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The limits of my language are the limits of my world Kanal ingliz tili o'rganuvchilari tomonidan tuzilgan. Tavsiya: @KingOfPoP19582009MJ @englishwords11 Aloqa: @ConnectionRobot

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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

Salom, yaxshilar!
Xabaringiz bor, kanal anchadan beri faoliyat yuritmayapdi. Biroq, bu yerda yetarlicha katta manba yig'ilgan ekan. Kanalda ulashilgan barcha #idiom'larni takrorlash uchun bir postga jamlab chiqdim. Ko'k yozuvning ustiga bossangiz iborali postga yo'naltirilasiz
Happy learning!

💫 It costs arm and leg

💫Bob's your uncle

💫Once bitten twice shy

💫Great minds think alike

💫To count chickens before they hatch

💫To be on the same page

💫Talk shop

💫In the soup

💫It is not my cup of tea

💫To gild the lily

💫Four eyes see more than two

💫In my salads day and one more

💫Synonyms for "to die"

💫To cap it all

💫Bad hair day

💫Count the blessings

💫Be able to count on fingers of one hand

💫Count the cost

💫To play old Harry with somebody

💫An old hand

💫Old hat

💫Old lady

💫Old lag


💫Bump on a log

💫Loom large

💫Beg for the moon

💫Have butterflies in stomach

💫Once in a blue moon

💫Green with envy

💫White/black envy

💫A red rag to a bull

💫See red

💫Purple patch

💫Black and blue

💫Be yellow

💫Blue-eyed boy

💫The grass is greener on the other side

💫Cotton on to something


💫To eat like a horse

💫Make mouth water

💫To grab a bite to eat

💫To have a sweet teeth

💫The life and soul of the party

💫 To bend over backwards

💫The flower of something

💫Heavy-going book

💫Big reader

💫To read from cover to cover

💫Page turner

💫On top of the world

Good luck and all!

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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida


🍀Tarix yaratish uchun dunyoga kelgan

P. S. 🤟🌚

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🎼 C'est la Vie (Red) from Up! (Red and Green Versions)
🎤 by Shania Twain

It must be Monday! What a dumb day!
Can't drag my butt outta bed
Somebody stop me--I need another coffee
Like a hole in my head

When everyday begins this way
Gets you down and can drive you mad
The daily grind can freak your mind
But life isn't all that bad

Don't let it get to you
C'est la vie! That's life,
And that's how it's gonna be
C'est la vie! Hold tight,
It comes right eventually. Oh ho

If only I could sleep in
And wake up on the weekend
Oh, what a dream that would be, yeah
But fat chance for that one
It ain't gonna happen
Better get back to reality

I could be a slob or keep my job
That is the choice we have
The daily grind can freak your mind
But life isn't all that bad

Don't let it get to you
C'est la vie! That's life,
And that's how it's gonna be
C'est la vie! Hold tight,
It comes right eventually. Oh ho

Everybody's got to do it!
Everybody's got to earn their way
Uh, come on now
You gotta work your own way through it
Everybody's got their dues to pay

The daily grind can freak your mind
But life isn't all that bad

Don't let it get to you
C'est la vie! That's life,
And that's how it's gonna be
C'est la vie! Hold tight,
It comes right eventually. Oh ho

Yeah, yeah
C'est la vie! That's life, and that's
How it's gonna be
Uh, come on now
C'est la vie! Hold tight,
It comes right eventually. Oh ho

C'est la vie


🎼 C'est la Vie (Red) from Up! (Red and Green Versions)

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💡Yangi kirib kelgan so'zlar

📺Binge-watch - TV shoularni, seriallarni yoki ko'p qismli filmlarni bittada ko'p ko'rish

- I was ill last week, so I downloaded and binge-watched the whole of series of Harry Potter in one day!
- O'tgan hafta kasal bo'lib qoldim, shuning uchun Garri Potterning barcha qismlarini yuklab oldim va bir kunda hammasini ko'rib chiqdim!

