السلام علیک یا اباالفضل العباس
Congratulations on the birth anniversary of Abal-Fadl al-Abbas to Imam Mahdi (af) and all believers.
Words can never do justice to talk about you, because you are the only one to whom Hussain (as) said, "may I be sacrificed for you".
If we had no information about Abu Fadhil (as), this statement was enough to know his magnanimity and his astounding personality. .
یا کاشف الکرب عن وجه الحسین علیه السلام اکشف کربي بحق اخيك الحسين علیه السلام
#hazratabbas #karbala
Happiest congratulations to all believers specially Imam Mahdi(af) on the auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Hussain (as).
قال رسول الله ص
احب الله من احب حسینا
Allah loves he who loves Hussain (as).
#imamhussain (as)
The holy shrines of Sayida Zainab (sa) and Sayida Ruqayah (sa) are temporarily closed due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Читать полностью…Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as) has reported the Holy Prophet (s) as saying: Rajab is the month of imploring for forgiveness for my people; so, you should implore forgiveness repeatedly in this month much more than you do in other months, for Almighty Allah is forgiving and merciful.
One of the recommended A'mal and Adhkar is to repeat this special #istighfar a thousand times in the month of Rajab. Sheikh Saduq has narrated a hadith in which it is said whoever repeats this dhikr a thousand times in the month of Rajab, Allah the Almighty will forgive his sins. As you can see in the picture the dhikr is:
استغفرالله ذالجلال و الاکرام من جمیع الذنوب و الآثام
Let's seize the opportunity and repeat this dhikr a thousand times in the remaining days of the blessed month of Rajab .
📰 Latest Hajj and Umrah News📰
Each Bangladeshi hajj pilgrim allowed to carry $1,000 in cash
Bangladesh Bank would allow each hajj pilgrim to take $1,000 in cash with him/her for expenses.
Read more: http://zaer.hajj.ir/en/NewsRead.aspx?ID=11466
#Hajj #Bangladesh
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📰 Latest Hajj and Umrah News📰
Bunk beds for South Asian pilgrims in Mina
South Asian Hajj pilgrims will be provided with bunk beds in Mina for the firts time.
Read more: http://zaer.hajj.ir/en/NewsRead.aspx?ID=11465
#Hajj #Mina
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✅ To Break Fast during the Day due to Difficulty
🔎 #Ahkam
🔎 #Imam_Khamenei
🔎 #Fasting
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📰 Latest Hajj and Umrah New📰
Shawwal 20 (July 4) initial date for the Saudi Hajj and Umrah companies to receive their tents in Mina
8 Things to do before Ramadan begins
2- Start a Ramadan Countdown:
Mentally or physically, a Ramadan countdown helps us to look forward to the month. It also helps us to prepare for it. Sometimes, we assume that such countdowns are for kids, but imagine that you are going on a long-awaited vacation in a couple of weeks. You will understand the feeling of anticipation and excitement that comes before the trip arrives.
Even if you can’t make a Pinterest-Mom-style countdown calendar, have a counter or calendar on your phone that shows you as the days of Sha’ban decreases so that you are fully aware when Ramadan arrives.
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#Ramadan 2018
8 Things to do before Ramadan begins
As we get closer to the start of another holy month of Ramadan, you are probably excited and looking forward to the month of blessing like every Muslim.
Everyone has a list of things that they will like to do in Ramadan to earn them rewards, or even things that they will like to give up for the sake of Allah.
Often times, however, we fail to achieve a lot of what we had hoped to, and this is mostly because we wait till Ramadan begins before starting something that we hardly did in other times of the year.
So to maximize our experience in the coming Ramadan and inspire us to achieve all that we hope, we are sharing with you some things you can do prior to the Holy Ramadan to prepare yourself for the glorious month.
1- Make a Dua (supplication) List:
You don’t want to be at a loss for what to ask Allah or to be repeating the same duas that you have been reciting all through the year.
Not that there is anything wrong with repeating prayers, but Ramadan is the month of prayers and dhikr, why limit yourself to a few duas?
Write down everything that you want to ask Allah. When you do this task before the start of Ramadan, you give yourself time to search for more duas that you can include in your list. Remember to include duas for loved ones, friends, your work, Muslims all over the world, etc.
