Idiom of the Day
🔰in deep water
☑️Meaning: If you're in deep water, you're in some sort of trouble or in a difficult situation.
📍For example:
➖The company's in deep water now that the tax inspectors have decided to check over the accounts.
➖Many families are in deep water because of the mortgage crisis, and some might even lose their homes.
💥Origin: Probably metaphorical, and related to the fact that deep water can be very dangerous, especially if someone can't swim.
Idiom of the Day
🔰quality time
🖍Meaning: If you spend quality time with someone, you spend time doing things that enrich your lives and improve your relationship.
💧For example:
➖This book says parents should spend quality time with their kids every day, and not just sit in the same room watching TV with them before sending them to bed.
➖Most people work so much these days that they don't have the chance to spend enough quality time with their friends and family.
📍 @EnglishoftheDay 📍
Idiom of the Day
📌at your wits' end
〽️Meaning: If you're at your wits' end, you're upset and frustrated because you've tried everything you can think of to solve a problem, and nothing has worked.
✔️For example:
🔺I'm at my wits' end! I've been trying to solve a problem with some software all morning and I still haven't got it to work!
🔺Kelvin says he's been trying to get tickets for the game all day, but he's at his wits' end. Nobody's got any left.
💯 @EnglishoftheDay
Phrasal Verb of the Day
📗factor in
📝Meaning: to include a certain item when calculating or planning something
➕Synonym: consider, include
📌For example:
🔸factor in sth ▪️Don't forget to factor in transport costs when you make the quotation.
🔹factor sth in ▫️You need to factor the political situation in when deciding on a country to invest in.
🔘 @Englishoftheday
Phrase of the day
〽️Take five.
📝We use this expression to tell people to stop doing an activity and relax for a period of about five minutes.
Written: No📍Spoken: Yes📍Formal: No📍Informal: Yes
📌Example 1
🅰️Can we stop for a break soon, please?
🅱️Sure, take five, everybody.
📌Example 2
🅰️Well done, guys. You’ve worked hard. Let’s take five.
🅱️Anyone want a drink of water?
Idiom of the Day
🔰leave well enough alone | let well enough alone
🇺🇸American English
☑️Meaning: If you leave well enough alone, or let well enough alone, you don't try to improve or change something that's already good enough.
📌For example:
🔺he kids seem happy enough now so let's just leave well enough alone and forget about finding a new school for them.
🔺Unless there's a problem, I'd suggest you just let well enough alone and let your staff get on with their work.
🔘Note: "Leave well alone" and "let well alone" are also used, esp. in Australian and British English.
✔️Variety: This idiom is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
💯 @EnglishoftheDay
Phrase of the day
📕Straight over my head
✍️We use this expression to say we have not understood something or we have misinterpreted a situation because it is too difficult to understand.
Written: No🎗Spoken: Yes🎗Formal: No🎗Informal: Yes
✨Example 1
🅰️Did you understand that documentary about European politics?
🅱️No, it went straight over my head.
✨Example 2
🅰️Did he really believe Kate when she said she would never have children again?
🅱️Yes, he did. The joke went straight over his head!
Slang of the Day
American and Australian English
💬Meaning: a person's head
✔️For example:
🔺Use your noggin! Think before you say something!
🔺I sometimes wonder what goes on in that noggin of yours!
〽️Variety: This slang term is typically used in American and Australian English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
❣️ @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
📝Meaning: an old person
📍For example:
🔺I'm late because I got stuck behind some old geezer at the bank who took ages to sort out his stuff.
🔺One day I'll be one of those old geezers who sit in the park all day playing chess and checkers.
💢 @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
📍American and Australian English
☑️Meaning: restless, impatient, unsettled
💧For example:
➖While he waited for the guy to get back with the dope, Greg was feeling antsy. He kept rubbing his hands and he couldn't sit still.
➖Many of the students were getting antsy as the exams got nearer.
💥Variety: This slang term is typically used in American and Australian English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
💢 @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
🔰in the know
☑️Meaning: If someone is "in the know", they know something that only a few people are aware of.
✨For example:
➖Maggie is close to the Prime Minister, so she's usually in the know when it comes to the government's latest plans.
➖Before you buy your new computer, ask David about getting a good deal. He's in the know about all that stuff.
💢 @Englishoftheday
Idiom of the Day
🔰a quantum leap
☑️Meaning: A quantum leap is a major step in the development of something, or in the improvement of something.
✨For example:
➖The discovery of penicillin was a quantum leap in the treatment of bacterial infections.
➖The election of an African-American president amounted to a quantum leap forward for racial equality.
💥 @EnglishoftheDay
Idiom of the Day
🔰joie de vivre
💢Meaning: If you have joie de vivre, you feel the joy of living.
✨For example:
▪️People loved her because of her joie de vivre and the fact that she was such great fun to be with.
▪️A positive, easy-going attitude seems to go hand-in-hand with a natural joie de vivre.
✔️Note: This phrase is borrowed from French and can be translated as "joy of life".
💥 @EnglishoftheDay
Idiom of the Day
🔰the jury is still out
☑️Meaning: We can say the jury is still out when a decision still hasn't been made about something.
✨For example:
➖It was a terrible mistake, and the jury's still out on whether Bob will lose his job over it, or not.
➖The jury's still out on who's going to be the new CEO, but we should find out soon.
💥Origin: Metaphorical, and based on the fact that in many legal trials, the result of the trial isn't known until a jury has finished discussing the case and making a decision. Until then, we say that "the jury is still out".
💢 @EnglishoftheDay
Idiom of the Day
📚ahead of the game
☑️Meaning: You are ahead of the game if you have an advantage over your competitors in any activity in which you try to do better than others, such as in business, academia, sports, etc.
