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Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile и многое другое. Администратор: @andrey2019 Donate: https://goo.gl/5FJz4U

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FrontEnd Development

Setting Up Webpack, Babel and React From Scratch, Revisited

An updated, detailed step-by-step guide for getting set up, following best practices and giving you a solid ground to start from. - https://goo.gl/aLtZJi

#webpack #babel #react

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FrontEnd Development

Redux is a JavaScript library that aims to simplify how we manage stateful data. Redux keeps all of our data in a single JS object called the Store. A single function, the reducer, is responsible for making modifications to the Store. We trigger the reducer by 'dispatching' an action - a JS object that describes how our data should change. The reducer function receives the action as an argument and makes changes accordingly. Other parts of the code (usually React Components) can subscribe to data in the Store. When data changes, Redux notifies subscribers of the change. - https://goo.gl/xnq4QV


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FrontEnd Development

Getting A High Progressive Web App Score On React and Material-UI

Basic techniques used to get a high score for a sample app based on a stack of React, Redux and Material-UI. - https://goo.gl/Y7mr57

#pwa #react

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FrontEnd Development

Front-End conferences

This is a list of upcoming CSS, JavaScript and front-end conferences in 2017 and 2018. - https://goo.gl/udA5E7

#conferences #2017 #2018

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FrontEnd Development

Getting Started with Vue.js

Get started with Vue.js with this simple and clear tutorial. Vue is the new kid on the block and it is simple and easy to pick up! - https://goo.gl/DJLk4h


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FrontEnd Development

The New Ease of Building App-Like, Reliable and Engaging Web Apps

Using Angular and Cloud Firestore (Google’s new database for Firebase) to create a basic PWA in less than 1 hour. - https://goo.gl/UUMC7F


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FrontEnd Development

Deploy Docker Images to Heroku with Container Registry

Heroku’s new Container Registry and Runtime is now generally available and brings together the benefits of Docker with those of Heroku. - https://goo.gl/2kCpKa

#docker #heroku

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FrontEnd Development

The Web at Maximum FPS: How WebRender Gets Rid of Jank

“WebRender isn’t really about making rendering faster. It’s about making it smoother.” A great look at improvements coming to Firefox soon. - https://goo.gl/boMMW5


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FrontEnd Development

I’m Breaking up with Higher Order Components

Why one developer is preferring to write declarative, readable and flexible React components using render props instead of HOCs. -


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FrontEnd Development

Test Methods and Mock Dependencies in Vue.js with Jest

Learn how to test methods and cope with mocking module dependencies. - https://goo.gl/EhDsfN

#vue #testing #jest

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FrontEnd Development

Building server-rendered apps in Vue using Nuxt.js

This post will walk you through the process of building server-rendered webpages in Vue. - https://goo.gl/DA4avJ

#vue #serverRendered

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FrontEnd Development

Implementing Serverless Node.js Functions Using Google Cloud

Google’s still-in-beta Cloud Functions doesn’t seem to get a lot of press, but if you’re using Node, it’s worth checking out as a serverless platform. - https://goo.gl/bLF9Ws


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FrontEnd Development

Leverage New Features of React 16: An Egghead Course -

#react #video

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FrontEnd Development

Node-ChakraCore Update From Node.js Interactive 2017

Some updates on Node-ChakraCore running production workloads, advancing N-API, and running Node on iOS. - https://goo.gl/D4FmPW


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FrontEnd Development

Vue.js Official Style Guide released!

The official style guide for Vue-specific code has been released. If you use Vue in a project, it’s a great reference to avoid errors, bikeshedding, and anti-patterns. - https://goo.gl/RHu5Yx

#vue #styleguide

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FrontEnd Development

Microsoft Edge for iOS & Android: What Developers Need to Know

Microsoft Edge is coming to iOS and Android using WebKit on iOS and Blink on Android. - https://goo.gl/eqntMs


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FrontEnd Development

Offline First Masonry Grid Showcase with Vue

In this guest post by Christian Nwamba, you will learn how to build a masonry photo grid app with Vue.js. The app will be a Progressive Web App to ensure offline support. - https://goo.gl/Z99cwS

#vue #pwa

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FrontEnd Development

Image Effects with CSS

A collection of CSS snippets to create fast, complex image effects, such as pencil drawing, watercolor painting, and the intriguing ‘flannel’. - https://goo.gl/6rnRhw


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FrontEnd Development

CSS Grid Challenge: Winners and Templates

Smashing Magazine ran a CSS Grid design challenge and here are the results. A good look at what’s possible with CSS Grid today. - https://goo.gl/fn5pzr


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FrontEnd Development

Behind the Scenes of 7 React Conferences

A report on seven different React events that took place this year, with tips, highlights and pros/cons of each. - https://goo.gl/XHDhRU

#conf #react

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FrontEnd Development

Redux: Architecting and Scaling A New Web App at The NY Times

How the NYT scaled a React app to serve more than a million users per month by leaning on Redux. - https://goo.gl/wUeMBK

#react #redux #video

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FrontEnd Development

Node 8.7.0 was released - https://goo.gl/dT6pzr

#nodejs #release

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FrontEnd Development

Building Browser Extensions At Scale

An extensive overview of techniques, best practices, and things learned by Grammarly, creators of a popular browser extension. - https://goo.gl/Dgdh81


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FrontEnd Development

Next.js 4 Released with Perf and Styling Upgrades

A new version of Next.js, a framework for building universal React apps, is out with support for React 16 and a major upgrade to its styling engine. - https://goo.gl/b6eNCN

#next4 #release

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FrontEnd Development

Await and Async Explained with Diagrams and Examples

A tutorial that explains the new await/async features in ES2016 for more easily working with asynchronous functions. - https://goo.gl/Y1gqo3

#await #async

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FrontEnd Development

Using Preact as a React Alternative

Ahmed Bouchefra takes a look at Preact, a lightweight version of React with a growing community that’s well suited to high-performance apps and slow 2G networks. - https://goo.gl/gk5iNi


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FrontEnd Development

Fundamentals of Responsive Images

A good explainer of the key concepts for responsive images, and an overview of a few different responsive image tactics. - https://goo.gl/4skwd5

#image #responsive

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FrontEnd Development

8 Key React Component Decisions

Standardize your React development with these key decisions. - https://goo.gl/HS11u5


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FrontEnd Development

Why There's No 100% Correct Way to Structure A React App

How one dev structures his React apps, but why there’s no universally ‘ideal’ approach. - https://goo.gl/SLqavw


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FrontEnd Development

Notification library for Vue.js

Vue.js library for showing notifications with CSS & Velocity animations.

#vue #component

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