From: english.com


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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

Like an old stone wall that'll never fall
Some things are always true
Some things never change
Like how I'm holding on tight to you

"Frozen II" multfilmidan

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🐝Men senga ishonaman🍃

P. S. 🤗

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✌️Hozirgina yangi so'z o'rgandim, sizlarga ham ulashmoqchiman)



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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

🧩10+1 ta mashxur "borrowing"lar

1⃣They/their - qadimgi norvegcha "peir" so'zidan.
"they" - ular; "their" - ularning

2⃣Person - lotin tilidan "persona" so'zi Avvaliga fransuz tiliga, keyinchalik ingliz tiliga o'zlashtirilgan.
"person" - shaxs

3⃣Very - qadimgi fransuz tilidagi "verai" - "true" so'zidan (hozir "vrai") o'zlashtirilgan
"very" - juda

4⃣War - bu so'z ham qadimgi fransuz tilidan olingan ("werre").
"war" - urush

5⃣Leg - qadimgi norvegchadan kirib kelib ingliz tilidagi "shank" so'zining o'rnini egallagan. Bugungi kunda "shank" odatda hayvonlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi.
"leg" - oyoq; "shank" - hayvon oyog'i

6⃣Skin - bu ham qadimgi norvegchadan ingliz tiliga "hide" so'zining o'rnini egallagan. "Hide" so'zi odatda hayvonlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi
"skin" - teri; "hide" - hayvon terisi

7⃣Slaughter - qadimgi norvegcha "slatr" so'zidan.
"Slaughter" - so'ymoq

8⃣Skipper - nemischa "schipper". Nemislar bilan savdo aloqalari yaxshi bo'lganligi tufayli Dengiz bilan bog’liq ko'p so'zlar nemis tilidan kirib kelgan
"Skipper" - shkiper, kema kapitani

9⃣Court - fransuz tilida bu so'z oldin aybdorlar aybiga javob beruvchi qirol qarorgohini anglatgan
"court" - sud; kort

1⃣0⃣Zero - aslida matematikaga oid bo'lgan ko'p so'zlar arab tilidan kirib kelgan, xuddi "zero" kabi. (matematika ustozim aytishi bo'yicha arab tiliga turkiy tillardan kirib borgan🙃)
"zero" - nol

🔴Bonus so'z
- chex tilidan nemischaga, nemis tilidan inglizchaga o'tib kelgan. Asl Ma'nosi: tanga ishlab chiqariladigan zavod

From: uctlanguagecentre.com


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📚James, while John had had “had”, had had “had had”; “had had” had had a better effect on the teacher

Bu yerda "qo'shtirnoq" ichidagi "had" va "had had" to have fe'lining past simple hamda past perfect zamonlarida tuslanishi.

Qo'shtirnoqsiz had, had had lar esa o'z ma'nosida emas, huddi "foydalandi", "qo'lladi" ma'nolarini beryapti

🇺🇿 Jon "had"ni qo'llagan vaqtda Jeyms "had had" dan foydalandi, vaholanki, o'qituvchida "had had" yaxshiroq taassurot qoldirgan edi.


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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

If I told you what I was
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous
Would you be scared?

Imagine dragons - monster

P. S. 🤟

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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

🍀Agar sen rostan ham o'zgarishni istasang, noqulay sharoitlar orasidan o'tishing kerak. Jarayonni aldashni bas qil. Bu yuksalishning yagona yo'li


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☘Buffalo so'zining ma'nolari ko'p ekan.
Yuqoridagi 7ta Buffalo 🐃 turli holatlarda 3 xil omonimlarni ifodalaydi.

1⃣ Buffalo - AQSh, Nyu-York shtatidagi shahar (geogr.) 🏙

2⃣ Buffalo - bizon, buyvol (zool.) 🐃

3⃣ To buffalo - qo'rqitmoq 😨

Shunday qilib,
🔴Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
🟡 Buffalolik(Buffalo shahridagi) bizonni qo'rqitadigan buffalolik bizon boshqa buffalolik bizonni qo'rqitib yuribdi


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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

Kech tunlarda o'zingga aytadigan hamma narsalarga ham ishonma🌚

Good night 😉

P. S. Men shunaqa, o'zidan o'zi paydo bo'lib yo'qolib qolaveraman🤦‍♀🤟

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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

🤟I'm on top of the world, aye!
©Imagine dragons

Shunchaki, ulashgim keldi

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✌️Keyinroq keldi!

"Under" prefiksi bilan kelgan bir qancha so'zlar "sirli" ma'nosini beradi. (ikkinchi ma'nosi bo'lsa yonida qavs ichida beriladi)
So'zlarga ahamiyat bersangiz nega bunday kelib chiqqanini ham tushunib olasiz😄🤟


🔮Under one's hat

🔮Undercurrent (suvosti holati🙃)

🔮Under the table

🔮Under the rose

Underhanded (samimiy emas
, oddiy)


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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

✨Let go of your stresses✨

✨💫A psychology professor entered the classroom with half a glass of water in his hand. The students expected the old common question “was it half empty or half full?” But to the surprise, he asked them “How heavy is this glass of water?”

The answers given by the students ranged from 7 oz. To 25 oz. But the professor replied that the actual weight of the glass with water doesn’t always matter but how long you hold the glass is what matters.

