Half life is time needed for eliminating of 100% of drugs concentration in plasma = F
Thereabutic windows is distance between minimum therapeutic and maximum toxic = F
Q/ lotion use for external surface -T
Q/ suspension existing in parenteral and oral form only -F
Cream is for for external and mucous membranes application _ T
All need for dosage form except ?
- Protection
- control release medication
- masking test and odours
- protection from intestinal juice
الجواب الاخيرة protection from intestinal juice
ال dosage form المسؤلة عن reduction in dosage frequency
A- extended release
B- delayed release
C- film coated
D - a & b
E- A & C
الجواب A & C
Suspension is
- two phase system
- liquid dispersed in liquid
- use in oral & topical only
الجواب two phase system
14- Ampule it includes any small container that holds chemical
15-Gel that contains a gelling agent to provide stiffness to a
b drugs that has affinity and some efficacy
c- drugs that has affinity and efficacy
d- drugs that has no affinity and no efficacy
8-50 years old female with tremor, sweating ,heat intolerance eyes
changes after full history, examination and lab investigation she
diagnosed as hyperthyroidism (increase T3 &T4} drugs give to her
act as
thyroid hormone antagonist
b- thyroid hormone agonist
o- thyroid hormone parietal antagonist
9-In classification of analgesia the paracetmol not consider as
part of
because it:
a" Act on CO 3 which present mainly in hypothalamus
b- Not have anti-inflammatory effect
C- Has no GIT side effect
HAS antipyretic effect more than analgesic effect
10-Regarding the NSAIDS all the following false except:
act of CO1 Better Than That Act on CO2
a- Drugs
b- Consider a safe drugs in patient with bronchospasm (asthma)
C- CO2 present in inflammatory cell as well as in gastric mucosa
and platelet
d- One of it is side effect GIT disturbance especially peptic
11-SOLID DOSAGE FORMS all true except:
a- Elixir
b- Film Coated tablets
C- Effervescent tablets
12- Smooth compressed tablets Which provides both protection
and sweet taste:
a- Film Coated tablets
b- Delay release tablets
C- Sugar coated tablets
d- Extended release tablets
13-Advantages of tablets all true except:
A- Accuracy of dosage
B- Portability
b- 45 degrees
c- 15 degrees
d- 90 degrees
5- The route of drug administration that gives the most rapid onset
the pharmacological effect is:
a- intramuscular injection
b- Intravenous injection
c- Intradermal injection
d- Oral administration
6-12 years old child with fever, cervical lymphadenopathy
when we give him ampicillin he developed maculopapular rash over
hepatospleenomegaly he diagnosed as infectious mononucleosis
all body the
use of drugs in this patient consider as:
a- Therapeutic
b- Diagnosis
C- Prevention
d- All of above
7- Regarding the agonist all the following false except:
a- drugs that has affinity without efficacy
اسئلة #باثو د.حميد
Group D:
what is histopathological feature of anaplasia
Group A:
Define the neoplasm
Difference between benign and malignant tumors
Group C:
Write about molecular basis of the cancer ( malignant neoplasm )
Q/Define the metastasis and enumerate the routes of metastasis?
Q/ Define carcinoma and sarcoma and give 2 example for each one
Q/ What are the humeral carcinogenesis and give examples to microbial carcinogenesis
اخر سؤال ما ادري اذا هيج الصيغة او لا بس هذا اللي فهتمه من الطلاب
اسئلة مجموعة A
Q1/A/ Mention the levels of measurement with examples.
B/ define: pie chart , relative frequency, population
Q2/واجب ملزمة ٤ 👇👇
هذا الجدول اللي اجه بالسؤال الاول نقطتين عليه
جان منطي جدول تقريبا مثل هذا ( بس يمكن قدمت و اخرت بالأرقام او غيرت بيهن، يلله اهم شي الفكرة😁😁 )
هذا الجدول للممرضات حسب سنوات شغلهم بالمستشفى
اول حقل اللي صارلهن اقل من ٥ سنوات
الثانية ذني اللي بين ال ٥ و ١٠ سنوات
و الثالث اللي صارلهن فوك ال ١٠ سنوات
طلب شغلتين
١. يريد ال proportion يعني النسبة مال الممرضات اللي صارلهن ١٠ سنوات و اقل يشتغلن بالمستشفى
هنا اذا نريد نحل راح ناخذ ال frequency مال
ثاني حقل اللي يشمل ذني من ٥- ١٠ سنوات
و كذلك اول حقل مال الاقل من ٥
لأن الحقلين يعتبرون اقل من عشرة
ف ناخذ ال frequency مالتهن اثنينهن و نقسمه على ال frequency مال الكل و نضربه في ١٠٠ حته نطلع النسبة
او بطريقة مباشرة مثل اللي بالورقة
احنه عدنا proportion مال كل حقل بس نجمعهن راح يطينا المطلوب
اشياء تنسي بسرعة واسئلة مهمة المحاضرة الاولى دكتور حميد
Benign mesenchymal tumors
Benign epithelial tumors
Papillary cystadenoma
malignant tumor
1-Carcinomas arising from epithelial cells
Squamous cell carcinomas,Adenocarcinoma, small cell undifferentiated carcinomas
2-Sarcomas arising from or differentiating towards mesenchymal tissues
Osteosarcomas, Leiomyosarcomas, Rhabdomyosarcomas.
