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🔘Phrase of the day
💥That's another story💥
🎯We use this expression to say that we have more information about a new topic, but that we are not going to say what it is.
Written: ✅Spoken: ✅Formal: ✅Informal: ✅
✳️Example 1
🅰How long have you been friends with Sam? I didn't know you knew her.
🅱We were more than friends, actually. But that's another story.
✳️Example 2
🅰Did you have a good weekend?
🅱Great. The hotel was fantastic. And I met a nice man, but that's another story.
#Phrase_of_the_day Today: Mon, 13 Feb 2017
Visit daily to learn some popular English phrases on a regular basis.
🆔 @EnglishDaybyDay
Phrasal Verb of the Day
🔘get ahead🔘
✅Meaning: If you get ahead, you make progress in your career.
💥For example:
🎯get ahead 🔹Peter says he got ahead by working hard and listening to people who knew more than he did.
🎯get ahead 🔹She won't get ahead unless she quits this job and starts working for a bigger company.
🇬🇧 @EnglishDaybyDay 🇺🇸
🔘Expedite your payment !!!🔘
🅰Max Hello, Reiner. How are you ?
🅱Reiner Oh, hi Max. I'm good. Thanks.
🅰Max Sorry to bother you, but I'd like to know when we can receive your payment. It's a bit late since it's supposed to be made a month ago.
🅱Reiner I'm sorry about the delay. This simple job gets complicated because we are switching bank accounts. We've got tons of paperwork to work on and need another ten days to finish all the procedures.
🅰Max Is it possible that you pay it earlier by the end of this month ?
🅱Reiner The next payment run we're doing will be ten days later. This is when the invoice will be paid, not earlier. Please understand.
🅰Max We understand. But still, please expedite the payment as soon as possible. Thanks you
📕Explanation :
✳️Expedite - To cause to be done more quickly; to hurry
▶️Example : Something needs to be done to expedite the process.
🎓 @Englishdaybyday
🌎Phrasal Verb of the Day
🕰Today: Thu, 09 Feb 2017
🎯mouth off🎯
💢Meaning: to speak in a loud and annoying way, especially when criticizing or complaining about something
💥For example:
🔹mouth off 🔘Some guy in the pub got punched because he was mouthing off about something and I guess he upset someone.
🔸mouth off 🔘After he'd had a couple of beers Robert started mouthing off about the evils of big government again last night.
🇬🇧 @EnglishDaybyDay 🇺🇸
Phrasal Verb of the Day
pack away (1⃣)
📝Meaning: If you pack something away, you put it back where it's usually kept after you've finished using it.
✳️Synonym: put away
💥For example:
pack sth away 🔘Have you packed the fishing rods away or are they still in the car?
pack away sth 🔘How many times do I have to tell you to pack away your golf clubs after you've finished using them?
🌎 @EnglishDaybyDay
Idiom of the Day
Today: 6th February 2017
📚To have a lot on your plate
✅Having a lot on your plate is, quite simply, having too much to do.
You might have lots of reports to fill out, several meetings, and a number of new projects to start.
This would be considered having a lot on your plate.
💥In context: Sorry, I can’t take on this new project; I already have a lot on my plate.
🌎 @EnglishDaybyDay
Phrasal Verb of the Day
⏱Today: Fri, 03 Feb 2017
⚫️ pay off (1⃣)
📘Meaning: If you pay off a loan, you pay it back in installments over a period of time.
💥For example:
🔮pay sth off🔮
🔴They took out a loan to buy their house and they'll pay it off over the next twenty-five years.
🔮pay off sth🔮
🎾Have you paid off your car loan yet, or do you still owe some money to the bank?
🔮be paid off🔮
🔵If we keep giving the bank a thousand dollars a month, our credit cards will be paid off by the end of next year.
🆔 @EnglishDaybyDay 👈Improve English Daily
Idiom of the Day
⏱Today: 02 Feb 2017
✳️year dot | year one✳️
📘Meaning: You can say "the year dot", or "the year one", when you're talking about a very, very long time ago.
💥For example:
🔮There have been people living in Australia since the year dot, but Europeans have only been there for about two hundred years.
🔮People have been interested in the stars and the moon since the year one.
🔴Note: "The year dot" is more common in British and Australian English, while "the year one" is more common in American English.
🌎 @EnglishDaybyDay
🍂Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.
🌹 @Englishmisc 🌍
Phrase of the day
⏱Today: 26th January 2017
🌔I'll get back to you🌔
📝We use this expression to say that we need to find some information or do something and will contact the person later.
Written: ✔️ Spoken: ✔️Formal: ✖️Informal: ✔️
💥Example 1
🅰Can you tell me how many students are taking the exam next month?
🅱I'll find out. I'll get back to you.
