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Unofficial fan channel for Existential Comics official website existentialcomics.com I'm NOT the author of the webcomic, I just forward it on telegram

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Existential Comics

The Emperor's New Clothes - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

Philosophy at a Red Light - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

Seize the Means of Production - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

"Derrida: Hands up, philospohy internal affairs internal affairs: you are under arrest for assuming the truth can be conceived of outside of the infinite chain of linguist symbols!"

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Existential Comics

Hobbes is best known for creating a rational philosophical justification for why we should all obey an absolute monarch. Essentially he believed it was worth it to trade off any lost freedom for the security of living in the State. The funny part about this is that even though his philosophy is more or less a justification for sticking with the existing world order, he was still considered a dangerous radical and atheist, because his justification for the authority of Kings was a rational one, rather than just saying that they had a divine right to rule. He even ended up being censured by the State. It was pretty rough for philosophers back then I guess, they really couldn't catch a break.

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Existential Comics

Thomas Hobbes and The King - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

The Interrogation - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

Alien Landing - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

Camus on a Date - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

Solidarity means standing behind the Hollywood writers and actors even though you think all the movies are crap.

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Existential Comics

"Also a lot of people think I sound like a teenager who first learned about socialism and what I'm saying isn't nearly as deep as I think, but whatever..."

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Existential Comics

"Also I win a million dollars, so everyone pay up."

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Existential Comics

What's actually funny though is that body builders take their training more seriously than academics and it's not particularly close.

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Existential Comics

The Philosophy Gym - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

Wittgenstein believed that negative facts ultimately could not be known, even obvious truths like "there is no rhinoceros in the room". In order to have certain kinds of doubts, one must first know everything, and then know one addition thing: that there are no more things to know. So if we are to take Socrates literally, that he really doesn't know anything, in a way he'd have to "know all the things he doesn't know" in order to be certain he doesn't know them. Sort of a reverse of Donald Rumsfeld's famous "unknown unknowns". He would have to know a lot to know that he didn't know things (which is of course in a way what he is saying). Of course in reality Socrates is more describing a certain attitude, rather than a kind of absolute certain that he literally doesn't know anything, but I think he'd be very pleased that future philosophers try to work out what it means to actually know things to a much higher degree than happened in Ancient Greece.

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Existential Comics

And that, children, is why you NEVER act in such a way that you cannot, at the a same time, will to be a universal maxim.

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Existential Comics

Once the revolution is over the real work begins (infighting).

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Existential Comics

Also follow me on bluesky social if you've managed to get an invite. Will be telling philosophy jokes on there like I used to on twitter.

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Existential Comics

Philosophy Cop - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

Eventually they took it too far though and made Hobbes "admit Rousseau was right" and he joined the revolution.

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Existential Comics

"Ah, but have you considered that throwing him in prison now won't achieve anything, because philosophically..."

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Existential Comics

Maybe I'm just a nerd but but I'd much rather talk with the alien scientists and philosophers than their leaders too.

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Existential Comics

Sex Ed classes should really just teach kids that before they have sex they must first justify their existence.

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Existential Comics

Whenever there is something like a writers strike, just remember that we really don't need entertainment or whatever more than the people making that entertainment need healthcare and a decent wage.

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Existential Comics

Sisyphus On Strike - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

Hulk Think - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

Who Wants to be a Philosopher? - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

The Philosophy Gym - Existential Comics

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Existential Comics

Wittgenstein believed that negative facts ultimately could not be known, even obvious truths like "there is no rhinoceros in the room". In order to have certain kinds of doubts, one must first know everything, and then know one additional thing: that there are no more things to know. So if we are to take Socrates literally, that he really doesn't know anything, in a way he'd have to "know all the things he doesn't know" in order to be certain he doesn't know them. Sort of a reverse of Donald Rumsfeld's famous "unknown unknowns". He would have to know a lot to know that he didn't know things (which is of course in a way what he is saying). Of course in reality Socrates is more describing a certain attitude, rather than a kind of absolute certain that he literally doesn't know anything, but I think he'd be very pleased that future philosophers try to work out what it means to actually know things to a much higher degree than happened in Ancient Greece.

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Existential Comics

Some beautiful day in the distant future, the project of philosophy will be complete. It will only occur when a great person arises, and through careful study of all past philosophers figures out how to become the most annoying person to ever live. Only then can humanity finally rest.

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