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✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. UNRAVEL (VERB): (समाधान करना): solve
Synonyms: resolve, work out
Antonyms: complicate
Example Sentence:They were attempting to unravel the cause of death.
2. UNRELENTING (ADJECTIVE): (निरंतर): continual
Synonyms: constant, continuous
Antonyms: intermittent
Example Sentence:She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness.
3. CONVENE (VERB): (बुला भेजना): summon
Synonyms: call, order
Antonyms: disperse
Example Sentence:He had convened a secret meeting of military personnel.
4. INDOLENT (ADJECTIVE): (आलसी): lazy
Synonyms: idle, slothful
Antonyms: industrious
Example Sentence:They were indolent and addicted to a life of pleasure.
5. PEDESTRIAN (ADJECTIVE): (उबाऊ): dull
Synonyms: plodding, boring
Antonyms: inspired, exciting
Example Sentence:Disenchantment goes along with their pedestrian lives.
6. PERIPHERAL (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रधान): secondary
Synonyms: subsidiary, incidental
Antonyms: central
Example Sentence:She will see their problems as peripheral to her own.
7. DISPASSIONATE (ADJECTIVE): (अभावुक): unemotional
Synonyms: non-emotional, unsentimental
Antonyms: emotional
Example Sentence:She dealt with life's disasters in a calm, dispassionate way.
8. OUTLANDISH (ADJECTIVE): (विचित्र): weird
Synonyms: queer, offbeat
Antonyms: ordinary
Example Sentence:They were three wise, outlandish kings.
9. UNSETTLED (ADJECTIVE): (अशांत): restless
Synonyms: restive, fidgety
Antonyms: settled
Example Sentence:She felt edgy and unsettled.
10. COMPLIANCE (NOUN): (अनुपालन): acquiescence
Synonyms: agreement, assent
Antonyms: defiance
Example Sentence:The compliance with government views shown by the commission.
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1. SWEEPING (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): extensive
Synonyms: wide-ranging, global
Antonyms: narrow
Example Sentence:We cannot recommend any sweeping alterations.
2. PRUDENCE (NOUN): (बुद्धिमानी): wisdom
Synonyms: judgement, sagacity
Antonyms: folly
Example Sentence:We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.
3. SHRUG (VERB): (उपेक्षा): disregard
Synonyms: dismiss, take no notice of
Antonyms: heed
Example Sentence:The managing director shrugged off the criticism.
4. MEAGRE (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): meagre
Synonyms: scanty, sparse
Antonyms: abundant
Example Sentence:His parents were poor and he received a meagre education.
5. RIVETED (VERB): (मोहित करना): fascinate
Synonyms: engross, grip
Antonyms: bore
Example Sentence:He was riveted by the newsreels shown on television.
6. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अन्तरिम): provisional
Synonyms: temporary, pro tem
Antonyms: permanent
Example Sentence:An interim arrangement was made.
7. AMBIGUITY (NOUN): (अस्पष्टता): ambivalence
Synonyms: equivocation, obscurity
Antonyms: unambiguousness transparency
Example Sentence:We can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act.
8. BAR (VERB): (निषेध करना): prohibit
Synonyms: debar, preclude
Antonyms: admit
Example Sentence:She is barred from leaving the country.
9. EXHILARATION (NOUN): (आनंद): elation
Synonyms: euphoria, exultation
Antonyms: dejection
Example Sentence:They felt the exhilaration of victory.
10. GREGARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सुसामाजिक): sociable
Synonyms: social, companionable
Antonyms: unsociable
Example Sentence:He was a popular and gregarious man.
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Restaurant Conversations:
Restaurant में बात करने के तरीके:
1. We'd like a table for two, please.(हमें दो लोगों के लिए table चाहिए)
2. I have a reservation under the name of [mention your name].
(इस [नाम] से हमारा reservation है)
3. Could you bring us the menu, please?
(क्या आप हमारे लिए menu ला सकते हैं?)
4. Do you have a set menu?
(क्या आपके restaurant का menu तय है, या आप इसके अलावा भी कुछ serve करते हैं)
5. Could you bring us the salt/pepper/vinegar, please?
(क्या आप हमारे लिए salt/pepper/vinegar, ला सकते हैं?)
6. I'll have a soup as a starter.
(मैं starter में soup लूंगा.)
