What should the name for this one be? Any name suggestions?
▶️ https://redd.it/1g1z6n9
🎵 @fakealbumcovers
Songs For The Deaf
Queens Of The Stone Age
▶️ https://redd.it/1g0z4mt
🎵 @fakealbumcovers
oasis —The guns have fallen silent and the stars have aligned.
▶️ https://redd.it/1g0u6wn
🎵 @fakealbumcovers
The hardest album that dropped in 2001
▶️ https://redd.it/1fzakxy
🎵 @fakealbumcovers
The Chronicles of Life and Death
Good Charlotte
▶️ https://redd.it/1fyz15f
🎵 @fakealbumcovers
Anyone else think this could work as a hip hop album?
▶️ https://redd.it/1g1xwdb
🎵 @fakealbumcovers
Mystical Magical Rhythmical Radical Ride
Jason Mraz
▶️ https://redd.it/1g1sadn
🎵 @fakealbumcovers
hello, suicideboys? i have your next cover
▶️ https://redd.it/1g0lwoy
🎵 @fakealbumcovers
Summertime Blues (Fake Cover & Artist) By Me
▶️ https://redd.it/1g0gw2m
🎵 @fakealbumcovers