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Idiom of the Day
✳️another string to your bow
🇬🇧British English
Today: Wed, 08 Mar 2017
☑️Meaning: If you have another string to your bow, you have another way of making a living.
▶️For example:
🔹Lots of people learn to teach English so they'll have another string to their bow.
🔹I've lost my job and I'll have to retrain for something else. I wish I already had another string to my bow.
💥Origin: Probably metaphorical, from the fact that if an archer has a spare string for their bow, they can still shoot an arrow even if their first string breaks.
🎯Variety: This idiom is typically used in British English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
📝 @Englishdaybyday
Slang of the Day
▶️Example: Zack is John’s frenemy. They get a long in the office but both of them work on internal competing teams.
⚜ @Englishdaybyday
⭕️get away with
☑️Meaning: to do something illegal or immoral and not get caught or punished
▶️For example:
1⃣get away with sth 🔹Janet got away with shoplifting clothes the first few times, but she soon got caught and now she's stuck with a police record for the rest of her life.
2⃣get away with sth 🔹Bobby nearly got away with the robbery, but he spent the money too quickly and local police who knew him got suspicious.
🔴Nouns often used as objects with get away with: cheating, stealing, lying, robbery, theft, fraud, corruption, murder
⭐️ @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
✳️Suit yourself
☑️We use this expression to reply to someone who has made a decision we don't agree with or approve of.
💥Example 1
🅰I'm not going to the match this Saturday. I'm doing my homework instead.
🅱Suit yourself. It's going to be a great game, though.
💥Example 2
🅰I don't like violent films, so I don't think I'll go to the cinema with you tonight.
🅱Suit yourself. But everyone else is coming, so it'll be fun.
Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done.
💥 @EnglishDaybyDay
Phrasal Verb of the Day
✳️get across
✅Meaning: to communicate something or make something understood by others
⭕️Synonym: get over, convey, put across
▶️For example:
🔹get sth across 💥I've studied English for years, but I still have trouble getting my ideas across in a conversation.
🔸get across sth 💥A good advertisement gets across whatever it is that makes a product seem essential to buyers.
👌 @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
✳️Make yourself at home
✅We use this expression to invite someone to sit down and relax or to do what they want when they visit our home.
🔹Example 1
🅰Can I have a glass of water?
🅱Sure, the kitchen is right there. Make yourself at home.
🔹Example 2
🅰Nice flat!
🅱Thanks. Sit down. Make yourself at home.
Phrasal Verb of the Day
✳️To brush up on
🌹 @Englishdaybyday
Ⓜ️Very secret
▶️I want you to keep this hush-hush, but my wife is pregnant!
⚜ @Englishdaybyday
🍂“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
💥 @EnglishDaybyDay
Phrase of the day
✳️Nice try
✅We use this expression to say that we won't do or believe what someone has said or tried to make us do, or to show that we appreciate something that did not work.
🔹Example 1
🅰I tried to get the teacher to drop our test by saying we were all ill. She refused.
🅱Nice try.
🔹Example 2
🅰You know I'm related to the queen on my mother's side? Actually we're distant cousins.
🅱Nice try - but I still won't let you borrow my coat! It was expensive.
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Phrasal Verb of the Day
⭕️get away
☑️Meaning: to leave a place
🔹For example:
🔸get away
✳️I had the fish on the line, but just as I was getting it out of the water, it fell back in and got away.
🔸get away
✳️I wanted to join you for dinner, but I just couldn't get away. There was too much going on in the office.
🔸get away from sth
✳️We left the pub to get away from the noise.
⭕️You have to walk a dog every day !!!
🅰Tania Why is your dog whining and looking at you so expectantly ?
🅱Barry It's the time of day. He always does that around now.
🅰Tania What does he want ?
🅱Barry He wants me to take him out for a walk.
🅰Tania Are you going to ?
🅱Barry Oh yes, but I like to tease him a bit by pretending not to notice.
🅰Tania Do you take him out every day ?
