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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

yet magegt echlalhu plz

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Please don't be persuaded by those scam stories ☝️☝️like the above one.
Admins please block those ads.

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

What a shame
Where is the admin?
Can't protect there users

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Guys, Don't open it it's a virus

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

A little bit confusing question.
But z answer is D.

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

10 years hx of bilateral leg oedema now there is discharge from multiple site.

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Hello people, Any one with Williams Gyn 4th Ed?

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Can you tell us a breif hx?

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

pediatric patients with rickets,
I couldn't find vitamin d po and calcium containing syrup any option or suggestion please?

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

This is Thoraco-omphalopagus.

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Pediatricians of 2013/2021

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

What about burkitt's lymphoma

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Entertain ALL
start with peripheral smear
Get other supportive evidences with LDH, uric acid

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Any one who have embryology book share me

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

He should see an internist as point of entry and take it from there

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹


1. Language of comunication is only English❌

2. No OOT (Out Of Topic) including political, advertisments, pornography, religious Topics ❌

3. No personal talk❌

4. Do not nudge members through private talk ❌

N:B if anyone break the rule he/she is going to be banned! Thanks

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

What to give to a hypertensive patient?
And what to give to a hypotensive patient? I mean if doc and drugs are unavailable... Any food, drinks etc as first aid at home

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Please don't be persuaded by those scam stories ☝️☝️like the above one.
Admins please block those ads.

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Some assistance plz with that

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Ecodlil tabs. Used for?

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

This channel is unavailable due to copyright infringement.

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Any body who can help me to find zis drug with saudi arabia ir germany brand my patient became allergic to others.

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

What is the treatment of rickets

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

7d old and since birth

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Please attach the new abortion guide line

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Possible but signs of BM inv't (anemia, thrombocytopenia) comes late in Burkitt's. Not part of the presenting complaint for the most part

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

A 7 years old child came to a hospital with Marked loss of weight and spontaneous bleeding from gums and nose. On examination pale ,afrible (38°C ). Hepatomegaly and lymphadenopathy were also marked on examination.Describe the diagnosis , differentials , investigations and the management .

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

Please send me the most recent TB Guideline?
Thank you!

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Ethio Medical Discussion Group 🇪🇹

So do u recommend him to see doctor or to continue with his exercise

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