If you hold the glass for a minute, you won’t feel much weight. But if you hold for 10 minutes, you will feel a little more weight and it gets heavier for you with hours.

If you hold it for the entire day, then your hands would go numb and pain. Similar is the case when you carry stress with you. If you think about it for a while and leave it, then there is no problem but if you think about it for hours, it starts becoming a problem and it becomes worse if you sleep with it.✨💫

✨💫Moral: You should learn to let go of your stresses and never sleep with it. If you can do something about it, just do it. In the other case, just leave it and work towards your goals or else it just kills your productivity.✨💫

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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

💡Yangi kirib kelgan so'zlar

🇺🇿 Volontyorlik bahonasida sayohat qilish

- I really wanted to explore South America, so I thought I'd try Voluntourism
- Janubiy Amerikaga sayohat uyushtirishni xohlardim juda ham, shuning uchun volonturizmni sinab ko'rish haqida o'yladim.

From: english.com


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Have a good week😉


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🎼 Some Things Never Change from Frozen 2 (Alkuperäinen Suomalainen Soundtrack)
🎤 by Kristen Bell feat. Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff & Cast of Frozen 2

Yes, the wind blows a little bit colder
And we're all getting older
And the clouds are moving on with every autumn breeze
Peter Pumpkin just became fertilizer
And my leaf's a little sadder and wiser
That's why I rely on certain certainties

Yes, some things never change
Like the feel of your hand in mine
Some things stay the same
Like how we get along just fine
Like an old stone wall that'll never fall
Some things are always true
Some things never change
Like how I'm holding on tight to you

The leaves are already falling
Sven, it feels like the future is calling
Are you telling me tonight you're gonna get down on one knee?
Yeah bud, I'm really bad at planning these things out
Like candlelight and pulling of rings out
Maybe you should leave all the romantic stuff to me

Yeah, some things never change
Like the love that I feel for her
Some things stay the same
Like how reindeers are easier
But if I commit and I go for it
I'll know what to say and do
Some things never change
Sven, the pressure is all on you

The winds are restless
Could that be why I'm hearing this call?
Is something coming?
I'm not sure I want things to change at all
These days are precious
Can't let them slip away
I can't freeze this moment
But I can still go out and seize this day

(Ah ah ah ah ah ah)
The wind blows a little bit colder
And you all look a little bit older
It's time to count our blessings
Beneath an autumn sky
We're always living the kingdom aplenty
That stands for the good of the many
And I promise you the flag of Arendelle will always fly

Our flag will always fly
Our flag will always fly
Our flag will always fly

Some things never change
Turn around and the time has flown
Some things stay the same
Though the future remains unknown
May our good luck last
May our past be past
Time's moving fast, it's true
Some things never change

And I'm holding on tight to you
Holding on tight to you
Holding on tight to you
Holding on tight to you
I'm holding on tight to you

🎼 Some Things Never Change from Frozen 2 (Alkuperäinen Suomalainen Soundtrack)

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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

💡Yangi kirib kelgan so'zlar.

🇬🇧Glamping - Glamourous camping
🏕Sayohat qilishni yoqtirasizu, qulayliklardan voz kechgingiz kelmasa, Glamping qo'l keladi. Masalan, tog' bag'rida chayla qurib, faqat uxlash yoki internetda kezish
🇺🇿 O'ta qulay sayohat

- We wanted to try something a bit cozier than camping, so we booked to go glamping
- Biz shunchaki sayohatdan ko'ra biroz qulayroq biror nimani sinab ko'rmoqchi bo'ldik, shuning uchun glampingga buyurtma berdik

From: english.com

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💡Yangi kirib kelgan so'zlar.. Mening eng sevimli mavzuyim

📸Photobomb - birovning rasmiga tasodifan tushib qolib rasmni buzmoq

- That would be a nice photo if that guy hadn't photobombed us🤦‍♀
- Agar anavi bola rasmga tushib qolmaganida edi, bu ajoyib rasm bo'lgan bo'lardi🤦‍♀

From: english.com


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🌌 Siz, o'zini biroz muddat odamdek tutayotgan koinotsiz

- Ekhart Tolle -

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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

📚Ingliz tiliga ham barcha tillar kabi boshqa tillardan so'zlar kirib kelgan va ular zamonaviy ingliz tilining asosiyqismini tashkil qiladi. Bu so'zlar ingliz tilida "borrowings" deyiladi.

🇺🇿Chetdan kirib kelgan so'z; olinma so'z.

