The difference is visible
April 2, 2019 $4,133
April 2, 2020 $6,669
April 2, 2021 $58,744
Study Finds Cryptocurrency Scams Surged 40% in 2020, Forecasts an Increase of 75% in 2021
A new study revealed that cryptocurrency-related scams almost doubled over the last year. However, forecasts are not optimistic going forward, as the report forecasts another significant increase in the number⊠read more:
"Bitcoin is a substitute for gold." - Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell
⢠Synthetix (SNX)- Synthetix has a native currency called SNX. As the name suggests, the platform is used in the issuance of synthetic assets, commonly known as Synths. Synths are virtual assets used to represent physical and real assets such as stocks, cryptos, and fiat.
⢠Yearn Finance (YFI)- The protocol came into existence in February 2020 as a DeFi aggregator. Therefore, instead of facilitating lending and borrowing, it distributes deposited funds into platforms with the best yields and lower risk profiles. For instance, it distributes funds between Aave and Compound whenever it finds these two to provide the most rewarding and less risky yields.
⢠Compound (COMP)- Compound enables users to borrow or and lend a small range of cryptocurrencies such as ETH, USD Coin (USDC), Basic Attention Token (BAT), Ethereum (ETH) and DAI. The platform uses lending pools and charges interest on loans. For collateral, the protocol requires borrowers to deposit a given amount of supported coins.
How to Choose a Staking Platform
Before hurrying to stake your coins, your choice of staking platform is as important as the rewards. Making the wrong choice may see you lose your rewards and staked coins all together. Here are some best practices when choosing a staking platform:
⢠When it comes to new DeFi platforms, never take a founderâs or teamâs word for whatever protocol they are trying to introduce, especially if you are a non-tech person. Go over to Reddit and Twitter and see what others are saying about the protocol. Dev users can usually spot the possibility of a rug pull and will usually alert the community for any signs of foul play or code vulnerability they can find.
⢠Donât get too caught up in annualized rewards or APYs. There are many other crucial factors to consider such as the reputation and age of the platform.
⢠As much as possible, stick with reputable platforms like Maker, Cool Wallet, etc., instead of risking your crypto wealth on fishy-looking platforms that promise extremely high staking yields.
⢠Use reliable analytics such as CoinMarketCap to check information on a PoS-based platform. This also applies to staking-as-a-service platforms and third party staking services.
⢠Before staking, read the terms and conditions or rules governing the staking process. The rules take care of things like whether the wallet needs to be connected to the internet 24/7, staked crypto has to go through a cooling period before being unstaked and a minimum staking amount, among other factors.
How to Stake Crypto
The process of staking digital currencies depends on your staking option. For example, cold staking is different from directly being a validator on a PoS platform. Moreover, using staking-as-a-service platforms follow a different route from third party or exchange-based staking.
Staking on an Exchange
Here we shall look at how to stake crypto using an exchange. Letâs use Binance as our platform of choice and Ethereum as our cryptocurrency.
⢠First, you need to have a Binance account and some ETH coins. Luckily being an exchange, you can exchange your other coins to ETH.
⢠When logged in, access Finance>Binance Earn>ETH 2.0 staking.
⢠Note that staked ETH coins have a lock-up period of up to 24 months. Binance tokenizes the staked ETH and distributes rewards in the form of BETH.
⢠Hit âStake Nowâ and specify the amount of ETH you wish to allocate to staking.
⢠Click âConfirm.â On the second window that pops up, review the terms and conditions before clicking âConfirmâ again.
Staking On a Hardware WalletÂ
The process of staking crypto on a hardware wallet like Ledger is similarly straight forward.
⢠The first step is to install the coinâs (e.g., ALGO) app on Ledger.
⢠Create a new account on Ledger Live and migrate the coins you wish to stake using Ledger Live.
⢠And youâre done!
Crypto Staking Guide 2021
By Werner Vermaak
If 2020 can be viewed as the Year of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), then an honorable mention must be made of the central role that cryptocurrency staking played in the ascent of this new generation of crypto assets.
The industry witnessed a steady rise, and oftentimes a surge, in the number of users staking crypto to earn fixed interest or yield farming rewards, as the number of miners on proof-of-work (PoW) blockchains slowly began to dwindle, market-leading Bitcoin excluded of course.
In fact, more than a billion dollars worth of crypto have been staked in Krakenâs platform alone, while Binance, Huobi and other major exchanges also hold humongous amounts of staked crypto. Meanwhile, the total assets staked in DeFi platforms amount to $21-$23 billion in January 2021. This is a true testament to the demand for staking.
