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❎በዚህ ግሩፕ የፈለጉትን ጥያቄ መጠየቅ❔ እንዲሁም በቴክ ዙሪያ ሀሳቦችን አንስተው መወያየት ይችላሉ። ✅እኛ ግሩፕ ሁሉም ተማሪ👨‍💻 ሁሉም አስተማሪ👩‍🏫 ነው፤ ማንም ከማንም አይበልጥም አያንስም።‼️‼️‼️ 📌Channel: @ethio_techs 🎮Games: @ethiogamestore 💽Apps: @ethioapps1 📚Books: @ethiotechsbooks

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

🌹♥️🌹የሴት ጓደኛ ለመያዝ አስበህ ታውቃለህ ምን ልበላት ብለህ ቃላትስ አተህ ታውቃለህ🌹🌹 እንግዲያውስ የፍቅር ቃላት ፍለጋ አበቃ በቀላሉ ማግኘት ትችላለህ🥰🌹👇🌹👇🌹

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ሰላም🙌 Imann እንኳን ወደታላቁ ግሩፓችን👥 በደህና መጡ🙏🙏🙏

❎በዚህ ግሩፕ የፈለጉትን ጥያቄ መጠየቅ❓ እንዲሁም በቴክ ዙሪያ ሀሳቦችን አንስተው #መወያየት ይችላሉ።

✅እኛ ግሩፕ ሁሉም ተማሪ👨‍💻 ሁሉም አስተማሪ👩‍🏫 ነው፤ ማንም ከማንም አይበልጥም አያንስም።‼️‼️‼️

👩‍💻ከወደዱን ወዳጅዎን add➕ ያድርጉ።

🎮Games: @ethiogamestore

💽Apps: @ethioapps1

📚Books: @ethiotechsbooks

❤️ እናመሰግናለን። ❤️

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Please mnm arge alkeft alegn erdugn

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Yhew eyawerah aydel...

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

My best fam fam photo graphics Please allowed

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ለምን ነው እዚ ግሩብ ግን ብሎክ የተደረኩትት🙄

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup


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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Betesb Please 🙏 inbox 😪😪

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Sewyew yelem nw milih eko

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Baki Group lay be Group help bot ban yetederege member endate new memelese michalew

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Package unlimited በቅናሽ inbox me

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

የandroidን operating system የiphone ምርቶች ላይ መጠቀም እንችላለን? or vice versal

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

System app mnamn nw esun demo mekenes atchelem wedaje

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Endeza kehone ye sim makefiyaw chigir alebet malet new wey demo yinekanekal malet new

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

YouTube channel megzat yemifelig kale yanagregn

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Imann [6504632536] sent a spam message.
Action: Warn (1/2) ❕

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Update argina mokirewski balefew andu jeles endezih hunobet bilew badergew enbi bilo yehone seat sinekaka yihun lerasu yihun bcha yehone seat lay seralet

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Yet endegeba atahut weys adress tesasche new???

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Dynamic . Basic . Primary .extended .logical partition miyak kale Please

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ምን አጠፋሁ ቀበሌዎች አተውኝም ወይ

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

👁👁👁👁👁endet alachiu

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

yhen sew kezi befit sew add adrgot wetual....... kezi behuala masgebat metchlew yenesu contact kehonk weym invitation link lkehlachew kegebu becha nw

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Group lay add sarege endi new milege

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

/ unban Username

Bezi mokrew space atfteh

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

bybit lay mastercard account kefto ke aliexpress account gar link adrgo yeseralet sew ale guys?

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

👀 ላብነው ? ያበነኝ ይሆን ቀድሞ👀👀

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Ere lash ene storage satseda tebko new ende miwesdbgn 😒 befit system 8 gb yeneberew eko new zare tenesto 10 yalefew

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Sim makefiya malet mindnew? ena silk bet lwsedew

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ERe jemaw keslke wede memory file move arge 2.3 gb free hono neber ahun temelso 300 mb bcha new yalegn system 10.9 GB wesede bemndnew mastekakel michalew??

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Andande nw gn restart saregw sayhon sim saweta nw miseraw

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