🅱Barry Of course, you have to walk a dog every day because it needs the exercise to stay healthy.
🔹Explanation :
If you walk your dog, you take it for a walk in order to keep it healthy.
💥Example : I walk my dog each evening around my local streets.
🎓 @Englishdaybyday
Phrasal Verb of the Day
🔴muscle in
☑️Meaning: to use your power or influence to force your way into a situation even if you're not wanted
For example:
🔹muscle in 💥As soon as oil was discovered in the country, the big oil companies muscled in and soon had most of the exploration rights.
🔸muscle in on sth 💥When the major airlines saw how well the new route was doing, they muscled in on it and got a piece of the action.
🔘You look really chic !!!🔘
🅰Gina Where are you off to ?
🅱Alison I'm going to a civic reception at the town hall.
🅰Gina Who's it for ?
🅱Alison It's for a delegation from our sister city in Germany.
🅰Gina Well I must say that outfit really suits you. You look really chic.
🅱Alison Thank you. I want to look my best for the foreign guests.
⭕️Explanation :
Something or someone that is chic is fashionable and sophisticated.
▶️Example : Her gown was very French and very chic.
🎓 @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
⏱7th March 2017
✳️And that's that/and that's final
☑️We use this expression to say we definitely won't change a decision we have made.
💥Example 1
🅰Can I go out with Kenny tonight? He's going to the cinema.
🅱No, you're going to stay and help me, and that's final.
💥Example 2
🅰Everybody has got an MP3 player at school! I want one.
🅱Well I'm not buying you one now, and that's that.
Phrasal Verb of the Day
⭕️believe in
✅Meaning: If you believe in something, you're sure that it's true or it really exists.
▶️For example:
1⃣believe in sth 🔹Not many people in Europe believe in ghosts, but many people in Asia do.
2⃣believe in sth 🔹Mahatma Gandhi believed in the power of non-violent protest.
⭐️ @Englishdaybyday
Idiom of the Day
🔘have a heart-to-heart
☑️Meaning: If you have a heart-to-heart with someone, you have an honest talk and share your feelings with each other.
▶️For example:
🔹After we'd had a good heart-to-heart we understood each other much better.
🔹If you're not getting on well with someone, having a heart-to-heart can really help a lot.
🎯Note: "Heart-to-heart" can also be used as an adjective, as in "have a heart-to-heart talk".
💥 @Englishdaybyday
⭐️Word of the Day
flatter /ˈflætɚ/ verb
flatters; flattered; flattering
💠The boy is flattering the girls with compliments.
☑️Learner's definition of FLATTER
[+ object]
1⃣ : to praise (someone) in a way that is not sincere
🔸He flattered her with comments about her youthful appearance.
🔸His comments flattered her.
🔸You're just flattering me.
: to cause (someone) to feel pleased by showing respect, affection, or admiration
🔹It flattered her to be asked to sing at their wedding.
— usually used as (be) flattered
🔹She was flattered when they asked her to sing.
🔹I'm flattered that he asked me out, but he isn't my type.
🅰 : to show or describe (someone or something) in a way that is very favorable or too favorable
🔸That portrait flatters him. [=that portrait makes him look better than he really does]
🅱 : to cause (someone or something) to look as attractive as possible
🔹That dress really flatters your figure.
✳️flatter yourself
✅: to believe something about yourself that makes you feel pleased or proud
🔹Don't flatter yourself—you don't sing any better than we do.
🔸I flatter myself on my skill in dancing. = I flatter myself that I'm a good dancer.
⭐️ @Englishdaybyday
Daily English Conversation
✳️Can you break a twenty-dollar bill?
👉 Jackie has a 20-dollar bill and wants to break it so that she may have some smaller bills and change for the laundry.
🔹Cashier: How can I help you, Miss?
🔸Jackie: Could you break a 20 for me?
🔹Cashier: Sure. How do you want it?
🔸Jackie: Could I have two 5's and the rest in ones?
🔹Cashier: Well, I have some 5's, but I don't have enough 1's. Are quarters fine with you?