What Is Crypto Staking?
Staking is an activity where a user locks or holds his funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to participate in maintaining the operations of a proof-of-stake (PoS)-based blockchain system. It is similar to crypto mining in the sense that it helps a network achieve consensus while rewarding users who participate.
In staking, the right to validate transactions is baked into how many coins are âlockedâ inside a wallet. However, just like mining on a PoW platform, stakers are incentivized to find a new block or add a transaction on a blockchain. Apart from incentives, PoS blockchain platforms are scalable and have high transaction speeds.
What Can I Stake?
Thanks to the growing popularity of staking, there are tons of options for users who want to earn passive income with their idle crypto-assets. Weâll briefly cover some of the biggest cryptocurrencies offering staking rewards right now:
Ethereum 2.0
One of the hottest staking options is Ethereum 2.0, since Ethereum is the second-most popular cryptocurrency platform to date. And if you are invested in ETH, you can essentially help the system flourish by becoming one of its early validators.
In order to stake on ETH 2.0, you need to own a minimum of 32 ETH, as well the Eth1 mainnet client. Start by heading over to the Eth2 Launch Pad.
Of course, if you followed the DeFi industryâs explosion in 2020, youâll know that much of their growth can be attributed to the staggering potential rewards that yield farming protocols operating as ERC20 tokens offer to investors. We discuss this further down in more detail.Â
Tezos (XTZ)
Tezos was born in June 2018, causing a major storm as the biggest initial coin offering (ICO) with over $230 million in investment. It implements a version of PoS called liquid proof-of-stake (LPoS).
Tezosâ native currency is called XTZ and calls the staking process, âbaking.â Bakers are rewarded using the native coin. Furthermore, malicious bakers are penalized by having their stake confiscated.
To become a staker/baker on Tezos, a user needs to hold 8,000 XTZ coins and run a full node. Luckily, third party services have emerged, allowing small coin holders to delegate small XTZ quantities and share baking rewards. Annual percentage yield on XTZ staking ranges anywhere from five to six percent.
Algorand (ALGO)
Algorand (ALGO)âs main aim is to drive low-cost cross-border payments. Being a PoS protocol, the network needs stakers for security and transaction processing. Unlike Tezos, it uses the pure proof-of-stake (PPoS) consensus mechanism. However, it still requires stakers to run full nodes.
Furthermore, there are third parties who support ALGO delegation. Staking rewards on these networks range between five and ten percent annually. Note that the rewards are influenced by the platform used. For example, those using Binance Staking enjoy an APY (annual percentage yield) of 8%.
Icon (ICX)
While cold wallets provide a superior storage solution in terms of security, the main drawback is that they are impractical for everyday crypto usage as it is more cumbersome to send crypto from a cold wallet.Â
Choosing a Wallet
Choosing which crypto wallet to use is entirely up to you and your needs as a user. If you plan to buy and âHODLâ Bitcoin, for example, you are better off putting your digital currency into cold storage, i.e., into a cold wallet.Â
Conversely, if you are a regular crypto spender, you are probably better off holding some of your crypto on a mobile wallet.Â
However, whichever wallet you choose, make sure that it is a non-custodial wallet where only you hold the walletâs private keys. That way, you have complete control over your funds at all times.
ЧОÑаÑÑ Ð¿ÐŸÐ»ÐœÐŸÑÑÑÑ…You also can found us on signal
The end of cheap Bitcoin era! Just passed $53k!!!
The Master of All Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, hits above more than $44,800
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ЧОÑаÑÑ Ð¿ÐŸÐ»ÐœÐŸÑÑÑÑ…You can now use bitcoin to buy a Tesla
But thatâs not all. You can use coins stored in your Ledger wallet, but manage the crypto using other wallet applications. Staking using this formula follows the same steps as the above procedure, but after step one, you select a third party crypto storage.
After that, you need to send funds from the wallet to Ledger and start staking. Note that the third party wallet manages your crypto.
The Future of Crypto Staking
Ready ⊠set ⊠stake. From the above discussion, itâs clear that staking is healthier (environmentally and perhaps economically) than PoW-based mining. As such, itâs rightfully gaining momentum and an increasing market share in the crypto sector. The shift towards staking received new strength when Ethereum finally made the shift and officially welcomed staking in December 2020.
And in 2021, the popularity of both decentralized and centralized staking appears to be at an all-time high as DeFi staking continues to flourish.
