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3rd. Examination

فايروسات د. محمد, L2+L3

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3rd. Examination

1_comparison between bacteria and viruses

2_inert, because they are subcellular organisms lack cellular organelles including mitochondria and ribosomes therefore cannot synthesise their own proteins necessary for metabolism and replication

3_virion is a complete virus particle consists of nucleic acid and capsid in naked viruses and nucleic acid,capsid and lipid envelope in enveloped viruses while the capsid is a protein shell that encloses nucleic acid

4_viral envelope is a lipid bilayer composed of phospholipid and the exterior surface covered by virus encoded glycoprotein

6_c بس مش متأكدة تماما

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3rd. Examination

كل الاسئلة كوزات مد فاينل الخاصة بالمناعة دكتور ظافر + منن
رتبتهن الكم

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3rd. Examination

اليذكر اسئلة اليوم ياريت يكتبها بالتعليقات حتى لو نقطة نقطتين🙏✨✨

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3rd. Examination

الأسئلة أغلبها MCQ
بس هنا بالسؤال الثاني نقطة 4 و 5 اسي على ملازم د.مها

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3rd. Examination

اسئلة سنوات سابقة
محاضرات د مها
محاضرات inflammation د رشا

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3rd. Examination

باثو د. حميد +د. مها

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3rd. Examination

اسئلة #عملي مايكرو د.زينب
كروب B

1. Enumerate the method of sterilization by dry heat and talk about one .

2. Write about the principle of Mac Conky agar

3. Defined hemolysis and enumerate its types with examples .


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3rd. Examination

د.حسين كوز بمحاضرة parasympathetic

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3rd. Examination

اسئلة سنوات سابقة
محاضرات inflammation د رشا * قبل ياخذهم د.حميد

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3rd. Examination

اسئلة باثو مد 2022_2023

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3rd. Examination

اسئلة كوز الباثو cell injury
Group D

Q1/numurate the adaptive mechanism and define brief of each one

Q2/numurate type of necrosis and give the under couse of each one

Group A

Q1/define of pathological calcification and define brief of each type
Q2/define the atrophy and what couse of it


Group c
Q1/numurate of adaptive mechanism and talk brief of one

Q2/deference between necrosis and apoptosis


اسئلة كروب B

1. Write about microscopical features of necrotic cell

2. Define pathological calcification and write briefly about one type


كروب F

1 Enumerate the causes of liver fatty changs ?

2.Enumerate the type of tissue necrosis and write brife about one?


كروب E

1. Compare between necrosis and apoptosis

2. Enumerate the mechanism of cell injury and write diagram on one


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3rd. Examination

كروب A +C
Numerate the mechanism of adaptations and write about one

What are the morphological features of necrotic cell

- Enumerate type of necrosis and write about one
- in adaptation enumerate signals that require mitochondrial control and regulation

اسئلة ملزمة cell ingury للمجموعة الاولى

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3rd. Examination

Q1/ Enumerate the mechanisms of cell injury and write diagram on one .

Q2/ Define the pathological calcification , enumerate its types and write briefly about one .

كوز الباثو B النظري

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3rd. Examination

السلام عليكم اكو طالبة محتاجة خط بنات من الشطرة لامتحان الجراحة الي عنده مجال يراسل

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3rd. Examination

Q/All DNA viruses replicate in the nucleus except........
كوز فايروسات، Bالنظري

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3rd. Examination

فايروسات د. محمد

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3rd. Examination

هاي جزء من اسئلة المايكرو الفصلي اطلعوا عليها قبل لا تدرسون
حته تعرفون شلون تقرون

وان شاء الله من ارتب باقي الأسئلة انزلهن بس هاي حاليا ك شي مبدئي حته نعرف طريقة اسئلة كل دكتور شلون

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3rd. Examination

اسئلة الفصلي ( الامتحان الثاني ) مجموعتين مايكرو

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3rd. Examination



1 to 2 mm in diameter

hemorrhages into skin, mucous membranes,
or serosal surfaces(pericardium,pleura,peritoneal)

low platelet counts (thrombocytopenia).
defective platelet function.
and loss of vascular wall support, as in vitamin C deficiency.


