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English Language

📒 It's a man's world

Everything in life is arranged to the advantage of men. Life is tough for women.

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English Language

💠 vegetable 🇺🇸

a person with severe brain damage

❕For example

🔺Poor Glen has been a vegetable since his terrible accident. He can't move and he can't communicate because of all the damage to his brain.

🔺One of my school friends is a vegetable. He overdosed on heroin and his brain didn't get any oxygen for a long time, and most of his brain cells died.

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English Language

📒 He that will learn to pray, let him go to sea

The sea is supremely powerful, and can be a terrifying and awe-inspiring place.

pray (verb) = ask for help from God; give thanks to God | This saying may be more easily understood if rephrased as: "The person that wants to learn to pray should go to sea."

This quotation from Welsh poet George Herbert (1593 - 1633) - "He that will learne to pray, let him goe to Sea" - reflects seafarers' long-standing conviction that at sea we find the ultimate in awe and terror.

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English Language

💠 jab 🇺🇸

an injection with a hypodermic syringe

❕For example

🔺I went to see my doctor yesterday to get a flu jab.

🔺It's time for our kids to get another set of vaccination jabs. I'll take them to the clinic in the morning.

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English Language

📒 None so blind as those who will not see

Nobody is blinder than the person who decides he does not want to see. Often used in reference to prejudice and intolerance.

none (pronoun): no person; no one | blind (adj.): unable to see; not having the power of sight | will (verb): intend; desire [this is "will" used as a main verb, not as a modal auxiliary verb] | Also: "There's none so blind as those who will not see."

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English Language

💠 uptight 🇺🇸

tense, anxious

❕For example

🔺Why is Eddie so uptight all the time? It's like he's got all this anger and fear stuck inside and he can't let it out.

🔺Jane's one of those uptight people who make you feel uncomfortable just by being around them.

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English Language

📒 If you play with fire you get burned

If you fool around with something that is potentially dangerous, you must expect to get harmed.

get burned (verb) = be injured or wounded by heat or flames from a fire (also "get burnt")

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English Language

💠 hang-up 🇺🇸

an emotional problem causing inhibition or unreasonable behaviour

❕For example

🔺My sister Tanya's got a hang-up about her weight, and she's not even fat!

🔺Doug's got a hang-up about his age, and he thinks he's too old to find a new partner even though he doesn't like being single.

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English Language

Idiom of the Day

🔰off the cuff

If you speak off the cuff, you speak without planning what you will say beforehand.

🔹For example:

🔺She wasn't expecting to win, so she hadn't prepared a speech, but she still managed to say a few words off the cuff after being given the award.

🔺The prime minister keeps making off-the-cuff remarks that get him into trouble.

💢Note: When used to modify a noun or a noun phrase, this idiom should be written with hyphens, as in "an off-the-cuff comment".

👁‍🗨Origin: Possibly related to the fact that people sometimes write last-minute notes on the cuff of their shirt's sleeve before making a speech or saying a few words.
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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English Language

Phrasal Verb of the Day

💥identify with

If you identify with someone, you feel you have a connection with them and you can understand them and share their feelings.

🔹For example:

identify with sb
🔺A lot of mothers could identify with the woman who protested against the war after her son was killed in the fighting.

identify with sb
🔺Lots of young guys identify with young male singers and rap stars, and dress like them and act like them.
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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English Language

Idiom of the Day

💥the upper hand

✍🏾Meaning: If you have the upper hand, you have the advantage or you're in the stronger position in a contest or a conflict.

🔺For example:

▪️With one race to go, the Ferrari team has the upper hand. If they get one of the top three places in the last race, they'll win this year's title.

▪️For many years Yahoo was the top search engine, but for the last few years Google has had the upper hand.
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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English Language

Idiom of the Day

📚kill time

You kill time when you do something to amuse yourself while waiting for something.

❗️For example:

🔺I had to kill time at the airport because of the delay so I bought a book of crossword puzzles.

🔺We kill time on long trips by playing this game in which someone thinks of a country, and the next person has to think of another country that starts with the last letter of the first one, like Thailand, Denmark, Kenya, Afghanistan, Nepal, and so on.
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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English Language

Slang of the Day

🇺🇸American English Offensive

an overweight person, esp. one with large buttocks

❗️For example:

🔺Madge has become such a lardass since she stopped exercising and started eating too much.

🔺Bill and Jill get on really well. They're both lardasses who love watching TV all day and eating snacks non-stop.

