना
Teachers are meant to teach.

तुम तो फालतू में इधर उधर घूमते रहते हो
You keep roaming here and there for no reason.

आप गिर भी सकते हो
You might fall.

ये फ़ोन मुझे बहुत महंगा पड़ा 
This phone cost me like a bomb.

अंग्रेजी सीखने में टाइम लगता है
It takes time to learn English.

आज के लिए इतना ही
That’s all for today.

हमने पूरी कोशिश की।
We tried our Best.

तू मेरा पक्का वाला दोस्त है।
You are my best friend.
You are my fast friend.

डरपोक कही का!
You are chicken-hearted!

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