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♨️ Today's Idioms ♨️
🟢Good for you!
🔅 Good job! well done!
🟢(to) shell out :
🔅 To pay (often more than one would like).
🟢made of money:
🔅 very rich.
🟢(to be) in good spirits :
🔅 Happy, in a good mood.
🟢to beat around the bush:
🔅 to talk around the subject, to avoid getting to the point.
✅ #idiom #i81 #SELA
✅ @EngMasters @QuizMasters
7⃣SLANG words you need to know
🔷 Savage
🔸 Low-key
🔷 Done
🔸 Hondo p
🔷 Dead/dying
🔸 Extra
🔷 Going
✅ #slang #advanced
✅ @EngMasters @QuizMasters
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⚜ Weekly Idiom
🥸Keep your nose clean
#Idiom #advanced
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“Get well soon” alternatives ❤️🇬🇧🇺🇸
✅ #speaking #intermediate
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1️⃣0️⃣ Facial expressions you need to know
✅ #vocabulary #listening
✅ @EngMasters @quizmasters
👇 Definition and examples in comments
🌐 Other Ways To Say: I like it!
✅ #speaking #s59
✅ @EngMasters @QuizMasters
🌀 Slang 🌀
💢 The most Commonly Used British and American Slang Words and Their Meanings (Part 1)
✔️ Something that is unbelievably cool or brilliant
🩵 I love this party, it’s just unreal!
✔️ This means respect, recognition
🩵 I know he failed the test, but you’ve got to give him props for trying.
✔️ Another word for respect, recognition
🩵 Kudos for organising this party. It’s brilliant!
✔️ The main point
🩵 The bottom line is we just don’t have enough money to make it work.
✔️ When a person disrespects someone else
🩵 Stop dissing her behind her back. Show some respect!
📣 #Slang #advanced
🌐 @EngMasters @QuizMasters
⭐️ The (Part-2)
📚 English grammar in use
✅ #grammar #g74
✅ @EngMasters @quizMasters
💠 READING tips
▪️Have a quick look at the questions FIRST ...
◾️Read the topic sentence of each paragraph to know what the paragraph is talking about.
◾️See what kind of answers you need to find in the text
◼️Underline the key words in each question
🔍 Scan the text carefully to find the exact or the synonyms of words in the text you were given.
◼️Read the conclusion sentence in each paragraph to answer deduction questions.
◾️Quickly find them without wasting too much time for just reading the text again and again!
▪️You don't need to read the whole text!!! Be smart and just find the words you need!!!
▪️You don't need to Know the Meaning of every single word!!! Just try to guess in the sentence.
Try these techniques over and over to increase your IELTS reading score by two points. It needs practice, don't just give up.
➡️ Add any other tips you know
Basic vs Idiomatic English 🇬🇧🇺🇸
✅ #idiom #intermediate
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What are you doing? 🌀🤫
✅ #vocabulary #intermediate
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Peniel ♾
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Fill in the blank with the missing word: (your reaction is your answer)
➡️ My friends don't believe in life after death. They say there's .................... as heaven and hell.
👍) no true thing
❤️) no real thing
👏) no such thing
✅ #quiz #q41 #Vocabulary
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Basic vs Advanced English ❤💚
✅ #idiom #advanced
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What happened to this?
✅ #vocabulary #intermediate
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🚫 DON'T Pronounce the Vowels!
Words with Silent Vowels in English
✅ #pronunciation #intermediate
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What is this called?
Office tools
✅ #vocabulary #basics
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Fill in the blank with the missing words: (your reaction is your answer)
➡️ What do you hear?
"Oh, but with this long trip and this exhausting conversation, ...."
👍) I'm finished.
❤️) I'm furnished.
👏) I'm famished.
✅ #quiz #listening
✅ @EngMasters @QuizMasters
● Pronunciation➧[audio+script]
➥ The American R & L Sounds
■ The (R) in American English is almost the hardest letter to pronounce for many non-native learners. Similarly, the (L) is also hard, especially when it comes in a middle or end of a word. Listen to audio to learn more about them.
☞ Download The PDF File
☆ #Pronunciation
☞@EngMasters @QuizMasters
🇺🇸🇺🇸 #P5
● Pronunciation➧[audio+script]
➥ The American R Sound
■ The (R) in American English is almost the hardest letter to pronounce for many non-native learners. This whole lesson is about it. Listen to audio and practice.
☞ Download The PDF File
☆ #Pronunciation
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What is this sound? 🎧🦻
✅ #vocabulary #listening
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Bite the bullet 🔫
Do you know what it means?
✅ #idiom #advanced
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What is this called?
Warfare equipment 🏹⚔️
✅ #vocabulary #basics
✅ @EngMasters @quizmasters
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Fill in the blank with the missing words: (your reaction is your answer)
➡️ What do you hear?
"If I'm wrong..."
👍) I'll heat my words
❤️) I'll eat my words
👏) I'll eat my world
✅ #quiz #listening
✅ @EngMasters @QuizMasters
💢 Ways to start a sentence
✅ #speaking #writing #s55
👉 @EngMasters 🔫
👉 @QuizMasters 🔫
💢 Speaking Tips
How to answer in different situations
✅ #speaking #s54
👉 @EngMasters 🔫
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Sorting out the kitchen 🔪🍷
✅ #vocabulary #intermediate
✅ @EngMasters @quizmasters
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✅ In two-syllable words, there's a way that makes it easier for you to understand where the stress is on a word.
If the word is a noun or an adjective, the stress is mostly on the first syllable, e.g. people, leisure, water, active, happy, useful etc.. and if the word is a verb, the stress is mostly on the second syllable, e.g. create, prepare, amaze, increase, explain etc.
However, this rule doesn't cover all words there are many exceptions, e.g. hotel, machine, happen, borrow etc.
✅ Some words have the same expelling but stressed on the first syllable when they're used as nouns and stressed on the second syllable when they're used as verbs.
We will be working on some of those words today in our class.
🔘 2-syllable heteronyms
✅ Some words, called heteronyms, have a single spelling, but two different pronunciations. There are a number of 2-syllable words that are stressed on the first syllable when the word is being used as a noun or adjective, and stressed on the the second syllable when it is being used as a verb.
1️⃣ SUSpect n. susPECT v.
2️⃣ PROject n. proJECT v.
3️⃣ PREsent n. preSENT v.
4️⃣ REcord n. reCORD v.
5️⃣ EXport n. exPORT v.
1️⃣ He suspected the usual suspects.
2️⃣ The artist recorded a new record.
3️⃣ Can you project when the project will be complete?
4️⃣ For my birthday present, my father presented me with a brand new car.
5️⃣ The export that's been exported by my friend hasn't been arrived yet.
✅ #pronunciation #advanced
✅ @EngMasters @Quizmasters
⚜Let's learn some common expressions!
🌞 Off the top of my head
🌞 To see eye to eye
🌞 To feel under the weather
🌞 In a split second
🌞 To be behind the eight ball
#idiom #advanced
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PECKISH /ˈpek.ɪʃ/ uk
🌿 slightly hungry: a feeling of mild hunger
🌿The word comes from the earlier peck, meaning food which is based on the image of a bird that pecks at grain and the like.
🌿 By ten o'clock I was feeling peckish, even though I'd had a large breakfast.
🌿 I'm a bit peckish I'll think I will make a small sandwich'
#vocabulary #ielts
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