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#Ramadan 2018
📰Latest News of Holy Shrines: Karbala📰
☘️Lighting 1184 candles to celebrate the birthday of Imam al-Mahdi (af) in the vicinity of his holy Maqam.☘️
To celebrate the birthday of the savior of mankind, the Owner of the Order and Time (may Allah hasten his holy reappearance), the annual festival of candles in its eighteenth edition was held near the holy Maqam of Imam al-Mahdi (may Allah hasten his holy reappearance), under the auspices of the two general secretariats of the holy shrines of Imam Al-Hussayn and Al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them).
Rea more: http://zaer.hajj.ir/en/NewsRead.aspx?ID=11449
🔎 #Karbala
🔎 birthday of #Imam_Mahdi (AF)
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Congratulations on the auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance)
Читать полностью…Condolences to Imam Mahdi(af) and his followers on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Kadhim (as)
Читать полностью…Prayers are to make us humble before God. If our humility before God is not increased, it means that we need to make a change in our prayers.
Do Shias believe that Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) is superior to the Prophet (S)?
Some enemies of the Shias claim that, we believe, Imam Ali (as) was better or superior to Muhammad (S); some have suggested that we believe that the revelation of the Holy Qur’an was intended for him but mistakenly given to his cousin Muhammad (S). This is nonsense.
Common sense
Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) was either 10 or 12 years of age when the Prophet (S) received his first revelation, (wahi), from the archangel Jibraeel (Gabriel) in a cave. Does it make sense to believe that Shias would claim Jibraeel, an infallible angel, mistook a 12-year-old boy for a 40-year-old man?
Shias do not believe this but rather take pleasure in pointing out how Imam Ali (as) slept in the bed of the Prophet (S) to protect the Prophet’s life. Ali (as) slept in the Prophet’s bed on the night of Hijra so that the Prophet (S) could migrate to Madinah safely. How could we then believe he is superior to the Prophet (S)?
References from books of Ahlul Sunnah
In fact, the Prophet (S) famously predicted, in a tradition (hadith) narrated by very famous Ahlul Sunnah scholars like Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal in his Musnad and Imam Hakim in his Mustadrak: “In truth there will be, among you, one who shall fight over the ta’wil of the Qur’an, the interpretation of the Qur’an, just as I fought over its tanzil, its revelation.” Abu Bakr and Umar asked: “Am I he?” The Prophet said: “No, it is the one who is mending the shoes.” The companions turned to the side to see Imam Ali (as) mending the Prophet’s shoes.
This hadith shows that:
• Imam Ali (as) was the one the Prophet (S) singled out to his companions as the protector of Qura’nic interpretation;
• Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) used to mend the Prophet’s shoes and take pride in it.
After the Prophet (S), Ali (as) is the most superior and the greatest being created by Allah (SwT) – but the key point to note here is “after” the Prophet.
Shiatology #Shiism #Amirul_Mumineen
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Pilgrims commemorating the martyrdom of the Commander of the Faithful in his holy shrine
Читать полностью…📖Shiatology📖
Do Shias worship Ali ibn Abu Talib (as)?
Shias do not worship Imam Ali (as). Shias worship Allah (SwT). How can anyone believe that Shias worship Imam Ali (as) when he himself tells us to worship Allah (SwT)?
Nahjul Balagha
In the famous book, Nahjul Balagha, a compilation of the sermons and sayings of Imam Ali (as), the first recorded sermon begins with:
“Praise is due to Allah whose worth cannot be described by speakers, whose bounties cannot be counted by calculators and whose claim (to obedience) cannot be satisfied by those who attempt to do so, whom the height of intellectual courage cannot appreciate, and the divings of understanding cannot reach; He for whose description no limit has been laid down, no eulogy exists, no time is ordained and no duration is fixed. He brought forth creation through His Omnipotence, dispersed winds through His Compassion, and made firm the shaking earth with rocks.”
Imam Ali (as) continues: “The foremost in religion is the acknowledgement of Him, the perfection of acknowledging Him is to testify Him, the perfection of testifying Him is to believe in His Oneness, the perfection of believing in His Oneness is to regard Him Pure, and the perfection of His purity is to deny Him attributes, because every attribute is a proof that it is different from that to which it is attributed and everything to which something is attributed is different from the attribute.
Thus whoever attaches attributes to Allah recognises His like, and who recognises His like regards Him two; and who regards Him two recognises parts for Him; and who recognises parts for Him mistook Him; and he who mistook Him, pointed at Him; and he who pointed at Him, admitted limitations for Him; and he who admitted limitations for Him, numbered Him.”
This sermon, and others in Nahjul Balagha show that Imam Ali (as) is the most eloquent exponent of Allah’s existence, His unity (Tawhid).