💥Example 2
🅰Do you know what has been decided?
🅱Not yet. I'll get back to you on that.
#Phrase_of_the_day 👈
➡️Visit daily to learn some popular English phrases on a regular basis.💯 @EnglishMisc 🌍
🍂To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.
💥 @Englishmisc
Phrase of the day
⏱Today: 20th January 2017
📒I can't put my finger on it📒
📝We use this expression to say that we can't explain or fully understand something.
Written: ✖️Spoken: ✔️Formal: ✖️Informal: ✔️
🅰She looks different, doesn't she?
🅱Yes, I can't put my finger on it. Has she changed her hair?
💥Example 2⃣
🅰Why don't you like Sam?
🅱I don't know. I can't put my finger on it. I just feel we can't trust him.
#Phrase_of_the_day ✔️
➡️Visit daily to learn some popular English phrases on a regular basis.✅ @EnglishMisc
Phrasal Verb of the Day
⏱Today: Mo, 16 Jan 2017
✔️run out on✔️
📝Meaning: to suddenly leave the person you're in a relationship with
💥For example:
🔸run out on sb 🔹After running out on her husband, Heather went to live in Bali with a younger man.
🔹run out on sb 🔸Just before my mother gave birth to my little sister, my father ran out on us.
🌎 @EnglishMisc🔺🔻
Phrasal Verb of the Day
⏱Today: Fr, 13 Jan 2017
✔️butt in✔️
📝Meaning: to start talking when somebody else is already talking
✅For example:
🔹butt in🔸 David doesn't know how to join in a conversation without butting in.
🔸butt in🔹 Sorry for butting in, but does anyone know where Bill is? I have an urgent message for him.
🌎 @EnglishMisc
Phrase of the day
⏱Today: 11th January 2017
➡️Might as well⬅️
📝We use this expression to agree to a suggestion or question about doing something - often if it was not our original plan.
💥Example 1
🅰We've been waiting for an hour. Shall we go for a drink?
🅱Might as well - I don't think Jane will come now.
💥Example 2
🅰There's only one piece of cake left - shall we finish it?
🅱Might as well - it won't keep, anyway.
#Phrase_of_the_day ✔️
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✅ @EnglishMisc
🔘on exhibit /ˈɑːn ɪgˈzɪbət / idiom
✅Definition of ON EXHIBIT: being publicly shown in an exhibition
✳️The photographs are on exhibit in the museum's west wing.
✳️The painting went on exhibit last week.
✳️The painting was put on exhibit.
🇺🇸 @EnglishDaybyDay 🇬🇧
The girl is studying the fossil on exhibit.
Slang of the Day
🇺🇸American English Offensive
Today: Sat, 11 Feb 2017
🎯Meaning: a lower-class white person from a rural background
For example:
✳️We were driving through Alabama when we saw some rednecks riding in the back of a pick-up truck drinking whiskey from a bottle.
✳️If it wasn't for the redneck vote, the Republicans wouldn't have won the election.
🔘Origin: Originally referred to working-class white people from the southeastern states of the USA. These people often worked outside as farmers or labourers, and they'd often have red necks as a result of sunburn.
🔘Variety: This slang term is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
✅ @EnglishDaybyDay
📘Phrase of the day
✳️The other way round/around✳️
✍We use this expression to say that some information was backwards.
Written: ✅Spoken: ✅Formal: ✅Informal: ✅
🔘Example 1
🅰So you invited Karen to your party?
🅱No, the other way round - she invited me to her party.
🔘Example 2
🅰You said the plane leaves at four and arrives at six?
🅱No, the other way round. It leaves at six and arrives at four the next morning.
🅰I see.
#Phrase_of_the_day 🕰Today: Thu, 09 Feb 2017
Visit daily to learn some popular English phrases on a regular basis.
🎓 @EnglishDaybyDay 🎓
📘Give me the rundown !!!📘
🅰Renee: We need to book a meeting room. But the meeting rooms are almost booked out. I'm still working on that.
🅱Michelle: Please try your best to get us a room. Your know we cannot reschedule the rehearsal.
🅰Renee : I'll do my best. And I'll make sure all the presentation slides are ready on the computer.
🅱Michelle: Good. And don't forget to give me the rundown on the rehearsal.
Ⓜ️Sam: No problem. Renee and I will see to it.
🅱Michelle: Then that concludes our meeting today. Let's roll.
🔘Explanation :
Rundown - A detailed report
💥Example : Here's a rundown on/of the activities of our ten biggest competitors.
📚 @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
Today: 7th February 2017
📙Have it your way📙
📝We use this expression to say we agree - perhaps reluctantly - with the other person's idea, opinion or choice.
Written:✅Spoken: ✅Formal: ❌Informal:✅
💥Example 1
🅰We always go shopping on Saturday. I want to stay at home for a change.
