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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Black Kite
Milvus migrans

Nominate migrans is common to abundant Palearctic passage migrant and winter visitor, Oct–Apr, to Er, Et and NWSo. Vagrant Soc. It inhabits villages, towns and open country, and frequently with resident Yellow-billed Kites.

photo by HenuPhotography
Abijatta-shalla national park

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Common Ostrich
Struthio camelus
[Alt: Ostrich]
Uncommon as singles,occasionally in small groups in drier, bushed and wooded grassland, mainly below 2000m. In NE Africa, the nominate race occurs in Er, Dj and N&WEt. Ostriches have a complex breeding system with one major and 5–6 minor hens laying an average of 25 eggs in the same nest (which are incubated by the major hen during the day, and by the male at night). Chicks hatch after around 6 weeks and leave nest after 4 days. They join other young birds to form crèches which can number more than a hundred. Ostriches mature at 3–4 years, but males are unlikely to achieve mating status until 6–7 years. Eggs attract the unique tool-using Egyptian Vulture which uses stones to break them open, as well as other predators like hyaenas.

photo by HenuPhotography
Abijatta-shalla national park

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Von der Decken’s Hornbill
Tockus deckeni

Pairs and family parties are widespread and common in dry bushed and wooded grassland in Et (mainly in and east of Rift Valley) and SSo, from sea-level to 1500m.Male has large red-orange bill with well-defined creamy-yellow tip,

photo by HenuPhotography
sabana lodge langano

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

/channel/DerdleDotCom Thank you for promoting our channel and using our pics ....and for starting a word game in Amharic....and using words like ጨረባ 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Black Kite
Milvus migrans

Nominate migrans is common to abundant Palearctic passage migrant and winter visitor, Oct–Apr, to Er, Et and NWSo. Vagrant Soc. It inhabits villages, towns and open country, and frequently with resident Yellow-billed Kites.immature may be paler still, even nearly white-headed, and pale streaked below. In graceful wheeling flight reveals shallow forked tail; most birds show pale bar across upperwing-coverts and variable pale patch in primaries from below.

photo by HenuPhotography
lake Abijjata

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Greater Honeyguide
Indicator indicator

[Alt: Black-throated Honeyguide]
Uncommon to fairly common and widespread in riverine and open woodland, bush country and farmland with scattered large trees, from sea-level to 2400m. Sits upright in canopy, calling repeatedly, often from well-established song-posts. Will lead people and ratels to bee nests.Adult male has pale pinkish bill, black throat and white ear-patch. Rest of plumage is dull brown with small yellowish shoulders (usually concealed); when worn, may show small whitish area on rump. White outer tail noticeable in undulating flight or when landing.

photo by HenuPhotography
sabana lodge langano

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Lilac-breasted Roller
Coracias caudatus

Pairs are widespread and common
intra-tropical breeding migrants and presumed residents in open bush country, wooded grassland, woodland and cultivation from sea-level to 1700m. In Et, occurs mainly in Rift Valley and to east. Vagrant Er (once). Some birds remain in SEt all year, but mainly present in Et and So in Mar–Oct.

photo by HenuPhotography
lake Abijjata

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Philomachus pugnax

Very common Palearctic winter visitor and passage migrant to both fresh and alkaline waters (especially with muddy fringes) up to 2900m, Aug–May. A few stay all year.

photo by HenuPhotography
lake Abijjata

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Spur-winged Goose
Plectropterus gambensis

Pairs, family groups and flocks are resident in W&CEt, inhabiting flooded grasslands and swamps below 2000m, but numbers fluctuate and some local movements occur.
Frequently perches in trees to roost.

Photo by HenuPhotography
Liben Lodge&Resort

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Liben Lark
formerly Sidamo Lark
Heteromirafra sidamoensis
Short-billed lark with a rather long and distinctly thin neck, shortish tail, relatively long legs and very long hindclaw. Crown is finely streaked, with indistinct pale median stripe; prominent creamy supercilium and pale buff hindcrown and nape; upperparts richly patterned with heavy scalloped effect, often with rufous tones, but this is variable. Underparts whitish with small blackish streaks on breast and buffy flanks. Outer tail feathers pinkish-buff. Race torrida ofFlappet Lark is superficially similar.ENDEMIC. Restricted to tiny area of grassland at c.1450m east of Negele in SEt. Discovered in 1968 and still very poorly known. Rather shy and unobtrusive, running rapidly through long grass like rodent, but stands upright when still.

Photo by: Henupotography

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

African Grey Hornbill
Tockus nasutus
[Alt: Grey Hornbill]

Pairs and groups are widespread and common residents in woodland and bushed grassland (especially with acacias) in Er,
Et (except SE) and SSo, from sea-level to 1500m.Male has dark bill with slender flat casque and striking creamy-white wedge at base.

Photo by Henupotography
OMO National Park
July 2023

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Abyssinian Longclaw
Macronyx flavicollis

ENDEMIC to Et. Singles or pairs are common in highland grassland and moorland at 1200–4100m.

Photo By HenuPhotography
Addis Ababa Bole Lami

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Tacazze Sunbird
Nectarinia tacazze

Breeding male often looks very dark and then shines brilliant purple, green and gold. Bronzy-green head is like familiar Bronze Sunbird N. kilimensis of East Africa, but purple back, wing-coverts and breast distinctive. Rest of underparts sooty-black.Adult female is dusky grey above, with long whitish supercilium, dark lores, whitish malar stripe and unstreaked paler grey below.