Other followers
There are other groups, chief among them the Nuzayris, the various groups of the Ghuluww, the extremists, who have worshipped Ali, but not the Shias.
Shias take pride that Ali (as) was not Allah but was the first male to worship Allah, with the Prophet (S); the first to bow down behind Muhammad (S), in prayer (salah), in worship of the one true Lord, Allah (SwT).
Learn More: http://zaer.hajj.ir/en/SubjectRead.aspx?ID=10899
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🔎 #Shiism
🔎 #Amirul_Mumineen
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📰Latest Hajj and Umrah News📰
Iran, Saudi Arabia Ink Deal on This Year’s Hajj: Minister
Iranian Culture and Islamic Guidance Minister Seyed Abbas Salehi said the ministry has reached an agreement with Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Hajj and Umrah about the dispatch of Iranian pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for this year’s Hajj rituals.
Read more: http://zaer.hajj.ir/en/NewsRead.aspx?ID=11464
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Dear Students,
May Allah s.w.t accept your prayers and fasts in this holy month.
We will have 6 classes on Ahkaam of Ramadan presented by one of the learned scholars of Qom al-Muqaddasah in the following dates:
✅Monday May 21 ✅ Wednesday May 23
✅Monday May 28 ✅ Wednesday May 30
✅Sunday June 3 ✅Monday June 11
👉Sharp at 16:00 Tehran Standard Time.
Please take part and let your community know about this opportunity
Link: live.mou.ir/akhlagh
🌺والسلام علیکم و رحمة الله🌺
☘️Massive Presence of Pilgrims in Enormous Gathering of Awaitors of Zohur in Mashhad☘️
Concurrent with the 15th of Sha’ban and birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (A.S.), large congregation of awaitors of emergence was held in Mashhad. People of Mashhad and Razavi pilgrims attended this huge gathering.
Read more: http://zaer.hajj.ir/en/NewsRead.aspx?ID=11450
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🔎 #HolyShrine_of_ImamReza (AS)
📖Articles: Mahdism📖
The Holy Prophet [s] said: “The person who dies and has not known the Imam of his time (Imam Mahdi [a] is that of the present time) has died the same as one who died during the Age of Ignorance.”
Musnad-i-Ahmad-ibn-Hanbal, vol. 2, p. 83; vol. 3, p. 446 & vol. 4, p. 96: Sahih-i-Bukhari, vol. 5, p. 13 & Sahih-i-Muslim vol. 6, p. 21, No.1849
Who is the Imam Mahdi that the Holy Prophet is talking about? Do we know who our Imam is? What exactly is an Imam? An Imam literally means a leader or someone who guides. Imams can be of three types: The Imam who leads prayers, the political Imam and the other one is an Imam for mankind. The third definition is what is going to be our main topic.
Allah (swt) sends down prophets to guide the people to the straight path. Each prophet was given a task that is to preach the oneness of God, to maintain law and order in humanity. And the prophets may provide rules and regulations for the people to observe this humanity.
When the last prophet, Nabi Muhammad (saw) was sent down, the religion was made complete, there isn't a need for another prophet to come down for it is completed. So where do the Imams come into the picture? After the Holy prophet’s demise, there is a need to make sure that Islam remains protected and secure and that it is spread around to those who haven't heard of it. And for this task, there is a need to have trusted people who can do this job well and they are the Imams.
There are 12 Imams in the line of the imamate and Imam Mahdi (the Guided one) is the twelfth Imam. There are many titles attributed to him that includes Al Muntazar (the awaited one), Sahibuz Zaman (the Lord of the Age), Al Qaim etc. The proof that Imam Mahdi (as) exists can be referred from the Holy Quran and the ahadeeth:
Yet We desired to be gracious to those who were abased in the land, and to make them leaders, and to make them the inheritors. (28:4)
For We have written in the Psalms, after the Remembrance, ‘The earth shall be the inheritance of My righteous servants.’ (21:105)
Abdullah Ibne Masood quotes the Holy Prophet as having said:
” Even when the entire time of the world's existence will have been already exhausted and one solitary day left to embrace the eve of Doomsday, God will expand and make that very day swell to such a length of time as to accommodate the ultimate reign of a person out of my holy progeny who will be called after my name. He will then make the earth abound with peace and justice as it will have been fraught with the injustice and tyranny before him.”
Learn more: http://zaer.hajj.ir/en/SubjectRead.aspx?ID=10890
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