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Flat Earth SubGenius Society


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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

I wonder what we think of the New Year as. Is it a year of freshness? Is it something completely new, something that has never happened before? When we say it is something new, even though we know that nothing new comes in a day, when we talk about a happy New Year, is it really a new year for us? Or is it just the same old stereotypes over and over again? We continue to do the same old rituals, the same old traditions, the same old habits, and we will do those things this year too.

So is there anything new there? Is there anything really fresh, something that you have never seen before? I think that is a very important question, because if you follow this, you can change every day of your life in a way that you have never seen before. It means to be free from attachment, from its nature, from ideology and opinions, from judgments, from fixed beliefs. Can we really start a new year by putting all that aside? If we can do that, it will be a wonderful thing. Because our lives are so shallow, so empty, that they are not meaningful at all. Whether we like it or not, we are born, we are educated - that too can be an obstacle for us. But is it possible to completely change the direction of all our lives? Or do we always blame ourselves for walking towards narrow, inferior, meaningless lives? We are filling our minds with things that we have put together. This is not a lecture. Perhaps in all the churches, temples and all that in the world we celebrate the New Year in the same old way, with the old customs, rituals, old habits and all that. But
Can we start the new one with pure, clean and empty hearts, without any shadows of the past?


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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

Sometimes I just want to give up and chain myself to a tree and refuse to eat.

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

“I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

–Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet (1929)

Book:[ad] https://amzn.to/4iYoB4P

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society


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Flat Earth SubGenius Society


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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

Rudolf Steiner claims the earth is a tetrahedron in shape.

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

24 hour sun in in Antarctica
literally proves FE.

Antarctica is NOT a continent
at the bottom of a sphere.

It is the ice wall surrounding
our topographical plane.

When it is summer in the southern hemisphere the sun is traveling
in its outer circuit over
the face of the earth

so yes, the ice wall WOULD see
24 hr sunlight since the sun's
outer circuit is closer to the
ice wall during that part of the year

Impossible on a spinning ball.

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

Witsit going live in less than an hour. https://www.youtube.com/live/xFxzu2reS_o

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

The grooming is unbelievable right now. I encourage every parent to find another way..

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society


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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

“... for our observations of the heavens can be explained by assuming either the Sun or the Earth to be at rest.”
-Stephen Hawking

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

Do not judge by appearances.
Do not even judge yourself.
You are a beautiful person just the way you are.

When I say “just the way you are,"
I am referring to your real self, consciousness.
You are beautiful just the way you are,
not what you think you are,
not what you appear to be,
not what the world shows you,
but just the way you are right now.

When you are without thoughts,
when you are without needs,
without wants,
without desires,
then you are God.

You are the universe.
You are divine love.
You are beautiful.
Yet when you begin to think about these things you deny it,
for you think about the past and the future instead of staying centered in the eternal now.
You think of the mistakes you made in life. You think about the dastardly things going on in this world.
You think about your future, about the
so called recession.
You are enmeshed in maya.
Do not continue to think this way.

Your true nature is total bliss,
and you are in total bliss right now.
There is absolutely nothing lacking in your life.
But when you think about it, there is. Therefore do not think.
Stop thinking.
When you stop thinking all is well.
When you stop thinking there are no mistakes.

Do not concern yourself with the telephone, with your body,
with your affairs,
what appears to be happening in the world. These things shall pass and new things will come along.
It never ends.
It never stops.

Thoughts can never bring you peace,
even if they are good thoughts,
for good thoughts lead to bad thoughts,
and bad thoughts lead to good thoughts. You are to ask yourself
“To whom do these thoughts come?
Who thinks?
Who is the thinker?
I am?
I am the thinker?
Then who am I?
What is the source of the I that thinks? Where did this I come from?
How did it originate?
Who gave it birth?
What have I got to do with I?"

Wake up.
You are an asset to the human race, an asset to your self, an asset to God.
You are a wonderful person just
the way you are,
just the way you are.

~ The Collected Works of Robert Adams Volume 1
Chapter: All is Well

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

Start to understand that I am not the body-mind phenomena.
I am not the doer.
What comes to me is only an appearance of karma. But I am not that,
whether it's good or bad makes no difference.