🅱OK - have it your way. We'll stay at home on Saturday if you prefer.
💥Example 2
🅰They're married.
🅱No, they are just friends.
🅰OK, have it your way. They're friends - but friends who are always together.
#Phrase_of_the_day 👈
Visit daily to learn some popular English phrases on a regular basis. @EnglishDaybyDay
🍂Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.
💥 @EnglishDaybyDay
Phrase of the day
⏱Today: 02 Feb 2017
✅A hot potato✅
📘The phrase ‘ a hot potato’ usually means: a delicate subject which people have different opinions and feel very emotional about.
💥Example of use: “I never ask about anyone’s marital status; it can be a hot potato.”
🤔Interesting fact
It's not too hard to understand this phrase, try holding a hot potato and you'll drop it immediately!
#Phrase_of_the_day 👈
➡️Visit daily to learn some popular English phrases on a regular basis.🌍 @EnglishDaybyDay 🌍
Phrase of the day
⏱Today: 31th January 2017
🔴By the sound of it🔴
📝We use this expression to make a guess about something.
Written: ✅Spoken: ✅Formal: ✅Informal: ✅
💥Example 1
🅰Do you know what Stef did this weekend?
🅱She tried bungee jumping for the first time. By the sound of it she head great time.
💥Example 2
🅰I just got a postcard from Mike.
🅱Oh, really. Is he enjoying his holiday?
🅰By the sound of it, he's not having very good weather.
#Phrase_of_the_day 👈
➡️Visit daily to learn some popular English phrases on a regular basis.💯 @EnglishMisc 🌍
Phrasal Verb of the Day
⏱Today: 29th January 2017
✅object to✅
📝Meaning: If you object to something, you don't think it's a good thing or a good idea, so you oppose it or you are against it.
🍁Synonym: oppose
💥For example:
🔸object to sth🔹 ➡️Most people object to the huge bonuses that banks and financial companies pay their top executives.
🔹object to sth🔸 ➡️Some politicians object to the new law that will improve health care for children because it might mean lower profits for big drug companies.
🔮Nouns often used as objects with object to: decision, verdict, plan, idea, proposal, law
🌎 @EnglishMisc ⬅️Improve English Daily
Phrasal Verb of the day
⏱25th January 2017
✅boil down to something✅
📝Meaning: This is the most important part of something
⚫️It all boils down to money in the end. (Money is the most important part of this)
🔴What it all boils down to is, can they do the work before the end of November?
🔵This promotion will only be successful if we can sell 50,000 units. It all boils down to sales at the end of the day.
✔️This phrasal verb is not used in the progressive tense - e.g. it's all boiling down to money* WRONG
✔️This phrasal verb often comes with 'all' at the beginning
🌎 @EnglishMisc ⬅️Improve English Daily
Phrasal Verb of the Day
⏱Today: Sa, 21st January 2017
✔️offer up✔️
📝Meaning: to give thanks, praise or prayers to God or gods
💥For example:
🔸offer up sth🔹 ➡️After the accident, Nola offered up prayers for her child's recovery.
🔹offer up sth to sth/sb🔸 ➡️In a traditional ceremony, the villagers offered up sacrificed animals to their gods.
🌎 @EnglishMisc ⬅️Improve English Daily
🍂The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
💥 @Englishmisc
Phrase of the day
⏱Today: 14th January 2017
📘📙📗By the way
📝We use this expression to introduce a different topic or new idea which may be only partly related to what we were talking about.
💥Example 1
🅰Is it Alicia's birthday next week?
🅱Yes, it is. By the way, she's split up with her boyfriend, so don't say anything about him.
💥Example 2
🅰See you on Saturday evening at 7.00, then.
🅱Right. Oh, by the way, where's the best place to park?
#Phrase_of_the_day ✔️
➡️Visit daily to learn some popular English phrases on a regular basis.✅ @EnglishMisc
Slang of the Day
Today: Th, 12 Jan 2017
➡️ripped (1⃣)⬅️
💯Meaning: to have well-defined muscles
💥For example:
🔷After I'd been working out in the gym for a year or so, people started saying, "You're gettin' ripped, dude."
🔶We watched a show about prisons last night, and I swear every single guy in there was ripped.
🌺Improve English Daily👇
✅ @EnglishMisc
Phrasal Verb of the Day
Today: Tu, 10 Jan 2017
➡️laugh off⬅️
📝Meaning: to joke about something in order to make it seem less serious
▶️For example:
✔️laugh sth off ✔️
🔸Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes the best thing to do is just laugh them off.
✔️laugh sth off✔️
🔹If you come to work late again, you mightn't be able to laugh it off so easily. I heard the boss say he might fire you.
🌎 @EnglishMisc