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My heels > your balls
@dominatrixamerica 💸💸
onlyfans.com/americafetish loverfans.com/FetishAmerica

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Perversos días🖤
Hoy disponible para online y videollamadas, posiblemente otro live stream con esclavo en Loyalfans. Quieres saber más? DM @ilinapoisoned

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🔥Disponibilidad en MÁLAGA durante los días sábado 25 y domingo 26.
🔥Sesiones Femdom y Fetish, humillación pública en el centro de la ciudad y posibilidad de venta de fetiches en mano.
⛓Escríbeme a @ilinapoisoned para +info

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I want you sticked to My blog, just like latex sticks to the skin. That's what My new blog post is about: LATEX. Don't miss it!
🌘 https://mistressb.es/fetichismo-de-latex 🌑

Os quiero con los ojos pegaditos en Mi blog, tal como el látex se adhiere a la piel. De eso va Mi nueva entrada en Mi blog, sobre el LÁTEX. ¡No os lo perdáis!
🌒 https://mistressb.es/fetichismo-de-latex 🌑

Us vull amb els ulls enganxats al meu bloc, tal com el làtex s'adhereix a la pell. D'això va La meva nova entrada al meu bloc, sobre el LÀTEX. No us ho perdeu!

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Chat @dominatrixamerica

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Únete a las filas de la élite

Si eres un individuo entusiasta del protocolo sofisticado que busca una conexión más profunda con una Ama que encarne la elegancia, la inteligencia y el dominio; te invito a que postules tu candidatura como Mi siervo VIP para el
Evento BDSM de alto protocolo 31/01
💫Tributo especial.

Join the Ranks of the Elite

If you're a sophisticated protocol enthusiast individual seeking a deeper connection with a Mistress who embodies elegance, intelligence, and dominance, I invite you to apply to be My VIP servant for the
High-protocol BDSM event 31/01
💫Tribute for the occasion.

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i soldi creano altri soldi.
Fun fact: ho incassato altri mille solo vendendo il video 💰😍 TOP SELLING!

sì, è in italiano
sì, lo trovi ancora in chat *solo* su Loyal!
no, non faccio sconti

che aspetti? Guarda come l’ho fottuto😈⬇️


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Are you ready for me?

Estás preparado para mí?

Barcelona base

Madrid del 14 al 18 de enero


WhatsApp +34684339434

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📍Barcelona & online
Vive el FemDom real. Sométete a mí.
Juventud y belleza junto con el conocimiento, experiencia y madurez que da el ser sucesora de una dinastía de Dóminas.

Contacta por WhatsApp +34682069952

Mi canal ➡️ t.me/SpanishMajesty

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Imagina encontrarte conmigo en algún sitio... Cómo reaccionarías?😏

Imagine seeing me around... How would you react?😏

🔥En MADRID hasta el 19
🔥MÁLAGA 20-27 enero
DM @ilinapoisoned para +info

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Disponible para ONLINE y VIDEOLLAMADAS durante toda la tarde🔥
DM @ilinapoisoned para +info

Available for ONLINE and VIDEO CALLS🔥
DM @ilinapoisoned for more info

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Sono in LIVE ora su LF! Disponibile anche per cam e video risposte ✨


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Te recibo en mis 2 estudios/mazmorras con zona doméstico. (Totalmente equipadas para todas las prácticas/fetiches)

1. Sede Barcelona (Ciudad de la Justicia)

2. Madrid (zona Ventas)


WhatsApp +34684339434

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Video intero (17 minuti in italiano!) disponibile in chat privata su Loyalfans 🥵


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I’m planning a livestream on my paid platforms OF/LF with my sub girl 🔥

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New Clip ‼️Two Asses Through The Wringer Pt1 🇮🇹 Lng - Real Time Session recording

🇬🇧 Here's What Happens to those who don't get to class on time. The dunce who like to chat and fantasise about the teacher instead of paying attention are placed behind the blackboard and to be precise in front of a white wall with a donkey mask the heads.How many opportunities I gave him to redeem himself but there was no way to set him straight. Now there are two asses under my control let's see if at least one of them will learn the lesson.

