FLOSSBoxIN™ - Discussion Group Channel: @FLOSSb0xIN
Stupid MS.. Fu*k them.....
Microsoft may replace the Start button with the Copilot AI in Windows 12
Windows 12 could see a substantial system redesign in order to include a more AI-centric user experience. The start button could thus be replaced with Copilot AI, which is already available as a preview version in the latest Windows 11 update.
ACE/MPA Target VivaTV, StreamTape & VidSrc: A Peek Under the Hood - https://torrentfreak.com/ace-mpa-target-vivatv-streamtape-vidsrc-a-peek-under-the-hood-231028/
Читать полностью…Cromite (a Bromite fork) - Take back your browser
By Uazo - org.cromite.cromite
Finally something is back
Source | Repo | APK | Link | Website
For WhatsApp users, follow this channel
Читать полностью…Yes, there are none in OSS that I am aware of.
Читать полностью…gplaydl - Command Line Google Play APK downloader.
Download APK files to your PC directly from Google Play Store.
Source | Available Devices | Web-Based
This has been ongoing for almost 2 weeks now
Читать полностью…SAV PDF Viewer
The simplest PDF viewer
Sav PDF Viewer Pro is a simple PDF viewer. With this app you can:
• 📚📖 View all PDF files in a simple way
• 🔒 The app is safe, in fact it doesn’t require any permissions!
• 📌 It saves automatically saves the last position for each file
• 🔖 You can create bookmarks and manage them
• 🔐 The app can open PDFs protected by password
• 🌙 The Night light to protect your eyes is available
But …
• ❌ You can’t select or copy text. You can’t open links.
Source | APK | Izzy
reprotest builds the same source code in different environments and then checks the binaries produced by the builds to see if changing the environment, without changing the source code, changed the generated binaries.
Git | Debian Package | MR
Not exactly anything to do with FOSS world, but just could not resist sharing this lovely song from one of my favorite movie, Uncle Buck
Читать полностью…oss-sec: Re: European Union Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)
I don't use it tbvh. I mean I don't use FB or TTR etc. But I stumbled upon this code and found it shareable.
Читать полностью…how many blobs rain on the cloud-hanged clients?
Читать полностью…LinkedIn forcing me to disclose my phone number to log in? No thanks | Hacker News
Do check its comments section. Interesting stuff.
Читать полностью…More than a year old blog, but I found it a bit biased and not fully researched. Correct me if I am wrong here...
Rewriting Exodus Privacy's Android App
Читать полностью…Batt - shows battery status information
Batt is a simple app that shows battery status information on Android devices. By default, it shows the number of charge cycles and the charge status. However, if the android.permission.BATTERY_STATS permission is granted (which can be done from the app itself if you have Shizuku), it can also show:
• the battery health
• the battery manufacturing date
• the battery first use date
Note that this app requires Android 14 to work. It just „targets“ a lower Android version to work around restrictions introduced with newer Android versions (blocking access to battery stats).
Izzy | APK | Source
One of the most popular text editors around has been infected with malicious ads | TechRadar
I could not find any pdf editor for android :(
Читать полностью…Anyone else facing github being down?
Читать полностью…Write Code Like You Just Learned How to Program
How I wish it was this simple today. Simple is gone out of the door it seems..
Sad news for me.. OpenLauncher project has been discontinued. For me, having been a user for 6 years now, and for a long continue as well, not sure how I will find anything even near to its left toe idealism.
Source | Last Sync | First Commit
How Magecart actors manipulate 404 error pages to steal credit cards?
Yup. That one. Rather than the blog/post itself, the comments section is worth it.
Читать полностью…by comments, you mean the leftmost link leading to GitHub Discussions?
Читать полностью…Linkding Self-hosted bookmark manager that is designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker.
Why hackers keep stealing Facebook accounts - Vox
Bruno - Opensource, Sustainability, Privacy, Freedom and Incentives
Bruno is an Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia).
Bruno is a new and innovative API client, aimed at revolutionizing the status quo represented by Postman and similar tools out there.
Bruno stores your collections directly in a folder on your filesystem. We use a plain text markup language, Bru, to save information about API requests.
You can use git or any version control of your choice to collaborate over your API collections.
State of the GUI API Clients Ecosystem
App - Bruno | VC Funding - No Funding | Opensource - Yes | Pricing - Free | Cloud Sync Option - No | Offline Only - YesDiscussion | Source Code | Web Читать полностью…