Human Anatomy Atlas
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Essential Anatomy 3
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شرح فتح سستمات برنامج Complete Anatomy للايفون وللاندرويد
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اذا تريد تشتري برنامج الأطلس ومجموعة من البرامج الطبية للايفون والايباد ادخل لهذا الرابط وبي كافة التفاصيل:
الرابط 👈👈 اضغط هنا
كورس اول
محاضرة اولى oogenesis
ملزمة ثالثة اجنة cleavage
ملزمة رابعة second week of development
ملزمة third week of development
شرح chromosomal abnormalitis
شروحات الاجنة الكورس الثاني
شرح محاضرة urinary system د سمية
شرح محاضرة gonade د سمية بارتين
شرح محاضرة third week od development
MCQ in embryology
كورس اول
محاضرة ثانية blood
محاضرة رابعة blood
اعصاب اولى
اعصاب خامسة
اعصاب سادسة
محاضرة GIT 3
الكورس الثاني
فسلجة العين
فسلجة دماغ م 1
فسلجة دماغ 2
فسلجة دماغ 9
شروحات فسلجة من باقي قنوات
شرح رسبرتري محاضرة 2
شرح رسبرتري 5
شرح محاضرات د عبد الحسن الورقية
شرح ال CVS من ال cardiac output الى النهاية
شرح postural hypotension
هذه كل شىوحات القناة بخصوص مادة الفسلجة النضري✨✨✨
وهكذا انتهت رحلة المرحلة الثانية 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
يا مرحبا بالعطلة 😎🎉✌️
تاريخ البدأ 20 اكتوبر
تاريخ الانتهاء 27 يونيو
مرحلة ثانية finished✅✅✅✅
الليلة هي ليلة الملتقى الاخيرة لقناتناا وياكم
junction between second and third stage 🦦🦦
باجر حيكون ٱڅڑ امتحان الناا فانشالله يكون امتحان لطيف خفيف ؏ـليناا كلناا ونختمها لهاي السنة بفرحة تلوك للتعب الي تعبناه
فموفقين انشالله بامتحانكم نتمنى كل التوفيق يصيبكم باجر 🤍✨
ادعولنا ونندعيلكم 💙
نلتقي بسنة جديدة ومرحلة جديدة وبداية جديدة
وموفقين يارب باجر 🤍
وان شاء الله مقصرنا بشيء وياكم
💜Respiratory system
1- When the embryo is approximately 4 weeks old, the respiratory diverticulum (lung bud) appears as an outgrowth from the dorsal wall of the forget T/F
2-The appearance and location of the lung bud are dependent upon an decrease in retinoic acid (RA) produced by adjacent mesoderm T/F
3- The epithelium of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and alveoli originates in the ectoderm T/F
4- The cartilaginous, muscular, and connective tissue components arise in the mesoderm T/F
5- foregut is divided into a dorsal portion, the esophagus, and a ventral portion, the trachea and lung buds T/F
6- The internal lining of the larynx originates from the endoderm ,but the cartilages and muscles originate from mesenchyme of the three and sixth pharyngeal arches T/F
7- All laryngeal muscles are innervated by branches of the seven cranial nerve ,the Facial nerv T/F
8- At the beginning of the fifth week ,each of these lung buds enlarges to form right and left main bronchi T/F
9- The right then forms four secondary bronchi, and the left three secondary bronchi.T/F
10- The somatic mesoderm layer, covering the body wall from the inside, becomes the visceral pleura.T/F
11- during postnatal life the raise developement an additional 7 divisions bronchi tree T/F
12- 10 tertiary (segmental) bronchi in the right lung and 8 in the left T/F
13- by the time of birth the bifurcation of the trachea is opposite the first thoracic vertebra T/F
14- Up to the Sixth prenatal month, the bronchioles divide continuously into more and smaller canals (canalicular phase) and the vascular supply increases steadily T/F
15 - By the end of the sixth month, sufficient numbers of mature alveolar sacs and capillaries are present to guarantee adequate gas exchange, and the premature infant is able to survive.T/F
16- The intimate contact between epithelial and endothelial cells makes up the blood–air barrierT/F
17- Mature alveoli are present before birth T/F
18- type II alveolar epithelial cells, produce surfactant, a phospholipid-rich fluid capable of lowering surface tension at the air–alveolar interface.T/F
19- Fetal breathing movements begin after birth and cause aspiration of amniotic fluid.T/F
20- Respiratory movements before birth bring air into the lungs, which expand and full the plural cavity T/F
21-Absent or insufficient surfactant in the premature baby causes respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) because of collapse of the primitive alveoli T/F
📌Answer with T/F :
1-Mesenteries provide pathways for vessels, nerves,
and lymphatics to and from abdominal viscera?