🔸Jackie: Oh, that's even better! In that case, I won't have to worry about the small change for the laundry.
🔹Cashier: Here you go!
🔸Jackie: Thanks a million!
⭐️ @Englishdaybyday
Idiom of the Day
📚stick out like a sore thumb | stand out like a sore thumb
✅Meaning: If someone sticks out like a sore thumb, or stands out like a sore thumb, everyone notices them because they're not the same as the people around them.
▶️For example:
🔸Kenny stuck out like a sore thumb at the party. He was the only person wearing a suit and a tie.
🔹When I was in the Nigerian countryside I stood out like a sore thumb. I was the only white person around.
💥 @Englishdaybyday
Slang of the Day
☑️anxious and nervous about something,not able to relax.
🔹Don’t get uptight and worry about things that may or may not happen.
⚜ @Englishdaybyday
✳️go to bed with the chickens
Ⓜ️to go to bed very early
🔹My grandfather always goes to bed with the chickens because he works on a farm.
Phrasal Verb of the Day
⭕️part with
☑️Meaning: to give something to someone else, especially when you'd prefer to keep it
🔹For example:
🕳part with sth
✳️Mark hated parting with his collection of rare books, but he really needed the money he got by selling them.
🕳part with sth
✳️Mum didn't want to part with our baby clothes or our old school books, but we made her get rid of them.
Slang of the Day
🔘To be ripped (adjective).
☑️In normal everyday English ripped means ‘torn’ – you can rip your jeans or a piece of paper, but… …in slang it’s got nothing to do with that. If a person is ripped (usually men/guys, but not always) means they have great muscles and bodies – probably because they work out a lot the gym or are into sport.
🔹Example 1)
🅰“Dude, you’re so ripped! What’s your secret?”
🅱“Gym two hours a day!”
🔹Example 2)
🅰“Have you seen Martin lately?”
🅱“No, why?”
🅰“He’s done something to himself! He totally ripped!”
🅱“What? No way! He used to be so overweight!”
⚜ @Englishdaybyday
Idiom of the Day
⭕️" Big fish in a small pond "
☑️An important person but only so within a small area of influence.
✳️Alison is the queen of the post room. She's a big fish in a small pond though - no one in the rest of the company knows who she is.
🎯Where did it originate?:
USA, late 19th century.
🎯Where is it used?:
✅ @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
🔘I've got to shoot off
☑️We use this expression to say you have to leave immediately
🔹Example 1
🅰Sorry, I can't talk right now. I've got to shoot off.
🅱Okay, bye, see you tomorrow.
🔹Example 2
🅰As I was saying, he told me I wasn't doing my job properly and I said..
🅱Oh my God, is that the time? I've got to shoot off. I'll talk to you some other time.
Visit daily to learn some popular English phrases on a regular basis.
👌You are remembered for the rules you break.
💥 @EnglishDaybyDay
Idiom of the Day
🔘life of the party | life and soul of the party
☑️Meaning: If you are the life of the party, or the life and soul of the party, you are the liveliest and most entertaining person at a social gathering.
🔸For example:
✳️Harry is normally pretty quiet, but after he's had a few beers he becomes the life of the party.
✳️Don't forget to invite your brother. He's always the life and soul of the party.
⭕️Note: "Life of the party" is more common in American English and "life and soul of the party" is more common in British English, and both are used in Australia.
✅ @Englishdaybyday
Slang of the Day
🔘To be amped (adjective)
☑️If you’re amped about something, you’re super excited or you can’t wait for something to happen.
🔹Example 1)
🅰“I can’t wait to see Beyonce live!”
🅱“Me too, I’m amped.”
💥It can also mean you’re really determined and you want something to happen. With this meaning you can also replace amped with pumped. In other words you’re full of adrenalin!
🔹Example 2)
🅰“I’m so amped for the game tonight!”
🅱“Yeah, I’m sure you are! You guys need to beat the Sox.”
⚜ @Englishdaybyday