7. I'll have the steak for the main course.
(मैं main course में steak लूंगा.)
8. I'll have it rare/medium/well done, please.
(मैं खाना rare/medium/well done लूंगा.)
9. Where's the washroom, please?
(Washroom कहाँ पर है?)
10. Could I have the bill, please?
(कृपया bill दे दीजिये.)
11. It's under the name of [mention your name].
(इस [नाम] से reservation है)
12. May we sit at this table, please?
(क्या हम इस table पर बैठ सकते हैं?)
13. We are ready to order now.
(हम order करने के लिए तैयार हैं)
14. Can I pay by card?
(क्या हम card से payment कर सकते हैं?)
15. Do you take credit cards?
(क्या आप credit card लेते हैं?)
16. No thanks, I would like to order...
(नहीं धायनवाद, मुझे..... आर्डर करना है.)
17. Could you bring me a Mocktail, please?
(क्या आप मेरे लिए Mocktail ला सकते हैं?)
18. Is this served with... (salad)?
(क्या यह सलाद के साथ serve किया जाता है?)
19. That's all, thank you!
(अभी के लिए बस, धन्यवाद!)
1 & 3 June
Daily Current Affairs Quiz for RAS / PSI
1. Hindi
2. English
Voice-related words:
1. Breathy - loud breathing noise (तेज़ सांस लेने की आवाज़)
2. Thin - sound is high and is unpleasant to listen to (पतली आवाज़)
3. Brittle - sound which seems, you are about to cry (रो देने वाली आवाज़)
4. Dead - voice that has no emotion (आवाज़ जिसमें कोई emotions नहीं होते)
5. Appealing - an appealing voice that shows someone's needs help, agreement or approval (ऐसी आवाज़ जो मदद/सहानुभूति लेने के लिए लगाई जाए)