3-Some tumors have more than one parechymal cell type, these include
A-Teratomas: tumors of germ cell origin, showing differentiation along all
the three germ layers
Examples include
- teratoma of the ovary
- teratoma of the testis
Mixed tumors; they are derived from one germ cell
Examples include
Pleomorphic adenoma of salivary glands
Fibroadenoma of breast
4-tumors that are always malignant
Seminomas and Dysgerminomas
Multiple myeloma - Plasmacytoma
Q/Who distinguish between benign and malignant tumors مهمه
1- differentiation and anaplasia.
2- local invasion .
3- and metastasis.
Q/ What Histopathological features of anaplasia مهم جدا
1-Cellular and nuclear pleomorphism
3-Increased nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (N/C)
4-Abundant mitoses
5-Abnormal mitoses
6-Tumor giant cells
7-Prominent nucleoli
8-Loss of orientation and disarray of tissue architecture (loss of polarity)
9-Cytoplasmic basophilia
benign tumors
1-that develop a rim of condensed connective tissue or “capsule” at the periphery.
2-They don’t penetrate the capsule or the surrounding normal tissues.
3-The line of cleavage between the capsule and the surrounding normal tissues facilitates surgical enucleation.
Malignant tumors
1-are invasive (infiltrative), they invade and destroy normal surrounding tissues
2-their enucleation is impossible why ?
Because usually lack a well-defined capsule or line of cleavage
This process involves invasion of blood vessels, lymphatics and body cavities by the malignant tumor.
Routes of tumor spread and metastasis
1. Local spread
2. Invasion of lymphatics (lymphatic spread)
Q/Not all enlarged lymph nodes located at the sites of drainage of a malignancy means necessarily a metastasis?
because immune responses to tumor antigens can result in nodal enlargement too.
3. Invasion of blood vessels (hematogenous spread)
Q/Why Lungs and liver are the commonest site of hematogenous spread ?
because they receive the systemic and portal venous blood respectively.
Other major sites are the bones and brain.
4-Spread into body cavities (transcelomic spread).
what is genes involved carcinogenesis?
الجينات الابعة وكل واحد يكون domaint or recessive
Neoplasia اسي
1..compare between benign and malignant tumor
2..what is the three fundamental feature by which most benign and malignant tumors can he distinguished
3..what is histopathological feature of anaplasia
4..what is biological properties of cancer cells ( or what is hallmarks of cancer )
5..define paraneoplastic syndrome and what is commenest symptom
1- Intravenous route is can be used for irritant drug.
2- Can give 3 ml by subcutaneous injection.
3- The drug given by IM route must be oily.
4- We can use intracardiac injection in cardiac arrest.
5- Inhalation route have local effect only
6- Toxicology represent study
of desirable effect of drugs
7_Effect when use two
or more drugs to get different action
know as additive effect
The most commonly misuse drugs is steroid
One of side effect of NSAIDS renal problem because it lead to
efferent artery vasoconstriction
Prostacyclin play importance role in induce
DELAYED RELEASED CAPSULE which releases a drug in
such a manner to
allow at least a reduction in dosing
CAPSULE Remain intact in the stomach, but
and Release the contents of the capsule once it
the small intestine.
13- CHEWABLE TABLET a solid dosage are large, hard tablets,
C Colour or shape can help identify it,
D- May be solid or semisolid
14-regarding the semisolid dosage form all the following true
A- Is generally for external application to the skin or mucous
B- May contains a gelling agent to provide stiffness to a solution.
