Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile и многое другое. Администратор: @andrey2019 Donate: https://goo.gl/5FJz4U
Webpack 3.0 Officially Released
Now with scope hoisting, ‘magic comments’, and more. The upgrade process from v2 is also designed to be very smooth. - https://goo.gl/AM2LR4
Create iOS/Android 'To Do' App with Ionic and Angular - https://goo.gl/FCGhmb
#angular2 #ionic
Classes, Complexity, and Functional Programming
Where do functions, classes, and objects fit into the big picture of writing simpler code that’s easy to maintain? - https://goo.gl/fMvbJp
AR on your Phone with MagicaVoxel, Wikitude and PhoneGap
How to build an augmented reality PhoneGap app with cool 3D models made in voxel art. - https://goo.gl/ewbLGD
#mobile #ar
How CSS's New minmax() Function Works
Introduced with the CSS Grid Layout Spec, the minmax() function “opens the door to us being able to write much more powerful and succinct CSS”. - https://goo.gl/28owTW
2017 is becoming the year of Container Security
Security is always of great importance, but that doesn’t mean it gets the marketing and media attention it deserves. Interestingly, however, I think, Docker and the rise of mass-scale containerisation outside of Silicon Valley is putting security front and centre. - https://goo.gl/31sht5
#microservice #docker
Animate Components: Elemental Components for Animations
Component based animation with a minimal API. The aim is ease of use. - https://goo.gl/1TTTmM
#react #animation #components
Storing Data Locally in a PhoneGap App with SQLite
How to store data locally in a PhoneGap app with SQLite. - https://goo.gl/4b5Jzw
#mobile #phonegap
Managing microservices with the Istio service mesh
With the adoption of microservices, new problems emerge due to the sheer number of services. Problems that had to be solved once for a monolith, like security, load balancing, monitoring, and rate limiting need to be handled for each service. - https://goo.gl/JWK4n3
How Easy Is It to Create A Plugin for NativeScript?
A quick guide to building a simple UI plugin with NativeScript. - https://goo.gl/Qh965Q
#mobile #naticescript
How to create pure react SVG maps with topojson and d3-geo
Since d3 has been split into smaller components in v4, pairing it with react has become more streamlined. Making declarative SVG maps with react, topojson, and d3-geo has never been easier...This article will show you how to create pure react SVG maps with topojson-client and d3-geo. The techniques outlined here will help you make your own reusable SVG mapping components... - https://goo.gl/4VFWz4
#d3js #react #map
Form Validation in a NativeScript Angular Mobile Application
Nic Raboy demonstrates how to add form validation and feedback into a cross-platform mobile app built with NativeScript and Angular. - https://goo.gl/hgQCZQ
#mobile #nativescript #angular2 #form #validation
What WebAssembly Means for React
Lin Clark looks at what WebAssembly could mean for React’s performance, and how the new Fiber architecture plays into that. - https://goo.gl/YgIHgy
#react #webassembly
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to D3.js
This guide is meant to prepare you mentally as well as give you some fruitful directions to pursue. There is a lot to learn besides the d3.js API, both technical knowledge around web standards like HTML, SVG, CSS and JavaScript as well as communication concepts and data visualization principles. - https://goo.gl/MPpLPm
#d3js #guide
Node 8: Five New Features You Need to Know
A quick look at string padding functions, trailing comma tweaks, object rest/spread and others. - https://goo.gl/r8FpKp
#node #features
Angular and RxJS: Create an API Service to Talk to A REST Backend
Jurgen Van de Moere takes an existing Angular 2+ app and adds a REST API service. Learn about RxJS observables and how to mock HTTP services for testing. - https://goo.gl/rA7mxx
#angular2 #rxjs
'Serverless' Server-Side Rendering with React using Redux or MobX
Essentially using a third party service (roast.io) to render pages. - https://goo.gl/zg7qe7
#react #serverSideRendering #mobx #redux
From Node 6 to Node 8: A Real-World Performance Comparison
David Gilbertson details how the switch to Node 8 resulted in shaving a quarter off server-rendering time and a third off npm install time on his app. - https://goo.gl/3njURF
A Simple Introduction to State Management with MobX in React Native - https://goo.gl/eDWjtL
#reactnative #mobx
Porting a React Component from ES6 to TypeScript - https://goo.gl/pou9Ph
#react #component
Node.fz: Fuzzing The Server-Side Event-Driven Architecture - https://goo.gl/sZVuHL
Читать полностью…iD3 - an IDE dedicated for development in D3.js
iD3 is an open-source, cross-platform desktop application geared to simplify data visualization with D3 for non-JavaScript and JavaScript data scientists and analysts. With our integrated Python based data management system and custom generated attribute controls, iD3 supports the full process from importing your data to exporting your final presentation.. - https://goo.gl/wQy7nE
Fun with Viewport Units
Viewport units (e.g. vw, vh, vmin, vmax) have been around for a while, and are well supported. Here’s a look at various uses for them. - https://goo.gl/dxXUTh
#css #viewportUnits
Leveraging the Web Perf Metrics That Affect User Experience
A 40-min talk looking at the metrics and platform APIs that enable user-centric performance measurement and how devs can use this data to improve end-user experiences. - https://goo.gl/BQJUK7
A Curated List of 68 React/Redux Tutorials, Walkthroughs & Courses - https://goo.gl/ND8ADC
Designing Efficient Web Forms: Structure, Inputs, Labels & Actions
Users can be reluctant to fill out forms, so make the process as easy as possible. Usability testing can help you find out how usable a particular form really is. - https://goo.gl/LOR1Dn
#design #forms
6 weird tricks for insane chart performance
How do you like my clickbait title? While you are here, I want to share some tricks to handle larger datasets without locking the UI or slowing down your chart interaction...A lot can be done to optimize client-side rendering, and there’s a lot more we could discuss (caching, server-side rendering, aggregating, LOD, blitting, using shaders, using webcl, etc.). - https://goo.gl/O3wiZg
A Big List of Progressive Web App Tips & Tricks
Helpful tips, tricks and gotchas to help you when building your next Progressive Web App. - https://goo.gl/P5tRzX
Storybook 3.0 Released: An IDE for React Components
Storybook is an interactive development and testing environment for React components. What you need to know about Storybook 3.0 tells the full story of the release. - https://goo.gl/wWYIUR
#react #storybook
Enough with the Microservices
At the risk of rewriting Martin Fowler’s Microservice Premium article, I thought it would be good to write up some thoughts so that I can send them to clients when the topic arises, and hopefully help people avoid some of the mistakes I’ve seen. - https://goo.gl/dq76l8