🇮🇹 Ecco cosa succede a chi non arriva in orario a lezione.I somari che amano chiacchierare e fantasticare sulla maestra invece di prestare attenzione vengono piazzati dietro la lavagna e per essere precisi davanti a un muro bianco con una maschera da asino in testa. Quante opportunità gli ho dato per rimettersi in riga ma non c'è stato verso. Ora ci sono due asini sotto il mio controllo vediamo se almeno uno di loro imparerà la lezione.


⭐️ iwantclips.com/store/840314/reginamilanodom

👁 Loyalfans.com/reginamilanodom

💀 www.mistressregina.com

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🔥Loyalfans live stream using my slave right now🔥
Join now to see it😈

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🕯️ 004 Wax Play
Playing with candles and wax and creating a masterpiece on a human canvas, I even made him a CB out of wax!
All of this dressed in latex which makes Me look even hotter (if that’s even possible) 😈

🛒Get it here:
- WhatsApp +34682069952
- Loyalfans tinylf.com/qrCnZj1o

Join My main channel here: t.me/SpanishMajesty

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Let the fireworks that illuminate the night sky be a symbol of the spark I will ignite within you. The explosive potential of your submission awaits, and I am the only one who can detonate it. Embrace the promise of a new beginning, for within my realm, you will find the strength to cast aside your inhibitions and the ecstasy of complete surrender.

As your High Priestess, I offer you not just a session, but a sanctuary—a place where your deepest fantasies are not only understood but exalted. I am your Mistress, your educatrix, your dominatrix, and I am here to lead you into a year that will redefine your existence.

Are you ready to step into my temple and start your transformation?

Book your session with me, Mistress Bibianne, and let us make this year one of profound pleasure and enlightenment. The future is ours to command, and I am eager to shape
it with you.

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sono online per cam! 🥰


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Carlitos hoy ha roto tres varas, incluida la de la foto, con su culo

Disciplinado y escocido se ha ido pero yo ahora necesito más varas...

WhatsApp +34684339434

Madrid y Barcelona

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New video filmed during my yesterday's session coming this week with the subscription to my fan sites🔞
Nuevo vídeo grabado durante mi sesión de ayer estará disponible ésta semana dentro de la suscripción a mis páginas de fans🔞

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The best way to start my week 😈🫶

Wearing Biohazard cups in custom UV green by Sado Toys🖤


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i soldi creano altri soldi.
Fun fact: ho incassato altri mille solo vendendo il video 💰😍 TOP SELLING!

sì, è in italiano
sì, lo trovi ancora in chat *solo* su Loyal!
no, non faccio sconti

che aspetti? Guarda come l’ho fottuto😈⬇️


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Don't be afraid
Play with me

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At my feet!

I am based in Barcelona, Spain

From 14th to 17th January I"ll be available in Madrid, Spain

I only answer through WhatsApp

Find all my links here ⬇️

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📝La sumisión es un acto de poder, una renuncia consciente a explorar el yo a través del otro. Es la confianza depositada en los brazos de la Dómina, que atrapa con cuidado e intención.
📝La submissió és un acte de poder, una renúncia conscient per explorar el jo a través de l'altre. És la caiguda de la confiança en els braços de la Dominatrix, que atrapa amb cura i intenció
📝Submission is an act of power, a conscious relinquishment to explore the self through the other. It is the trust fall into the arms of the Dominatrix, who catches with care and intention.

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Esto es comenzar bien el año.

Primera sesión de 2025


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📍Estaré en MADRID los días 7 y 8 de enero.
Hay pocos huecos para sesionar o sea que reserva YA o te quedarás sin.
📲Contacta por WhatsApp al +34682069952

Mi canal gratuito ➡️ t.me/SpanishMajesty

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Happy new year, may you serve a lot in 2025!

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