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Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile и многое другое. Администратор: @andrey2019 Donate: https://goo.gl/5FJz4U

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FrontEnd Development

Animating Layouts with the FLIP Technique

Stands for First, Last, Invert, Play. It’s a technique for animating DOM elements smoothly. - https://goo.gl/wLy5qY


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FrontEnd Development

Progressive Web Apps: A Crash Course

Ahmed Bouchefra explains PWAs by showing how to build one from scratch with ES6 and React, optimizing it step by step with Lighthouse for UX and performance. - https://goo.gl/C2mtzg


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FrontEnd Development

The Best Request Is No Request, Revisited

What’s the role of bundling in performance now that HTTP/2 is becoming more ubiquitous? Let Stefan Baumgartner help you find out. - https://goo.gl/DPzTPV


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FrontEnd Development

Monitoring Unused CSS by Unleashing the Raw Power of the Devtools Protocol

Johnny shows how to use Chrome DevTools Protocol to track the percentage of unused CSS in the app programmatically. - https://goo.gl/DmrrnU

#css #devtools

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FrontEnd Development

How to Greatly Improve Your React App’s Performance

A review of common React performance pitfalls (such as bad shouldComponentUpdate implementations and using events poorly) and how to avoid them. - https://goo.gl/Vd1JBH


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FrontEnd Development

An Intro to Scrollama.js for Telling Stories Through Scrolling

The what, why, and how behind using a library for efficient ‘scrollytelling’ that uses IntersectionObserver in favor of scroll events. - https://goo.gl/i8i5W9


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FrontEnd Development

Taming Architecture Complexity in V8

An introduction to CodeStubAssembler (CSA), a component in V8 that “has been a very useful tool in achieving some big performance wins over the last several V8 releases”. - https://goo.gl/VE4oc2


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FrontEnd Development

Take control of your scroll

This post by some talented Google developers explain how you can use the CSS overscroll-behavior property to override the browser’s default overflow scroll behavior when reaching the top/bottom of content. -

#css #scroll

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FrontEnd Development

Vue.js 2 Material Component Framework | Vuetify.js

Build stunning applications with the #1 Vue Material framework. - https://goo.gl/cgC8js


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FrontEnd Development

React Native vs Real Native Apps

Highlights the theoretical and practical aspects of using React Native in comparison to - Swift https://goo.gl/X9UKdw


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FrontEnd Development

Dear web developers! 👨💻👩💻
Welcome to the “Webstack” @wbstack community. At us you will find the most interesting and useful materials on web development - selections, tools, services and articles.

Daily publication of posts from the world of web development! @wbstack

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FrontEnd Development

Vue User Permissions Through Directives

Michael from Code Boutique has done a great article about managing user access though Vue directives. - https://goo.gl/MxQzCg


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FrontEnd Development

A High Level Overview of Current Mobile Development Tools

A general overview of native and hybrid mobile development tooling software options. - https://goo.gl/j8EXWZ


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FrontEnd Development

Create A Vuex Undo/Redo Plugin For VueJS

Vuex is a great way to manage the state of your Vue application. In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to create an undo/redo feature with Vuex, which works in a similar way to time-travel debugging. - https://goo.gl/5KQgZu


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FrontEnd Development

Exploring Some Advanced React Router Concepts

Including code splitting, animated transitions, scroll restoration, and recursive paths. - https://goo.gl/AQsGVY

#react #router

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FrontEnd Development

Recreating the Apple Watch Breathe App Animation

Geoff Graham shows how to recreate the Apple Watch breathe app animation using CSS. - https://goo.gl/tXYX6E

#css #animation

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FrontEnd Development

The Performance Cost of Server Side Rendered React on Node.js

“there is a price to pay for server side rendered React.js” -

#react #serverSideRender

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FrontEnd Development

Vue-i18n async loading of languages

Load your language files asynchronously using the internationalization plugin for Vue.js. - https://goo.gl/yGRqh6


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FrontEnd Development

AWS AppSync: Build Data-Driven Apps with Real-Time and Offline Capabilities

A fully managed serverless GraphQL service for real-time data queries, synchronization, communications and offline programming features, aimed at mobile app developers. - https://goo.gl/ZYMycm


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FrontEnd Development

An In-Depth Introduction to React Native

A ‘show and tell’ in-depth video introduction to React Native. - https://goo.gl/KEWQnK

#reactnative #video

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FrontEnd Development

Simple Asynchronous Infinite Scroll with Vue Watchers

Infinite Scroll is a UX pattern that suggests showing users few contents on page or app load. More contents are then loaded once the user starts scrolling down the page. - https://goo.gl/kGJF7L


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FrontEnd Development

Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js - First beta

It’s now compatible with the official style guide and will get more rules soon. - https://goo.gl/sizLZn

#vue #eslint

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FrontEnd Development

Connecting a Meteor Back-End to a React Native App -


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FrontEnd Development

The Cost Of JavaScript

As we build sites more heavily reliant on JavaScript, we sometimes pay for what we send down in ways that we can’t always easily see. In this post, Addy Osmani covers why a little discipline can help if we want our site to load and be interactive quickly on mobile devices. -


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FrontEnd Development

Debugging Memory Leaks and Memory Bloat in Node

Memory issues can be daunting when you first encounter them, but this article aims to make them a little more approachable. - https://goo.gl/YhfWme


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FrontEnd Development

The Ultimate Guide to Bulletproof Buttons in Email Design

Jason Rodriguez gives some advice on creating bulletproof buttons for email. - https://goo.gl/NZ4amL

#css #email #design

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FrontEnd Development

Securing a React Webapp with Server-Side Authentication -


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FrontEnd Development

React Native vs Real Native Apps

Highlights the theoretical and practical aspects of using React Native in comparison to Swift. - https://goo.gl/f7XgxK

#reactNative #vs #nativeApp

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FrontEnd Development

Creating Secure Password Resets With JSON Web Tokens

A thorough introduction to JWTs and their use from Node. JWTs can contain encoded information that can be validated to ensure it hasn’t been tampered with. - https://goo.gl/7KsVC9


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FrontEnd Development

Using SVGs as Placeholders, and Other Image Loading Techniques

A frontend developer from Spotify looks at several approaches to showing something in place of an image before that image loads. - https://goo.gl/qBbkkP


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