6. Fruity - to laugh in a deep or strong voice in a pleasant way (ज़ोर से हसना)
7. Gruff - voice that has a rough low sound (कर्कश)
8. Croaky - low rough voice that shows someone has a sore throat ख़राब गले वाली आवाज़
9. Disembodied - comes from someone who you cannot see (आवाज़ का सुनाई देना जिसे आप देख नहीं सकते)
10. Small - quiet voice शांत आवाज़
11. High-pitched - voice that is very high (ऊँची आवाज़)
12. Adenoidal - voice that seems to come through nose (नाक से निकाली गई आवाज़)
13. Monotonous - boring and unpleasant voice (उबाऊ आवाज़)
14. Husky - a deep voice that sounds attractive (कर्कश)
15. Flat - voice that has no intonations (doesn't go up and down) आवाज़ जिसमें स्वर ना हों
16. Guttural - sound that is deep and is made at the back of throat (कण्ठ से निकाली गई आवाज़)
17. Low - sound that is quiet and difficult to understand. (धीमी आवाज़ जिसे समझना मुश्किल हो)
18. Honeyed - nice and pleasant voice but one cannot trust the person who is speaking. (मीठी आवाज़)
19. Penetrating - sound that is high or loud that it makes you slightly uncomfortable. (असुखद आवाज़)
20. Silvery - silvery voice, sound that is clear, light and pleasant (मधुर आवाज़)
21. Orotund - loud and clear voice. (तेज़ और साफ़ आवाज़)
22. Grating - annoying voice (परेशान करने वाली आवाज़)
23. Plummy - way of speaking that is considered to be typical of an English person of an high social
24. Tight - expression shows that you are nervous and annoyed.
25. Wobbly - frightened voice and are about to cry.
📒Important Idioms and Phrases starting with letter "A"
1. A Bee in one's bonnet
◾️किसी चीज़ के बारे में लगातार बात करते रहना
2. A bolt from the blue
◾️अचानक और अप्रत्याशित घटना
3. A close shave
◾️बाल - बाल बचना
4. A Cat and Dog life
◾️हमेशा झगड़ते रहने वाला जीवन
5. A chicken-hearted Person
◾️कायर व्यक्ति
6. A Dark Horse
◾️अप्रत्याशित विजेता
7. A cold shoulder
◾️उदासीनता का प्रदर्शन
8. A cog in the Machine
◾️कार्य के लिए आवश्यक लेकिन कम महत्व का
9. A close-fisted man
◾️पैसे देने या ख़र्च करने के लिए बहुत ही अनिच्छुक रहना
10. A chink in someone's armour
◾️किसी की कमजोरी
11. A hot potato
◾️एक विवादास्पद मुद्दा जो निपटने में कठिन है और बहुत ही असहमतियो से युक्त है
12. A good turn
◾️एक ऐसा कार्य जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से किसी तरह से लाभकारी है
13. A going concern
◾️लाभ कमाता हुआ व्यवसाय
14. A go-getter
◾️एक बेहद प्रेरित और महत्वाकांक्षी व्यक्ति
15. A fool's paradize
◾️हवाई महल
16. A feather in one's cap
◾️गर्व करने लायक उपलब्धि
17. A dime a dozen
◾️बहुत आम
18. A stone's throw of
◾️बहुत पास में
19. A sight for sore eyes
◾️आँख की ठण्डक
20. A red rag to a bull
◾️साँड़ को लाल कपड़ा दिकाने के समान
21. A queer fish
◾️सनकी व्यक्ति
22. A left-handed compliment
◾️प्रशंसा की आड़ में एक अपमान
23. A leap in the dark
◾️साहसिक कार्य
24. A jack of all trades
◾️कई अलग अलग क्षेत्रों में कुशल व्यक्ति
25. At the end of one's tether
◾️और ज्यादा कष्ट सहने में असमर्थ
26. A wild goose chase
◾️निरर्थक खोज
27. A taste of your own medicine
◾️जैसे को तैसा
28. A storm in a tea-cup
◾️बात का बतंगड़
29. A chip on your shoulder
◾️हर समय गुस्सा आना क्योंकि आपको लगता है कि आपके साथ गलत तरीके से व्यवहार किया गया है या आपको लगता है कि आप अन्य लोगों के समान उतना ही अच्छे नहीं हैं
30. A man of spirit
◾️साहसिक व्यक्ति
Day -2
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✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. DISQUIET (NOUN): (बेचैनी): unease
Synonyms: uneasiness, worry
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:There is too much disquiet about animal testing.
2. PERSPICACITY (NOUN): (चतुराई): shrewdness
Synonyms: discernment, perception
Antonyms: stupidity
Example Sentence:The perspicacity of her remarks was quite evident.
3. AGGRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (आक्रामक): hostile
Synonyms: belligerent, bellicose
Antonyms: meek
Example Sentence:He's very uncooperative and aggressive.
4. MILD (ADJECTIVE): (हल्का): lenient
Synonyms: clement, light
Antonyms: cruel
Example Sentence:Mild criticism is of no avail.
5. DEVOTION (NOUN): (निष्ठा): loyalty
Synonyms: faithfulness, fidelity
Antonyms: disloyalty
Example Sentence:His devotion to duty never wavered.
6. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अंतरिम): provisional
Synonyms: temporary, pro tem
Antonyms: permanent
Example Sentence:An interim arrangement had been made.
7. DETERMINATION (NOUN): (दृढ़ निश्चय): resolution
Synonyms: resolve, will power
Antonyms: pusillanimity
Example Sentence:Those who succeed because of sheer grit and determination.
8. EMBRACE (NOUN): (अपना लेना): welcome
Synonyms: accept, take up
Antonyms: reject
Example Sentence:Besides traditional methods, artists are embracing new technology.
9. PROMPT (VERB): (उत्तेजित करना): give rise to
Synonyms: cause, occasion
Antonyms: deter
Example Sentence:The violence prompted a wave of refugees to flee the country.
10. PROFOUND (ADJECTIVE): (गहन): heartfelt
Synonyms: intense, keen
Antonyms: superficial
Example Sentence:Profound feelings of sadness sorrounded us all.
