Unofficial fan channel for Existential Comics official website I'm NOT the author of the webcomic, I just forward it on telegram
Also I have the concept of moving capital from the unproductive landed gentry class into the hands of the industrialists who will use the surplus value to improve production, if you are interested. It mostly involves getting rid of people like you...
Читать полностью…actually when you get down to it Godzilla is probably just a metaphor for an even bigger lizard.
Читать полностью…Little known scientific fact: if your life doesn't move the p-value in a peer reviewed study, it was meaningless by definition.
Читать полностью…Arthur C. Clarke famously said "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", but you can easily reverse it and say that any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from science and technology. This is particularly obvious in cases like Harry Potter were the rules are so formal and repeatable, and are even taught in school exactly like how we teach science. If magic actually exists, after all, you would just do normal science on it and there would be no reason to distinguish it from science. More sophisticated authors like J.R.R. Tolkien even recognized this, with elves like Galadriel saying she didn't even know what humans meant by the word "magic", since they merely thought of it as an extension of craftsmanship, i.e. technology. The humans called her a witch, but the Noldor elves are students of Aulë, the God of Craft, and what they were doing was more like knowledge in the normal sense.
There is good reason to think people thought this way too back when we believed in magic, Aristotle even wrote a book on magic (which was lost). It seems he thought magic was just another part of natural philosophy. After all if a magic potion works, it is really just medicine. Not only that but if you don't understand science fully, it's reasonable to think you are observing magic in day to day life, even in mundane events like lightning storms. It really wasn't until Christianity try to exorcise magic from the world, claiming it was part of Paganism, that we started to really distinguish it sharply from nature.
The Judgement of Jeremy Bentham - Existential Comics
Читать полностью…What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? - Existential Comics
Читать полностью…Sun Tzu and the Art of Business - Existential Comics
Читать полностью…Avocados are what is known as a "evolutionary anachronism", meaning that they basically should no longer exist. They evolved specifically to coexist with the megafauna in South America, particularly the Giant Sloths (although this view is apparently now controversial). No animals today are large enough to be able to swallow their seeds whole, and distribute them. The Giant Sloths went extinct right as humans settled into South America, most likely due to human influence, so the avocado should have gone extinct too, in a way. But of course the very humans that killed off the sloths ended up cultivating the avocados.
Читать полностью…The Despair of the Avocado - Existential Comics
Читать полностью…A Very Scientific Birthday - Existential Comics
Читать полностью…The plot summary of the original "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" on Wikipedia is genuinely so funny though, "The film's storyline concerns the plight of a wealthy heiress whose close encounter with an enormous alien in his round spacecraft causes her to grow into a giantess, complicating her marriage which is already troubled by a philandering husband."
Old timey misogyny was a different breed.
The Metaphor of Godzilla - Existential Comics
Читать полностью…Lab Mice and the Meaning of Life - Existential Comics
Читать полностью…As a rule of thumb, if the language of magic in a fantasy novel is based on Latin, they are just doing science. If the language based on the language spoken by the river, the sea, and the creatures which walked the Earth before the Sun and Moon first shone, then you might be on to something.
Читать полностью…"Also, philosophically speaking, what is the difference between a city being burned down and not? When you think about it, not much..."
Читать полностью…I don't understand why more philosophers didn't come to the conclustion that God is evil. Given the existence of spiders it seems an obvious fact.
Читать полностью…Business guy who is way too into Sun Tzu is one of the most obnoxious philosophy guys, just behind pickup artist is way too into Epictetus, and...well pretty much anyone is way too into Nietzsche.
Читать полностью…When you think about it we have genetically programmed dogs, by mean sof selective breeding, to love their own enslavement. Good thing they are too dumb to realize how existentially messed up that is, so it's fine.
Читать полностью…Avocados are what is known as a "evolutionary anachronism", meaning that they basically should no longer exist. They evolved specifically to coexist with the megafauna in South America, particularly the Giant Sloths (although this view is apparently now controversial, or possibly a straight up myth). No animals today are large enough to be able to swallow their seeds whole, and distribute them. The Giant Sloths went extinct right as humans settled into South America, most likely due to human influence, so the avocado should have gone extinct too, in a way. But of course the very humans that killed off the sloths ended up cultivating the avocados.
Читать полностью…Avocado is unique among fruit because it is capable of both the greatest good (turning into guacamole) and the greatest evil (going bad before you can turn it into guacamole)
Читать полностью…Kurt Gödel, entering the frame "wait no, wish for a set of axioms that are both complete and consistent, please!
Читать полностью…Gorgias, entering the scene: "should I dispatch him?"
Protagoras: "No, I want him to live a long life, alone with his intellectual honesty."
Donna Harroway is a feminist philosopher, who wrote "A Cyborg Manifesto", an essay which uses the metaphor of a cyborg to critique traditional feminist "identity politics". She asks us to imagine a cyborg, neither machine more human, genderless, raceless, and without parents. Completely unrooted in historical social groups and tradition, the cyborg society is able to transcend our common politics of groups advocating for the goals of members which belong to any given identity. The Cyborg has no concrete identity.
So, rather than feminism advocating on behalf of "women", which is a set containing a group of individuals with that identity, it is a loose coalition of people with a certain affinity, since in reality people are never one single identity, particularly as we ourselves become more like cyborgs with technology and virtual lives increasingly become more of our identities. Like the cyborg, no human being is merely one thing such as a "woman", a "worker", or a "black person". We are an amalgamation of multiple things, many of which are socially constructed or even freely chosen by our creative will, and she thought a politics of the future must reflect our "cyborg" nature.
You can find more on the Cyborg Manifesto here:
Attack of the 50 Foot Eco-Cyborg-Feminist - Existential Comics
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