✨For example:
➖We got ahead of the game by employing the best people in our research laboratories.
➖You'll be ahead of the game when you start at university if you do a lot of preparation before the term begins.
🔰 @EnglishoftheDay
Slang of the Day
📌jet set
📝Meaning: a class of rich, fashionable people who travel for pleasure
📍For example:
🔺Ever since she saw Princess Caroline of Monaco and her friends at Cannes, Josephine's goal in life has been to join the jet set.
🔺He used to be proud of his working-class roots, but since becoming a super-rich rock star he's felt much more at home in the jet set.
1. usually used with the definite article "the" 2. can also be used as an adjective, as in "the jet-set crowd" or "jet-set destinations"
〽️ @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
📂Meaning: very big; extremely
📌For example:
🔺Those guys who started software companies back in the seventies are mega rich by now.
🔺The Beatles were one of the mega bands of the century, for sure.
✔️Note: also used as a prefix, as in "megabucks" and "megastore"
❣️ @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
🇬🇧British English Offensive
☑️Meaning: a big mistake, something done badly
📍For example:
➖We got some guy in to fix the water heater, but he's made a total cock-up of it. We still haven't got any hot water.
➖Did you see our newspaper advertisement with the wrong phone number in it? What a cock-up!
💥Variety: This slang term is typically used in British English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
❣️ @Englishoftheday
Idiom of the Day
🔰all hell broke loose
☑️Meaning: You can say "all hell broke loose" if a situation suddenly became violent or chaotic.
📍For example:
🔺I was walking through the station on my way to work when I heard this huge explosion, and then all hell broke loose.
🔺Everything was fine in the club until someone yelled, "Fire!" and then all hell broke loose as people started running and screaming and pushing each other.
💯 @EnglishoftheDay
Slang of the Day
💢okay | OK
📝Meaning: all right, acceptable
✔️For example:
🔹Tracey asked her boss if it was okay to go home early.
🔹The food was OK, but it wasn't great.
❣️ @Englishoftheday
Idiom of the Day
🔰think the world of
☑️Meaning: If you think the world of someone, you admire and respect them very much.
✨For example:
➖If there's one person most of us think the world of, I guess it'd be Nelson Mandela.
➖You're a wonderful teacher Miriam, and your students think the world of you, so please don't quit your job.
💯 @EnglishoftheDay
Idiom of the Day
📗take the plunge
📝Meaning: If you take the plunge, you decide to do something you really want to do even though it's risky and possibly dangerous.
✨For example:
➖I'd always wanted to be a writer, so when I was thirty I took the plunge. I quit my nine-to-five job and worked full-time on my novel instead.
➖Bill decided to take the plunge and put all his money into the stock market - just before the market crashed. Now he wishes he'd left it in the bank.
Idiom of the Day
🔰plain sailing
☑️Meaning: If something is plain sailing, it's very easy to do and there are no problems to overcome.
✨For example:
➖Golfer Tiger Woods hit a couple of bad shots early in his round, but it was plain sailing after that and he won the match easily.
➖I answered the first few questions in the exam without any problems, and I knew it'd be plain sailing from then on.
💥Origin: From sailing, in which plain sailing means to sail at good speed without facing any obstacles.
💯 @EnglishoftheDay
Idiom of the Day
🔰a pat on the back
☑️Meaning: You've given someone a pat on the back if you've told them they've done something well, or done a good job.
✨For example:
➖Don't you think Salim deserves a pat on the back for his report? Why don't you tell him it was excellent work?
➖Our boss doesn't often praise us for our work, so if he gives you a pat on the back for something, you've really earned it.
📗 @EnglishoftheDay
Idiom of the Day
📗a foregone conclusion
💢Meaning: You can say the result of something is a foregone conclusion if everyone knows what it's going to be before it happens.
✨For example:
➖Everyone thinks it's a foregone conclusion that Roger will win, but I'm not so sure.
➖The result of the election is a foregone conclusion thanks to the government's control of vote counting.
We can say "a foregone conclusion", but not "the foregone conclusion".
🗣 @EnglishoftheDay
Idiom of the Day
🔰a done deal
🇺🇸American English INFORMAL
☑️Meaning: A done deal is an agreement or a decision that is final.
✨For example:
➖It's a done deal so we can go ahead and start planning the details.
➖No-one knew about it, but the contract has been a done deal since the senator spoke to the minister last month.
💥Variety: This idiom is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
🗣 @EnglishoftheDay
Slang of the Day
🔰on the take
☑️Meaning: to be receiving illegal payments or bribes
💧For example:
🔹He seems to have a lot of money for a cop. He has to be on the take, doesn't he?
🔹It was a really corrupt period. Just about every member of the governing party was on the take.
💢 @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
☑️Meaning: a young child, esp. a young boy
✨For example:
➖When he was a little nipper Louis Hamilton raced go-carts, and now he's driving Formula One racing cars.
➖It's not easy teaching young nippers how to play football. They get too excited to stay in their positions and they run all over the field chasing each other and the ball.
💢 @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
🇺🇸American English
☑️Meaning: (in phrase be in a funk) an unhappy, depressed mood
✨For example:
➖He's been in a real funk since his girlfriend left him.
➖Everyone in the office has been in a funk since we heard that our company might be going bankrupt.
💥Variety: This slang term is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
🔰 @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
🔰pack it in
➕Meaning: to stop what you're doing, to quit
💧For example:
🔹The rain's not going to stop, so let's pack it in. We can finish the job tomorrow.
🔹Our restaurant isn't doing too well, so we might have to pack it in and try another type of business instead.
🔰 @EnglishoftheDay