The coming few weeks the price of Bitcoin may decline, but this doesn't mean that it's journey to 100K stoped, but retracing as usual. We will expect new all time high at the end of 2024. Don't gove up and sell your btc holding. Have a nice day!!
ЧОÑаÑÑ Ð¿ÐŸÐ»ÐœÐŸÑÑÑÑ…Notcoin: Tokenomics and Price
Tokenomics of Notcoin:
- Total number of tokens: ~102.72 billion (100%)
- Distributed to users at launch: ~80.22 billion (78%)
- Allocated for the development of the Notcoin ecosystem: ~22.50 billion (22%)
Current Situation on Getgems:
- NFT (voucher) for ~$80: Market capitalization of ~$821.75 million at a price of ~$0.008 per token.
- NFT (voucher) for ~$100: Market capitalization of ~$1.03 billion at a price of ~$0.01 per token.
Project Capitalization:
Currently ranges from ~$800 million to ~$1 billion:
- Most plan to sell at listing, regardless of price, just to hit the "sell" button and rejoice.
- If the price drops after listing, users are likely to sell, fearing further declines.
- Stimulating growth requires a change in token ownership.
For Reference:
- $FLOKI â ~$1.43 billion
- $PEPE â ~$2.4 billion
- $SHIB â ~$13.31 billion
- $DOGE â ~$23.13 billion
Growth Drivers:
- Integration into the Notcoin ecosystem, leading to token purchases by partners.
- Token burning, including unused tokens and those acquired by partners.
- Development of the Notcoin ecosystem, including the launch of new games.
Listing Scenarios:
- Ideal Scenario: Capitalization of ~$1 billion at a price of ~$0.0097 per token.
- Acceptable Scenario: Capitalization of ~$500 million at a price of ~$0.0049 per token.
- Sad Scenario: Capitalization of ~$250 million at a price of ~$0.0024 per token.
Personal Note:
I believe it's wise to hold $NOT tokens. Remember, new games from @Notcoin are coming soon
Author -
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#Bitcoinâ¯â¯â¯ SMASHED $69,990
BTC reached a record high of $69,000 on November 10, 2021 at 23:04 UTC+8 on March 5, 2024 reaching this new record high again after 846 days. Now it breaks this zone and reached a new record high of $69,990. Enjoy the journey to $100K, once again.
Hi guys, have you enjoying BTC journey to 100K? Wish you a nice move!
ЧОÑаÑÑ Ð¿ÐŸÐ»ÐœÐŸÑÑÑÑ…#Bitcoinâ¯â¯â¯ on New Yearâs Day âš
2014 â $772
2015 â $314
2016 â $434
2017 â $1,019
2018 â $15,321
2019 â $3,794
2020 â $7,193
2021 â $29,352
2022 â $47,025
2023 â $16,630.44
2024 â $42,660
Source: X
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Capital Market in Ethiopia
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The Secrets, Rules & Blunt Truths of a Stock Market Wizard
Author: Mark Minervini
It's simple and convenient to trade cryptocurrencies on Binance, but you should take the appropriate security measures to protect your money. Start by turning on two-factor authentication to further secure your account. Keeping your private keys offline and in a safe place is another smart move. Second, be wary of clicking on links or emails from unidentified sources because they might be phishing scams. Thirdly, pay close attention to your account and keep an eye out for any odd activity. Finally, diversify your holdings to lower your chance of financial loss in the erratic cryptocurrency market. You may trade cryptocurrency on Binance safely and safeguard your investments by paying attention to these pointers.
ЧОÑаÑÑ Ð¿ÐŸÐ»ÐœÐŸÑÑÑÑ…Metverse and its impact on Hotels, Airlines, Evant & Entertainment, ...
A metaverse is a virtual universe or shared space, typically existing in the context of virtual reality or augmented reality, where users can interact with each other and with virtual objects and environments. The term is often used to describe a future version of the internet where users can immerse themselves in a shared digital space, similar to the way they interact in the physical world. Some common examples of metaverse technologies include video games and virtual reality systems, where users can interact with each other and with digital objects in a shared virtual environment.
People can use the metaverse for video conferencing and virtual meetings. The immersive environment of a metaverse can offer a more engaging and interactive experience than traditional video conferencing platforms. In a metaverse, attendees can interact with each other and with virtual objects in real-time, simulating face-to-face interaction. This can make virtual meetings and presentations more dynamic and engaging. However, the technology and infrastructure for metaverse video conferencing is still in its early stages, and widespread adoption may take some time.
