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❎በዚህ ግሩፕ የፈለጉትን ጥያቄ መጠየቅ❔ እንዲሁም በቴክ ዙሪያ ሀሳቦችን አንስተው መወያየት ይችላሉ። ✅እኛ ግሩፕ ሁሉም ተማሪ👨‍💻 ሁሉም አስተማሪ👩‍🏫 ነው፤ ማንም ከማንም አይበልጥም አያንስም።‼️‼️‼️ 📌Channel: @ethio_techs 🎮Games: @ethiogamestore 💽Apps: @ethioapps1 📚Books: @ethiotechsbooks

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

kelal new esu ayasasebm

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

even biluh tell me mn godele endemilu ena eleklhalew yegodelewn file
probably dll file new godele emileh bilehem

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

😳🙏 are beya amesegnalewu gin install saregewu file golali ayilegnima bro

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

extract lemareg password keteyekeh ngeregn by the way

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Fredom fighter aleh ende ?

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

guys utub channel yemshetbet legit yehone menged kale tekumugn esti

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

kemr denkognal..... ke wendm gar 5dekika rasu mawrat bkat nw😁

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

😂 it was at 8 -10 seat lelit
Enkilf embi silen snawera aderin😂

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

😁😂 no with bro honestly

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Ene eske 3 hijalhu😁😁

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

📲"ልክ 2 ሰአት ሲሞላ ቴሌ ስልኩን ያቋርጠዋል"‼️

እናንተ ያልተቋረጠ ስልክ #ስንት_ሰአት አውርታችኋል?

👩‍💻 @ethio_techs 👨‍💻 @ethio_techs 👩‍💻

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Family selke Samsung A15 nw ena call recorde ayadrrgem ena demo App saweredem ye call recoreder ayeseram er yemetawekut app kal pleas recommend aderegugn

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Bro, nethunter upgrade sadergew tequarete meselegn ahun apt upgrade slew ayseram ? 🤔

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

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⭕️ ቢታኒያ

⚠️ለግሩፑ ጥራትና እድገት ሲባል አዲስ ገቢ ከሆኑ 2⃣0⃣ ሰው ወደ ግሩፑ ☑️ #Add ማድረግ አለብዎት።

❗️እስካሁን 0 ሰው ወደ ግሩፑ ጋብዘዋል።

®🇪🇹Ethio Techs Group 🇪🇹®


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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

@Promise_4 [5896792441] used a banned word.
Action: Warn (1/2) ❕

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Awo gamun chershewalewu 😁 gin yane kemechane befit endeza bilogni neber endet fix endarekut enja

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

probably not these are very small games

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

yup found it @natnaelviva

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

aytefam esti lifelalg got terabyte full of games 😂

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Ahun newu yayewut gena eyawerwdikut nwu

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ሰላም🙌 🐾 እንኳን ወደታላቁ ግሩፓችን👥 በደህና መጡ🙏🙏🙏

❎በዚህ ግሩፕ የፈለጉትን ጥያቄ መጠየቅ❓ እንዲሁም በቴክ ዙሪያ ሀሳቦችን አንስተው #መወያየት ይችላሉ።

✅እኛ ግሩፕ ሁሉም ተማሪ👨‍💻 ሁሉም አስተማሪ👩‍🏫 ነው፤ ማንም ከማንም አይበልጥም አያንስም።‼️‼️‼️

👩‍💻ከወደዱን ወዳጅዎን add➕ ያድርጉ።

🎮Games: @ethiogamestore

💽Apps: @ethioapps1

📚Books: @ethiotechsbooks

❤️ እናመሰግናለን። ❤️

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup


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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Aweke new man😁😅😅

10 min kawerahu😂

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

kesua gar nw mechem😊

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Beteley fkregnamoch😁

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Winning eleven ye pc kalachu pls 🙏

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Guys external download link lkelet filun milklng bot felge neber mtakut kale🙏?

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Yehone channel bot mibal ale groupe wist eyeposte aschegeregn. Ban baregewim wef.

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ቼልሲ ከ አርሰናል የሚያደርጉትን የእንግሊዝ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ ተጠባቂ ጨዋታ በ ነፃ በስልኮዎ ለማየት ከታች ያለውን ሊንክ(JOIN) የሚለውን በመንካት ይቀላቀሉ አሁኑኑ እንዳያመልጥዎ 👇

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ሰላም እዴት ናቺው የቻናሌ ቤተሰቦች
በ 🇨🇦Canada🇨🇦 ሀገር የሚኖር ኢትዮጵያዊ ወንድማቺን ሀበሾቺን ማገዝ እፈልጋለሁ እያለ ነው እናም በየወሩ የማደርገውን ለ 5 ሰወች ቀድሞ ላናገረኝ sponsor ships ከዚው ከምኖርበት ማንኛው Europe, 🇨🇦 Canada 🇨🇦 ሀገር መምጣት ለምትፈልጉ online apply ለከበዳቺው ላግዛቺው ዝግጁ ነኝ እያለ ነው እናም ወደውጪ የመውጣት ፍላጐት ያላቸው channels join በማለት አናግሩት ያግዛቺዋል::

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