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Официальное сообщество Ethereum. Jobs & CV: @eth_jobs EN group: @ethdev Целевая аудитория: разработчики, аудиторы, CTO, CFO, валидаторы и провайдеры нод, фаундеры, регуляторы, СМИ, normies. Key w: eth, smart contract, L1-L2, web3, cryptography etc.

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Ethereum Ru

User Ульяна has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

Работа для активных граждан РФ!
Позиция: администратор WhatsApp-групп.
Доход до 25OO руб./день
Тренинги и карьерный рост.
Требования: возраст 23+, без спама.

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Ethereum Ru

User Вова has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

User Эрбол has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

User Pavel has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

User Ксения Богданова has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

User Наталья has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

User Елизавета Быкова has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

User Оксана has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

User 🩻🧷 has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

User Александр has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

User Дарья has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

< BLS_MOD должно быть

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Ethereum Ru

Но это нужно для чего? Только для KZG верификации?

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Ethereum Ru тут пишет что 128 KiB

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Ethereum Ru

Работа для активных граждан РФ!
Позиция: администратор WhatsApp-групп.
Доход до 25OO руб./день
Тренинги и карьерный рост.
Требования: возраст 23+, без спама.

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Ethereum Ru

User Nurai🤍 has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

User Алиса has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

Pavel, your message was removed by AI Moderator. Mods have been notified and will review it shortly if it was a mistake

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Ethereum Ru

Ксения Богданова, your message was removed by AI Moderator. Mods have been notified and will review it shortly if it was a mistake

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Ethereum Ru

Наталья, your message was removed by AI Moderator. Mods have been notified and will review it shortly if it was a mistake

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Ethereum Ru

Максим, your message was removed by AI Moderator. Mods have been notified and will review it shortly if it was a mistake

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Ethereum Ru

User Вероника has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru

🩻🧷, your message was removed by AI Moderator. Mods have been notified and will review it shortly if it was a mistake

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Ethereum Ru

Александр, your message was removed by AI Moderator. Mods have been notified and will review it shortly if it was a mistake

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Ethereum Ru

User Сабрина Белозарова has been kicked from the chat because this user is in spam list

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Ethereum Ru можно тут помучать

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Ethereum Ru

Но прямого запрета делать вообще любые блобы нет? Которые даже > BLS_MOD.

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Ethereum Ru

То что выравнивание по 128 KiB это понятно. Я говорю про то, что KZG требует чтобы эти 128 KiB были разделены на 4096 элементов по 32 байта. Причем элемент по 32 байта не должен быть > BLS_MOD.

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Ethereum Ru
Вот вроде blob загружен без деления на 32 элемента.

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