Who experiences karma?
Who experiences human happiness
and unhappiness?
Who goes through these things?
I do?
The I is the answer of course.
You have a personal identification with I.
As long as you believe I exist as the body, I exist as the mind, you'll suffer accordingly. Through all the experiences you go through, some will be good, some will be bad and you will have the yo-yo syndrome.

One day you'll have something good happen to you, next day something bad,
something good will take place all week and something bad will take place for two weeks.
Something good will take place for three weeks. It'll go up and down like a yo-yo. Wanting to extend your good experiences and eliminate the bad experiences.

Psychology will not help you. Psychiatry will not help you. Getting stoned out of your head will no help you. Liquor will not help you. Due to the fact that you've got to
awaken from these experiences. All these psychological experiences end, then you're back with yourself.

The only thing that will help is to find out from where the I comes from. Where
does that first pronoun come from, I?
It must come from myself when you start to think about it. For it doesn't come from outside of me, due to the fact that every time I say I, I'm referring to myself.
But what self am I referring to?
When I say, "I am happy, I am sad, I am hungry, I am full."
Where does that I come from?
Who gave it birth?
What is its source?
This procedure is called abiding in the I. You are tracing the I to its source by inquiring of yourself,
"Where did it come from?"
if you like, "Who am I?"
This is abiding in the I.

You will soon discover that the I comes to life every morning as you awaken. The I
comes to life and it becomes stronger as you go through the day. But if you abide in it, trace it and follow it you will realize that it really has no source. The I is like the water in a mirage. It appears to exist but it's a non entity. You must discover this for yourself. It will be the greatest discovery you ever make. By discovering this you will have unbounded peace, unalloyed happiness, joy. Just by discovering the I has no source. It never existed.

You were never born and you can never go any where when you die. For there is no where to go.
You are that which has always been and which will always be. Sat-chit-ananda.
You are the ultimate Brahman, pure awareness. That is your true nature. That is you. Not the I. I'm speaking of the personal I. There is no I, but you have to find this out for yourself. This is why in the practice it is said to follow the I to the source which is the spiritual heart on the right side of your chest. When the I goes back into the spiritual heart, it's the same as discovering that the water in the desert is a mirage.
This awakens you.
When you awaken everything is dissolved.

~ Robert Adams. The Collected Works.
T63: How Bad Do You Want To Awaken?

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

If you had only one hour to live, what would you do? Would you not arrange what is necessary outwardly, your affairs, your will, and so on? Would you not call your family and friends together and ask their forgiveness for the harm that you might have done to them, and forgive them for whatever harm they might have done to you? Would you not die completely to the things of the mind, to desires and to the world? And if it can be done for an hour, then it can also be done for the days and years that may remain. Try it and you will find out.

~ J Krishnamurti, The Book of Life

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

NASA's fiscal year 2024 budget is $24.875 billion, a 2% cut relative to 2023.

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society


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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

The rich want to forget themselves in night clubs, in amusements, in cars, in travelling. The clever ones want to forget themselves, so they begin to invent, to have extraordinary beliefs. The stupid ones want to forget themselves, and so they follow people; they have gurus who tell them what to do. The ambitious ones also want to forget themselves in doing something. So all of us, as we mature, as we grow older, want to forget ourselves, and so we try to find something greater with which to be identified. —Krishnamurti⠀

From The Collected Works Vol. 8

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

Bruce Lee’s 1970 back injury was a huge event in his life but it’s real impact is rarely understood or acknowledged. Whilst recovering from the incident he studied (according to his wife Linda), all the works of the psychological/spiritual teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti.

This meant that his whole outlook on life, on the martial arts, on film work, ALL went through a radical transformation. His JKD pre Krishnamurti, was nothing like his JKD post Krishnamurti.

The way Bruce thought and expressed himself changed dramatically after he read Krishnamurti and his message of “freedom from the known”. After studying Krishnamurti Bruce became an advocate of having “no way, as way”… he wanted to practice a “styleless style”.

Yet on all the main YouTube channels about Bruce, Krishnamurti is never mentioned… in books about Bruce, the Krishnamurti connection gets little attention… and in the 1993 movie biopic “Dragon” there is zero mention.

In my experience the massive impact of Krishnamurti on the dragon is still largely unknown and ignored. Sadly, you cannot understand Bruce without understanding Krishnamurti.

