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Idiom of the Day
📚ill at ease
✅Meaning: If you're ill at ease, you feel tense or you can't relax in a situation.
▶️For example:
✳️Liam always looks ill at ease when he's being interviewed on T.V.
✳️I don't mean to make people feel ill at ease, but I seem to have that effect on some people.
📜 @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
⏱20th March 2017
✳️Some hope
✅We use this expression to say we think something is pretty impossible.
Example 1⃣
🅰Do you think I can speak English perfectly in three months?
🅱Some hope! I've been learning for ten years and I still can't speak fluently.
Example 2⃣
🅰Do you think we'll win the match on Saturday?
🅱Some hope! Our team is playing rubbish at the moment.
💯 @Englishdaybyday
Slang of the Day
🇬🇧British English
☑️Meaning: a sound used to attract someone's attention, like "hey!"
▶️For example:
🔹The coach noticed that some of his players weren't listening, so he said, "Oi! Are you lads listening to me, or what?"
🔹"Oi, Benny! How you goin' mate?"
💥Note: "Oi!" (with an exclamation mark) is also the name of a style of British punk rock music enjoyed mostly by skinheads. Well-known Oi! bands include Cocksparrer, The Templars, The Press, Sham 69, Blitz, Cockney Rejects, Argy Bargy, The Bruisers and The Partisans.
🎯Origin: Possibly short for "hoi polloi", which is Greek for "the many" or "the masses". "Hoi polloi" was borrowed into English in the nineteenth century and now means "the working class" or "the lower class". Because "oi" has traditionally been used by working-class people, it's possible that it originated as an abbreviation of "hoi polloi" in order to signify a fellow member of the working classes.
⭕️Variety: This slang term is typically used in British English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
⚜ @Englishdaybyday
Phrasal Verb of the Day
✳️knuckle down
☑️Meaning: If you knuckle down, you start to take your work or your task seriously and do it properly.
▶️For example:
1⃣knuckle down 🔹The exams start next month, so I guess it's time I knuckled down and studied a bit harder.
2⃣knuckle down 🔹If Sammy wants to lose weight, he'll have to knuckle down and start exercising more at the gym.
❤️ @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
13th March 2017
✳️In a word, no
☑️We use this expression to summarise our negative feelings or to give a short negative answer
Example 1⃣
🅰Did you enjoy your meal?
🅱In a word, no. It was too hot, the vegetables were overcooked and the sauce was terrible.
Example 2⃣
🅰Is Marie going to help us this afternoon?
🅱In a word, no. She gave me a long explanation about why she can't be with us this time.
💯 @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
✳️Hit the sheets
🇺🇸🇬🇧 @Englishdaybyday
Slang of the Day
Today: Fri, 10 Mar 2017
✅Meaning: not good, not acceptable, not fashionable
▶️For example:
🔹My kids think it's uncool to be dropped off at a party by their parents, so they get me to drop them off a few houses away so their friends can't see.
🔹Doesn't Kerry know that it's uncool to smoke in other people's apartments these days?
⚜ @Englishdaybyday
Phrasal Verb of the Day
make out (1⃣)
⏱Today: Thu, 09 Mar 2017
☑️Meaning: to see or hear something, but only with difficulty
▶️For example:
1⃣make sth out 💥This person's handwriting is really difficult to read. I can't understand this word here. Can you make it out?
2⃣make out sth 💥If you can't make out what someone's saying, ask them to repeat it.
✅ @Englishdaybyday
Phrasal Verb of the Day
📕associate with
Today: Wed, 08 Mar 2017
☑️Meaning: If you associate with someone, you regularly spend time with them.
▶️For example:
1⃣associate with sb 🔹While my brother was in New York in the late 70's, he associated with lots of punk musicians and underground artists.
2⃣associate with sb 🔹If Terry associates with other criminals, he'll be sent back to jail again.
⭐️ @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
⏱7th March 2017
✳️And that's that/and that's final
☑️We use this expression to say we definitely won't change a decision we have made.
💥Example 1
🅰Can I go out with Kenny tonight? He's going to the cinema.
🅱No, you're going to stay and help me, and that's final.
💥Example 2
🅰Everybody has got an MP3 player at school! I want one.
🅱Well I'm not buying you one now, and that's that.
Phrasal Verb of the Day
⭕️believe in
✅Meaning: If you believe in something, you're sure that it's true or it really exists.
▶️For example:
1⃣believe in sth 🔹Not many people in Europe believe in ghosts, but many people in Asia do.