🎉Beleaguered- परेशान
🎉Reiterates- बार बार दुहराना
🎉Spewing- जल्दी से निकलना
🎉Alacrity- तत्परता,Readiness
🎉Avowed- स्वीकृत
🎉Dilatory- विलम्बकारी
🎉Tactic- कार्यनीति
🎉Sacrilege- तोड़ना-मरोड़ना
🎉Scuttling- बिगाड़ना, बरबाद करना
🎉Blatant- ज़बरदस्त
🎉Endorsement- पुष्टि, सबूत
🎉Inclement- कठोर
🎉Hailstorm- ओला-वृष्टि
🎉Stride- प्रगति
🎉Incentives- प्रोत्साहन
🎉Sustainable - धारणीय, कायम रहने वाला
🎉Deplorable- दु:खद, शोचनीय
🎉Demolition- तोड़फोड़
🎉Intervene- हस्तक्षेप करना,interfere with
🎉Eavesdropping- चोरी छुपे सुनना
Completed Now 🤠 Ache se padh lena sab 😊❤️😍
Aage ke comman words padhte h ab 😊
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Dekho English aapki bahot easy aayegi aap man ke chalo agar aap daily ke 10 vocab tyar kroge to aapki English improvement achi hogi 😊
Me aapko pahle to 3000 comman words krva deta hu wo aap ache se padh lo
Fir vocab syno Anto sab krege 😊😊
Or abhi just pahle me aapko ssc English ka level dikha deta hu kaisa aayega English 😊😊👍
Awful me meaning galt likha gaya by mistake usko shi kr lena pls
Awful - भयंकर ✓✓😊
Or koi bhi aapko galt lage to pls jrur bataye me usko jrur check kruga
✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1.PALPABLE (ADJECTIVE): (स्पर्शनीय): perceptible
Synonyms: visible, noticeable
Antonyms: intangible
Example Sentence:There was palpable tension in the room.
2. INITIAL (VERB): (पुष्टि करना): ratify
Synonyms: accept, approve
Antonyms: reject
Example Sentence:Greece and the United States initialled a new defense cooperation agreement.
3. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (थोड़ा): slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:It seems likely to make only a marginal difference.
4. EXCISE (VERB): (काटना): delete
Synonyms: strike out, cancel
Antonyms: add
Example Sentence:The clauses were excised from the treaty.
5. SHED (VERB): (मुक्त करना): dismiss
Synonyms: let go, discharge
Antonyms: hire
Example Sentence:Many firms use relocation as an opportunity to shed jobs.
6. UPBEAT (ADJECTIVE): (आशावादी): optimistic
Synonyms: cheerful, cheery
Antonyms: pessimistic
Example Sentence:He was upbeat about the company's future.
7. HAPHAZARD (ADJECTIVE): (अनियमित): random
Synonyms: unplanned, unsystematic
Antonyms: systematic
Example Sentence:The music business works in a haphazard fashion.
8. PAINSTAKING (ADJECTIVE): (सावधान): careful
Synonyms: meticulous, thorough
Antonyms: careless
Example Sentence:Painstaking attention to detail has been given.
9. PARTLY (ADVERB): (आंशिक रूप में): in part
Synonyms: partially, somewhat
Antonyms: completely
Example Sentence:He had been at least partly responsible for dashing her hopes.
10. SEVER (VERB): (क्रम तोड़ना): break off
Synonyms: discontinue, suspend
Antonyms: maintain
Example Sentence:The notice itself may be sufficient to sever the joint tenancy.
2. GS-1 Question Bank for RAS Mains
3. GS-2 Question Bank for RAS Mains
4. GS-3 Question Bank for RAS Mains
House Vocabulary Words:
1. Chimney: a vertical channel or pipe which conducts smoke and combustion gases up from a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building.
2. Drainpipe: a pipe for carrying off rainwater or liquid refuse from a building.
3. Burglar alarm: an electronic device that emits a loud noise when someone attempts to make unauthorized entry to a building or other premises.
4. Balcony: a raised platform that is connected to the side of a building and surrounded by a low wall or railing
5. Window pane: a single piece of glass in the window of a building
6. Ridge: the line or edge formed where the two sloping sides of a roof meet at the top.
7. Garage: a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house
8. Porch: a covered shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a building.
9. Letterbox: a box attached to an outside wall, or a slot in the door of a building, into which mail is delivered.
10. Eaves: the part of a roof that meets or overhangs the walls of a building.
11. Windowsill: a shelf formed by the bottom part of the frame of a window.
12. Skylight: an opening in a roof or ceiling, fitted with glass, for admitting daylight.
13. Patio: a paved outdoor area adjoining a house.
14. Veranda: a roofed platform along the outside of a house, level with the ground floor.
15. Courtyard: an unroofed area that is completely or partially enclosed by walls or buildings, typically one forming part of a castle or large house.