The rise of the metaverse has the potential to significantly impact various industries, including hotels, airlines, and others. Here's how:
⢠Hotels: The development of the metaverse could reduce the demand for physical travel, as people may be able to visit virtual destinations for business, leisure, or other purposes. This could result in a decline in the demand for hotel rooms, especially for business travel.
⢠Airlines: Similarly, the rise of the metaverse could reduce the demand for physical travel, leading to a decline in the demand for airline services. People may be able to attend virtual meetings, conferences, and events, eliminating the need for air travel.
⢠Retail: The metaverse could provide retailers with new opportunities for virtual commerce, enabling them to reach customers in a virtual environment. This could lead to an increase in online shopping and a decline in physical retail.
⢠Events and Entertainment: The metaverse could provide a new platform for hosting events and entertainment, potentially replacing physical events and venues. This could have a significant impact on the events and entertainment industry, leading to changes in the way events are planned and delivered.
These are some of the ways the rise of the metaverse could impact various industries. However, it's important to note that the technology and infrastructure for the metaverse is still in its early stages, and the full impact on these industries is yet to be determined.
Cryptocurrency trading is a rapidly growing sector of the financial markets. With the rise of digital assets, more traders are looking to take advantage of the potential profits associated with trading in these markets. As such, it is important to understand the best strategies to employ in order to maximize your chances of success.
One of the most popular strategies is buy and hold. This strategy involves buying a cryptocurrency, holding it for a period of time, and then selling it when the market conditions are favorable. It is important to note that this strategy does not involve day trading, and is instead based on the long-term trend of the cryptocurrency. This strategy is best suited for investors who are comfortable with taking risks and who can afford to hold their investments for a long period of time.
Scalping is another popular strategy for trading cryptocurrencies. With scalping, traders attempt to make profits from small price movements. This strategy involves buying and selling a cryptocurrency quickly, hoping to take advantage of the small fluctuations in the market. This strategy is best for traders who are comfortable with taking risks and who are willing to invest
a lot of time in order to make a profit.
Arbitrage is another strategy that is often used in cryptocurrency trading. It involves taking advantage of differences in the prices of the same asset in different markets. For example, a trader might buy a cryptocurrency in one market and then sell it in another market for a higher price. This allows the trader to take advantage of the price difference and make a profit. This strategy is best suited for those who are willing to take risks and who are comfortable with dealing with large amounts of money.
Finally, high-frequency trading is a strategy that involves making trades rapidly in order to take advantage of market inefficiencies and make a profit. This strategy is best suited for traders who are comfortable with taking risks and who have the technological capabilities to make trades quickly.
Overall, there are many strategies that can be used for trading cryptocurrencies. Each strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to understand them in order to make the most informed decision. By understanding the
different strategies and their associated risks, traders can make an informed decision and maximize their chances of success in the cryptocurrency markets.
For those asking what MEME coins really is?
Meme coins are a category of cryptocurrency that often features popular internet memes or inside jokes as their branding. They tend to be more volatile than established cryptocurrencies and their success can be heavily influenced by social media trends. Here's a quick rundown on recent meme coins in crypto:
Types of Recent Meme Coins:
⢠New contenders: There's a constant stream of new meme coins emerging, like ButtChain, Baby Doge Coin, Wen, Brett, and Volt Inu. These often come with their own ecosystems or features (e.g., NFTs, games) to try and stand out. You can find information about these on sites like CoinMarketCap: or Coinranking:
⢠Top Gainers vs Losers: Keep in mind that meme coins can be very volatile. Some recent gainers (as of April 24, 2024) include Duko, Solama, PEPE, and PepeFork. However, there are also losers like PIZA, PEPEBRC, and Duko (it can go both ways for the same coin!). You can find up-to-date info on Coinranking:
Important to Consider:
⢠High Risk: Investing in meme coins is generally considered high-risk due to their volatility and dependence on trends.
⢠Do Your Research: It's important to thoroughly research any meme coin before investing, understanding its project, community, and potential risks.
This is not financial advice. It's always wise to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
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Those are the same Airdrops like notcoin, try them not miss out! Click on the link and Start mining.