2⃣believe in sth 🔹Mahatma Gandhi believed in the power of non-violent protest.
⭐️ @Englishdaybyday
Idiom of the Day
🔘have a heart-to-heart
☑️Meaning: If you have a heart-to-heart with someone, you have an honest talk and share your feelings with each other.
▶️For example:
🔹After we'd had a good heart-to-heart we understood each other much better.
🔹If you're not getting on well with someone, having a heart-to-heart can really help a lot.
🎯Note: "Heart-to-heart" can also be used as an adjective, as in "have a heart-to-heart talk".
💥 @Englishdaybyday
⭐️Word of the Day
flatter /ˈflætɚ/ verb
flatters; flattered; flattering
💠The boy is flattering the girls with compliments.
☑️Learner's definition of FLATTER
[+ object]
1⃣ : to praise (someone) in a way that is not sincere
🔸He flattered her with comments about her youthful appearance.
🔸His comments flattered her.
🔸You're just flattering me.
: to cause (someone) to feel pleased by showing respect, affection, or admiration
🔹It flattered her to be asked to sing at their wedding.
— usually used as (be) flattered
🔹She was flattered when they asked her to sing.
🔹I'm flattered that he asked me out, but he isn't my type.
🅰 : to show or describe (someone or something) in a way that is very favorable or too favorable
🔸That portrait flatters him. [=that portrait makes him look better than he really does]
🅱 : to cause (someone or something) to look as attractive as possible
🔹That dress really flatters your figure.
✳️flatter yourself
✅: to believe something about yourself that makes you feel pleased or proud
🔹Don't flatter yourself—you don't sing any better than we do.
🔸I flatter myself on my skill in dancing. = I flatter myself that I'm a good dancer.
⭐️ @Englishdaybyday
Daily English Conversation
✳️Can you break a twenty-dollar bill?
👉 Jackie has a 20-dollar bill and wants to break it so that she may have some smaller bills and change for the laundry.
🔹Cashier: How can I help you, Miss?
🔸Jackie: Could you break a 20 for me?
🔹Cashier: Sure. How do you want it?
🔸Jackie: Could I have two 5's and the rest in ones?
🔹Cashier: Well, I have some 5's, but I don't have enough 1's. Are quarters fine with you?
🔸Jackie: Oh, that's even better! In that case, I won't have to worry about the small change for the laundry.
🔹Cashier: Here you go!
🔸Jackie: Thanks a million!
⭐️ @Englishdaybyday
Idiom of the Day
📚stick out like a sore thumb | stand out like a sore thumb
✅Meaning: If someone sticks out like a sore thumb, or stands out like a sore thumb, everyone notices them because they're not the same as the people around them.
▶️For example:
🔸Kenny stuck out like a sore thumb at the party. He was the only person wearing a suit and a tie.
🔹When I was in the Nigerian countryside I stood out like a sore thumb. I was the only white person around.
💥 @Englishdaybyday
Phrasal Verb of the Day
🔘lighten up
☑️Meaning: to become less serious or more easy-going
▶️For example:
🔹My boss is so serious all the time. I wish she'd lighten up and joke around with us sometimes.
🔹Salima said that if Kareem doesn't lighten up and learn to have some fun, she'll stop seeing him and look for someone else.
📕 @Englishdaybyday
Phrasal Verb of the Day
✳️Crowd Around
✍The phrasal verb 'crowd around' describes when people surround someone or something, especially because they want to see what is happening.
People usually 'crowd around' when someone has been injured, if there is something interesting or exciting to see, or if they are trying to hear someone speak.
🎈Here are some example sentences:
🔹The children were crowding around the small mouse, trying to see whether it was still alive or not.
🔹The followers crowded around their leader to hear him speak.
⭕️The noun 'crowd' is a group of people who have gathered together to do something.
❤️ @Englishdaybyday
Idiom of the Day
⏱Today: Fri, 17 Mar 2017
✳️right up your street
🇬🇧British English
☑️Meaning: If something is right up your street, it would be perfect for you or ideal for your skills and interests.
▶️For example:
💥I've found a job that should be right up Humphrey's street. It's writing for a cricket magazine, so he could use his writing skills and his knowledge of cricket.
💥I thought a tour of German castles would be right up your street, Sarah.
💠Note: The idioms "right down your alley" and "right up your alley" have the same meaning, but they're used more in American English.