16. Ventilator: an opening or device, such as a fan, used to ventilate a room, building, etc.
1. Beleaguered- परेशान
2. Reiterates- बार बार दुहराना
3. Spewing- जल्दी से निकलना
4. Alacrity- तत्परता,Readiness
5. Avowed- स्वीकृत
6. Dilatory- विलम्बकारी
7. Tactic- कार्यनीति
8. Sacrilege- तोड़ना-मरोड़ना
9. Scuttling- बिगाड़ना, बरबाद करना
10. Blatant- ज़बरदस्त
11. Endorsement- पुष्टि, सबूत
12. Inclement- कठोर
13. Gusty-windy
14. Hailstorm- ओला-वृष्टि
15. Stride- प्रगति
16. Incentives- प्रोत्साहन
17. Sustainable - धारणीय, कायम रहने वाला
18. Poking-a hand gesture used to point things not to be done
19. Deplorable- दु:खद, शोचनीय
20. Demolition- तोड़फोड़
21. Intervene- हस्तक्षेप करना,interfere with
22. Eavesdropping- चोरी छुपे सुनना
23. Whistle-blower - मुखबिर
24. Flagged- झंडी से सूचित करना,point with something
25. Entrenched- आरोपित
26. Pricey- महंगा
27. Quixotic- अव्यावहारिक
28. Revitalization*-(imp)-revivification,revival,resurgence
29. Bloated- सूजा हुआ, swell
30. Cuisine- भोजन
31. Congregations- समूह एकत्रीकरण
32. Misled- गुमराह , बहकाना
33. Quashing- रद्द करना
34. Delimitation- सीमा-निर्धारण
35. Bailouts- जमानत पर छोड़ना
36. Eroding- नष्ट करना
37. Insolvency- दिवालियापनऀ, lack of financial resources
38. Scrambled- मिला देना
39. Paucity- कमी
40. Obviated- बचना
41. Alleviate- हलका कर देना
42. Inevitable- अनिवार्य
43. Coherent- स्पष्ट
44. Appalled- स्तंभित
45. Sentinel- पहरेदार, one who protects
46. Qui-vive--means quick,तेज़ऀ
47. Acquittal-justification
48. Scuttled- विफल
49. Inducements- संचार, उकसाव
50. Fathoms- गहराई नापना
51. Seditious- राजद्रोही
52. Transient- अस्थायी
53. Deliberate- विचारपूर्वक
54. Clampdown- शिकंजा कसना
55. Scarce- कम
56. Convulses- हिला देना
57. Constraint- बाध्यता
58. Benevolent- परोपकारी
59. Embarks- पोतारोहण करना
60. Staunching- रोक लगाना
61. Eminently- उत्कृष्ट रूप में
62. Callous- निर्दयी,unkind
63. Condolences- संवेदना
64. Agonising- अत्यंत दुखदायीऀ
65. Deterioration- गिरावटऀ
66. Dwindling- क्षीण होना
67. Lingers- जैसे-तैसे बिताना
68. Squalid- गंदा,muddy
69. Pockmarked- use of paved surfaces having holes or pits
70. Quiver काँपना
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Total Test ….Jitna mann kare utne lagao
1. Link for 4 FLT
2. Link for 8 FLT
3. Link for 12 FLT
4. Link for 16 FLT
Common word roots:
Anti - when the meaning is 'against' or 'preventing'. (is generally used before the word) (Anti का इस्तेमाल किसी शब्द का विपरीत दर्शाने के लिए किया जाता है)
Antibacterial - ऐसी दवाई जिससे कीटाणु का नाश हो
Antipathy - अच्छी भावना नहीं होना
Anti-slavery - गुलामी ना करने वाला
Anti-social - मिलनसार ना होना
Ful - to represent "full of" something (पूर्ण रूप से)
Beautiful - सौन्दर्य से भरा
Disgraceful - अपमान से भरा
Painful - कष्टों से भरा
Youthful - जवानी से भरा
Im - to represent "opposite" of something (Im का इस्तेमाल किसी शब्द का विपरीत दर्शाने के लिए किया जाता है)
Imbalance - असंतुलन
Immaterial - अनावश्यक
Immature - अविकसित
Impurity - अपवित्रता
Pre - to represent "before" of something (किसी कार्य के पहले का काम दर्शाने के लिए "pre" का इस्तेमाल होता है)
Prearrange - पहले ही प्रबन्ध करना
Precaution - पहले से सावधान होना
Predict - पहले से बतलाना
Pre-war - युद्ध से पहले
