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❎በዚህ ግሩፕ የፈለጉትን ጥያቄ መጠየቅ❔ እንዲሁም በቴክ ዙሪያ ሀሳቦችን አንስተው መወያየት ይችላሉ። ✅እኛ ግሩፕ ሁሉም ተማሪ👨‍💻 ሁሉም አስተማሪ👩‍🏫 ነው፤ ማንም ከማንም አይበልጥም አያንስም።‼️‼️‼️ 📌Channel: @ethio_techs 🎮Games: @ethiogamestore 💽Apps: @ethioapps1 📚Books: @ethiotechsbooks

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Hey guys
የSafaricom ሲም ላይ ወደ 2 ሺህ ብር አየር ሰአት ነበረኝ እና አሁን ላይ ብሩን በጣም ስለፈለኩት በdiscountም ቢሆን ልሸጠው ፈልጌ ነበር
እና ሚገዛ ሰው የት ላገኝ እችላለሁ?🙏

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ሰላም🙌 . እንኳን ወደታላቁ ግሩፓችን👥 በደህና መጡ🙏🙏🙏

❎በዚህ ግሩፕ የፈለጉትን ጥያቄ መጠየቅ❓ እንዲሁም በቴክ ዙሪያ ሀሳቦችን አንስተው #መወያየት ይችላሉ።

✅እኛ ግሩፕ ሁሉም ተማሪ👨‍💻 ሁሉም አስተማሪ👩‍🏫 ነው፤ ማንም ከማንም አይበልጥም አያንስም።‼️‼️‼️

👩‍💻ከወደዱን ወዳጅዎን add➕ ያድርጉ።

🎮Games: @ethiogamestore

💽Apps: @ethioapps1

📚Books: @ethiotechsbooks

❤️ እናመሰግናለን። ❤️

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

መንግስትን ጥሩ አስመስሎ ለዘላለም መዘገብ!!

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Simply why don't go there and ask them the password

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

@abdezhan [872328783] sent a spam message.
Action: Warn (1/2) ❕

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ስማቸው ምን ተባለ tadya 🤭

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

@leulkeber [1101868443] sent a spam message.
Action: Warn (1/2) ❕

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

If anyone know does flashing bypass frp?

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Lemndnew endezii yemilegn telegram wallet

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Fix madreg michalbet menged kalew

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

a translation of the Chinese text in the image:

- Spreadtrum Factory Test Mode
- PCBA Auto Test
- Device Auto Test
- PCBA Single Item Test
- Device Single Item Test
- Suggested Test Items
- Phone Information
- PCBA Test Results
- Device Test Results
- Suggested Test Item Results
< Restart

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Be iPhone grass airdrop eysrachehu yalachehu please background lay eysra aydelm mn ladergew

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ሰዎች እንዴት አደራችሁ?
እስኪ ይህን ጥያሼዬን አብራርታችሁ መልሱልኝ..
ለምንድነው ዴስክቶፖች እንደ ላፕቶፕ ብሉቱዝ ሆነ ሌሎች Wireless ኔትዎርክ ማይገናኙ

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Yehe link gbuna 100 birr yageggn

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Please guys ምታውቁ ስለዚህ.... Itel phone new password ረስቼ hard rest ላደርግ ስል China's language ሆነብኝ ። ከዚ በፊት አድርጋችሁ ምታውቁ 🙏

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

@ttgllll [6745413643] sent a spam message.
Action: Warn (1/2) ❕

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

@Yassino_99 [6042705935] sent a spam message.
Action: Warn (1/2) ❕

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

የኤልፎን ምልክት አምጥቶ ነበር የሆነ ስልክ በ ሪስቶር,መንቀል ,ማፅዳት,እና ከቻርጀር ኮኔክተር ፖዘቲቭ ወደ ኤልፎን ፖዜተቪ ተወስዶለትም አይሰራም ጭራሽ አይነሳም ከፖዜትቩ ስወስድ እንደውም
ምንድን ነው መፍትሄው ቤተሰብ ??

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

bruh Vpnjantit . username ena pass sasgeba embi alegn bena

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ሰላም ሰዎች እንዴት ናችሁ?
የጥሪ ወረቀት በ Microsoft publisher ፅፌ print ሳደርግ በ1 ወረቀት የ6 ሰው መጥሪያ እንዲወጣልኝ እንዴት ነው ማደርግ

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Simcard indz bilo imb ale yisetkakelali inde

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

#JFF 😂

FBC እና Walta ተዋሀዱ የሚል post ስር Comment የተለያዩ ነበሩ እንዴ🤔

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Please help me👆👆👆

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Notification history premium milew app

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Ahun ethio teck app store lau upload sletederegut application features ngerun

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

selam sewech endat nachihu binance window apk or mawerja link lakulgin pls

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Abzagnochu old desktop computeroch built in Bluetooth adapter beabzagnaw aynorachewm lemsale dell behulum seriesu lay 2,3 modelochu becha nw minorachew lemsale optplex series lay 3090 nw yalew... metekem kefelek lela usb Bluetooth adapter metekem alebh

endalkew lelochun wireless connections chemro external usb adapter weym pci port lay miseka metekem techlaleh

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Yehe link gbuna 100 birr yageggn

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

ከ4G ወደ 5G እንዴት ነው መጠቀም የሚቻለው ስልካችን ላይ የ5g ከሌለ

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Ethio ቴክ'ˢ grøup

Guys yihen endet nw maxfat michalew

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