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

With the legendary ex Bills player Jon Corto, class of 2003 Orchard Park High School.

At the New York Beer Project.

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

“The Christians stole the winter solstice from the pagans, and capitalism stole it from the Christians.”

—George Monbiot

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

I'm sorry I don't understand.

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

Me thinking about how I went from 16 to 39

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society


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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

The Interior of the Earth

In reality the earth consists of a succession of concentric layers which we shall now describe:

1) The mineral layer contains all the metals which are found in the physical bodies of everything that lives at the surface. This crust is formed like a skin around the living being of the earth. It is only a few miles in depth.

2) The second layer can only be understood if we envisage a substance which is the very opposite of what we know. It is negative life, the opposite of life. All life is extinguished there. Were a plant or an animal plunged into it, it would be destroyed immediately. It would be totally dissolved. This second shell—half liquid—which envelopes the earth is truly a sphere of death.

3) The third layer is a circle of inverted consciousness. All sorrow appears there as joy. And all joy is experienced as sorrow. Its substance, composed of vapors, is related to our feelings in the same negative manner as the second layer is in regard to life. If we now abstract these three layers by means of our thinking, we would then find the earth in the condition in which it was before the separation of the moon. If one is able by means of concentration to attain a conscious astral vision, one would then see the activities in these two layers: the destruction of life in the second and the transformation of feelings in the third.

4) The fourth layer is known as water-earth, soul-earth, or form-earth, It is endowed with a remarkable property. Let us imagine a cube and now picture it reversed inasmuch as its substance is concerned. Where there was substance there is now nothing: the space occupied by the cube would now be empty while its substance, its substantial form, would now be spread around it; hence the term ‘earth of form.’ Here this whirlwind of forms, instead of being a negative emptiness, becomes a positive substance.

5) This layer is known as the earth of growth. It contains the archetypal source of all terrestrial life. Its substance consists of burgeoning, teeming energies.

6) This fire-earth is composed of pure will, of elemental vital forces—of constant movement—shot through by impulses and passions, truly a reservoir of will forces. If one were to exert pressure on this substance it would resist.

The following layers are only accessible to a conscious observation which is not only that of dreamless sleep but a conscious condition in deep sleep.

7) This layer is the mirror of the earth. It is similar to a prism which decomposes everything that is reflected in it and brings to expression its complementary aspect; seen through an emerald it would appear red.

8)In this layer everything appears fragmented and reproduced to infinity. If one takes a plant or a crystal and one concentrates on this layer the plant or the crystal would appear multiplied indefinitely.

9) This last layer is composed of a substance endowed with moral action. But this morality is the opposite of the one that is to be elaborated on the earth. Its essence, its inherent force, is one of separation, of discord, and of hate.

It is here in the hell of Dante that we find Cain the fratricide. This substance is the opposite of everything which among human beings is good and worthy.

The activity of humanity in order to establish brotherhood on the earth DIMINISHES the power of this sphere.

It is the POWER OF LOVE which will transform it inasmuch as it will spiritualize the very body of the Earth.

This ninth layer represents the substantial origin of what appears on earth as black magic, that is, a magic founded on egoism. (See diagram)

12 June 1906, Paris https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA094/English/SGP1978/19060612p01.html

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

To improve your writing, read more.
To improve your thinking, write more.
To improve your storytelling, present more.

To improve your energy, rest more.
To improve your understanding, teach more.
To improve your network, give more.

To improve your happiness, appreciate more.

To write better, read widely.
To think deeper, write regularly.
To tell compelling stories, share boldly.

To boost your energy, rest purposefully.
To deepen your understanding, teach generously.
To grow your network, give selflessly.

To find happiness, appreciate endlessly.

(Credit: Unknown)

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

Update for beartaria Ozark campground. Everything is looking awesome! Big realizations!

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Flat Earth SubGenius Society


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Flat Earth SubGenius Society

"The Christian is ill, the Hindu is ill, the Jaina is ill – ill because they are prejudiced, ill because without seeing they have believed, ill because they are behaving stupidly. How can you believe in something that you have not known! And when you know something there is no need to believe at all, so belief in any case is ridiculous. Either you know or you don’t know. If you know there is no need to believe.if you don’t know, how can you believe? So belief is only for the mediocres, the stupids, the idiots."

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