2-Gut tube is 3 part?
3-Hindgut is temporal connect with yolk sac?
4-epithelium of gut is mesoderm?
5-Mesenteries proper is anterior ilium?
6-Gut tube is begin from Orophrngeal tube to the cloaca of midgut?
7-Ventral mesenteric is divided by pancreas?
8-Falsform, lasser omentum is dorsal mesentery?
9-Forgut It extends from the oropharyngeal membrane to the
respiratory diverticulum?
10- Midgut is only connect with the yolk sac by villion duct?
11-Liver, pancreas is hand gut?
12-Pharyngeal gut is important for head, neck?
13-Stomach is part of forgut?
14-Stomach is development only during the 5 Week?
15-Polyuric is rotation upward, left?
16-Cardiac is rotation upward, left?
17-Ventral mesenteric is extends from the part of the esophagus to cloaca?
18-Pyloric stenosis is Stomach Abnomalities?
19-kidneys are covered by peritoneum on their
anterior and posterior surface?
20-Proper Mesenteries provide pathways for vessels, nerves,
and lymphatics to and from abdominal viscera?
Development of (3_8) Week contant of three layer ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm? T/F
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
Neural plate form neural tube? T/F
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
anterior, posterior is closely during 21 Week? T/F
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
Anterior pole closely after posterior pol? T/F
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
Parasympathetic, schowan cells is derived from crest neural cells? T/F
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
Mammary gland glial cells is ectoderm germinal? T/F
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
Paraxial mesoderm is drived into somatic, visceral layer? T/F
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
The lateral plate is very thick plate? T/F
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
Intermediate is between the ectoderm and mesoderm? T/F
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
Mesoderm layer is drived into parietal and intermediate only? T/F
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
Intermediate is between the lateral and paraxial mesoderm? T/F
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
CNS, pNS is drived from endoderm germ layer? T/F
مـساء الخـير طُـلاب
سـنةة دراسـية سعـيده ومُكـلله بالنجـاح يا رب
السـنة صـرنـا مرحلةة ثالـثةة ف رح نكـمل سـلسلةة قنواتنا " إگـزام " نـفس ما وعدنـاكم
ويـارب نگدر نسـاعدكم ونفيدكم وتفيـدونا باللي نگدر علية ونـسأل الله دوام التـوفيق للجمـيع 🤍
هـذا رابط قناة إگـزام سيزن 3 🌚🔥
انضموا حتـئ تبقئ هالـقناة للمـرحلة الثانيةة 🤍
دعواتكم لنا بالتوفيق ❤✨✨
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
﴿ كُلُّ مَنْ عَلَيْهَا فَانٍ وَيَبْقَىٰ وَجْهُ رَبِّكَ ذُو الْجَلَالِ وَالْإِكْرَامِ ﴾
يتقدم طلاب المرحلة الثالثة في كلية الطب - جامعة ذي قار بالتعزية لـذوي المرحوم
(احمد صباح رستم )
سائلين المولى عز وجل ان يرحمه ويغفر ذنبه ويسكنه فسيح جناته ويحشره مع عباده الصالحين بحقِ محمدٍ وآل محمد
شرح كيمياء كورس اول:
شرح محاضرة الكيمياء دكتورة لميس
Digestion and absorbtion
شرح FA synthesis
شرح oxidation of FA
شرح محاضرة كيمياء دكتورة علا
amino acid catabolizm
شرح محاضرة دكتور وجدي الاولى CHO metabolism
شرح محاضرة دكتور لميس ال disorder of lipid metabolizm :
شرح محاضرة كيم د وجدي CHO الملزمة ثانية كاملة :