🔰Variety: This idiom is typically used in British English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
📜 @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
✳️Same here
✅We use this expression to say we agree with someone about something.
🔹Example 1⃣
🅰I thought the film was brilliant, and the music was great too.
🅱Same here.
🔹Example 2⃣
🅰I really like relaxing holidays where I just lie on the beach all day.
🅱Same here. I don't like visiting museums and stuff like that.
💯 @Englishdaybyday
Phrasal Verb of the Day
⭕️work on
☑️Meaning: to spend time making, fixing or improving something
▶️For example:
1⃣work on sth 🔹Alfred would work on a movie's screenplay for months before starting to shoot the movie.
2⃣work on doing sth 🔹If you work on improving your English conversation skills, you should be ready for promotion in a couple of months.
✅ @Englishdaybyday
Idiom of the Day
⏱Today: Fri, 10 Mar 2017
⭕️jump down your throat | jump all over you
☑️Meaning: If someone jumps down your throat, or jumps all over you, they strongly criticise you or scold you.
▶️For example:
🔹All I did was come twenty minutes late, and the manager jumped down my throat. I don't understand why he got so mad.
🔹Janie's parents jumped all over her for forgetting to call them and tell them she'd be getting home late.
✅ @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
⏱Today: Thu, 9th March 2017
📚(It's) about time
📝We use this expression to say we feel something should have happened much earlier.
▶️Example 1⃣
🅰Here's the letter you asked me to write.
🅱It's about time! I asked you for that ages ago!
▶️Example 2⃣
🅰They've finished the new supermarket in the city centre.
🅱About time! They were working on it for years!
🇺🇸🇬🇧 @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
8th March 2017
✳️It's (just) not me
☑️We use this expression to say something does not suit us or is not right for us.
▶️Example 1⃣
🅰Don't you like those trousers?
🅱I tried them on, but they're just not me. Yellow is not my colour.
▶️Example 2⃣
🅰If you were a lawyer you could earn a fortune.
🅱Maybe, but that's just not me. I couldn't stand the stress of a job like that.
Idiom of the Day
✳️another string to your bow
🇬🇧British English
Today: Wed, 08 Mar 2017
☑️Meaning: If you have another string to your bow, you have another way of making a living.
▶️For example:
🔹Lots of people learn to teach English so they'll have another string to their bow.
🔹I've lost my job and I'll have to retrain for something else. I wish I already had another string to my bow.
💥Origin: Probably metaphorical, from the fact that if an archer has a spare string for their bow, they can still shoot an arrow even if their first string breaks.
🎯Variety: This idiom is typically used in British English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
📝 @Englishdaybyday
Slang of the Day
▶️Example: Zack is John’s frenemy. They get a long in the office but both of them work on internal competing teams.
⚜ @Englishdaybyday
⭕️get away with
☑️Meaning: to do something illegal or immoral and not get caught or punished
▶️For example:
1⃣get away with sth 🔹Janet got away with shoplifting clothes the first few times, but she soon got caught and now she's stuck with a police record for the rest of her life.
2⃣get away with sth 🔹Bobby nearly got away with the robbery, but he spent the money too quickly and local police who knew him got suspicious.
🔴Nouns often used as objects with get away with: cheating, stealing, lying, robbery, theft, fraud, corruption, murder
⭐️ @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
✳️Suit yourself
☑️We use this expression to reply to someone who has made a decision we don't agree with or approve of.
💥Example 1
🅰I'm not going to the match this Saturday. I'm doing my homework instead.
🅱Suit yourself. It's going to be a great game, though.
💥Example 2
🅰I don't like violent films, so I don't think I'll go to the cinema with you tonight.
🅱Suit yourself. But everyone else is coming, so it'll be fun.
Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done.
💥 @EnglishDaybyDay
Phrasal Verb of the Day
✳️get across
✅Meaning: to communicate something or make something understood by others
⭕️Synonym: get over, convey, put across
▶️For example:
🔹get sth across 💥I've studied English for years, but I still have trouble getting my ideas across in a conversation.
🔸get across sth 💥A good advertisement gets across whatever it is that makes a product seem essential to buyers.
👌 @Englishdaybyday
Phrase of the day
✳️Make yourself at home
✅We use this expression to invite someone to sit down and relax or to do what they want when they visit our home.
🔹Example 1
🅰Can I have a glass of water?
🅱Sure, the kitchen is right there. Make yourself at home.
🔹Example 2
🅰Nice flat!
🅱Thanks. Sit down. Make yourself at home.