Qaysi tildan qancha kirib kelgan ekan?🤔

🔮Lotin tilidan - hozirgi ingliz tilidagi so'zlarning 29%i

🔮Fransuz tilidan(anglo-fransni ham qo'shib hisoblaganda) - 29%

🔮German tillar oilasidan(qadimgi va o'rta ingliz, qadimgi norveg va nemis tillari) - 26%

🔮Grekchadan - 6%

🔮Boshqa tillardan - 6%

🔮Atoqli nomlardan o'zlashtirilgan so'zlar - 4%



P. S. Szilarda ham ingliz tiliga oid faktlar bo'lsa @ConnectionRobot ishlab turibdi👌

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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

🎼 Monster from Smoke + Mirrors
🎤 by Imagine Dragons

Ever since I could remember
Everything inside of me
Just wanted to fit in
Oh, whoa, oh-oh
I was never one for pretenders
Everything I tried to be
Just wouldn't settle in
Oh, whoa, oh-oh

If I told you what I was
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous
Would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because
Everything I touch isn't dark enough
If this problem lies in me

I'm only a man with a chamber who's got me
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me
A monster, a monster
I've turned into a monster
A monster, a monster
And it keeps getting stronger

Can I clear my conscience?
If I'm different from the rest
Do I have to run and hide?
Oh, whoa, oh-oh
I never said that I want this
This burden came to me
And it's made its home inside
Oh, whoa, oh-oh

If I told you what I was
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous
Would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because
Everything I touch isn't dark enough
If this problem lies in me

I'm only a man with a chamber who's got me
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me
A monster, a monster
I've turned into a monster
A monster, a monster
And it keeps getting stronger

I'm only a man with a chamber who's got me
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me
A monster, a monster
I've turned into a monster
A monster, a monster
And it keeps getting stronger

Writer(s): Alexander Junior Grant, Joshua Francis Mosser, Daniel Coulter Reynolds, Daniel Wayne Sermon

🎼 Monster from Smoke + Mirrors

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Bu gapniyam tarjima qilib ko'ringchi✌️
Ertaga o'zimnikini ham ulashaman)

📚James, while John had had “had”, had had “had had”; “had had” had had a better effect on the teacher

Tushunish oson ekan-u, Tushuntirish qiyin ekan rosa😣
Urinib ko'ringlar siz ham))

Tarjima yuborish uchun @ConnectionRobot ishlab turibdi


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📙Kitobxonlik bosqichlari


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🐃 Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

🤠Bu shunchaki valdirash emas, bu ingliz tilida grammatik va ma'no jihatidan to'g'ri bo'lgan gap

😉Tarjima qilib ko'ringchi, birozdan keyin haqiqiy ma'nosini ham ulashamiz

O'z tarjimasini ulashmoqchi bo'lganlarga @ConnectionRobot ishlab turibdi 🌚


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Ingliz tili o‘zbek tilida

🎼 On Top of the World from Night Visions
🎤 by Imagine Dragons

If you love somebody
Better tell them while they're here 'cause...
They just may run away from you

You'll never know what went well
Then again it just depends on
How long of time is left for you

I've had the highest mountains
I've had the deepest rivers
You can have it all, but life keeps moving
Now take it in but don't look down

'Cause I'm on top of the world, aye
I'm on top of the world, aye
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt

I've been waiting to smile, aye
Been holding it in for a while, aye
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world

I've tried to cut these corners
Try to take the easy way out
I kept on falling short of something

I could've gave up then but...
Then again I couldn't have 'cause...
I've traveled all this way for something

Now take it in but don't look down
'Cause I'm on top of the world, aye
I'm on top of the world, aye
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt

I've been waiting to smile, aye
Been holding it in for a while, aye
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world

Oh, whoa, whoa, oh, oh, oh, whoa
Oh, whoa, whoa, oh, oh, oh, whoa

'Cause I'm on top of the world, aye
I'm on top of the world, aye
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile, aye
Been holding it in for a while, aye
Take you with me if I can
Been dreamin' of this since a child

And I know it's hard when you're falling down
And it's a long way up when you hit the ground
But get up now, get up, get up now
And I know it's hard when you're falling down
And it's a long way up when you hit the ground
Get up now, get up, get up now

'Cause I'm on top of the world, aye
I'm on top of the world, aye
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile, aye

Been holding it in for a while, aye
Take you with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world


🎼 On Top of the World from Night Visions

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🍭On top of the world
🇺🇿Juda ham xursand

Good night, dears!

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Bir yil oldin kanalda tanlov o'tkazgandik va huddi shu kuni g'oliblarni e'lon qilgandik. Nima deysizlar, yana uyushtiramizmi?

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