C- Gel is an Emulsion
D- Paste may be one of its type one of it is side effect GIT
disturbance especially peptic ulcer
15- A solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosed within
suitable form to Allow at least a reduction in dosing frequency:
A- Extended Release Capsule
B- Enteric-Coated Capsules
C- Film Coated Capsule
D- A and C
E- C and B
answer the following question by true or false
b drugs that has affinity and some efficacy
c- drugs that has affinity and efficacy
d- drugs that has no affinity and no efficacy
8-50 years old female with tremor, sweating ,heat intolerance eyes
changes after full history, examination and lab investigation she
diagnosed as hyperthyroidism (increase T3 &T4} drugs give to her
act as
thyroid hormone antagonist
b- thyroid hormone agonist
o- thyroid hormone parietal antagonist
9-In classification of analgesia the paracetmol not consider as
part of
because it:
a" Act on CO 3 which present mainly in hypothalamus
b- Not have anti-inflammatory effect
C- Has no GIT side effect
HAS antipyretic effect more than analgesic effect
10-Regarding the NSAIDS all the following false except:
act of CO1 Better Than That Act on CO2
a- Drugs
Q1) Select the most appropriate answer:
1- In comatose patient we can use all
a- Intravenous
b- Oral
C- Intramuscular
d- Subcutaneous
2- The onset of action of inhalation
a- 3 sec.
b- 30 sec.
c- one minute
d- one hour
3- Advantages of the oral route of drug administration are:
a- easily self-administered
b-toxicity and overdose may be overcome with antidotes
c-drugs avoid first-pass metabolism
d- drugs go directly into the systemic circulation
4- To administer an subcutaneous (SC) injection . The position of the
needle at which angle?
a- 30 degree
السؤال الأخير هذا كان الجدول اللي منطيه
و طالب ال mean ; standard deviation, mode
و طبعا ما جان ذاكر نوع ال data اذا population او sample و سالناه و كال sample
واذا ما يذكر شي بالسؤال اعتبروه sample دائما حسب ما كال الدكتور
٢. المطلب الثاني
طالب ال proportion مال الممرضات اللي عدهن خدمة ٥ سنوات و اكثر ( و فما فوق )
هنا هم راح نأخذ
ثاني حقل لان يشمل اللي عدهن ٥ _١٠
و ناخذ الحقل الثالث همين لان يعتبر من ضمن الأكثر من خمسة
و نطبق نفس الخطوات فوك
اما نجمع ال proportion مال كل حقل ف يطلع ٧٥
او نجمع ال frequency مال الحقلين و نقسم على ال total frequency و نضربهن في ١٠٠و يطلع نفس الناتج بعدين
#طب_مجتمع د.مسلم
اسئلة الفصلي
Q1 / answer the following
1. Number of students in class................. variable
2. Weight of students in Kg .............. variable
* الجواب
١. Discrete quantitative ( numerical)
٢. Continuous quantitative
(3,4,5,6) Enumerate the types of Bar graph :
3 vertical
4 horizontal
5 grouping
6 stacked
7. Histogram a graphical technique used for the presentation of a ........... , ........... or a percentage of frequency distribution table of grouped data.
Frequency, relative frequency
8. Sturges rule .........
جان رايد القانون
الجواب K = 1+ 3.322 log n
(9 ,10,11,12) gives the level of measurement for the following:
9. Eye color
10 . Fahrenheit
11. Distance between 2 cities
12. Disease degree / stage
9. nominal
10 . Interval
11. Ratio
12. Ordinal
13. جانت مسألة منطي أرقام و اريد ال percentage rank مال 55
(14 ; 15 ) اكو grouped data لممرضات حسب كل وحدة شكد صارلها تشتغل بالمستشفى
ما اتذكر الأرقام بالضبط بس راح اكتب جوة بورقة نموذج مثله و اوضحلج شلون نحل
what function of gene p53
different between initiator vs promoter
HPV cases cervical, anogenital, oral cancinomas
what is paraneoplastic syndrome? and commonest including:
quick frozen section use for........
and characteristics
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بعض الاشياء الي ركز عليها دكتور حميد بالحضور
what is main different between benign vs malignant neoplasms?
the differential imortant in graded
benign ➡️ well differential
malignant ➡️ poorly differential
mitosis is characteristics of malignant only?
no it is found also in benign
60% of cancer is metastasis
undifferentional is anaplasia
lymphoma , melanoma, myeloma, glioma, seminomas, dysgerminomas is malignant