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اگهی استخدام
-کارشناس ارشد مترجمی زبان / آموزش / ادبیات
-دارندگان مدرک آیلتس با نمره بالای 6.5 و تافل بالای 90
-سابقه تدریس زبان انگلیسی ترجیحا دارای مدرک T.T.C
👤 @jangalwebsitesupport
🆔 @jangalcom
Word of the Day
💥Ignoble [ig·no·ble] adj.
✍🏾Not honorable in character or purpose; shameful.
🔺 “An ignoble act.”
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
🇺🇸American English
💢Meaning: clothes
❗️For example:
🔺Check out Terry's new threads. He looks really sharp in that outfit.
🔺Those threads Jack's wearing look pretty expensive.
📌Note: usually refers to men's clothes
🗨Variety: This slang term is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Idiom of the Day
💥get a look in
If you get a look in, you get a fair chance to do something.
➰For example:
🔺When Roger was playing at his best, no-one else taking part in a tournament would get a look in. He'd win every time.
🔺With so many graduates from top universities trying to get the job, someone like me wouldn't get a look in.
🗨Note: Usually used in the negative, as in "I didn't get a look in..."
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Word of the Day
✍🏾 the belief that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
✍🏾Meaning: not good, not acceptable, not fashionable
📌For example:
🔺My kids think it's uncool to be dropped off at a party by their parents, so they get me to drop them off a few houses away so their friends can't see.
🔺Doesn't Kerry know that it's uncool to smoke in other people's apartments these days?
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Phrasal Verb of the Day
🔰remind of
If something reminds you of something else, it makes you think of it.
❗️For example:
◾️remind sb of sth/sb
▪️The smell of eucalyptus reminds me of holidays I had in the Australian bush when I was a kid.
◽️be reminded of sth
▫️Whenever she hears birds singing, Jill says she's reminded of the beauty of nature.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
✍🏾Meaning: a strange, eccentric or weird person
📌For example:
🔺Back when me and my friends were teenage punk rockers, my grandpa used to say we looked like "bloody weirdos".
🔺Have you ever seen the weirdos who go to those evangelical Christian meetings? They have fits and speak in tongues and play with snakes and do other weird stuff.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
سايت تخته نرد آنلاين♣️🎲
ثبت نام كنيد و با افراد آنلاين سايت بازى كنيد و برنده شويد💰
ثبت نام و بازى ✅
كانال تلگرام👇
Idiom of the Day
💥with all your heart /ˈwɪθ ˈɑːl jɚ ˈhɑɚt /
✍🏾: in a very sincere and deeply felt way
🔺The man loves his wife with all his heart.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Word of the Day
💥outpouring /ˈaʊtˌporɪŋ/ noun
plural outpourings
✍🏾Learner's definition of OUTPOURING
1️⃣ : an act of expressing an emotion or feeling in a very powerful way — often + of
🔺There was an outpouring of support for the president. [=many people expressed strong support for the president]
🔺an outpouring of love and affection
🔺outpourings of emotion
2️⃣ : a large amount of something that is given or received in a short period of time — often + of
🔺They received an outpouring of money for their charity.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
administrator, administration, person or department that runs an organisation
❗️For example:
🔺If you're having trouble logging on, contact your service provider's admin staff.
🔺Why does this dumbass forum's admin dork keep deleting my excellent posts? Is it coz of my slang?
📌Note: Most commonly used to mean the person who runs a computer network, a server, or an online forum.
🗨Origin: short for administrator or administration
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Slang of the Day
✍🏾Meaning: a simple, poorly-educated person from the countryside
❗️For example:
🔺We used to see whole families of yokels come into town sometimes. They'd be wearing really old clothes, have terrible haircuts, and they'd speak in this weird accent that was hard to understand.
🔺Fran's mother used to say she'd give Fran to the yokels who lived up in the mountains if she was a bad girl.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
🔹قدرتمندترین گروه پیش بینی مسابقات ورزشی ⚽️🏀🏈⚾️🎾
🔹پخش زنده تلویزیونی مسابقات ورزشی
🔹پشتیبانی 24 ساعته 💪💪
🔹ادرس سایت:
Word of the Day
💥neighborly /ˈneɪbɚli/
or British neighbourly
✍🏾: helpful and friendly
🔺Cooking a meal for the elderly man is very neighborly.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
اگهی استخدام
کارشناس ارشد مترجمی زبان
دارندگان مدرک آیلتس با نمره بالای 6.5 و تافل بالای 90
سابقه تدریس زبان انگلیسی ترجیحا دارای مدرک T.T.C
👤 @jangalwebsitesupport
🆔 @jangalcom
Idiom of the Day
📚stick out like a sore thumb | stand out like a sore thumb
✍🏾Meaning: If someone sticks out like a sore thumb, or stands out like a sore thumb, everyone notices them because they're not the same as the people around them.
➰For example:
🔺Kenny stuck out like a sore thumb at the party. He was the only person wearing a suit and a tie.
