The Most Important Century in Human History
Lessons Worth Sharing ✅️
#Human #AI #History #TedEd
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
🗓 08 April 2023
💬 Would you eat a Kalette?
📖 Are you adventurous when it comes to food, or do you stick to pizza or ordinary types of salad such as tomatoes, lettuce and onion? Neil and Sam shake up the menu and talk about new vegetables created by farmers in the UK, and teach you new vocabulary along the way.
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
😱 14 Phobias You Probably Haven't Heard Of (Words for uncommon fears):
1. Haphephobia - A morbid fear of being touched. 🫵
2. Doraphobia - The dread of touching the skin or fur of an animal.🐴
3. Eremophobia - The morbid dread of being alone. 👤
4. Ergophobia - A fear of or aversion to work. 💼
5. Hypnophobia - The morbid fear of sleep. 😴
6. Brontophobia - An abnormal fear of thunder. ⚡️
7. Kakorrhaphiophobia - An abnormal fear of failure. 📉
8. Ophidiophobia - An abnormal fear of snakes. 🐍
9. Taphephobia - The fear of being interred alive. ⚰️
10. Phobophobia - An excessive fear of acquiring a phobia. 😱
11. Anatidaephobia - An irrational fear that somewhere and somehow a duck is watching you. 🦆
12. Aibohphobia - Fear of palindromes (words, verses, sentences, or numbers that read the same backward or forward). 🔁
13. Glossophobia - A fear of public speaking (probably the most widespread one). 🗣
14. Philophobia - "fear of love". 🖤
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
Do you know any more phobias? Leave in the comments below!
✅️ Improve your:
-General Knowledge
-General English
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
NF - The Search
Search - qidirish/izlanish
Nate - Nathan (qisqartma shakl)
Deal with - bilan shug'ullanmoq
Human being - inson, odam
Really - unchalik ...emas (inkor)
Me time - o'z holiga qo'yish (ibora)
Have a breakdown - tushkunlikka tushmoq
Thought - o'y, fikr, hayol
Therapist - terapevt, davolovchi
Find out - bilib olmoq/qolmoq
Go on - bo'lmoq (sodir~)
Move out - ko'chib ketmoq
Pack - joylamoq, solmoq
Cart - arava, aravacha
Route - yo'l, yo'nalish
Yard - hovli, maydon
Get (sth) out - olib chiqmoq
Noose - arqon, dor, sirtmoq
Hang up - osib qo'ymoq
Air out - shamollatmoq (yoyib)
Grab - ushlamoq, olib olmoq
Keepsake - esdalik sovg'asi
Leave - qoldirmoq
Burden - yuk, ma'suliyat
View - ko'rinish, ko'z oldi
Concern - tashvishlantirmoq
Pick up - sezmoq, payqamoq
Cue - ishora, dalolat
Lose sigth - ko'zdan qochirmoq
Blurry - xira shira, tushunarsiz
Prolly - probably (slang)
Roam - daydish, tentirash
Look for - qidirmoq
Antidote - zaxarga qarshi dori
Vivid - yorqin/yaqqol
Admit - tan olmoq
Mode - holat, kayfiyat
Condone - ko'nikmoq, oqlamoq
Talk down to - mensimay gaplashmoq
Crack - buzmoq, sindirmoq
Cracking - juda zo'r, a'lo
Play - (qo'shiq) qo'ymoq
The crowd - omma, olomon
Anxious - bezovta, xavotirlangan
Drown - cho'kmoq
Self-hatred - o'zini yomon ko'rish
Beat - musiqa ritmi
Taste - maza, tam
Fame - mashhurlik
Pump - ishirmoq, nasoslamoq
Wipe - artmoq
Clean off - tozalab qo'ymoq
Vomit - qusish, qusuq
Throw back - qayt qilmoq
OCD - ruxiy kasallik turi
Push sb's buttons - qo'zg'atmoq
Critical - og'ir, jiddiy, xavfli
Typical - oddiy, odatdagidek
Intricate - chigal, murakkab
Syllable - bo'g'in
Criminal - jinoyatchi
Intimate - yaqin, inoq
Political - siyosiy
Visual - ko'rgazmali
Forgettable - tez esdan chiqadigan
Kiddie pool - bolalar basseyni
Cinematic - kinofilm
Sales - savdo, sotuv
Mean - ahamiyati bo'lmoq
Decline - yomonlashmoq
Trap - qamab/qisib olmoq
Suffocate - nafasi qis(il)moq
Survive - tirik qolmoq
Come up - chiqmoq, paydo bo'lmoq
Out of nowhere - yo'q joydan
Evil - yomon
Hover over - ustida aylanmoq
Relate to - daxli/aloqasi bo'lmoq
Cut up - yo'lini to'sib/uzib qo'ymoq
Murder - o'ldirmoq
Faith - ishonch, e'tiqod
Meddle with - burnini suqmoq
Delicate - nozik, nimjon
Relevant - muhim, aloqador
Measure - o'lchamoq, baholamoq
Measurement - o'lchov
Bag up - sumkaga solmoq
Evidence - dalil, isbot
Evident - aniq, yaqqol, ayon