Lastly, DeFi staking, despite its FOMO-inducing growth, should be approached with caution, especially the newly-created protocols promising suspiciously high rewards for yield farmers or liquidity providers.
Remember that crypto staking comes with significant risk, therefore it is absolutely essential to do thorough research and invest wisely.
Happy staking!!!
The complex Korean blockchain project Icon (ICX) offers another platform that natively allows staking. However, Icon differs from Algorand and Tezos in that it uses the delegated-proof-of stake (DPoS) consensus algorithm. With this model, a select number of users find new blocks and verify transactions while others delegate their coins to these entities.
Icon has a native token called ICX. Annual staking rewards on ICON range anywhere between six and 36 percent.
Where Can I Stake?
Exchanges have naturally jumped into the staking business, thanks to the extensive number of users on their platforms.Â
By staking, traders can diversify their income stream and monetize their idle funds on exchanges. The leading cryptocurrency exchanges that support staking include, but are not limited to:
Binance is the largest digital currency exchange by trading volume. Therefore, many investors find it at the top of their lists when they contemplate staking through trading platforms. In line with this, the Binance staking service for Ethereum 2.0 came to life in December 2020.
In addition, the exchange supports DeFi staking, where it accommodates cryptos such as DAI, Tether (USDT), Binance USD (BUSD), BTC and Binance Coin (BNB).
Coinbase is another leading cryptocurrency exchange where you can stake a selection of cryptocurrencies. Apart from ETH 2.0 staking, other coins accommodated on Coinbase staking include ALGO and XTZ.
Cold/Private Wallets
This form of staking is also called cold staking. However, a staker has to keep staked coins in the same address, since moving them breaks the lock-up period, which consequently causes them to lose staking rewards.
Leading offline/private cryptocurrency wallets supporting staking include:
⢠Ledger â Ledger is the industry leader for cold wallets. The advantage of hardware wallets is that you still maintain full control of your coins during a staking session.
On top of its security, Ledger allows its users to stake up to seven coins. Some of its supported coins for staking are Tron (TRX), ATOM and ALGO.
⢠Trust Wallet â The versatile Trust Wallet is a private wallet supported by Binance. The wallet allows users to earn a passive income by staking XTZ, ATOM, VeChain (VET), TRX, IoTeX (IOTX), ALGO, TomoChain (TOMO) and Callisto (CLO).
⢠CoolWallet S- The first Bluetooth mobile hardware wallet CoolWallet S offers stablecoin (USDT) staking in-app through its X-Savings feature
⢠Trezor - The worldâs oldest hardware wallet also supports staking of some assets like Tezos through thirty-party apps like the Exodus wallet
Staking-as-a-Service Platforms
Unlike cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets that double up as trading and storage avenues, respectively, staking-as-a-service platforms are dedicated to staking only. However, these platforms take a percentage of the rewards earned to cover their fees. Staking on these platforms is also known as soft staking.
⢠Stake Capital â It supports the staking of Loom Network (LOOM), KAVA, XTZ, Aion (AION), Livepeer (LPT) and Cosmos (ATOM).
⢠MyCointainer â MyCointainer users choose between Power Max, Power Plus and Basic options when staking their virtual assets. The three levels depict the staking charges.
For example, Basic users pay as little as $1, while those on the Power Max plan pay more than $10 per month. The platform accommodates the staking of more than 50 cryptocurrencies with on-chain staking support.
DeFi Staking
To check yields from DeFi staking, go over to the staking calculator webpage.
⢠Maker (MKR)- The platform allows users to borrow stablecoins against a volatile cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. Its popularity has made it one of the prominent decentralized finance protocols on the Ethereum blockchain (currently number one in total volume locked (TVL) as of January 2021). Notably, DAI is the primary stablecoin of the network. Therefore, yield farmers deposit DAI which is lent to borrowers, while they receive rewards from the interest charged on loans.
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Hot Wallets vs Cold Wallets: Whatâs the Difference?
If you are new to crypto, itâs imperative to learn the basics of securely storing your cryptocurrency.Â
In this guide, we will introduce you to hot wallets and cold wallets and explain the differences between them to help you choose a wallet thatâs right for you.Â
What Is a Crypto Wallet?
A crypto wallet allows you to store, send and receive cryptocurrency. It is essentially a digital bank account for your cryptocurrency.Â
More specifically, crypto wallets are software that store the public and private keys that enable you to manage your digital currency holdings and interact with blockchain networks.Â
There are two categories of wallets: hot wallets and cold wallets.Â
Within each of these two categories, wallets can be further categorized into:
Custodial wallets hold the private keys on behalf of the walletâs owner, which makes them less secure as users need to trust the wallet provider.