Photo by HenuPhotography
Addis Ababa

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Namaqua Dove
Oena capensis

Widespread and common throughout Er, Et, Dj and So, in drier bush and cultivated areas from sea-level to 2400m, but wanders widely. Vagrant Soc.Frequently occurs in sizeable flocks.Adult male is black on face and upper breast with yellow-tipped purplish bill, two black bands across lower back, and dark purple-black spots on wings. Rest of underparts white, contrasting with black undertail coverts. Adult female lacks black mask, and has pale buff-grey or whitish face and dark grey bill.

Photo by Henuphotography

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Really I appreciate that to post both male and female together. That is great.

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Great Cormorant
Phalacrocorax carbo

Singles to large flocks are common on larger freshwater and alkaline lakes in Rift Valley, preferring more open shores, but disperse in small numbers elsewhere including to coastal wetlands (but rarely on sea). Common in SSo, but largely absent from NSo. Vagrant Er and Soc.

Photo by Henuphotography
Bird Island, Lake Ziway

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Fridays4Birds Invites you to join a webinar on:

🌍 Etho ecology of white-breasted guineafowl in Tai Park, Cote dÌvoire

🎙️ Brou N. Martin

📅 Date: 16 Feb 2024 03:00 PM CET

Pass: AgelastesM

📽️Rewind Webinar on nocturnal birds

Fridays4Birds Team

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Kittlitz’s Plover
Charadrius pecuarius

Locally common and widespread resident on short grass and muddy fringes of wide range of inland waters below 2700m. Most
frequent in Rift Valley but also on temporary pools and coastal saltpans;

photo by HenuPhotography
lake Abijjata

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

White-winged Tern
Chlidonias leucopterus

Very common passage migrant and winter visitor to inland lakes and dams up to 2900m, Aug–May, although a good number over summer. Highly gregarious and may occur in flocks of thousands, especially on larger Rift Valley lakes. Much rarer at coast apart from on fresh water just inland.

photo by HenuPhotography
lake Ziway/Batu

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Slender-billed Gull
Chroicocephalus genei

Fairly common Palearctic migrant to coastal Er and Dj, Nov–Apr. Several inland records on Rift Valley lakes in Et and Lake Tana; vagrant Soc.

photo by HenuPhotography
lake Abijjata

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Greater Flamingo
Phoenicopterus roseus

Singles to flocks of thousands
are found mainly on muddy-fringed alkaline lakes in Rift Valley and coastal lagoons on Red Sea coast, less often on fresh water. Exploits greater range of habitats than Lesser Flamingo, and benefits more from man-made lakes, dams and sewage ponds. Mainly a non-breeding migrant to region.

photo by HenuPhotography
lake Abijjata

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

African Jacana
Actophilornis africanus

Widespread and common resident of freshwater ponds and lakes with good surface cover, from sea-level to 2000m.

Photo by Henuphotography

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Common Rock Thrush
Monticola saxatilis
[Alt: Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush]

Common and widespread Palearctic passage migrant and winter visitor, Sep–Apr, favouring open woodland and bush in winter but also rocky grasslands, cliffs and buildings, up to 2400m

Photo by : Henupotography

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

White-crested Helmetshrike
Prionops plumatus
[Alt: White Helmetshrike]

Three races occur:Widespread and locally common in open and riverine woodland and bush country from sea-level to 1800m. Invariably seen in small vocal groups, seemingly always on move.

Photo by: Henupotography
Arareso jigjiga

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

African Darter
Anhinga rufa
sometimes called the snakebird

Single birds, pairs and less often groups are rather shy on wide range of still or slow-moving fresh and alkaline waters, usually well-fringed with vegetation.

Photo by Henuphotography

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Prince Ruspoli’s Turaco
Tauraco ruspolii

ENDEMIC to SEt. Uncommon resident in small patches of forest near Genale river, Wadera, Negele and Arero, favouring mixed broadleaved woodland at 1100–1800m; also found in degenerated habitats. Likely to be found in vicinity of fruiting trees. Hybridisation with White-cheeked recorded.Distinctive turaco, easily told from White-cheeked by bushy pinkish-cream crest, and lack of white patch in front of eye; also lacks white patch on side of neck.

Photo By HenuPhotography
on the way to Borana
June 2021

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

White-bellied Go-away-bird
Corythaixoides leucogaster

Pairs and family groups are common, widespread and often confiding in arid and semi-arid wooded and bush country up to 1500m.Sexes largely alike, but bill black in adult male and green in adult female.

Photo by Henupotography
OMO National Park & Arareso Jigjiga

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

African Paradise Flycatcher
Terpsiphone viridis

Single birds or pairs are common and widespread in forest, open woodland, gardens and bush from sea-level to 2600m. White birds are commoner in dry country.

Photo by HenuPhotography
Addis Ababa

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Thanks laz 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Ethiopian Bird & wildlife photography

Cut-throat Finch
Amadina fasciata
[Alt: Cut-throat]

Adult male is very distinctive with bright red crescent-shaped stripe like cut across throat, otherwise all scaly grey-brown with a variably sized patch of chestnut on belly. Adult female is entirely barred and scaly, without red throat-stripe or chestnut on belly.

photo by HenuPhotography

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