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á¥á ááá Notecoin áá¹ áá áá á°ášá°? mine á¥á«ášááœá áá??
10 ááášá á°áá³áœá á¥ááŽáµ á¥ááœá á á«ááœáá á¥áá áá Trade ášáá á á ... áážá¥ áµáœáááœá... á áá áá ááá 237 á¶áá ááá áá° 50,000 á¥á áá°á áá... á°áá³áœáá Mine á«ášááœá á á°ášááœá::
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Youtube áá áªáµá®áᜠá áááœá á¥áá±á á¥á© ááµááááµ Info á³ááááœá!
Mine áášá á«áááá«áœá á°áá á ááá áá á ááœá
#Bitcoinâ¯â¯â¯ SMASHED $73,000 New All Time High.
ááááµáµá ááááµ á°ášá³á©áœ á áá á¥áá³á ááá á áá á á°áá á á°ášá³áœá! á á°ášá°á!
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Source: Tikvah
European Central Bank says it is entering the "final stage" of the investigation phase of the "digital euro" project.
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Faked Deaths, Missing Billions and Industry Disruption
Author: Erica Stanford
The term "metaverse" refers to a concept of a virtual world that combines the internet, artificial intelligence (AI), extended reality (XR), and blockchain technologies. The metaverse is essentially a shared digital space that people can access from anywhere in the world, with the goal of providing a seamless and immersive experience that bridges the gap between the physical and virtual world.
One of the key components of the metaverse is the internet, which provides the infrastructure for people to access the virtual world. The internet enables users to connect to the metaverse from anywhere, making it possible for people to interact and participate in virtual activities, communities, and commerce.
AI and XR play a crucial role in making the metaverse feel more realistic and immersive. AI can be used to create intelligent virtual beings and environments, while XR technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) can provide a more immersive experience for users by blurring the lines between the physical and virtual world. This creates a more realistic and engaging environment that users can explore, interact with, and participate in.
Another important aspect of the metaverse is the use of blockchain technology, which provides a secure and decentralized way to manage virtual assets, transactions, and identities. This allows for a more open and transparent virtual world, where users can own and trade virtual assets in a way that is secure, transparent, and resistant to censorship or manipulation.
In conclusion, the metaverse is a vision for the future of the internet, where people can interact and participate in a shared virtual world that combines the latest technologies, such as AI, XR, and blockchain, to create a more seamless and immersive experience. The metaverse has the potential to bring people together from all over the world, to participate in virtual activities, communities, and commerce in a way that was never before possible.
Cryptocurrency is a digital form of currency that operates independently of central banks. In recent years, it has gained popularity among the youth in developing countries for various reasons.
Firstly, cryptocurrency provides financial freedom and anonymity for young people in developing countries. Transactions are recorded on a decentralized ledger and do not require the involvement of intermediaries such as banks. This eliminates the need for long and costly procedures, as well as the need to provide sensitive personal information. This is particularly beneficial in countries with strict financial regulations or where access to traditional banking services is limited.
Secondly, the use of cryptocurrency helps to reduce poverty by providing access to financial services to the unbanked population. In developing countries, many young people are excluded from traditional banking services and are unable to participate in the formal economy. The use of cryptocurrency enables them to engage in financial activities, such as receiving remittances, investing, and making purchases, which can improve their standard of living.
Thirdly, cryptocurrency provides opportunities for entrepreneurship and job creation. With the growth of the cryptocurrency industry, there are increasing opportunities for young people to start businesses, create new products and services, and find employment. For example, in countries where the traditional financial sector is underdeveloped, young people can use cryptocurrency to start businesses that cater to the unbanked population.
Lastly, the use of cryptocurrency can help to promote financial literacy and education. By engaging with cryptocurrency, young people can learn about the basics of finance, investment, and economics, which can be valuable skills for their future. Additionally, the use of cryptocurrency can help to reduce corruption and fraud, as transactions are recorded on a transparent and immutable ledger.
In conclusion, cryptocurrency provides many advantages for young people in developing countries, including financial freedom and anonymity, reduced poverty, entrepreneurship opportunities, and financial literacy. As the cryptocurrency industry continues to grow, it has the potential to provide a pathway for financial inclusion and economic development for the youth in these countries.
This Friday 8 AM UTC, 142K $BTC are set to expire on Deribit with a notional value of $2.38 billion.
Max pain price $18,000, put/call ratio: 0.60