Re - is used to do something again: (किसी कार्य को दोबारा करना)
React - किसी कार्य को दोबारा करना
Rebuilt - दुबारा बनाया हुआ
Reform - किसी कार्य को सुधारने के लिए दोबारा करना
Repeat - दोबारा करना
Scribe - means, to write (लिखनेवाला)
Describe - विवरण करना
Inscribe - अंकित करना
Transcribe - प्रतिलेखन
Circumscribe - प्रतिबंध लगाना
Ular - means, resembling (समान होना)
Circular - गोले के जैसा
Granular - दानों के जैसा
Muscular - बलवान
Tubular - नली के जैसा
Good morning Tejians
Common English expressions:
1. Fed up - this means, to have had enough (परेशान हो जाना)
2. Feel like - this means, want to do something (कुछ करने का मन होना)
3. No hard feelings - don't worry (कोई नाराजगी या गुस्सा नहीं होना)
4. Heavy duty - tough and powerful
5. Hook up - to connect (संबंध रखना)
6. Join forces - means to unite (मिलकर काम करना)
7. Just what the doctor ordered - means what you need (जिसकी जरूरत हो)
8. Just about - nearly (लगभग)
9. Ins and outs - the small details (विस्तृत जानकारी)
10. In hand - under control (नियंत्रण में)
11. Kick around - treat badly (बुरा व्यवहार करना)
12. Kick the bucket - to die (मरना)
13. Knock it off - to stop it (रोकना)
14. Know-it-all - means, over confident (जरूरत से ज्यादा या अनुचित रूप से आश्वस्त)
15. Keep on - continue (जारी रखना)
16. In less than no time - immediately (तुरंत)
17. Long face - sad (उदास होना)
18. Means business - to be serious about your work (अपने काम से काम रखना)
19. Make up your mind - decide (तय करना)
20. Make off with - to steal (अवैध तरीके से दूर ले जाना)
21. Make belief - to pretend (ढोंग करना)
22. Mixed up - confused (उलझन में होना)
23. Makes sense - seems reasonable/ right (समझ में आना या सही प्रतीत होना)
24. Make a difference - to matter (मायने रखना)
25. Nail it down - finalize it (अंतिम रूप देना)
26. Never mind - don't worry about it (कोई बात नहीं)
27. No doubt - certainly (निस्संदेह/निश्चित रूप से)
28. No sweat - it's easy to do/ Ok (आसनी से)
29. Of age - old enough (काफी पुराना)
30. Off the hook - out of trouble (छुटकारा पाना)
31. Once in a blue moon - rarely (शायद ही कभी)
32. Out of order - does not work (खराब होना)
33. Out of shape - to be unfit (बेढंगा)
Phrases on secrets:
1. Keep it under wraps.
(कोई बात किसी को ना बताना)
2. My lips are sealed
(चुप रहना)
3. Don't spill the beans
(राज़ छिपा कर रखना)
4. Don't let the cat out of the bag
(पहले के राज़ ना बताना)
5. Behind closed doors
(रहस्यमयी जगह पर काम करना)
6. Give the game away
(रहस्य बता देना)
7. Keep it under your hat
(राज़ छिपा कर रखना)
8. Mum's the word
(चुप्पी साधना)
9. On the quiet
(गुप्त रूप से)
10. In strict confidence
(व्यक्तिगत जानकारी छिपाए रखना)
11. Be as quiet as a mouse
(चुप रहना)
12. On the sly
13. Don't dish the dirt
(चुगली ना करना)
14. Take the lid off
(किसी के राज़ बता देना)
15. To be a dark horse
(अपने विचारों को रहस्यमय रखना)
16. Off the record
(रहस्य जो अनौपचारिक रूप से निश्चित ना हो)
17. Poker face
(भावनाओ को छिपाना)
18. To bite/hold your tongue
(चुप रहना)
🎉 Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |
1. EMBOLDEN (VERB): (प्रोत्साहित करना): encourage
Synonyms: hearten, strengthen
Antonyms: dishearten
Example Sentence:Emboldened by the claret, he pressed his knee against hers.
