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Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile и многое другое. Администратор: @andrey2019 Donate: https://goo.gl/5FJz4U

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FrontEnd Development

vue-apollo 3.0 alpha released

Version 3.0 alpha with support for Apollo Client 2.x -


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FrontEnd Development

HEAD: Everything To Go In Your HTML’s 'head'

Starts from the usual basics (title, charset, etc.) but works up to a significant number of meta and link tags useful in various situations. -


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FrontEnd Development

TypeScript 2.6 Released

The JavaScript superset that adds optional static types gets a variety of new features aimed at established users. - https://goo.gl/hBefof

#typescript #release

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FrontEnd Development

Mocking is a Code Smell

“Don’t waste your time wedging dependency injection into your app so you can mock the whole world. Chances are very good that it’s hurting you more than it’s helping.” - https://goo.gl/4TunS4

#test #mocking

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FrontEnd Development

sketch-to-react-native: Convert Sketch Files Into React Native Components - https://goo.gl/BBbM34


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FrontEnd Development

Error Boundaries in React 16

Think of error boundaries like try-catch statements, but for React components. - https://goo.gl/C4J1s3


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FrontEnd Development

Creating HTML Web Components with Vanilla JS

While native Web Component support isn’t 100% yet, polyfills are available, and this tutorial walks through what’s involved to create your own HTML tags as components. - https://goo.gl/H7QqSt


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FrontEnd Development

Stop Designing For Only 85% Of Users: Nailing Accessibility In Design

A discussion of the most common visual impairments and how you can make small changes to your visual interface and workflow to ensure the highest level of accessibility. - https://goo.gl/d68Ntc

#mobile #design

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FrontEnd Development

Simplabs - High Level Assertions with qunit-dom

An overview on writing simpler tests with async/await and qunit-dom. -


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FrontEnd Development

Strapi.io: Node API Creation Made Simple

A Node content management framework/headless CMS with an extensible admin panel and a powerful plugin system. GitHub repo. - https://goo.gl/TcrpqM

#nodejs #api

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FrontEnd Development

Scaling React Server-Side Rendering

Scaling a React-based rendering service gave the author a lot of stories/tips to share, all packed into this epic post. - https://goo.gl/hhVNPk


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FrontEnd Development

Improving Performance with the Paint Timing API

An in-depth look at an API currently only available in Chrome 60+ for accessing and reporting Web page ‘paint’ metrics from JavaScript. - https://goo.gl/dfrWiU


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FrontEnd Development

Event Sourcing Microservices with Kafka

In this post, you are going to read about a microservice application using Kafka as the primary data store. - https://goo.gl/nTde19


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FrontEnd Development

Fast By Default: Modern Loading Best Practices

Addy Osmani runs through loading best practices for diagnosing and making real-world sites load ‘instantly’. Filmed at the Chrome Dev Summit 2017. - https://goo.gl/qS58BQ

#chromeDevSummit #video

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FrontEnd Development

Node 8.8.0 Released - https://goo.gl/kPhpCb

#nodejs #release

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FrontEnd Development

Media Queries & Grid Settings

Practical media helpers for Susy3 - https://goo.gl/fzFDgU

#css #susy #grid

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FrontEnd Development

Vue.js: Routing with vue-router

Creating a Single-page Application with Vue + Vue Router is dead simple. - https://goo.gl/GEauor

#vue #router

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FrontEnd Development

An Introduction to Ionic Development: Creating An Ionic App -


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FrontEnd Development

Writing Clean Code: Start to Bootstrap

A set of best practices for writing clean HTML and CSS… but please do take it with a grain of salt. What is one person’s best practice, is another person’s least favorite approach. - https://goo.gl/DGGt6E


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FrontEnd Development

Animation and Data Visualization with Vue

Animation can explain whatever the mind can conceive. When animation is functionally applied to a website or app, the event flow can easily map with the user’s ability to navigate through the app. - https://goo.gl/3nxJKy

#vue #animation

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FrontEnd Development

The New CSS Layout, An Excerpt

This excerpt is from Chapter 3 of Rachel Andrews new A Book Apart book and is well worth a read (just go buy it really). Another bit of news which is wonderful is that Rachel Andrew has also been made the Editor in Chief of Smashing Magazine moving forward and I’m looking forward to seeing a wonderful publication get even better. - https://goo.gl/APg2U8


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FrontEnd Development

Use Sass/Scss of Webpack in Vue

Using this style structure, you can have more efficiency.

#vue #sass

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FrontEnd Development

componentDidMakeSense: An Explanation of the React Lifecycle

Learn the React lifecycle methods and when/how to use them. -

#react #lifecycle

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FrontEnd Development

Deep dive into Vue 2.5

Vue 2.5 exploits ThisType, mapped type, generic defaults and a clever trick to cover most APIs. - https://goo.gl/FBSuae


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FrontEnd Development

CSS Grids for Everyone

Jeffrey Way teaches everything you need to know in bite-sized episodes - https://goo.gl/Jc81KF

#css #grid

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FrontEnd Development

REST Client for VS Code

REST Client allows you to send HTTP request and view the response in Visual Studio Code directly. No external app like Postman or Paw needed. - https://goo.gl/YVbV1h


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FrontEnd Development

V8 Release 6.3: Speed and New ES Features

The latest branch of the V8 engine will make its first appearance in Chrome 63. Performance increases are the order of the day, plus three ‘stage 3’ ECMAScript features. - https://goo.gl/Sj8qG8

#v8 #release

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FrontEnd Development

Ionic Lazy Loading Bonuses

How to take advantage of Lazy Loading in your Ionic 3 apps. - https://goo.gl/iCVnCy


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FrontEnd Development

DevTools Tips for Progressive Web Apps

Some tips on using Chrome to debug issues related to PWAs. - https://goo.gl/BDYfza


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FrontEnd Development

Build A Real-Time Chat App With VueJS, Vuex & Cloud Firestore

Firestore is Google’s latest real-time cloud database. In this tutorial by Lachlan Miller, you will learn how to build a chat app with Vue.js, Vuex and Cloud Firestore. - https://goo.gl/86TC1i

#vue #vuex

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