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❎በዚህ ግሩፕ የፈለጉትን ጥያቄ መጠየቅ❔ እንዲሁም በቴክ ዙሪያ ሀሳቦችን አንስተው መወያየት ይችላሉ። ✅እኛ ግሩፕ ሁሉም ተማሪ👨‍💻 ሁሉም አስተማሪ👩‍🏫 ነው፤ ማንም ከማንም አይበልጥም አያንስም።‼️‼️‼️ 📌Channel: @ethio_techs 🎮Games: @ethiogamestore 💽Apps: @ethioapps1 📚Books: @ethiotechsbooks

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

5⃣. Adjust Power Plan

✅Control Panel ➡️ Hardware And Sound ➡️ Power Option ➡️ Edit Plan Settings ➡️ Change Advanced Power Settings...

📌Balanced ላይ የነበረውን High Performance አድርጉት።

👩‍💻 @ethio_techs 👨‍💻 @ethio_techs 👩‍💻

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup


➡️Search ላይ ሄዳችሁ 'Services' ብላችሁ ፈልጉ።

➡️ወደታች ውረዱና 'Connected Devices Platform' የሚለውን #Stop አድርጉና #Disable አድርጉት።

👩‍💻 @ethio_techs 👨‍💻 @ethio_techs 👩‍💻

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup


➡️Search ላይ ሄዳችሁ 'Services' ብላችሁ ፈልጉ።

➡️ወደታች ውረዱና 'Sysmain' የሚለውን #Stop አድርጉና #Disable አድርጉት።

👩‍💻 @ethio_techs 👨‍💻 @ethio_techs 👩‍💻

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

1⃣. በመጀመሪያ የሀርድ ዲስካችሁን #Health ስንት እንደሆነ ቼክ አድርጉ።

✅በጣም ዝቅተኛ ከሆነ #መቀየር ይኖርባችኋል።

📌ቼክ ለማድረግ 📥Download📥 ይሄን አፕ ተጠቀሙ።

👩‍💻 @ethio_techs 👨‍💻 @ethio_techs 👩‍💻

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

💻ሀርድዲስካችሁ እንደምታዩት 100% የሚልበት #በርካታ ምክንያቶች አሉት።

1. ሀርድዲስካችሁ በራሱ ችግር ሲኖርበት

2. የኦፕሬቲንግ ሲስተም ችግር ሲኖር

3. በርካታ የተከፈተ ነገር ሲኖር

4. ኮምፒውተሩ በቫይረስ የተጠቃ ሲሆን

👩‍💻 @ethio_techs 👨‍💻 @ethio_techs 👩‍💻

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Warning endaysetegn eshi

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Eziko bezu channel ban adrgenal🤔

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Saygebu ban madreg techlaleh

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Lemn ataswetachewm😊

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Ere poly channel bot mibal ena Automated quantitative platforms mibal channel endet endehone salawik groupe wist eyeposetu aschegerugn

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Ena endet endemikeftew litasayegn atchilm??

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Channel group wist post mareg yichilal ende poly

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Pls mitaku kalachu format aderaregun asayugn???

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Network setting reset adrg

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

just install linux😁

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

4⃣. Disable Background Apps

✅Settings ➡️ Privacy ➡️ Scroll Down ... Background Apps ➡️ Disable

👩‍💻 @ethio_techs 👨‍💻 @ethio_techs 👩‍💻

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup


➡️Search ላይ ሄዳችሁ 'Services' ብላችሁ ፈልጉ።

➡️ወደታች ውረዱና 'Windows Search' የሚለውን #Stop አድርጉና #Disable አድርጉት።

👩‍💻 @ethio_techs 👨‍💻 @ethio_techs 👩‍💻

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

2⃣. ቫይረስ አለመሆኑን ለማረጋገጥ ኮምፒውተራችሁን Full Scan አድርጉ።

📥Download Antivirus📥

👩‍💻 @ethio_techs 👨‍💻 @ethio_techs 👩‍💻

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

✅ወሳኝ የሆኑ #መፍትሔዎችን ልጠቁማችሁ...

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ነፃ ኢንተርኔት የሚያስጠቀም ፋይል ላኩልኝ

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

eski ye botun link laklgn

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Botun ban baregewim yaw new. Channelun gin ban mareg aychalim

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Groupu lay eko yelum

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

play store ላይ የምን ምልክት ነች?

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

How to disassemble "ye laptophn sem" asgebteh Youtube video eyna minekelewn part asayhalehu

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Yhen password lematfat pcw mekefet alebet

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Pc meftat techlaleh?

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Telegram premium yalacu sewoch egezalew inbox me

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Chrome alsera alegn enantega yiseral sewoch

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Most probably health sikenisim endi yhonal

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