اهم شيء بال polio
Sensory intact
Asymmetrical flaccid paralysis
اهم وحدة بال tetanus للتشخيص
اثناء النوبة مال spasm يبقة consious ولا يفقد الوعي وهذا يفرقه عن بقية المسببات لل spasm
Tx of pertussis :
Azithromycin : 10mg/kg / day for t days
Erythromycin : 40-50mg/kg/day in 4 divided dose for 14 days
والعايشين وياه بالبيت حتى احميهم هم انطيهم macrolide
✅You were called to the neonatal nursery to see an infant with the following features: growth retardation, rash, and absent red reflexes. On your examination, the baby is very small, with bluish purpuric skin lesions, and obvious cataracts. The baby also has a heart murmur. You suspect congenital infection. What is the most likely etiology?
(B) toxoplasmosis
(D) parvovirus.
(E) rubella👶
مهم حجتهن دكتور غادة بالمحاضرة الثانية ماموجودات بالملزمة وركزت عليهن
DDx.of parotid swelling :
2..Cervical lymphadenitis
3..Bacterial parotitis
4..Tumor of parotid gland ( painless swelling )
5.. stone in gland
فرق الHIV عن mumps
In HIV come pt.with bilateral parotid swelling
فرق الbacterial parotitis عن الmumps
In bacterial infection تكون
Most liker unilateral
More tender and painful
Purulent discharge
■ مــــــــــــادة د. غادة :
Live attenuated 👉 cause severe reaction and don't recommended for immunocompromised individual.
Inactivated vaccine 👉safe in both immunocompromised and immunocompete people.
🖍🖍DDX of acute flaccid paralysis
1- GBS( Gillian barre syndrome)
2- Poliomyelitis
3- transverse myelitis
4- spinal cord truma
5- myasthenia gravis
6- pseudoparalysis
7- rabies
Incupation period :
Measels : 8-12 days
Rubella : 14-21 days
Rosella : 5-15 days
Mumps : 16-18 days
Diaphtheria : 2-4 days
ركز عليهه د رائد
In malnutrition :
Fisrt failure to gain weight
Then loss weight
Then failure to gain height ( indicate of severity )
There is no loss of height