#Tolak5G #Stop5G #RusakTower5G #RobohkanTower5G 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Stop 5G on Earth and in Space https://spreadophilia.wordpress.com/2023/01/24/stop-5g-on-earth-and-in-space/ via @spreadophilia #support #internationalappeal #stop5g #science #technology #rfradiation #arthurfirstenberg 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…⚠️⚠️OPEN PANEL ANYONE CAN JOIN⚠️⚠️
LIVE Tonight from 7pm uk zone
Net News Sunday Round Up
Join myself Lee Garrett on an open panel
Anyone is welcome wether you love me or hate me come and have your say
Exclusively on wakeupuk.net/live
The link to join will be up late morning before dinner time
Truth will prevail,
Justice will be done ✅
Doctors are trained to treat specific medical conditions. For general health advice, you might as well ask your dog. And c*vid has revealed just how corrupt the entire medical industry has become. Avoid corrupt quacks and take charge of your own health. #5G #Cancer #Stop5G 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Eksozomal küçük RNA dizilimi, güç frekansı elektromanyetik alan maruziyeti için mikroRNA doz belirteçlerini ortaya çıkarır. 2018 çalışması #mRNA #No5G #Stop5G #EMF PMID: 29297241 DOI: 10.1080 /1354750X.2018.1423707 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29297241/ 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…#endCancer #onegoal #stop5G #noWallEver #buildthewall #buildbackbetter #5gRollout #pediatricCancer #airPollution 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Heroes at Work: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. A Censorship Suit will Commence!! #FreeSpeech #FreeSpeechMatters #StandWithCHD #HandsOffOurChildren #GlobalWalkout #CHDTV #Stop5G #StoptheShotsNow #CountryInDistress #VaccieneMandate 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…#TheRealCoronaVirus #googleCoronadischarge #googleCoronaField This is why we're getting sick/Covidddd...smh #FauciLiedMillionsDied #RolloutOf5gee #5geeAndBeyondAct #Stop5g 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Andrew Riches aka Public Annoyance
Facts not fiction
Talking of probabilities, that’s how family court works. They remove someone from the home if they think it Is likely they will cause harm to the child
Truth will prevail
Justice will be done ✅
Y los chemtrails día a día.. Respirando varios metales pesados. Aire tierra y mar. #stopfumigaciones #stop5G 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Is your face too young and fresh? Sit closer to your router. Wi-Fi radiation damages skin DNA and accelerates ageing. Big Tech is the new Big Tobacco. #BeautyTips #5G #Cancer #Stop5G #HealthTips #Parenting #EMF #EHS #SmartMeters 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Wireless radiation is an even bigger con than the death j☠️b. But it won't kill you in three days, so there is less public awareness. Cancer death can take decades. Improving regulation will be a long fight, so keep safe and plan long-term. #5G #Cancer #Stop5G #HealthTips 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…#Stop5g bnasty041516/video/7124439963315391790?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7155694684634908202" rel="nofollow">https://www.tiktok.com/@bnasty041516/video/7124439963315391790?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7155694684634908202 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…I’m running for local councillor this year 2023 in the Wardley and Leam Lane constituency of Gateshead.
For many years I have fought council and police battles which effects our local community and put my neck on the line to speak up about situations I believe will effect us all.
It’s time to put my money where my mouth is and stand up properly for my local community.
Early start in the campaign but you will see me around the area in the next upcoming months
I am running as an independent and want to work directly for YOU the people
6th and 7th of February At the Royal courts of Justice, Strands, City of London 9:30 I hope to see you there!! #Stop5G https://youtu.be/e0zd3MvhIxM 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…⚠️⚠️OPEN PANEL ANYONE CAN JOIN⚠️⚠️
LIVE Tonight from 7pm uk zone
Net News Sunday Round Up
Join myself Lee Garrett on an open panel
Anyone is welcome wether you love me or hate me come and have your say
Truth will prevail,
Justice will be done ✅
Big Tech doesn't care about our safety. They care about one thing -- to fill our homes, offices, and schools with as many devices as they can. Cut radiation by hardwiring your home and saying no to ridiculous BS like "smart fridges." #5G #Cancer #Stop5G #HealthTips #Parenting 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…The livestream series they don’t want to happen! Introducing ……. Lee Garrett
This is a series of livestreams with Activists that you may know or not, you might like or not …. but since being in The Containment Rooms of telegram. I’ve found out a lot of things from people i’m told a complete different story.
So the only way to see what people really are about is from them!! People have divided us for way too long.
Like i said in 2021 we need to Unite The Right! These small steps will become the catalyst of something no one can stop!
Join me on Gettr Monday 9pm - And let see what Lee Garrett really stands for, you never know, your opinions either way may change??
Test van de besturingsmogelijkheden van een volledig “gevaccineerde”. #Stop5G 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Karel is er weer! Hopelijk krijgt heel Nederland gezond verstand in 2023! #stopwef #nexit #stopcbdc #stop5g #stopWHO 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Sociedades científicas aconsellan minimizar a contaminación electromagnética do uso do móbil @EcoloxistasCor @ecoloxistas #móbiles #stop5g #5G https://www.entrenosdigital.com/articulo/medio-ambiente/sociedades-cientificas-aconsellan-minimizar-contaminacion-electromagnetica-do-uso-do-mobil/20230117095414015430.html a través de @EntreNosDixital 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…#corona = #5G symptomen #stralingziekte zoek het op....#stop5G 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…[#Stop5G] Allarme #smartphone in età pediatrico-adolescenziale https://www.ambienteweb.org/2023/01/16/stop-5g-allarme-smartphone-in-eta-pediatrico-adolescenziale/ 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Por favor no nos traten de idiotas lo que daña es la onda electromagnética; microondas escalares ,qué son de diseño y uso militar Y que jamás se han usado a escala masiva #Stop5G #NSB /channel/MusicosPorLaVerdad/22201 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Ever notice how Big Tech corporations never say the R-word? They have even started calling radiation "Wave Energy." "No! Our deathtowers don't emit radiation! It's just soothing Wave Energy!" 🤡🤡🤡 #5G #Cancer #Stop5G #HealthTips #Parenting #EMF #EHS #SmartMeters 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…ラットは、携帯電話にわずか 2 分間さらされるだけで、 血液脳関門の損傷が確認し、2 時間の曝露の後、損傷は永続的です。 それが、人間は違うという理由はないのです。 https://ameblo.jp/lastra/entry-12778674372.html #電磁波 #電磁波と5G #電磁波過敏症 #携帯電話 #5G #Stop5G 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Attention : on peut utiliser les "RS" sans utiliser des smartphones. On peut ne pas utiliser de smartphone et ne pas être "has been" comme tu sembles le supposer. #stop5G 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
Читать полностью…Importante recurso, importantes datos, el tinnitus más relacionado con la alta frecuencia #estudio5G #stop5G #descontaminacionelectromafnetica #joancarleslopez #electrosensibilidad https://joancarleslopez.es/blog/?primer-estudio-con-humanos--de-los-efectos-despues-de-la-instalacion-de-una-antena5g- 📴 warning against @eSmog_5G via twitter
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