Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile и многое другое. Администратор: @andrey2019 Donate: https://goo.gl/5FJz4U
20+ Angular Code Improvement Tips You Need To Learn Now
In this article, I will talk about various code improvement points that you need to follow in your project to… - https://javascript.plainenglish.io/20-angular-code-improvement-tips-you-need-to-learn-now-af57cab58c69
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35 JavaScript interview questions. Answered by me.
Hello :) I am a graduate student from Microverse, during interview prep, they gave me access to a set of… - https://abdoamin.medium.com/35-javascript-interview-questions-answered-by-me-95158209a8c6
#javascript #interview
A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior Redux
Dig into the details of React rendering behavior and how Context and React-Redux affect said rendering. Just 861 days ago, this was a very popular item in React Status and Mark has made a big 2022 update bringing it up to React 18 standards - http://amp.gs/jGXRf
Sending UDP Messages without DNS Lookups - http://amp.gs/jGFM2
Top 10 Algorithms to Improve your JavaScript Skills
10 must-know algorithms to boost your JavaScript skills. - http://amp.gs/jGFP0
A/B Testing in Vue + Nuxt.js
A/B testing is a process of comparing two versions of a web page or app to see which one performs better. The author created their own A/B testing method with Vue and Nuxt. - http://amp.gs/jGwFU
Modern CSS Selectors
Craig Buckler shows how to use the :is, :where, and :has CSS selectors. - http://amp.gs/jGwEX
Building an Accessible Select Component in React
A step-by-step (or should we say brick-by-brick?) tutorial on how to build a select component specifically with accessibility in mind, a topic an international business like LEGO has at its heart. - http://amp.gs/jGwYo
10 Books Every Senior Engineer Should Read
Engineers are natural readers. They take enormous pleasure in learning about new things, and books are the… - http://amp.gs/jG2H2
How to Write CommonJS Exports That Can Be Name-Imported from ESM
If you’ve ever got tangled up between using CommonJS and ES modules (I sure have!) Dr. Axel clears up a key cross-compatibility concern here. - http://amp.gs/jG2ld
13 REST API interview questions you need to know
Show your interviewers you know all about REST APIs and land your dream job. - http://amp.gs/jGHuB
#rest #interview
How to Build an OTP Input in Vue 3
In this article, you will learn how to build an OTP input from scratch in Vue 3. - http://amp.gs/jGHZs
Use the Right Container Query Syntax
Miriam Suzanne gives an excellent introduction to Container Queries. - http://amp.gs/jG3rb
Exploring PrimeVue, a Vue-based UI Component Library
This tutorial will explore a Vue-based UI component library called PrimeVue. Component-based frontends make web app development faster and easier. - http://amp.gs/jG38A
Vue 3 Tips I Guarantee You Don't Know
Check out these handy Vue 3 tips and tricks to help you with your upcoming projects. - https://dev.to/the_one/vue-3-tipstricks-i-guarantee-you-didnt-know-49ml
An Overview of Node.js's Architecture, Event Loop, and Concurrency
Our favorite JavaScript-wielding doctor is writing a new book and we get to enjoy the byproducts of his labor including this succinct, but highly technical, overview of Node’s fundamental parts. - https://2ality.com/2022/09/nodejs-overview.html
Building the Main Navigation for a Website
Manuel Matuzović describes how to build accessible main navigation of a website. You’ll learn about semantic HTML, accessibility, and how using ARIA attributes can sometimes do more harm than good. - https://web.dev/website-navigation
The ultimate guide on how to create customizable Angular components
best practices, anti-patterns, ng-deep, global styles, mixins, CSS vars, and CSS part, all covered in one… - http://amp.gs/jGXnl
Creative list styling
Michelle Barker looks at some useful and creative ways to style a list. - http://amp.gs/jGFiD
How to Build a Blog with React and ButterCMS
ButterCMS is a commercial, managed headless CMS. - http://amp.gs/jGFTG
Node.js Authentication with Twilio Verify
If you’re happy using a third party service, bringing two-factor auth into your Express.js app needn’t be too hard. The author demonstrates the creation of a simple app that authenticates users using password-based authentication with an extra layer of OTPs (One-Time Passcodes) powered by Twilio’s Verify service. - http://amp.gs/jGwAY
Angular Mixins — a reusability technique
Angular Mixins - a reusability technique. Introduction What are mixins in TypeScript? They are functions… - http://amp.gs/jGwew
Validating Forms with Vue Formulate
Validating forms is important to keep your user's data accurate and secure. Learn how to do it easily and effectively with Vue Formulate. - http://amp.gs/jG25H
CSS Grid and Custom Shapes
Temani Afif demonstrates different ways to arrange images on the grid, including some rad hover effects that make for an authentic, interactive experience to view pictures. - http://amp.gs/jG2Uw
Debugging Tips for Angular Developers
Something isn’t working right… Now what? How can you figure out what’s going on quickly so you can fix it… - http://amp.gs/jGHQ5
Managing React Form State Using the React-Form Library
The second part of a series which explores the use of Shopify’s open source Quilt library to implement their Polaris Design System. - http://amp.gs/jGHvn
On Quality Code: Node.js Design Patterns and Performance
A written transcript of an interview with Luciano Mammino, the author of Node.js Design Patterns, covering all sorts of areas from serverless architecture to design patterns and streams. - http://amp.gs/jG3WW
Angular micro-frontend architecture. Installing the Nx monorepo and…
Installing the Nx monorepo and creating micro-frontend apps. - http://amp.gs/jG373
5 Best Practices for Clean Code Every JavaScript Developer Should Know
Start writing clean code with these five best practices so you can impress your code reviewer and take your development to a whole new level. - http://amp.gs/jGKHJ