شرح ملزمة اولى دكتور وجدي CHO Metabolism
PPP ( pentose phosphate pathway)
شرح كيمياء د. لميس (Plasma lipoproteins)
شرح كيمياء د. لميس (Cholesterol)
شرح كيمياء د. لميس (Sphingolipids)
شروحات كيمياء كورس ثاني:
دكتورة لميس:
2-Anterior pituitary gland
3-posterior pituitary gland
4- adrenal gland
5-adrenal medulla
6- Gonads
7- pancreas
شرح محاضرات دكتورة علا:
1-Renal function test
2- Renal tubular function
3-Acute kidney injyry
4 -
5 - replication of DNA
DNA mutation and repair
Lec 8 د علا
Protein synthesis
Purine and urate metabolism
شرح محاضرات دكتور وجدي:
1- calcium metabolism
2- potasium metabolism
3- CSF
4- liver function test
✨شروحات الفسلجة العملي الكورس الثاني✨
1.. /channel/examination2st/2104
محاضرة العين
2.. /channel/examination2st/3106
محاضرة vital sighns
3.. /channel/examination2st/2359
محاضرة ECG
4.. /channel/examination2st/3146
محاضرة pulmonary ventilation ( يوتيوب)
محاضرة pulmonary function test ( صوتيات)
5.. /channel/examination2st/3149
محاضرة bleeding time
6.. /channel/examination2st/3171
محاضرة EEG
7.. /channel/examination2st/3186
محاضرة coagulation time
فسلجه عملي MCQS
Mcqs/ WBCs Count
Mcqs/ Differential WBCs
Mcqs/ Vital signs
Mcqs/ Bleeding time
Mcqs/ coagulation tests
Mcqs/ ECG
Mcqs/ pulmonary function tests
Mcqs/ vision
وهاي كل شروحات القناة بخصوص الفسلجة العملي
گل ؏ـام وزملائناا واخواناا بخيـࢪ وصحة وعافية 💙✨ جعل عيد الأضحى المبارك فرحة بأعمال قُبلت وذنوب مُحيت والله يسعدكم يا رب ..... احنه ناس متعودين تنزل ملازم ونكعد نزل شروحاتهم المعايدة شيء غريب ؏ـدناا فتخوناا تعبيراتناا 😂😂😂😂😂🤍🤍
گل ؏ـام وانتوا بمليون خير .... ؏ـليكم وعل الاهل وصحة وسلامة وعساكم من ؏ـوادة ينعاد عليكم بالخير والسّعادة 🤍🤍✨
عيد أضحى مبارك .
✨كل القنوات يلي تفيدكم بالمرحلة الثانية✨
[ قنوات الشرح ]
قناة فيها شرح لمعضم المواد بتنوعها ( الشروحات مثبتة )
قنوات kingdom ، شرح مواد + ملاحظات وملخصات + فيها شرح سلايدات حسب اسئلة البوت
قناة فيها ملاحظات للمواد وملخصات
فيها ملاحظات بخصوص الكيمياء وملخصات وشرح واجابة من البوت
قناة فيها شرح مواد كورس اول بشكل صوتيات فقط
قناة فيها اسئلة وملاحظات وشرح بعض المواد
قناة فيها شرح فسلجة بشكل كتابة لبعض المواضيع كورس ثاني
قناة فيها شرح وملاحظات واسئلة اجنة
[ القنوات الخاصة بال MCQ والاسئلة ]
ام سي كيو بخصوص التشريح
ام سي كيو بخصوص الفسلجة
ام سي كيو تشريح ( يفيدكم خصوصا ابدومن و pelvis )
اسئلة الاعوام السابقة
MCQ with Stanley (Anatomy)
MCQ with Stanley (Chemistry)
MCQ with Stanley (Histology)
MCQ with Stanley (Practical physiology)
ام سي كيو ستانلي وكروبات مناقشة
[ قنوات المحاضرات والملازم ]
محاضرات المرحلة الثانية ٢٠٢٢
جامعة ذي قار - كلية الطب
قناة المحاضرات
Digestive system
part -2-
1-The terminal part of the foregut and the caudal part of the mid gut form the duodenum .
2-when the stomach rotates , the duodenum takes on the form of a C- shaped loop and rotates to the right .
3-This rotation, together with rapid growth of tail of pancreas , swings the duodenum from its initial midline position to the right side of the abdominal cavity.
4- duodenum is supplied by branches of celiac artery and inferior mesentric artery
5-The liver primordium appears in the middle of the third week as an outgrowth of the endodermal epithelium at the distal end of the midgut
6- The connection between the hepatic diverticulum and the foregut (duodenum) narrows, forming the cystic duct.