The key difference between the hot wallet and cold wallets is that hot wallets are connected to the internet, while cold wallets are not. As a result, cold wallets are considered a more secure storage option for digital assets.
Now, letâs look at the two types of wallets in more detail.Â
Hot Wallets
Hot wallets are the most common types of crypto wallets because they are simple to set up and easy to use.Â
When you create an account on an exchange, download a mobile wallet, or download a desktop wallet on your laptop, you are creating a hot wallet.Â
Hot wallets are meant for everyday cryptocurrency users.Â
If you regularly trade crypto on an exchange or spend crypto to make everyday purchases, you want to store your digital currency in a hot wallet.Â
As hot wallets are connected to the internet, you can seamlessly make crypto transactions with the clicks of a few buttons on your phone or computer.Â
Exchange wallets are typically hot wallets. However, several leading exchanges have opted to store the lionâs share of their usersâ funds in cold storage to increase fund security. Standard web-based or mobile-based hot wallets do not offer this feature.  Â
While hot wallets standout for their ease-of-use, they have one major drawback: security.Â
Storing a large amount of digital assets in a hot wallet, such as a web wallet or a mobile wallet, is not advisable as it leaves your funds exposed to potential security threats, such as cyber theft.Â
Therefore, you should only hold a small amount of crypto in hot wallets and your long-term investment in so-called âcold storageâ in a cold wallet.
Cold Wallets
Cold wallets are considered the more secure cryptocurrency storage solution as they are not connected to the internet. You only connect your cold wallet to the internet when you want to make a transaction.Â
Hardware wallets and paper wallets are both cold wallet options. However, hardware wallets are more popular as they are easier to use and come with customer support provided by the manufacturer.Â
Hardware wallets use a physical medium â typically in the shape of a USB stick â to store the walletâs private keys, making them de facto unreachable to hackers or other malicious parties.Â
To store crypto in your hardware wallet, you send it from a hot wallet to your hardware walletâs public address. Conversely, if you want to send crypto from your hardware wallet to a friend or an exchange address, you connect your hardware wallet to the internet via the walletâs dedicated software and then sign the transaction with your private key.Â
Paper wallets function in a similar manner as hardware wallets. However, instead of a physical USB-like device, paper wallets are pieces of paper that contain a public wallet address and a private key. Therefore, they have to be kept securely in a safe or somewhere where they cannot be easily found to avoid theft of your cryptocurrency.Â
To send coins from a paper wallet, the wallet has to be imported into a hot wallet via a scan of the private keys so the coins therein can be spent.Â
#COVID19 Test fact
ðŠ Our country has reportedly tested 2.2 million people over the course of the past year.
ðŠ That's approximately 6000 tests a day.
ðŠ At this rate it would take our country a little over 22 years to even test 50% of its population.
ðŠ We are not doing enough.
ЧОÑаÑÑ Ð¿ÐŸÐ»ÐœÐŸÑÑÑÑ…Binance Smart Chain DeFi Project Hacked for $31 Million.