2. SLAM (VERB): (टकरा जाना): hit
Synonyms: strike, ram
Antonyms: miss
Example Sentence:The car mounted the pavement, slamming into a lamp post.
3. BLEAK (ADJECTIVE): (सर्द): cold
Synonyms: keen, raw
Antonyms: warm
Example Sentence:It was a bleak midwinter's day.
4. UNLEASH (VERB): (खोलना): release
Synonyms: free, loose
Antonyms: restrain
Example Sentence:They dig up badger setts and unleash terriers into them.
5. BURNISH (VERB): (चमकाना): polish up
Synonyms: shine, brighten
Antonyms: dull
Example Sentence:To burnish copper, I would probably use a drill with a pad attached to the end.
6. DIPLOMATIC (ADJECTIVE): (राजनयिक): tactful
Synonyms: sensitive, subtle
Antonyms: indiscreet
Example Sentence:He tried his best to be diplomatic.
7. ABATEMENT (NOUN): (न्यूनीकरन): subsiding
Synonyms: lessening, decrease
Antonyms: intensification, increase
Example Sentence:The new trend showed no signs of abatement.
8. AMELIORATE (VERB): (सुधरना): improve
Synonyms: better, enhance
Antonyms: worsen
Example Sentence:Steps have been taken to ameliorate his situation.
9. FORMIDABLE (ADJECTIVE): (डराना): intimidating
Synonyms: forbidding, redoubtable
Antonyms: comforting
Example Sentence:His opponent was certainly a formidable one.
10. ENDURE (NOUN): (टिकना): last
Synonyms: live, live on
Antonyms: fade
Example Sentence:These cities have endured through time.
1.Roiled - उत्तेजित
2.Gird - बाँधना
3.Run up - जल्दी से बनाना, पहुंच जाना
4.Retribution – प्रतिकार, बदला
5.Wielding - उपयोग करना
6.Band - टोली बनाना या झुण्ड
7.Unprecedented - अभूतपूर्व
8.In the midst of - के बीच में
9.Rush out –बिकने के लिए तेजी से उपलब्ध करना
10.Subside – कम होना
11.Stout - बहादुर
12.Endurance - सहनशीलता
13.Firmness - दृढ़ता
14.Horizon – क्षितिज, सीमा
15.Marred- दाग धब्बेदार, बिगड़ा रूप
16.Backlash- प्रतिघात
17.Get away- निकलना
18.Carry down – नीचे लाना
19.Equipped- हथियारों से लैस
20.Nudge- कुहनी से छूना, कोंचना
21.Claw back- कर लगाकर वसूली करना
22.Narrative- विवरणात्मक
23.Steep- सीधी ढाल, अत्यधिक
24.Mortuary- मुर्दाघर
25.Bludgeon- लाठी से अंधाधुंध मारना
Abhi tk A se I tk ke sare important words with meaning mene krva diye
Ham total A to Z tk ke 3000 + words krege agar aapne sche man se wo sare words padh liye to mera wada h comman sare doubt aapke English ke clear ho jayege
Mostly puri English in comman words se relate krti hai isliye dhree dhree daily ek target 🎯 fix krlo ki ek din me Ek alphabet se related sare words padhne h
To us hisab se 26 days me A se Z tk ke sare alphabet ke sab words aapke complete ho jayege fir jo marji tayari Krna kafi profit milega 😊😊
Inko padhne ka koi charge nhi h ye sab free h ab bhi aage bhi
Ye ssc ke exam ki English h Jo itni easy h aap soch nhi sakte ki agar aapne daily newspaper padhna suru kr diya
Ya daily vocab start krdi to aap 6 month me ssc ke exam ki English ka har question shi kr sakte ho 😊❤️👍
Isliye vocab strong kro 😊👍
Iske alava aapko kuch bhi issue aaye exam related kuch na samjh aaye ki kya padhna h kya nhi kis exam ki tayari krni h kiski nhi to mujhe msg krke aap puch sakte ho 😊
Dm for any help ➖ @Sk_Regar
Jitne words aapko krva rhe h utne ache se daily basis revision krte rhe
Aapke English ke comman doubt sab clear hoge automatic 😊👍
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