Sin una política de prevención y a merced de las corporaciones. #descontaminacionelectromagnetica #federacionambientalistainternacional #Stop5G #joancarleslopez #tumorcerebral #QUENOTEENGAÑEN #smartphome #telefonomovil #TelefonoCelular 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…To right
Join my channels to keep up to date with different subjects
Lee Garrett own channel 😎
Trolls, Sex offenders, and satanists EXPOSED 😈
STOP 5G and Jabs 💉
J’ai envie d’hurler !!! #stop5G #5G #5gplan 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…#stop5G and #wireless expansion #CTSitingCounsel #PURA Scientific evidence invalidates health assumptions underlying the FCC and ICNIRP exposure limit determinations for … 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Join my channels to keep up to date with different subjects
Lee Garrett own channel 😎
Trolls, Sex offenders, and satanists EXPOSED 😈
STOP 5G and Jabs 💉
REUS Conferencia "EL PELIGRO DEL 5G SOLUCIONES Y ALTERNATIVAS" 14 de diciembre,a las 19:30 en la sala de actos del antiguo Hospital Sant Joan #radiaciones5g #Stop5G #descontaminacionelectromagnetica #federacionambientalistainternacional #ECOLOGISTASENACCION #joancarleslopez 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Join my channels to keep up to date with different subjects
Lee Garrett own channel 😎
Trolls, Sex offenders, and satanists EXPOSED 😈
STOP 5G and Jabs 💉
Back using Twitter to hammer the leftie trolls
See how long I last 🤣🤣🤣
Please get over and follow me
Username @iamleegarrett
TAXIS 5G EN CHINA. Taxi sin conductor se detiene... escanea el código QR en el parabrisas trasero e ingresa la contraseña del viaje. #farolas5g #gigahertz #taxi #joancarleslopez #descontaminacionelectromagnetica #electrosmog #stop5g #radiaciones5g 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Woke up for the 4th day with not much harassment from the dwarf in the gym
Feels good to know he’s been destroyed his little credibility he had has been crushed
Well done to TRR for exposing the coward for what he is
Well done to others he’s attempting to bully Roscoe, Ginger Toni, Pledger and other members of TT
Although we all don’t see eye to eye on certain topics. This proves we can all stand together to destroy evil
Let the peasants willow in the distance now
Let’s all starve them of any of our time
Truth will prevail,
Justice will be done ✅
Who wants a connected world so irradiated that all life becomes stunted and sick? Bill Gates does. He is a skinnyfat physical degenerate, and wants to drag us all down to his level. Don't be a 5G soyboy. #5G #Cancer #Stop5G #HealthTips #Fitness #Parenting #EMF #WiFi 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…#STOP5G - great for these children / teachers / parents for bringing awareness about #5G #SilentWeaponsForQuietWars 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…#bioengineering #warfare #chemtrailspraying #chemtrails #governmentcorruption #genocide #murder #mediacorruption #governmentcorruption #geoengineering #NWO #Stop5G #genocide #CERN #chemtrailspraying #chemtrails 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…This is what happens when you expose pedophiles and you dig to deep
Lee Garrett explains all in two parts
I expose pedophiles now im the one being targeted by the police
God bless you all
Always expose evil
Truth will prevail
Justice will be done ✔
#leegarrett #iamleegarrett #NORTHEASTTRUTHNEWS #netnews #NETN #endchildabuse #saveusnow
The fake newspaper articles / memes being made about me explained. The people behind this are pushing lies and snipping little bits out to make me look bad
Course I sent threats after the crew of misfits teamed up and together posted these fake articles attempting placing my family and my home in danger
You have failed at every point
Now it’s time for the TRUTH
💻パソコン 📱5G携帯 🚊電車の中 そして、様々な家電と 今や私達の暮らしの中で多くの 人工電磁波や5G が溢れる時代に #電磁波過敏症 の 開発担当者が つらい日々を改善したいと つくられました。 #電磁波デトックス カーボンバランサーα UFO-M… #電磁波 #5G #Stop5G 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…A tota vespa #velutina li hauria d'arribar la seva gallina #savethebees #stop5g 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…#Flouride #crimesagainsthumanity #poisoning #evil #EnoughIsEnough #governmentcorruption #mediacorruption #Agenda2030 #NWO #Stop5G #scamdemic2021 #plandemic #saveourchildren #DropTheCharges 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Court hearing December 13th. Evidence of serious harm has been presented. #stop5G 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…He firmado esta iniciativa . ¡Firma tú también y compártelo! #Stop5g 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…#Agenda2030 #transhumanismo #grafeno #NosEstanMatando #nosestanirradiando #stop5g #NWO Busca Urgente LA QUINTA COLUMNA TV en Telegram 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…STOP 5G #Stop5g #SilentWeaponsForQuietWars #ID2020 #SmartCities #Agenda21 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Just about to go LIVE over on
Episode 92
Addressing recent events 😎
The utopian "Smart Cities" concept is a house of cards. Once the residents realise they are being cooked in a giant microwave oven, the whole rotten wireless edifice will come crashing down. #5G #Cancer #Stop5G #HealthTips #Fitness #Parenting #EMF #WiFi #Bluetooth #SmartMeters 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Connectivity is a religion, not a requirement. Society functioned just fine before smartphones. We don't need to go back to the Dark Ages; we just need updated safety regulations that weren't written in the Dark Ages of telecommunication (1989). #5G #Cancer #Stop5G #HealthTips 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…#chemtrailspraying #barium #aluminium #poisoning #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Agenda2030 #NWO #Stop5G #governmentcorruption #mediabias #mediacorruption #scandal #justiceiscoming #HighTreason #BabylonIsFalling 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…#chemtrails #chemtrailspraying #bioweapons #bioengineering #warfare #genocide #geoengineering #weathermodification #barium #aluminium #poisoning #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Agenda2030 #NWO #Stop5G 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Quitan el wifi por el fútbol, pensaba que era por ética y prevención. No por el fútbol. Triste realidad de una sociedad robotizada. #QUENOTEENGAÑEN #federacionambientalistainternacional #stopcontaminacionelectromagnetica #gigahertz #joancarleslopez #STOPWIFI #Stop5G 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
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