🔺When I was in the Nigerian countryside I stood out like a sore thumb. I was the only white person around.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Word of the Day
✍🏾A spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something.
🔺“He has an affinity for science fiction movies.”
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Story of the Day
📓The Banana Peel and the Slipper
✍🏾Once there was a very snobbish lady named Gertrude who always wore yellow slippers.They were covered in rhinestones & they were made of plush velvet,She used to wear flip flops, until one day she stubbed her toe and the tip came off. So after that she started wearing slippers to hide her toe. She found the slippers at a thrift store for $2.65 plus tax. She also found a nightgown for $1.99, which she wore everywhere. Even to Walmart. One day, on her way into Walmart, the door greeter complimented her yellow slippers and asked her where she got them.She said she got them at an auction, for $6000 because they used to belong to Whoopie Goldberg.Yes,Gertrude was not only a snob, but a pathological liar.Her personality was about as unattractive as her name.
Well, as she continued toward the produce department, she git her usual load of mini cucumbers (she loved to make pickles). She also got some olive loaf,a new set of toenail clippers,Dr.Shoal’s foot powder,onions,a few cans of beans,air freshener,& some toilet paper.
Anyway,Gertrude was so used to people looking at her shoes, that she got very conceited about it. She started thinking she was better than everyone else..especially since everyone thought that Whoopie Goldberg used to own them, & that she paid top dollar for them.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Idiom of the Day
💥jump down your throat | jump all over you
✍🏾Meaning: If someone jumps down your throat, or jumps all over you, they strongly criticise you or scold you.
❗️For example:
🔺All I did was come twenty minutes late, and the manager jumped down my throat. I don't understand why he got so mad.
🔺Janie's parents jumped all over her for forgetting to call them and tell them she'd be getting home late.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Joke Of The Day
➰God Will Save Me
✍️There was an old man sitting on his porch watching the rain fall. Pretty soon the water was coming over the porch and into the house.
The old man was still sitting there when a rescue boat came and the people on board said, "You can't stay here you have to come with us."
The old man replied, "No, God will save me." So the boat left. A little while later the water was up to the second floor, and another rescue boat came, and again told the old man he had to come with them.
The old man again replied, "God will save me." So the boat left him again.
An hour later the water was up to the roof and a third rescue boat approached the old man, and tried to get him to come with them.
Again the old man refused to leave stating that, "God will save him." So the boat left him again.
Soon after, the man drowns and goes to heaven, and when he sees God he asks him, "Why didn't you save me?"
God replied, "You dummy! I tried. I sent three boats after you!!"😂
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Word of the Day
💥rectify /ˈrɛktəˌfaɪ/ verb
✍🏾: to correct (something that is wrong)
🔺The hotel management promised to rectify the problem/situation.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Word of the Day
✍🏾 too eager to praise or obey someone:
🔺She is embarrassingly obsequious to anyone in authority.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
🎲تخته نرد♣️چهاربرگ♦️پوكر♠️بلك جك
💎در كمتراز 5 دقيقه ثبت نام كنيد، شارژ كنيد و در مسابقات شركت كنيد
ثبت نام👇
Slang of the Day
💥rap (1)
American and Australian English
to talk together in a relaxed way (v.) | a relaxed talk (n.)
📌For example:
🔺After most people had left the party, Mandy and a couple of her friends sat around rapping about their lives and loves.
🔺Let's get together after work for a few drinks and a rap about football.
🗨Variety: This slang term is typically used in American and Australian English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Idiom of the Day
📚find your feet
If you're still finding your feet, you're still adjusting to a new place or a new situation.
📍For example:
▪️It takes a while to find your feet when you start a new job, but you'll soon figure out who's who and what's what.
▪️Gary's been studying here for three months and he still hasn't found his feet. Maybe he should try something else.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Word of the Day
💥menorah /məˈnorə/
✍🏾: an object that holds seven or nine candles and that is used in Jewish worship
🔺The boy is lighting a Hanukkah menorah.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
Idiom of the Day
💥light of your life
✍🏾: a person you love very much and who makes you happy
🔺The man's daughter is the light of his life.
🌀 @Englishoftheday
ما جانی تازه به پیش بینی بخشیده ایم
پخش زنده تلویزیونی
نگاهی نو در دنیای پیش بینی
برای تمامی رشته ها
ادرس سایت:
Slang of the Day
🇬🇧British English Offensive
✍🏾Meaning: a person who's annoying because they try to show how clever and knowledgeable they are (n.) | having an annoying way of trying to seem clever (adj.)
📌For example:
🔺Greg sounds like a bit of a smart-arse when he's in a discussion because he states his opinion as if it's the last word on a topic.
🔺We don't need some smart-arse ecology professor coming out here and telling us how to run our farms.
🗨Variety: This slang term is typically used in British English but may be used in other varieties of English to
🌀 @Englishoftheday