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Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile и многое другое. Администратор: @andrey2019 Donate: https://goo.gl/5FJz4U

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FrontEnd Development

Apollo Server 1.0: A GraphQL Server for All Node Frameworks
A community-maintained, open-source GraphQL server that works with Express, Hapi, Koa, Lambda, Micro, Restify, etc. - https://goo.gl/j7HxDW

#nodejs #graphQL

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FrontEnd Development

An Introduction to Server Side Rendering - https://goo.gl/DuQzMo

#react #serverSideRendering

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FrontEnd Development

Generating Images in JS Without the Canvas API
for putting them into Android notifications locally. A powerful solution for a very specific situation, resulting in notably rich notifications. - https://goo.gl/w9aTC7


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FrontEnd Development

Building Better Backgrounds
Approaches to stacking CSS background images for improved readability, using object-fit and ES2015+. - https://goo.gl/4Vp8cp


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FrontEnd Development

Writing More Testable Code with Redux Saga - https://goo.gl/9VzTuN

#testing #redux #saga

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FrontEnd Development

Building Node APIs with Async/await and Firebase
Paul Breslin covers the typical use cases you’ll come across when creating RESTful API endpoints to read and write to a Firebase database instance. - https://goo.gl/ymMtHQ


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FrontEnd Development

Setting Up 2FA for Node Apps
A demo of adding 2-factor authentication to an existing app, powered by the speakeasy library. - https://goo.gl/vdWPbF


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FrontEnd Development

Reverse Engineering One Line of JavaScript
A fascinating look at how a ray-casted checker board effect was implemented in a mere 101 bytes of JavaScript. - https://goo.gl/YztXsd


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FrontEnd Development

High Performance React: 3 Tools to Speed Up Your Apps
Including the browser devtools’ perf timeline, why-did-you-update, and a Chrome extension. - https://goo.gl/SCofH3

#react #tools

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FrontEnd Development

The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
A comprehensive video series taking you “from zero to production” with React examples based around Apollo and Relay. - https://goo.gl/P9uAjk

#react #graphQL

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FrontEnd Development

Let's Build a Package Manager
A thorough look at the issues behind what’s involved in creating a Yarn-esque package manager. - https://goo.gl/oiA39R


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FrontEnd Development

Ink: Like A React, But For Building CLI Apps
Provides React’s component-based UI building experience, but for command line-style apps. An intriguing idea.-

#react #cli

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FrontEnd Development

Jetset: RESTful API Fetching and Caching for React Apps - https://goo.gl/63gYKC

#react #restful #fetching

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FrontEnd Development

Server Rendering React with Ruby on Rails
The art of doing server rendering for React components inside of the Ruby webapp framework - https://goo.gl/CqJx19

#react #serverrendering

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FrontEnd Development

Redux Isn’t Slow, You’re Just Doing It Wrong
Some optimization tips for when using Redux with React. -

#react #redux

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FrontEnd Development

Designing The Perfect Slider
A thorough guide to things you need to consider when creating ‘slider’ UI elements. - https://goo.gl/RTbG1B

#slider #ui

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FrontEnd Development

A Checklist of Node Production Best Practices
19 different tips or best practices to consider when putting your Node apps into production, along with pop-out examples and links. - https://goo.gl/zQ1ur4


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FrontEnd Development

Using Pusher to build a realtime React VR App with multi user support -

#react #vr

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FrontEnd Development

A Beginner’s Guide to Progressive Web Apps
An in-depth article on developing for the frontend web, Progressive Web Apps and the JavaScript ecosystem in general. - https://goo.gl/ZdYWVJ


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FrontEnd Development

An Intro to React Native for iOS Developers
A thorough high-level introduction to React Native and related concepts that I think is useful for all developers with mobile development experience. - https://goo.gl/7F2Wss


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FrontEnd Development

The Main New Features of ES2017
The new features in the 8th edition of the EcmaScript specification including padStart, padEnd, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors and more. - https://goo.gl/RfThcw

#es2017 #javascript

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FrontEnd Development

Microcosm: A Data Layer For React
Microcosm is a general tool for managing state, splitting up large apps, and structuring React code. - https://goo.gl/dM7h3n

#react #microcosm

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FrontEnd Development

Native Directory: A Curated List of 200+ React Native Libraries -

#reactNative #libraries

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FrontEnd Development

Introducing npx: An npm Package Runner
npm 5.2 introduces a new binary alongside the usual npm: npx, a tool to simplify using CLI tools and other executables hosted on the registry -

#nodejs #npm

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FrontEnd Development

Sass 3.5 Released
Sass now fully supports CSS custom properties, first class functions, bracketed lists, and the ::slotted pseudo-element. - https://goo.gl/AYadFA


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FrontEnd Development

Using Feature Queries in CSS
Using @supports, you can apply styles conditionally based on support for certain features. Not a new article but now almost universally supported. - https://goo.gl/JB3Q8E


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FrontEnd Development

react-controlled-form: Flexible, Modular and Controlled Forms for React - https://goo.gl/9UjKzE

#react #form

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FrontEnd Development

What's the Deal with Collapsible Margins?
A helpful refresher on collapsed margins: what occurs when two block-level elements with meeting vertical margins combine. - https://goo.gl/hRMNz6


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FrontEnd Development

6 Free Material Design CSS Frameworks Compared
Giannis Konstantinidis lists some great Material Design CSS frameworks and compares them to make it easier for you to choose what best fits your needs. - https://goo.gl/HVAutf

#css #materialDesign #frameworks

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FrontEnd Development

Code Sharing Between Web and Mobile with Angular and NativeScript
A look at how Angular and NativeScript allow you to share code between the web and mobile version of an app. - https://goo.gl/mnz11V

#angular #nativeScript

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