Dependable - suyansa bo'ladigan
Tentative - bo'sh, ishonchsiz
Genuine - asl, chin, samimiy
Elegant - nafis, aqlli, bashang
Get a grip - mahkam bo'lmoq
Proper - munosib
Etiquette - etiket, axloq-odob
Celebrate - nishonlamoq
Seatbelt - xavfsizlik kamari
Strap - taqmoq, mahkamlamoq
Predict - tahmin qilmoq
Tone down - moslamoq
Resist - o'zini to'xtatmoq/tiymoq
Fist - musht
🇬🇧🎤🇺🇿 @KaraokeVideos
🗓 02 March 2023
💬 Losing your mother tongue
📖 What does it mean for a child refugee to lose their first language? Sam and Rob hear the story of a woman who could no longer speak her native Czech after her family left their home country. Now she speaks English. We talk about leaving a language behind and teach you new vocabulary along the way.
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
🗓 24 February 2023
💬 The health benefits of apples
📖 As the proverb says: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. We’ll hear from an expert about the latest research on the benefits of apples and teach you related vocabulary to help you talk about this topic.
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
🗓 19 February 2023
💬 Why do we procrastinate?
📖 Why do people procrastinate? We’ll hear from a comedian who likes to leave their work until the last minute, and as usual, we’ll be learning some new vocabulary as well.
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
🗓 10 February 2023
💬 Doomscrolling: why do we do it?
📖 Doomscrolling - when people spend a lot of time reading negative news stories online - is something that people all over the world do. But is there an evolutionary reason why we're attracted to bad news? We'll be discussing whether the internet or our history is to blame, and learning some useful related vocabulary.
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
🗓 05 February 2023
💬 Exercise for the lazy
📖 What is the least amount of exercise someone can get away with doing whilst still staying healthy? Sam and Neil talk about it and teach you related vocabulary.
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
🗓 26 January 2023
💬 Can AI have a mind of its own?
📖 Is artificial intelligence capable of consciousness? We’ll hear from an expert who thinks AI is not as intelligent as we sometimes think, and as usual, we’ll be learning some new vocabulary as well.
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
🗓 9 June 2023
💬 The art of subtitling
📖 Subtitles help deaf people understand movies and TV. They also let you watch films in foreign languages. But in recent years, the creativity in describing sounds has reached new levels. Learn more about the art of subtitling and pick up some new vocabulary at the same time.
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
🗓 20 April 2023
💬 What's the point of museums?
📖 Many museums have been criticised for stealing ancient treasures during imperial times and that these items, such as the famous Parthenon marbles, should be returned. Beth and Neil discuss the controversial role of museums in the 21st Century and teach you related vocabulary.
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
History vs Tamerlane (uz. Amir Temur) the Conqueror - Stephanie Honchell Smith
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
🗓 24 March 2023
💬 Crowds
📖 How do you feel in the middle of a crowd? Sam and Neil hear experts talking about the role of crowds in modern life, and the different reactions it evokes in people. And, as usual, they teach you vocabulary along the way.
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
🗓 10 March 2023
💬 How to talk to a climate denier
📖 Do you know somebody who doesn't believe that climate change is happening? Most scientists say it is. Rob and Sam get some tips on how to make people think about climate, and teach you new vocabulary along the way.
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc
Science - January 20, 2023
Useful Topics:
p234, p265 Light Pollution
p246 Atmospheric Goals
p306 Working Life
p245 Pirates and Politics
🏛 @English_IELTS_etc