Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile и многое другое. Администратор: @andrey2019 Donate: https://goo.gl/5FJz4U
Can Augmented Reality Solve Mobile Visualization?
AR is now slowly entering the tech mainstream. Here, Dominikus explores how AR could solve several real world problems. - https://goo.gl/N7vpVY
#mobile #AR
React Simple Maps: SVG Map React Components
A library of React components to make SVG maps using d3-geo and topojson - https://goo.gl/DAeafD
#react #map #svg #component
Organizing Microservices - Modern Integration
Microservices is probably one of the most popular buzz words among developers, but as a person who worked in the software integration space for years, I started to see some resemblance of the old ESB days. - https://goo.gl/fJFSfd
Performant Web Animations and Interactions: Achieving 60 FPS
A high frame rate often equals a high level of responsiveness and user satisfaction, but what’s involved in getting high frame rates for Web pages? - https://goo.gl/Fxc2Qr
Node 8.4 (Current) Released
Just a week after 8.3, 8.4 is here with experimental support for http2 available behind a command line option. - https://goo.gl/VC8vrU
#nodejs #release
National Health Service, on Elixir and Kubernetes
The story of an awesome project that we built on Elixir, React.js + Redux.js and Kubernetes - eHealth for National Health Service of Ukraine. - https://goo.gl/iqfTTw
Creating A Ride-Booking App with React Native and Pusher
Learn how you can create a ride-booking app similar to Uber, Lyft or Grab with React Native. - https://goo.gl/5YbjH9
N-API and Getting Started with Writing C Addons for Node
Using N-API’s abstractions, you can create C/C++ addons without having a deep understanding of how V8 works. -
#nodejs #addon
All About React Router 4
A dive into React Router 4, how it’s so different from previous React Router versions, and why that is. - https://goo.gl/3NfPM7
#react #router
Production Ready Microservices In Action
A practical guide for cloud native Microservice development. -
Create A Calculator App with Ionic Framework 3
How to create a calculator app using Ionic Framework 3 and the Ionic Creator. - https://goo.gl/PQHQyM
10 Guidelines to Improve Your Web Accessibility
Some guidelines to improve the accessibility of your site from color choices through to helpful tools and HTML element choices. -
Geographic - D3's approach to rendering geographic information
This chapter looks at D3’s approach to rendering geographic information...D3’s approach differs to so called raster methods such as Leaflet and Google Maps. - https://goo.gl/EpeLX2
#d3js #geo
How I built a wind map with WebGL
I have an unflattering confession to make: for the last few years working at Mapbox, I avoided direct OpenGL/WebGL programming like a plague. For one reason: the OpenGL API and terminology deeply terrified me... -
Creating Vertical Tabs in Ionic - https://goo.gl/sX4kTW
Frame by Frame Animation with CSS and JavaScript
Michael Romanov explains how to build a frame-by-frame animation with just HTML, CSS and JavaScript which performs well and works great on all browsers. - https://goo.gl/ZhJYu1
#animation #css
How to Create a QR Code Reader for Your Mobile Site using just HTML, CSS and JavaScript. - https://goo.gl/8YbWCu
#mobile #qrcode
Building a Simple AI Chatbot with the Web Speech API and Node
A complete walkthrough of bringing together browsers’ speech recognition support with Node and a third party natural language processing service - https://goo.gl/QmKhMm
#nodejs #chatBot
Developing with Node.js on Microsoft Azure
A free course to get you started with developing and deploying Node apps and services on Azure. - https://goo.gl/VxZW3E
#nodejs #azure #course #free
How to Do End-to-End React Native Testing with Detox
An end-to-end testing library that can emulate user behavior and test how your app reacts to it. - https://goo.gl/ShvUkf
#reactNative #testing #e2e
React Animations in Depth
Nader Dabit looks at five options you have for doing Web-based animations with React including the pros and cons of each. - https://goo.gl/XEKkXB
#react #animations
Techniques for Passing Data Between Promise Callbacks
Some approaches for sharing data between callbacks (which each have their own scope). - https://goo.gl/xER4QR
Bootstrap 4 Beta Released
Two years in the making, the popular front-end framework is taking some key steps forward. For starters, it’s switched from Less to Sass and is now Flexbox based. - https://goo.gl/fYQcYr
#bootstrap #release
Changes to Node’s Errors You Need to Know About
Changes, beginning in Node 8 and continuing to occur en route to Node 9, are coming to errors thrown by the Node.js runtime -
Panning and Zooming with D3v4
All that’s necessary for panning and zooming is a translation [tx, ty] and a scale factor k. When a zoom transform is applied to an element at position [x0, y0], its new position becomes [tx + k × x0, ty + k × y0]. That’s it. Everything else is just sugar and spice on top of this simple transform...The major difference between zooming in D3v3 and D3v4 is that the behavior (dealing with events) and the transforms (positioning elements) are more separated. In v3, they used to be part of the behavior whereas, in v4, they’re part of the element on which the behavior is called...To illustrate, let’s plot 4 points. The rest of this post will only deal with data in one dimension... - https://goo.gl/aPwY5R
#d3js #zooming #panning
react-d3-speedometer: A React D3 'Speedometer' Component -
#react #speedometer
How to Launch Android Emulators and iOS Simulators From the Command Line
TJ VanToll shows how he set up command line commands to launch the iOS and Android simulators to simplify the workflow when building a mobile app. - https://goo.gl/B5TtfJ
#mobile #emulator
Best Mobile Components for Vue.js PWAs - https://goo.gl/CgVBAH
#vue #pwa
Catching Exceptions Using Higher Order Components in React 16 -
#react #hoc
10 Redux Tips to Scale Your Dev Team
Advice for those planning to use Redux at scale. - https://goo.gl/259igK
#redux #tips