👁‍🗨Variety: This slang term is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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English Language

Slang of the Day


▫️Very secret; classified
▫️highly secret or confidential

▪️For example:

🔺I want you to keep this hush-hush, but my wife is pregnant!
🔺a hush-hush political investigation.
🔺a hush-hush border meeting
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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English Language

Slang of the Day


to search for one's own name on the Internet

▪️For example:

🔺When Trevor tried egosurfing, he was surprised to find seven websites that mentioned his name.

🔺Wheh he egosurfed, John Smith found his name in over two hundred million websites. He admitted that they probably weren't all about him, though.
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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English Language

📒bring up (2)

to raise a new topic for discussion, or to mention a particular subject or issue in a conversation

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 You should bring that issue up in the next staff meeting.

💬 When travelling in a foreign country, you shouldn't bring up topics like religion or politics.

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English Language

📚right down your alley | right up your alley

If something is right down your alley, or right up your alley, it would be perfect for you or ideal for your skills and interests.

❗️For example

🔸I've found a job that should be right down Lou's alley. It's writing for a baseball magazine, so he could use his writing skills and his knowledge of baseball.

🔸I thought a tour of Aztec archeological sites would be right up your alley, Mary-Lou.

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English Language

📒describe as

to say that something is a certain kind of thing or that someone is a certain type of person

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Would you describe your music as rock or pop?

💬 I'd describe Uncle Ted as a fairly typical middle-aged man.

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English Language

📚the ball's in your court

If someone you're negotiating with says "the ball's in your court", they think it's your turn to make a move or make an offer.

❗️For example

🔸We've offered him ten thousand dollars a month, so the ball's in his court now.

🔸They know our position, so the ball's in their court. If they want to pursue the matter, they'll have to make the next move.

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English Language

📒dig in

to start eating with enthusiasm, or gusto

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 As soon as I put the food on the table, all the kids starting digging in.

💬 The pizza's here you guys! Come and dig in!

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English Language

📚kill the goose that lays the golden egg

If you kill the goose that lays the golden egg, you destroy something that has made you a lot of money.

❗️For example

🔸The thing that attracted tourists to the island was the peace and quiet. But greedy developers have killed the goose that laid the golden egg by opening noisy nightclubs, so no-one goes there now.

🔸Parents and agents of successful child actors and singers often kill the goose that laid the golden egg by making the kids work too much, and the kids lose the magic spark that made them special in the first place.

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English Language

📒bring out (2)

to make a quality in someone or something show itself

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 The herbs really help to bring out the flavour of the fish.

💬 I love watching adults have fun at amusement parks. These places bring the child out in all of us.

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English Language

📚hit the roof

You can say someone hits the roof if they lose their temper and show their anger.

❗️For example

🔸When the boss saw Jim's mistake, he hit the roof. He yelled and thumped the desk and told Jim to get out.

🔸When Johnny's dad found out that he'd been smoking cigarettes, he hit the roof.

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English Language

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English Language

Slang of the Day

🔰ratty (1)
🇬🇧 🇦🇺

in poor condition; worn or damaged because of continuous use

🔹For example:

🔺Ratty old jeans are always in fashion among rock musicians.

🔺Don't you think it's time we replaced that ratty wallpaper in the kitchen?

👁‍🗨Variety: This slang term is typically used in American and Australian English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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English Language

Slang of the Day

🔰da bomb
🇺🇸American English

excellent, extremely good

❗️For example:

🔺This new Batman movie is da bomb, dude!

🔺Joey's new chick is da bomb, man! She's hot!

👁‍🗨Variety: This slang term is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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English Language

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English Language

Phrasal Verb of the Day

🔰belong to

If something belongs to a person, it is owned by that person.

▪️For example:

1️⃣belong to
🔺Who do these CD's belong to? Are they yours?

2️⃣belong to sb
🔺Native Americans couldn't understand the idea that a piece of land could belong to one person. It was for everyone to use, like the air in the sky or the water in a river.
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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English Language

Idiom of the Day

📚back to the drawing board

You can say "back to the drawing board" when a plan or a design has failed, and you decide to begin all over again.

▪️For example:

🔺Their plans to open a hotel in Fiji fell through, so it was back to the drawing board.

🔺Our new drug worked on rats, but when it was tried on people it failed, so we had to go back to the drawing board and start again.
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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English Language

Idiom of the Day

🔰year dot | year one

You can say "the year dot", or "the year one", when you're talking about a very, very long time ago.

❗️For example:

🔺There have been people living in Australia since the year dot, but Europeans have only been there for about two hundred years.

🔺People have been interested in the stars and the moon since the year one.

📌Note: "The year dot" is more common in British and Australian English, while "the year one" is more common in American English.
🌀 @Englishoftheday

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