3 to 5 mm in diameter

hemorrhages into skin, mucous membranes,
or serosal surfaces(pericardium,pleura,peritoneal)
(same site above)


the same disorders that cause petechiae(above)
Trauma,vascular inflammation (vasculitis), and increased vascular fragility.


Ecchymoses مهمة

1 to 2 cmmmmmmmmm( mmيعني اكبر وحده بيهم مو )

subcutaneous hematomas (bruises).


Extravasated red cells are phagocytosed and degraded by macrophages

the characteristic color changes of a bruise result from the enzymatic conversion

hemoglobin (red-blue color)❤💙
to bilirubin (blue-green color)💙💚
hemosiderin (golden-brown)💛🤎


The clinical significance of any particular hemorrhage depends on:

• the volume of blood that is lost.
• the rate of bleeding..
• The site of hemorrhage also is important.

external blood loss culminates in iron deficiency anemia
hematoma does not lead to iron deficiency.


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3rd. Examination

باثو د. حميد +د. مها

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3rd. Examination

باثو / د مها / تسجيلات السنة






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3rd. Examination

اسئلة كوز الباثو د.رشا

F/ enumerate the components of acute inflammation

enumerate the cells of chronic inflammation and talk about one

Group E
enumerate the cardinal signs of inflammation

Group D

Q/What is the couses of the granulomatous inflammation and give type of it ?

Group A

Q/Numurate the step of leukocytes recruitment

Group C

Q/numurate only the content of tuberculosis granuloma


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3rd. Examination

اكو بيهن مكررات من هذا الملف بس الMcq الها بالمد قليلات لان الها سؤال اسي عليه 10

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3rd. Examination

محاضرات د.رشا فصل اول مراجعة
المحاضرة الاولى Inflammation
رابط اسئلة سنوات سابقة ع مادتها

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3rd. Examination

1_Cells of acute inflammation includ (T&F)
A-plasma cells
D-polymorphonuclear leukocytes

2_First event of acute inflammation:
A. vasodilation
B. vasoconstriction
C. increase permeability
الجواب vasoconstriction
3-substances important in increase vascular permeability is
B. histamine
C. bradykinin
D. C3a, C5a
االجواب histamine
4.All of the following features of chronic inflammation except
كان الجواب neutrophilic infiltrate

5.Granuloma associated with
A. healing process
B. fibroblasts and neovascularization
C. persistent irritant
D. acute inflammation

6.macrophages origenate from
A. monocytes
B. plasma cells
C. lymphocytes

7-Which of the following is not inflammation function
كان الجواب increase toxin concentration

8.Exudate result from(T&F)
A. increase capillary permeability
B. direct action of prostacycline and complement
C. chemical mediaters
D. prostaglandin

بعد نقطة هم T&F على تأثيرات الacute inflammation

اسئلة د. حميد

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3rd. Examination

_سؤال عدد وشرح وحدة
Mechanisms of cell injury
_قارن بين الnecrosis وApoptosis

_الPigments تعريفه وانواعه وشرح وحدة

_ تعريف الPathological calcification وتعداد انواعه ال2 وتريد مقارنة بينهم

اسئلة المجموعة الثانية د.لمياء

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3rd. Examination

باثو د. لمياء👆🏻
cell injury

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3rd. Examination

Q1/Enumerate the mechanisms of adaptation and define each one

Q2/Enumerate the types of necrosis and write briefly about one
باثو كوز اليوم

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3rd. Examination

بقية الطلاب كلهم شاركوا وياي بدون ذكر اسمهم شاركوا بس بالدراسة يعني حجوا ع المواد بسسسس
فالله عليكم عوفوهم بحالهم صح خرمشنه مشاعر خطوطكم الحمر بس لحد يحاجيهم بعد لان هم رادوا يفيدون الطلاب فقط وبالدراسة لان تقديراتهم حلوة ويحبون المساعدة
عوفوهم بحالهم هم مايحبون المشاكل ومو بحالها مو تتخذون منهم اعداء وتبقون حاقدين عليهم منا لمن نتخرج
والبقية شاركت بس بنصائح ع المواد ❤️

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