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Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile и многое другое. Администратор: @andrey2019 Donate: https://goo.gl/5FJz4U

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FrontEnd Development

A Unified Styling Language
A look at why “writing your styles in JavaScript isn’t such a terrible idea after all”. - https://goo.gl/t00uns


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FrontEnd Development

The Important Features and Fixes of Node 8
Tthe most important features and fixes of the new Node.js version 8, (which should become the current LTS release in October.) - https://goo.gl/eNNk68

#node #features

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FrontEnd Development

15 Reasons Why You Should Develop Ionic Apps - https://goo.gl/r1a8mt


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FrontEnd Development

Accessibility in a Responsive World
Slides and a thorough write up of a talk on accessibility within the context of responsive web design - https://goo.gl/Z1ediz

#progressiveweb #design

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FrontEnd Development

Just Keep Scrolling: How To Design Lengthy, Lengthy Pages
Scrolling opens a lot of doors to designers but isn’t without its drawbacks. Some tips on how to approach ‘long scroll’ experiences. - https://goo.gl/aNVnNU

#design #longScrolling

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FrontEnd Development

Low-Hanging Fruits For Enhancing Mobile UX - https://goo.gl/418O9d

#mobile #ux

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FrontEnd Development

Comparing Jasmine, Mocha, AVA, Tape and Jest
A look over five popular unit testing frameworks to help you decide which is best for you. - https://goo.gl/0SpUvo

#tests #compare #jasmine #mocha #ava #tape #jest

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FrontEnd Development

Using Higher Order Components in React Native - https://goo.gl/Jr0TBM

#reactnative #hoc

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FrontEnd Development

Мы, группа студентов факультета социологии СПбГУ, проводим большое исследование рейтинга IT работодателей Санкт-Петербурга и Москвы.

Пожалуйста, поддержите нас, пройдя опрос по ссылке http://sgiz.mobi/s3/63243b734400

Опрос состоит только из закрытых вопросов и займет 5 минут.
Результаты опроса планируется опубликовать на habrahabr.ru в блоге “Моего круга” и в группе https://vk.com/jugru


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FrontEnd Development

How to Create Pure React SVG Maps with topojson and d3-geo
Make your own reusable SVG mapping components - https://goo.gl/mBJkaX

#react #svg #d3js

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FrontEnd Development

ORY Editor: A Customizable WYSIWYG Content Editor
A smart, extensible and modern WYSIWYG editor written in React and using Slate.js and Redux - https://goo.gl/rLNnmU

#react #redux #wysiwyg

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FrontEnd Development

4 CSS Filters For Adjusting Color
An easy way to make color adjustments to an element in a non-destructive way. - https://goo.gl/S9uSKV


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FrontEnd Development

Better Form Design with One Thing Per Page
Love or hate it, it seems having a checkout or similar process split across multiple pages instead of in one big form works better. - https://goo.gl/F6Feio

#form #design

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FrontEnd Development

You Don't Know JS
This is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language - https://goo.gl/YO8RbK

- Up & Going
- Scope & Closures
- this & Object Prototypes
- Types & Grammar
- Async & Performance
- ES6 & Beyond

#javascript #books #free

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FrontEnd Development

Everything we Learned Building a Backend-as-a-Service
Baqend is building a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) service that is geared towards scalability and web performance. Coming from research, they try to be open about the architecture of the platform and therefore would love to share how everything works at a technical level - .https://goo.gl/zWZtHl


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FrontEnd Development

React Native In Mobile Dev: The Beginning Of The End
A breakdown of developing mobile apps with React Native. - https://goo.gl/n3ywwT

#mobile #reactnative

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FrontEnd Development

Browserslist is a Good Idea and Here's Why
Browserlist provides information to tools like Autoprefixer and postcss-normalize (and more) to let you specify which browsers you want to target. - https://goo.gl/3IAsgR


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FrontEnd Development

What's the hardest part about microservices? Your data
We explore the challenges of dealing with data when creating and developing microservices - https://goo.gl/tq7hbX


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FrontEnd Development

Debugging Ionic Applications When Deployed to an iOS Device - https://goo.gl/N0OMqO

#ionic #ios #debugging

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FrontEnd Development

11 Things I Learned Reading The Flexbox Spec
A run through some of the ‘good bits’ of the CSS Flexible Box Layout specification. - https://goo.gl/SleXuD

#css #flexbox

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FrontEnd Development

Production Progressive Web Apps with JS Frameworks
In this Google I/O session, Addy Osmani covers PWA best practices, patterns for efficiently loading sites and the latest tools for getting fast and staying fast. - https://goo.gl/i9DLTh

#progressiveweb #googleio

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FrontEnd Development

Introducing The MEAN and MERN Stacks
This blog series examines the technologies that are driving the development of modern web and mobile apps. - https://goo.gl/3kQFIc

#mern #mean

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FrontEnd Development

Configuring ESLint, Prettier, and Flow for React Dev in VS Code - https://goo.gl/fouBIj

#configure #vccode #react

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FrontEnd Development

Building a Realtime React VR App
If you’ve been intrigued how React can be used to build virtual reality apps, this is a simple introduction. - https://goo.gl/Ks2WBw

#react #vr

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FrontEnd Development

Microservices Made Easy with Node.js
A walkthrough for building your first microservice-based app using cote. - https://goo.gl/rnIoYW

#nodejs #microservice

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FrontEnd Development

Node.js Streams: Everything You Need to Know
“Streams are Node’s best and most misunderstood idea.” Which might be why many articles have been written about them. - https://goo.gl/9dR9Vu

#nodejs #streams

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FrontEnd Development

What's New in Chrome 60's DevTools
There’s a new ‘Audits’ panel showing quality measurements for various aspects of your page and easier tracking of third party resources - https://goo.gl/cer8RE

#chrome #tools

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FrontEnd Development

The One Thing You Need to Know About React Router 4
“Routes” aren’t really routes, they are just components. - https://goo.gl/5f2i3F

#react #reactrouter

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FrontEnd Development

Rearchitecting Airbnb’s Frontend
The tale of Airbnb’s move away from a fully server rendered Rails-based solution to a hybrid approach involving React, React Router, and Hypernova for server-side rendering of React views. - https://goo.gl/cbYU00


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FrontEnd Development

':focus-within': For When An Element or Child Gets Focus
The :focus-within property is now supported in a few major browsers and there’s a polyfill to use for full coverage. - https://goo.gl/kAU8CM


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