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این کار من نیست مال دوستمه ولی اینقدر حال کردم گفتم بزارم شما هم لذتشو ببرید
Читать полностью…Its just like a lily milly monster is still inside her that feeds every night more and more . Thats why she dont know herself yet!
Last year, exactly today, on April 23rd, one of the significant events of my life happened, and I realized that it doesn't matter how much you love someone, how much you sacrifice for yourself, how much you prioritize someone or something, how many memories you hold onto, how many plans you have for the future, what you have endured, or what expectations you have from them. Exactly as I used to say, anyone else could be that person, but they wouldn't do the same. It precisely showed me that it's a crazy thing. Everything and everyone has an expiration date, and when it's over, it's over. It's gone, and if you're lucky, you realize it early; otherwise, you'll be stuck with a wrong assumption and hear lies or suddenly the world hits you hard, telling you to wake up because everything is over.
Читать полностью…Alan ke deghat mikonm fek konam dastesho gozashte serfan jahate khoshhali dokhtare magrana baraye khodesh lezati dar kar nist chon asn chizi nist 🤣
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