Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile и многое другое. Администратор: @andrey2019 Donate: https://goo.gl/5FJz4U
Using 'Create React App' with Express in Production
How to build a React app with an Express backend and deploy it to Heroku. - https://goo.gl/dSwMBS
The Ever Growing 'Append-Only' Stylesheet Problem
“I’ve heard it from lots of lots of developers. The years tick by on their projects, and all they ever seem to do is add to their CSS, never remove.” - https://goo.gl/6S25WT
CSS Animations vs Web Animations API
A comparison between using pure CSS versus JavaScript’s native API for animation. - https://goo.gl/vTCHJK
#css #animations #webapi
Have Web Standards on Mobile Caught Up to Phonegap in 2017?
Part 2 in a look at the state of web standards for the core PhoneGap/Cordova plugins to see if the mobile web has caught up in 2017. - https://goo.gl/AejPQ9
The evolution of scalable microservices
How to leverage Events-first Domain Driven Design and Reactive principles to build scalable microservices, working our way through the evolution of a scalable microservices-based system. - https://goo.gl/YcSCVn
Understanding Higher Order Components
Making sense of the rapidly changing best practice. - https://goo.gl/WptA6v
#react #hoc
3 Mobile UX Trends That Are Changing How We Design - https://goo.gl/xm6H5C
#mobile #design
Reducing Our Redux Code with React Apollo
Apollo allowed this team to hugely simplify their code by taking on all of the data fetching responsibilities. - https://goo.gl/Ly4dKD
#react #redux
The essentials of throttling in your application architecture
Five scenarios for planning a service-oriented architecture or microservices architecture - https://goo.gl/WGVEBP
#microservice #architecture
billboard.js: A Chart Library, based on D3 v4+
A fork of C3.js focusing on ease of use and working with the latest D3. - https://goo.gl/bXQrsq
#javascript #d3js
8 Habits of a Happy Node Hacker (2017 Edition) - https://goo.gl/H3gprH
React State vs. Redux State: When and Why?
Even if you choose to use Redux in your project, you will still need to make decisions on how much of your data is stored in Redux. - https://goo.gl/dvX7vU
#react #redux
Create a Sliding Item Animation with a Directive in Ionic 2 / 3
How to create a sliding item animation in Ionic 2+. - https://goo.gl/C5nwyy
#angular2 #ionic #directive
WebAssembly 101: A Developer's First Steps
An exercise in porting a JavaScript library to WebAssembly (wasm) - perfect for those wanting more than a Hello World introduction. - https://goo.gl/amqcer
How to Structure Your React Project
Dave Ceddia explains how he structures his React projects. - https://goo.gl/nvWRwd
Microservices implementation
Netflix stackThere are lot of tools and technologies for implementing Microservices. This article is focusing on doing it with the Netflix stack and SpringBoot. - https://goo.gl/drKuyL
How to Choose Media Query Breakpoints to Best Support All Connected Devices
Improving your breakpoints by setting them based on content rather than preset device sizes and setting minor and major breakpoints. - https://goo.gl/odtyPz
How to Build and Publish a React Component Library
There are 3 parts to this series, so far. - https://goo.gl/VGjfFK
Using JavaScript for Microcontroller Development
Learn about the ecosystem and some options for using JS on microcontrollers and IoT platforms. - https://goo.gl/kdKxX8
#javascript #IoT
Have Web Standards on Mobile Caught Up to Phonegap in 2017?
Part 1 in a look at the state of web standards for the core PhoneGap/Cordova plugins to see if the mobile web has caught up in 2017. - https://goo.gl/6VveQS
#mobile #phonegap
Building Production-Ready CSS Grid Layouts
“to start working with CSS grid, you first need to set aside the habits, assumptions and practices that have enabled you to create advanced CSS-based layouts” - https://goo.gl/T3TS5F
#css #grid
A React Native Basics Course: Build A Currency Converter App - https://goo.gl/exyMVf
Using CORS Policies to Implement CSRF Protection
If you only need to support modern browsers this modern alternative to cross-site request forgery tokens is worth a look. - https://goo.gl/3Kt6bg
#nodejs #cors
A New Vue for NativeScript
Learn about the new Vue.js integration with NativeScript - https://goo.gl/7EtqtL
#vue #nativescript
JavaScript Power Tools: Real-World 'redux-saga' Patterns
redux-saga is a versatile library that can clarify the behavior and interaction patterns of complex single-page-applications and forms. - https://goo.gl/MH7xa5
#react #reduxsaga
The Browser Hacker's Guide To Instantly Loading Everything
A snappy 25 minute talk on modern techniques to improving page loading performance from the front-end perspective, particularly from a mobile POV. - https://goo.gl/KDm6Ry
How to Build an Android App using Cordova & Vue.js
Rather than learn Android development from scratch, put your JavaScript skills to use with Cordova and Vue.js to build a basic ‘to do’ app. - https://goo.gl/qit8xM
#mobile #vue #cordova
Turning Your Reusable React Component Into An npm Package - https://goo.gl/m6bSkx
#react #component
Simone - A Distributed Simulation Service
Simone is a service that enables configuration, deployment, and execution of simulations within arbitrary domains throughout the Netflix environment. - https://goo.gl/L9B1w4
A Look at Node 8's util.promisify()
util.promisify converts a callback-based function to a Promise-based one. Dr. Axel shows off how to use it. - https://goo.gl/B4Wtp6