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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

PDF gui Tools: pdfgui_tools is a user interface tool developed in Qt and Python that integrates with poppler-utils for PDF document management. This simple and user-friendly tool allows you to merge PDF files, convert PDF to HTML, as well as convert PDF to text. Additionally, in the near future, more functions with additional features will be added.

Install via deb package:
To install pdfgui_tools, you will first need to download the Debian package, which can be found at the following link:

📦 Download deb package

Once we have our Debian package installed, simply execute the following command, and it will be downloaded to our system:

sudo dpkg -i pdfgui_tools_stable-release_1.0.1_all.deb
Note: If we find any missing dependencies, it's just a matter of installing them with the sudo apt install -f command
Now we just need to check if the program was installed correctly, for this we execute the following:



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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group


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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group


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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

WallFlow - Beautiful wallpapers from wallhaven.cc

Designed with Material Design 3 and supports wide screen devices like tablets.

* Multi-pane layout for tablets and other wide screen devices
* Auto wallpaper changer
* Save searches and use them for auto wallpaper changer
* Mark wallpapers as favorite and use them in auto wallpaper
* Search history
* Supports all filters provided by wallhaven.cc
* Search results caching to reduce api calls
* Options to tweak the wallpaper grid layout
* Dynamic theme (Material You)
* Supports multi-display environments (eg. when connected to external monitors)

Anti-Features: - Non Free Network Service - The app relies on wallhaven.cc for wallpapers.

AppID: com.ammar.wallflow
Author: Ammar Githam

Izzy | APK(1.0.1) | Source | VT_Result

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

ServNest - ServNest (formerly Niver) is software providing a web interface allowing users to manage 3 independent services:

* Public suffix registry
* Domain name server
* Static HTTP site hosting


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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

Data Lakes: Concept, Architecture and Benefits

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

I love PDF also does that, but I am not sure of its privacy policy

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

Do you know about any online pdf editor? As in, I need to edit text in PDF while in some offices where I can't install any software.

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

APKUpdater - Get updates from multiple sources

APKUpdater is an open source tool that simplifies the process of finding updates for your installed apps.
It provides similar functionality to an app store, but instead of depending on a single source, it aggregates the results from APKMirror, Aptoide, F-Droid and GitHub.

The 3.x branch is a full rewrite using modern technologies like Jetpack Compose, Flow and WorkManager.


• Update Sources: Find updates from APKMirror, Aptoide, F-Droid and GitHub.
• Search Sources: Find new apps to install from APKMirror, Aptoide, F-Droid and GitHub.
• Schedule background update checks and receive a notification when updates are found.
• Supports Android 7.0 (24) to Android 14 (34).
• Supports Android TV.
• Material Design 3 with Dark, Light and Dynamic theme support.
• Direct install of updates for sources that support it.
• Supports installs without user interaction on Android 12+.
• Root install of updates.
• Languages: English, Spanish, Dutch, German, Traditional Chinese, Romanian.

Git | APK(3.0.0.B5) | Izzy

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

Yup. Really awesome.

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group


Workflow automation for technical people
Build complex automations 10x faster, without fighting APIs

* Full source code available
* Self host-able

Git | Integrations

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

World Mosquito Day 2023: Date, history, significance, celebration - https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/festivals/world-mosquito-day-2023-date-history-significance-celebration-101692332311747.html

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

Open source developers urged to ditch Zoom over user data controversy - https://techcrunch.com/2023/08/16/open-source-developers-urged-to-ditch-zoom-over-user-data-controversy/

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

The Way to Handle Large Data Sets - https://www.opensourceforu.com/2023/08/the-way-to-handle-large-data-sets/

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group


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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

Contacts Import - Import your CSV contacts from a desktop client without any cloud syncing.

Multi-language fully supported including all common localised codepages (from US & Westen Europe to Eastern Europe to China and Japan) and also UTF, so you get your contact information exactly how it should be on the phone.

Note this is a one way import from your authorative CSV file. Contacts are imported onto a new account "My Contacts"|owned by the app. If you uninstall the app this account and contacts contained within it will be deleted.

F-Droid | APK (37) | Source | Website

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

XryptoMail - An email client for android with openPGP encryption and stealth message support

* Push IMAP IDLE and POP support
* WebDAV support
* Multiple mail accounts support
* User OAUTH2 authentication support
* Message list sorting by date, arrival, sender, read state etc
* Message list with different backgrounds for read state, encryption and stealth etc
* Message refiling and flagging
* Message view gesture support with Pinch-to-Zoom
* Message view/forward with html content support
* Message send signature support
* Multiple folders support e.g. Gmail
* Android runtime app permission request
* Autocrypt Level 1 basic features support
* Stealth message with auto deletion on read timeout

AppID: org.atalk.xryptomail
Author: cmeng

Izzy | APK (5.0.5) | Source | Website | VT_Result

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

BCR GUI - Companion app for the great BCR (Basic Call Recorder) Android application

To manage BCR call recordings, you actually need to use a file manager... and thats not so user-friendly 😉. It's hard to "extract" call informations from audio filename, and its even harder to search them when the list grows. Such a feature was already requested, but chenxiaolong (the author of BCR) wants to keep BCR Basic; and I do agree with him! Call recording on Android is a hard work, and I'd like (and hope) him to stay focused on it... recordings management is a job made for BCR-GUI 😂.

App ID: com.github.nicorac.bcrgui
Author: Claudio Nicora

Izzy | APK (0.0.5) | Source | VT_Result

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

Meta - Meta is a small Nginx/PHP tool displaying some information's in order to debug or satisfy your curiosity.

Source | Web (Self-Check)

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

I think PDF24 does that afaik

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

PDF Tool - HodlSoftware

Offline & No data leaves your system...

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

LogFox - Yet another LogCat reader for Android

Best LogCat reader for Android, which supports filters, recordings, crashes observing and etc. Also it is beautiful.

Git | Web | APK (1.3.8)

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

I loved the artwork, and it is worthy of an inclusion here...

Siduction OS

The siduction team is very proud to present an unscheduled release for a special occasion. Debian GNU/Linux, whose unstable branch some of us have been following for over 20 years, celebrates its 30. Birthday on 8/16/2023 and we think that is worthy of all honor.

Debian is the second oldest distribution after Slackware, and is solely supported by the people involved, without a company standing in the background or someone at the top deciding where things go. Debian is considered the “universal operating system” because of the many architectures supported to this day, and the stability of their releases is legendary.

Image URL | Release URL | Artist (Ona Kristensen) | Original Image

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group


🤖 Keep your forks up-to-date via automated PRs

Installation URL | Website

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

Why Do Old Books Smell So Good? – ScienceSwitch

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

LinkedIn hack: You need to check your LinkedIn account - https://www.ghacks.net/2023/08/16/linkedin-hack-you-need-to-check-your-linkedin-account/

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

India’s local manufacturing push spurs 2 billion mobile unit shipments - https://techcrunch.com/2023/08/14/make-in-india-2-billion-mobile-assemble/

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FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group

Using Vector Databases for High-Dimensional Data - https://www.opensourceforu.com/2023/08/using-vector-databases-for-high-dimensional-data/

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