7- small ventral outgrowth is formed by the bile duct, and this outgrowth gives rise to the gallbladder and the cystic duct.
8-The surface of the liver that is in contact with the future diaphragm is covered by peritoneum; it is the bare area of the liver.
9-Accessory hepatic ducts and duplication of the gallbladder are common and usually asymptomatic.
10-The pancreas is formed by two buds, dorsal and ventral ,originating from
The endodermal lining of the duodenum
11-Whereas the dorsal pancreatic bud is in the dorsal mesentery , the ventral pancreatic bud is close to the cystic duct .
12- The ventral bud comes to lie immediately above and behind the dorsal bud.
13-In the third month of the fetal life ,pancreatic islets of Langerhans develop from the parenchymatous pancreatic tissue and scatter throughout the pancreas.
14-Insulin secretion begins at approximately the four month.
15- In the 5-week embryo, the midgut is suspended from the dorsal abdominal wall by a short mesentery and communicates with the yolk sac by way of the vitelline duct or yolk stalk .
16- The midgut begins immediately distal to the entrance of the bile duct into the duodenum and terminates at the junction of the proximal two thirds of the transverse colon with the distal third.
17-The cephalic limb of the loop develops into the distal part of the duodenum, the jejunum, and
part of the ileum.
18- The caudal limb becomes the lower portion of the ileum, the cecum, the
appendix, the ascending colon, and
The Proximal two-thirds of the transverse colon.
19-During the seventh week, the loop grows so rapidly that it protrudes into the umbilical cord (physiological herniation) .
20- The hindgut gives rise to the distal third of the transverse colon , the descending colon, the sigmoid, the rectum, and the upper part of the anal canal.
21- The ectoderm of the hindgut also forms the internal lining of the bladder and urethra.
22-The cloaca itself is an endoderm-lined cavity covered at its ventral boundary by surface ectoderm. This boundary between the endoderm and the ectoderm forms the cloacal membrane .
23-The upper part (two-thirds) of the anal canal is derived from endoderm of the hindgut; the lower part (one-third) is derived from ectoderm around the proctodeum.
24-Abnormalities in the size of the posterior region of the cloaca shift the entrance of the anus anteriorly, causing rectovaginal & rectourethral
fistulas and atresia.
25- Imperforate anus occurs when the anal membrane fails to break down.
الاشياء المهمة المطلوبة بمحاضرة 1 cardiovascular system دكتورة صبا
1/heart-forming regions (HFRs) حفظ الاختصار
2/vascular endothelial growth
factor (VEGF) حفظ الاختصار
3/Five dilations soon become apparent along the length of the tube, namely the truncus arteriosus, bulbus cordis, primitive ventricle, primitive atrium, and sinus venosus.
4/primordium of right ventricle
closest to outflow tract.
5/primordium of left ventricle
closest to inflow tract.
6/The foramen ovale is the opening between the upper and lower limbs of the septum secundum. During embryonic life, blood is shunted from the right atrium to the left atrium via the foramen ovale.
7/The IV foramen is located
between the free edge of the muscular IV septum and the fused AV cushions.
8/The IV foramen is closed by the membranous IV septum.
9/The membranous IV septum forms by the proliferation and fusion of tissue from three sources: the right bulbar ridge, left bulbar ridge, and AV cushions.
10/At week 5, cardiac myocytes in the sinus venosus region of the primitive heart tube begin to undergo spontaneous electrical depolarizations at a faster rate than cardiac myocytes in other regions.
11/ the AV node provides the only pathway for depolarizations to flow from the atria to ventricles.
12/In the head and neck region, the arterial pattern develops mainly from six pairs of arteries (called aortic arches) that course through the pharyngeal arches.
13/In the rest of the body, the
arterial patterns develop mainly from the right and left dorsal aortae.
14/The general pattern develops mainly from three pairs of veins: the vitelline veins, umbilical veins, and cardinal veins that empty blood into the sinus venosus.
15/ These veins undergo
remodeling due to a left-right shunting of venous blood to
the right atrium.
16/The fates of the fetal shunt:
Foramen ovale>>>>>fossa ovalis
Ductus arteriosus>>lig. arteriosum
Ducts venosus>>>>>lig. venosum
Umbilical vein>>>>>lig. Teres
‼️‼️ملاحظة/ دكتورة صبا راح تكون نسبة مادتها 20% من الاسئلة وراح تكون 10 نقاط