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ášÂ Bitcoin Domain name "" 18 August 2008G.C á°áááá á¡á¡ Bitcoin áááááªá« áá mine á«ášáá á¥á«á± Satoshi Nakomoto á²áá áááááªá« áá Bitcoin ášá°áá áá ááá ášááááªá«áá transaction ášáááá cypherpunk Hal finney áá
á°á ášááááªá«áá reusable proof of work system (RPOW) creator á 2004 G.c finney áš Bitcoin software download á á°ášá á ááá áá áš Nakomoto 10 bitcoin á°áá á ášá± á ááá á wei dai áš bitcoin predecessor b-money creator á¥á Nick szabo, creator of bitcoin predecessor bit gold á¥ááá
áš bitcoin transaction áááááªá« áá ášááá á°áᜠáážáá¡á¡
Nakomoto 1 million bit coin á¥áá³áá áá á áááá¢
Block Chain
Block chain public ledger á²áá ášá°áá«á© transactionáᜠá²ááá record á«á°ááá áá
á ášáá«á°ááá á°áá Network communicating node á áá áá ááá¡á¡ Network node transaction á²ááá validate á ááµášá áá° áá network node á«áµá°ááááá¡á¡ á áá
á block chain á°áá£á«á áá°ášááá¡á¡
á á áá© block chain distributed database system á²áá áá
á centralized ášáááá áµáá áµ áááášáá á ááµ á°á á³ááá á¥á á°á á¥áá²áá£á ášá á«ášáá áá
á áááᥠá á ááµ á°á á¥áá³ááá ášá á áášá³áá¡á¡
Transaction áááµ á á áá© áá¥ááµ áášá ááá áááᥠááááᥠáááµ ááá¡á¡ Ownership á block chain system bitcoin á bitcoin address ááááá£áá¡á¡ á¥áá á ááµ á°á áš Bitcoin address á²áášá 2 key ð áá°á áá á¥áá±ááŠÂ public and private key áážáá¡á¡
Public key ð áááµ á ááµ á°á Bitcoin ááááá á²ááá ášááá°á á áš account ááá« áá¥á áááµ ááá¡á¡ ááá³á á¥á á ááµ á°á á Facebook friend request ááááá á²ááá ášááá°á á ááá« ášáááá á áµá«á» áá á¥áá password á áá°áá á« ááá« á áµá«á»áœá public key á¥áá á¥ááá°á°áá¡á¡
Private key á°áá á¥áá ááá ááá
ááµ ášááᣠášá¥ááœá ášáᣠbitcoin á áœáá á á£áá áááµ ááá¡á¡
ááá³á á 2013 á ááµ á°áᬠ7,500 bitcoin $22.5 million áá«á£ áœáá áá
á ášááá á á á°á áááá«áµ private key ášá«áá hard driver á áá£á ááá¡á¡
â Mining አprocess á²áá miners á°áá min á¥áá«ášá á°áᜠáážáá¡á¡ á¥áá á ááµ transaction á²ááá ááµá á áášáµ á¥áá²áá verify á ááµá áá° block chainá«á°á«á«áá¡á¡ ášáá block áá° network á áá°á«ášáµ áá° á°áá£á© node á²á°ááµ verify áá°ášááá¡á¡ áá
á áááµášá á°áá á¥áá powerful ášáá computer áá£á ášáá network á«áµáááá áá
á°áá ášááá transaction á²ááá á¶á verify áááµášá ááá¡á¡ á¶á verify á«áá°ášáá ááá á áááµ ááá« á ááááá¡á¡ á¥á á á á¥ááá áá
á ááµášá ášá£áµ áµáááá mining pool ááá ášá³á á¥ááá
mining pools á¥á
áážá á á
á¥ášáµ áááµá«áµ áá á«á á¶á verify áááµášá áµááááœá¡á¡ á mining pool ááá á°á á mining áá
áµ ášá°á³á°ááá á«á
á á percent á«ááá áááµ ááá¡á¡
bitcoin reward áááµ á°áá min áµááášá ášááááá ááá« á²áá á¥áá°áš ááá ááá«á«á á 2016á¥.á€.á 12.5 newly created bitcoin per block áá á á áá á áá áµááµ á°áá 6.25 BTC áá
reward á°áá á¥á«áá° áᶠášáá á áá 0(áá®) áá°áá³áá¡á¡
áááµ áááµ á³ááá³áµá á áááá£áœáá ášáááµááá¥á áµ áŠá³ áááµ áá ááá Bitcoin á¥áááµááá¥á áµ áááµ ááá¡á¡ ášááááªá«á ášáááµ áá®áá«á áµá " Bitcoin " á²áá á 2009 satoshi nakomoto open source code á áá ááááá¡á¡ ášáá
á á ááá á ášá°áá«áš á áááµá version á«áážá ááá¶áœ create á°á°ááááá¡á¡
Bitcoin and Criminal Activities
Bitcoin á áá á£áá ášááªáá á°ášá hack á°á°áá á ááášáá hack á¢á°ášá á¥áá³ hack á«á°ášáá á°áᬠá¥áá«ááá ášá°áá á«ášá ášáá¥á®áœ á¥áá
á ááá¡á¡ á áá á£áá á°ášá á«áá©á áµ áááá«áµ hacking á¥á«á°áá á¥ášá°áááá áµááááµ ášáá°áá±á ááááµ á á³áᜠááá¡á¡ ááá á¥áá
bitcoin á áá áá ášá°áá«á© ááááᜠááááá ááá³á á©á
á³áááµ áš run somewhere , wanna cray, hacking ááááᜠbitcoin á áá áá á°áá
áááá¡á¡ á¥ááŽáµ Bitcoin á¥áá