🌞Huge solar panel
It serves not only as a source of energy, but also as an excellent shelter from the heat.
A simple and interesting trick with a levitating glass ✨
Save it for yourself to repeat
🌵 The designer created and 3D printed practical “indoor plants”
They look like ordinary cacti or ficus, but in fact they contain toothpicks, pens, buttons and other items.
A dress that changes color at the touch of a button from Adobe was shown at New York Fashion Week
Color and pattern change on the body thanks to flexible textile displays.
🕶 A guy is repairing a car wearing augmented reality glasses
All the information about the car “floats in the air.”
Great vape show on TV💨
Look how masterfully he controls the steam! True, the lungs will not thank you for this...
What people can't come up with to be the center of attention 😏🫣🙄
Well, there are no words 🔥
One man is like a whole musical group 😱
Such people are called “one-man orchestra”. They play several instruments at the same time, using their hands, feet, and various mechanical or electronic devices.